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Chelvaric's B rank spells

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#1Chelvaric Walderkat 

Chelvaric's B rank spells Empty Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:13 am

Chelvaric Walderkat
Buying this one for 320K jewels

Name: Card of Singularity
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Excorcist cards
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: 20 Meters throw / 7 meter range
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
The user throws a card at a target within 20 meters. When the card hits the ground, the user shouts the words: 'card of singularity'. The card then changes into a light sphere which hovers 1 meter above the ground and has a diameter of 1 meter. The sphere pushes everyone up to 7 meters away from itself. In case someone is standing 2 meters away from the sphere, they'll be pushed back 5 meters. In a situation that someone is standing 3 meters away from the sphere, they'll be pushed back 4 meters and so on. The effects of the spell can be ignored by anyone within that range who is capable of at least producing A-rank strength to withstand it.

Training these ones (4k words - 20% int word count = 3200 words)

Name: Card of leviathan
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Excorcist cards
Type: Other buff strength
Element: Light
Range: 15 Meter
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
The Caster makes a card appear infront of a target other then himself and shouts “Card of Leviathan”. The card covers the arms of the target with two light snakes wrapping around the arms (this is purely aesthetic they don't do anything). Buffing the target with B rank Strenght. The card can fly up to 15 meter.

Name: Card of Thor
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Excorcist cards
Type: Other-buff Endurance
Element: Light
Range: 15 meter
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
The Caster makes a card appear infront of a target other then himself and shouts “Card of Thor”. The card covers the head of the target with a light helmet appearing over the head (aestetic only). Buffing the target with B rank Endurance points. the spell goes up to 15 meter.

Name: Card of Freya
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Excorcist cards
Type: Other Buff - speed
Element: Light
Range: 15 meter
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
The Caster makes a card appear infront of a target other then himself and shouts “Card of Freya”. The card covers the legs of the target with two light Cats wrapping around the leggs (aestetic only). Buffing the targets Speed by B rank Speed points. the spell goes up to 15 meter.

Name: Card of Blinding Light
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Excorcist cards
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: 15 meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
The caster makes a card apear in front of him or a target and shouts Card of blinding light! The card covers the target in a reflecting light that makes him harder to see by 60% because of the light breaking the sight of people onto him. This manifest in a 60% transparency of the targets body.

Last edited by Chelvaric Walderkat on Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:19 pm; edited 14 times in total

Chelvaric's B rank spells HVEbuMl


Chelvaric's B rank spells Empty Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:04 pm

Hello, I'll be grading your app.

  • Card of Singularity
    This whole spell is denied on the grounds that it is similar to Space/Gravity magic. Plus, if it was allowed, you will be holding people down for one whole post. That and, for future issues, supplementary spells are not defense spells. They won't withstand 2 A ranks or S ranks worth of damage. They will break as soon as they come in contact with a spell of same rank and cancel out.

  • Card of Leviathan
    Specify the max range this card can be thrown within the description. Describe these light snakes in detail. Other than just being there aesthetically, do they do something else? Just give me more details. Also, if the card is hit with some spell or damage before it reaches the said person, what happens to it? I'll say it will get destroyed or deflected and the spell will fail.

  • Card of Thor
    Again, give the max range it can go in 15m. Again, if the card is hit with some spell or damage before it reaches the said person, what happens to it?

  • Card of Freya
    Same thing as the other spells. You say it's a supplementary but is an other-buff.

  • Card of Blinding Light

On a whole, what happens if these cards don't reach their target? Specify that on all spells. Also, on all buff spells, switch out the points with the Rank of the buff. Just say "gives B rank -stat- buff".

Chelvaric's B rank spells R1pERCr
#3Chelvaric Walderkat 

Chelvaric's B rank spells Empty Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:19 pm

Chelvaric Walderkat
I added the range everywhere. and I Made the singularity spell more clear that it doesn't stun/hold them down.

the card of the buffs is just aesthetically. buffs are targeted spells they can't miss.

Chelvaric's B rank spells HVEbuMl


Chelvaric's B rank spells Empty Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:16 pm


  • Card of Singularity
    Okay, here is the final verdict on this. Firstly, this spell has the effects of two spells. It pulls and then it pushes. Despite the effects spanning over two posts, this is not possible. They are still two effects for a single spell. The 20m overall range is ok but you are exceeding the overall AoE range with the sphere being 1mx1m and the range of effect being 8m. Change the range to 7m. You use a single spell to capture multiple people with the way this is worded. It should only be one person. If you want to grab extra people and pull them in, you will have to pay extra mana costs per person just like how you will have to pay extra mana if you want to buff or debuff two or more people at once. Finally, explain slow. What is it? Like 1m/10s or 1m per post?

  • Card of Freya
    State in the description that these cats are aesthetic features only.

Regarding the card throwing part as a whole, if your card is attacked before it reaches its intended target or place with a spell equal in ranks to the card spell, that card will be broken and your attack or action fails there. Just letting you know this so that you won't think your spells target automatically.

Chelvaric's B rank spells R1pERCr
#5Chelvaric Walderkat 

Chelvaric's B rank spells Empty Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:38 pm

Chelvaric Walderkat
bump the post

Chelvaric's B rank spells HVEbuMl


Chelvaric's B rank spells Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:23 pm

These spells have been approved. 320,000 J have been deducted. The thread shall be moved to In Training.

Chelvaric's B rank spells R1pERCr
#7Chelvaric Walderkat 

Chelvaric's B rank spells Empty Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:13 pm

Chelvaric Walderkat

Chelvaric's B rank spells HVEbuMl


Chelvaric's B rank spells Empty Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:58 pm

These spell has been approved.

Chelvaric's B rank spells R1pERCr

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