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Door Dash [Quest - D]

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Door Dash [Quest - D] Empty Today at 6:07 pm


“Haah… Haah… Whew~!” The scarlet siren certainly seeming to be glowing for reasons other than embarrassment for once, Samantha Salucci lifted her sleeve to her brow to wipe away some of the sheen which clung to it as her chest seemed to rise and fall heavily, and though her thighs were aching a bit from her run she certainly seemed to sense that feeling of satisfaction not only from a good workout but along with it a job well done as well.
That’s gotta be a record time, I reckon! More than happy to have whipped her way about town and seeming to have pushed herself harder than ever before, in some ways she had made a little game of seeing just how quickly she could get this little spot of choring done and was pleasantly surprised by the result as she lifted her head and looked to the large clock in the marketplace, and following that broke into a little trot as she returned to the place that she started from.

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


Door Dash [Quest - D] Empty Today at 6:07 pm


“Hey bossman, I’m done!” Only too happy and too eager to waltz right into the door once she got there as well and perhaps the good mood which she felt showing in the fact that she almost appeared to be smiling as she did so, maybe some might have seen her as a little bit rude in the way in which Sam seemed to bypass those who were waiting on their daily allotment of baked goods but ultimately she did not see herself right now as a mere customer or consumer, but rather the superstar of the operation who had just kicked ass with no name taking needed. She was a rockstar, and deserved her win here, eh?

"What?! Already…? But you’ve only been gone…"

Not that everyone seemed to be sharing the rosy mood of the redhead given her rather speedy effort in cupcake delivery and principle among them the figure behind the counter who looked to her with suspicious scrutiny, from behind the position where the clerk worked one could see the man in charge hard at work in the kitchen as he so often tended to be, which frankly was a disappointment for the delivery girl he had hired since Samantha tended to treat her much more on the level so to speak than his staff did, at least if this interaction was anything to go off.

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.


Door Dash [Quest - D] Empty Today at 6:08 pm


WORDS: 220 | TOTAL: 620 | Delivery Deliciousness

“Hey! You think I’m some kinda liar?!” The cerise runner certainly taking a certain exception to that sense of hostility as well and meeting it in kind as that frown turned itself from upside down and into something more rife with annoyance, Miss Salucci did not take all that kindly to the aspersions which were cast upon both her character and her work ethic and so as she tended to be prone blew up a little bit because of that.
“Man, you must have got some real lazy morons on job if it’s been taking them much longer than that! All you gotta do is put your best foot forward, and you can dish that stuff out in no time…!” Furious not even beginning to describe it as the feisty femme immediately went on the attack so to speak, the temper of the teen seemed to see her throwing any and all else who had done this task under the bus with maximum gusto as she ran down their operation and called attention to her clearly superior effort, all the while keeping her arms folded and foot a tapping away until finally it seemed she was given the wage she was due if not for belief in her work then at the very least concern about what might have happened had one kept her waiting…

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.

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