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Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord

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#26Knuckles Shi 

Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord - Page 2 Empty Today at 4:16 pm

Knuckles Shi

The word around Knuckles would seem to slow as he watched the monster drop Brone.  It spoke to him, but it did not feel like it was the King who was speaking but something divine. Within the core of the Daemon, the seed of corruption from the void bloomed at the words that called him into service.  Yes, it had happened again. Two Demons, two Gods, and now the void. He had been chosen as the champion of them all, he was unlike others more one-of-a-kind and more disloyal than anyone he had ever met.

Knuckles Shi was indeed Greedy, for strength, for power, for the chance to ascend and become more than he was at this moment and the moment after that. A constant quest to grow and evolve using whatever power his dirty little fingers could touch to do it.  First the Pact with Beelzebub, then the blessing of Odin to use Thor's Hammer which gifted him the strength of Thor. His beloved and now Paetron Lady Lumikki had gifted him true freedom with all of the Obsucra he could manage, and the void had gifted him a Hammer it had Corrupted but also a gift from Odin from another universe or world he had not known the origins.   Lastly, he had been given a boon of strength from the void, but like all his deals, like all his gifts of power, there was a catch.

Now it was the time to pay his newest master back for the grace of strength.  As the building crumbled around him the Daemon could feel the fresh air meet his face. His eyes made a sudden change in color to a deep purple color and glowed, though unlike that when he was in his Daemon mode.

As debris and dust began to settle from the aftermath of the shockwave, and all parties were adjusting to their new open surroundings, Knuckles took advantage of the fog of war, he took advantage of the unsure moment of what would happen next.

Mana flooded from his core, and at once three things would happen, Knuckles lifted both hammers to the sky as he called down the power of Thor from two worlds to mere into his body, giving him the power of Two Gods of Thunder which covered his boy in a glowing aura of lighting.  Knuckles unleashed his inner Demonic Powers gifted to him by his pact with Lumikki as he allowed his obscura to cover half of his body, grow a set of wings, and put fear into those 25 meters around him.   Lastly, the wind would surge as a tidal wave of cold air pressure hit the battlefield. The pull of the void was easier to call here as this was the void's place now.  A Void storm gathered overhead, raining down lightning, winds, and water from the sky above.  

He had his orders and Brone was the closest to him. "The Void takes all that it touches." The terrain around them began to terraform as Knuckles pushed from his current position over to Brone, he attempted to interrupt Brone's actions of attacking by lunging towards Brone, though the chilled air washed over him and the familiar freezing of his limbs started to take root, Knuckles was fast if he failed to stop Brone then at least he would be able to reach him after his attack hoping to catch him off guard and strike him with an overhead swing with Shattered Mjolnir.


Battle info:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

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