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Anklebiters Empty Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:53 am

Alice was up way too early and she rubbed her right eye to make sure that she was awake enough to understand what was happening. There was a knocking at the door and it was way too early for someone to knock at her door, "Why do they do that?" she grumbled to no one in particular as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. She opened the door slightly to see someone in a Rune Knight uniform. It seemed to be a page, shaking with fear to disturb her before nine o'clock in the morning, "A-a-a-letter for miss-miss Baskerville." She had the urge to grap the letter out of her hands with something like: gimme that. Because mornings weren't her best idea but it would be cruel. "You found her." she said as she took the letter and opened it. Not opening the door anymore: private matters!

She read it, smiled at the page and said she would come along. She shut the door and turned to the bathroom to fix her hair, she let it lose but clipped the first looks with a clip on the back of her head and changed into the uniform she had gotten for free in Magnolia. The office in Orchidia asked her to come for a matter with creatures biting in people's legs, and it was poisonous, so people need to do something. This was for exterminators not for Knights.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Tue Jul 25, 2017 5:21 am

Eva spread a thin layer of butter over her toast and took a bite. It was a lovely morning and Eva had woken up to the sound of birds chirping outside her window, much like a princess on her large bed. She had to admit, the difference between a luxury hotel and a normal inn was wide. While she did prefer the high end hotels for their cleanliness and aura of sublimity, there was something about waking up in an inn with the sound of echoing laughter and chatter that filled Eva with strange feelings.

“A letter for Miss Vanderbilt,” she heard someone behind her. A butler had arrived, handing over a letter. “This was dropped off by a Rune Knight page addressed to you, madam,” he said and stalked away, his back straight and chin up. She opened the letter with a sigh. If it had come from a Rune Knight, it was most likely to be some other official duty. And, she was right. They were actually asking her to take care of some creates biting at people’s ankles and spreading some kind of poison. Why on earth was she even wanted for something like that? Was this even part of a Rune Knight’s job? She groaned but got up to get ready.

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Tue Jul 25, 2017 6:26 am

Alice made sure she was alright to leave, made sure she didn't disturb anyone before she left her room and headed downstairs in the inn and out and about for going to the office. Thank god she had gone on a tour through town otherwise she wouldn't know where to find it at the moment. She walked there, still a little sleepy and made sure to get a coffee before she would listen to any information.

She was glad to hear that she wasn't going to be alone on this ridiculous job but that someone was joining her. Evangeline apparently was also in Orchidia. She had not seen her during her travel but it really surprised her. She would sit down in the office and wait for Eva to appear before the Lieutenant here would explain some more. Maybe at some point she could have his job, she stared at him, he didn't seem to like her or there might be something else bothering him. She took a sip of her coffee and heard him complain about this not being a job for Knights and that probably two females weren't well either, weren't they afraid of insects and all. She wasn't afraid of insects, she found them disgusting and apart from that, she agreed on the part that Knights needed to do this.

She stood up as she saw Eva and smiled, "Well well, look who we have here." but she said it in a happy tone, and she smiled at her friend. She didn't mind working together at all.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:50 am

Eva threw on the same outfit she had gotten along with Alice back in Magnolia. Even now, when she thinks back to how they spent one whole day getting close to each other, Eva couldn’t help but smile. That was a funny little day. Alice had fallen from the sky out of nowhere, crushing her favorite plums in the process. It had been a weird yet strangely memorable day for Eva even though she wouldn’t really admit it to be so.

She had to inform Hanase san about going out. He, when Eva went into her room, was already up sitting on his table and going through a list of job offers for Eva that she got a small glimpse of. Not only was there a mountain of jobs listed on there, she also caught sight of other odd jobs written in there. She had to raise an eyebrow at her manager. Was he trying to overwork her now?

A few minutes after that, Eva managed to find the Rune Knights office in Orchidia. Nodding at all the pages that greeted her, Eva hurried into the office of the lieutenant there, pleasantly surprised when she caught an orange haired neko already there. Eva felt a smile creep up. “Alice! How come we keep running into each other these days,” she chuckled, going up and offering her a friendly fist bump. It was all too new for Eva to genuinely feel so pleased just by having someone’s presence there. On the other hand, the lieutenant didn’t look all that happy for their mini party, his scowl deepening. He mumbled something under his breath. “I need both of you to take care of this now!”

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:27 am

It didn't take long for Evangeline to arrive at the office as well and she shortly stared at the Lieutenant before she got up and greeted Eva with the same sort of fistbump but she wasn't used to it so it might have been a bit awkward but she quickly went to sit down. Because the lieutenant was coughing as if he was annoyed by their little party and she did hear him. With one last look on Eva to show her feelings about all this towards the guy here, she simply would shrug and turn to look at the man.

"There are what we call Anklebiters in the city. They are coming from the desolated part of the town, the district called ...," He pointed at the map to show the two women which part of town it was and handed the map after that to either of them so they wouldn't get lost. Apparently he really thought women couldn't do anything. She took a deep breath to not sigh out loud and just let it go in little bits. "Be careful, their bites are poisonous. Just make sure they either leave the whole town or they are no longer among us."

Alice checked the map once more after they left the office. It was at the edge of the town on the outskirts of the forest and she didn't like the looks of it considering it was a darker green on the map than the rest of the city. It took a few steps into the district before she spotted the first 'anklebiter'. It looked like a small yellow and red goblin with huge bulging green eyes on top of it, sharp yellow teeth and small red hands with long nails. "It looks like a hobbling glob of snot." she muttered softly but yet loud enough for Eva to hear. Thank god the Knights made sure that most of them had left the city to annoy innocent citizens.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:07 am

Eva scratched the back of her head in a carefully hidden show of annoyance. She did not wake up so early that morning to take care of something like this. Besides, the attitude of the lieutenant was pissing her off. If she didn’t have to keep smiling at everything he said, Eva probably would have flipped him off. Her eyes lingered on the area that he showed them, finding the fact that it was marked in a color different to the rest of the city to be alarming. She exchanged glances with Alice in the middle of explanation, knowing very well that Alice was thinking the same about the lieutenant as she was.

Once they got their explanation and a not so hidden scoff, they walked out the office towards the place that was marked in the map. She was looking away off to somewhere when the first one appeared but just as she did see it, Eva’s face scrunched up and she was sure her facial expression dimmed with disgust. “What on earth is that? I didn’t think goblins looked that bad,” she mentioned, her hands just itching to use her magic and take it down at that instant.

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:22 am

Eva asked what it was, considering goblins couldn't look that disgusting and she did agree but in the end that didn't change their mission. "We just have to make sure it is not attacking us." she muttered as she decided that it was smart to just first see if there were more, the grass was too high, almost reaching her knees to spot others. She was very careful, glad about the fact that she was able to wear high knee boots at this moment to protect her ankles. "I do not understand why we were send here and what's the use. Destroy them all doesn't seem like an option." she said because they weren't counted for so there was no idea how much of a creatures there were. She sighed as she took a few steps closer to the ugly creature before she heard a drum like sound.

She had hunched a little, bended forward to inspect the creature with her cat like eyes but now her eyes spotted more and her ears were flat on her back. She summoned her spear and turned to Eva. "I think moving isn't smart. We are surrounded."

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:02 am

Eva’s lips pressed into a thin line. She wasn’t liking what she was seeing. Not only was these things disgusting to look at, they also seemed dangerous despite their short stature. Actually, she had to agree that it was exactly because they were short that they would pose a bigger threat. On top of all that, they were standing on a terrain that was far too advantageous for their adversaries. “I’m thinking that the lieutenant was mental. Both of our magic are not compatible for this. Best bet would be fire magic but damn that lieutenant is stupid,” Eva dropped her mask for a moment, not realizing that it did until the words went out of her mouth. “I mean, he should have chosen better. This situation is not helpful for anyone,” she tried to salvage the situation.

When they got surrounded by the anklebiters, Eva moved closer to Alice, turning around so that they had their backs to each other. At least they have now got each others back. “This is not a situation that I woke up to experience. What are we going to do now?” she asked Alice, having no idea what such a situation can lead to.

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:51 am

"I agree with you," Alice said, not completely paying attention to the character change, she found the man mental as well, "He didn't seem to like women." she said as she summoned her spear but she kept it half behind her back because she didn't want to make the glob snot walking thing afraid of her yet. She stood up straight again after telling Eva that they were surrounded and was glad to have her back against her own.

Eva asked what they should do but she had been right that a fire mage would have been smarter, she could not pierce them down with her spear too many times, "Maybe," she started as she looked over her shoulder, "We should fight our way out to get a fire mage." she only knew LeeAnn, but she wasn't here. She noticed an anklebiter jumping up and she quickly slammed her spear against him like he was some sort of ball she hit away, and the second came and the third and one jumped up to bite in her arm, "I thought they only went for ankles!" she swore out loud of the pain and the purple fluid that dripped of her arm.. Now what? She already started to feel dizzy but that was way too fast.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:02 am

Eva groaned. What was this situation she was in again? “I’m not sure if we can fight our way out to find a fire mage. We are closely surrounded,” Eva replied. She readied her own magic, the contract symbol over her eyes glowing a deep red. The wind swirled around her and Alice had a spear that couldn’t possibly take out all these creatures at once.

Once the anklebiters did start jumping up on them, Eva tried to use her own magic, creating a wind blade to knock most of them away. Thankfully, she had not gotten bit but Alice, on the hand, wasn’t so lucky. Eva caught Alice the moment she felt that Alice was feeling dizzy and supported her as she tried to think of some spell from the top of her head that could help them. There was one but it couldn’t be used on two at once.

“Alice! Whatever you do, do not close your eyes or give in! Stay awake. We will make it through somehow,” she told her, looking around at the anklebiters that looked just about ready to snap up at them. She was about to flinch and look away when she noticed that for some reason, the small goblin like creatures where running away. “Wew, those aren’t things you two can take on your own,” came a voice from behind them. A man with his arms casting…fire magic?

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:40 am

Alice took a staggering step back because she felt as if she couldn't focus. There was a burning sensation in her right front arm, the one she was holding her spear with and she hated how she had not used her armour and that her sword was at the repair store. She tried to keep her eyes open indeed, "Yes captain." she said obvious sarcastic but she knew that Eva wouldn't mind, or well so she guessed. She groaned and noticed some light coming towards them and the anklebiters running away.

She turned to look at what was happening, "Whose that?" she said trying to straighten up, if she was a candidate for being a lieutenant she shouldn't show weakness. But the anklebiters were running away, "We can't let them go. They are probably going to their home. We should follow them." she took a step away from Evangeline and gave a reassuring smile, she would be fine. "Let's hurry." the man seemed to agree and she let the others follow her but she had to focus on walking.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:54 am

Eva rolled her eyes at the obvious hint of sarcasm in Alice’s voice. Well, of course it was obvious but some people had the habit of forgetting it unless someone yelled it at their top voice. But whatever, they had been saved from the situation for the moment thanks to an older looking fire mage. On the other hand, Alice still wanted to follow those creatures. She felt herself groan at the thought. She understood where the orange haired neko was coming from but did they really need to follow those ugly little critters?

She sighed again when the fire mage agreed as well. Apparently he had came there willingly to help in eradicating these pests. He hurried after Alice, following the goblin creatures to what seemed like their village or home or whatever it could be called. “I do not support this idea fully but I’ll come along,” she said, following Alice and the fire mage. She wanted to go back and get some more resources and maybe some more information. It was stupid to fight an enemy you don’t know anything about but yet again, she understood Alice’s intentions. From what she saw earlier, these things were quite scared of fire and they had someone covering that.

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:00 pm

She couldn't run as fast as she wanted but thank god she was half cat because she wouldn't stumble or fall or simply lose ballance, she was made for this and her tail was also a part of that which swayed from left to right, too slow though but only cat lovers or other nekos perhaps would know. She stopped as she thought she heard something but since nothing was shown, she cautiously continued to follow the fire mage.

The path of the forest went through the trees, it was surprising there was even a path and that it swayed from left to right. It went up a hill and on the top the older fire mage stopped and stared downstairs, she was sure he must have seen something and when she reached that spot she gasped. Had they thought that the anklebiters were a handfull of annoying creatures, they were nothing compared with the size of this town and it seemed that there was more than just the anklebiters. She couldn't see so far, most other creatures were hidden in the shadow but it seemed as if they were the lowest of low. Her ears went flat on the back of her head as she thought she felt a lingering pressence staring at them but she couldn't see anything, even with her cat like eyes.

She held on tightly to her right forearm with her left hand and turned around but stared at a huge anklebiter, it was at least two and a half meter tall and instead of looking yellow and red, it was green and brown and could have been mistaken for a tree or fallen branch in case and it had just wacked the fire mage on the back of his head, she held her breath and that's when she heard them talk. It was a bit creaking and difficult to hear but it was definitely human tongue, "Don't mind the red one. That one goes down in a second. Mind the other one." and she wanted to say something to Eva, when she felt that she simply couldn't turn and that the aching was too much, the lines around her eyes turned black and before she knew it, she was down.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:11 pm

Eva followed them up, not as enthusiastic as the other two in front of her but still following closely behind. She had seen the same things that both Alice and the fire mage had seen and couldn’t help but gasp at the idea that those anklebiters they were dealings with was nothing compared to the ones in front of her now. She took a step back but didn’t run away. She was surprised but she wasn’t scared enough to leave her companions there and run. She did, however, regret that her powers were not strong enough to get them out of this situation.

Eva saw what happened to the fire mage as well and almost groaned in distress. Their only way to escape was now gone. As they talked, Eva’s eyes lingered on Alice and just as she went down, Eva rushed forward and caught her, not even bothering to activate her magic. She wasn’t strong enough to take these on by herself.

They must have noticed her lack of fighting spirit as well because one of them grabbed Eva by her arm and another one took Alice. She struggled, wanting to get out of the tight grip around her arm but soon felt a hard weight on the back of her neck. The rest was blank.

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:15 pm

She didn't notice that Eva caught her, she only noticed that she couldn't feel anything, didn't see anything but yet heard and didn't process what was said. She had seen a big city full of creatures hidden in this forest and no one knew but them at this moment perhaps.

She woke up a little later at first, hanging over someone his shoulder or its shoulder was a better word and she tried to look more around but lost conscience again and the second time she woke up she was in a bed, or well it would be best described as a bed as it was just a huge tree trunk. There were some leaves on her arm that apparently had changed the poison because she felt rather clear in her head. She immediately set up straight as she realized what must had happened and noticed that her foot was wrapped by some liana and couldn't get out of it no matter how hard she pulled, "EVA?" she called out because thanks to her stupid idea they were in this mess. Were they in the same room? She narrowed her eyes and scanned the dark room before her eyes noticed something.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:26 pm

Eva felt as if she was in a dream, a dream that kept showing her the same images of her mother and warm crimson blood that flowed down her arms. There was a baby crying at the center of a magic circle. The images went on repeat, showing her the same scenes over and over and over again. Eva forced herself to wake up at some point, but saw darkness again. She wasn’t sure if it was a dream or reality but the images that were playing inside her head didn’t come. In fact, she couldn’t even remember most of it anymore. All she recognized was that she was in a room and her contract symbol was going crazy, flashing red, disappearing and flashing red all over again.

It was probably Alice’s screaming of her name that truly woke Eva up. She looked around the room, the darkness of it still making it difficult for her to detach herself from the weird dream. “Alice, is that you?” she tried to move but still felt a bit sluggish. “Are we inside one of their homes? Or is this some kind of prison? Where are we right now?” she sighed, still trying to keep calm in the situation.

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:30 pm

There was a reaction when she called out for Eva and her cat eyes noticed the other person not far away from her, it must be Eva and she tried to struggle herself out of the liana again but still it wouldn't budge. She made sure that the leaves would stay on her right forearm for now because it felt soothing, "I'm here." she called out, "I think it's indeed one of their houses, like a huge tree or something. But they are holding us, I have this branch around my ankle." She noticed one of the anklebiters at something that looked like a door, but it was too dark to see even for her. "I think this is exactly like a prison. On the other hand, they did give me some healing for the poison." which she still didn't understand.

She stared at it and lifted one of the leaves to see an ugly red skin with two puncture wounds. it was gross to see. "Did you hear those creatures speak or was that the poison making me imagine things?" she asked out because there was not much else that she could do but talk, and where was the fire magic, and what was his name again?

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:41 pm

Eva groaned, the pain shooting all over her body starting from her neck. She had gotten hit pretty badly and she wasn’t even able to defend herself. It was a weird feeling. Eva’s powers seemed to be going out of control these days and she didn’t know why. She had had weird dreams before but that only as a child. She didn’t understand why these dreams were coming back to haunt her again.

When Alice spoke, Eva tried to find her own voice, licking her lips with her tongue as if to moisturize it enough. “This place is weird. I’m not tied down but my body is in pain and I can’t get up. It is a good thing that they treated your wounds, though,” she told her. Eva turned her head in the dark towards the direction that she thought Alice was in. “You weren’t imagining things, Alice. They really did speak. I don’t know what they did with the fire mage but he isn’t here…,”she trailed off, her thoughts still jumbled and all over the place.

“We need to figure a way out of here,” she told her, her voice hushed in a whisper that only Alice could probably hear. “Can you still feel your magic?”

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:45 pm

Alice kept her hazel brown eyes on the anklebiter at the portal and nodded, forgetting for a second that Evangeline couldn't see her as well as she could see everything. Sure it was dark but she saw it as if it was daylight. She muttered a bit, because she wasn't sure what to think, but she could feel her magic, she just needed to know where the fire mage was before she would try something difficult, apart from that Evangeline couldn't move. "Yea, sorry I nodded. Forgot you can't see me. I feel my magic. I think the anklebiters do not understand us and I can summon my spear to free me but I'm first going to summon my lance and throw it at him, hoping for the element of surprise." She said her plan to Evangeline because she might wonder what they would do, "If all goes according to plan I can go to you and we might get out of her and find a way out. It will be difficult and our second plan is to find, what's his name again, and get out. If we can get out before that, we should. It is hard, I don't like it but at least someone has to tell the other Knights, do you agree?"

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:00 pm

Eva nodded in the dark, hoping that Alice was able to see her. “I understand,” she told her after listening to the explanation on what they could do to escape this situation. While Alice busied herself with it, Eva tried to feel her own magic, groaning when instead of magic, she felt pain shoot up her body. Why did it feel like her magic was somehow rejecting her? She tried to contact Anemoi with her mind, trying to gather the spirits of wind around her but failing to do more. However, she got a brief connection which kick started her magic back up again. Once she felt it flowing within her, Eva finally felt the pain at the back of her neck slowly dissipate. She sighed in relief.

“I’m ready too, Alice. I can feel my magic again” she told the orange haired neko. But at the back of her head, Eva already knew that something was wrong. She couldn’t contact any of the wind spirits and she couldn’t get any link to Anemoi. It never happened before. Evan the magic she now had seemed to be some sort of loan that would pass away soon enough. What was happening with her powers?

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:05 pm

Alice waited a little because she had to make sure that everything was planned. She held her right hand flat on the huge tree trunk and summoned her red lance and made sure her wounded arm would carry it and she threw it at the anklebiter. He didn't even had time to scream. She simply summoned the next weapon by letting the other disappear and poked her ankle free with the spear and held that in her hand while the liana pulled itself away, she stared at it and hurried towards Evangeline to make sure the liana there was gone too, then she remember there wasn't any. "It seems the plants are alive as well. We should hurry." she let her spear disappear and made her claws visible as she stepped towards the port where she thought would be a hallway, the one that the anklebiter had protected.

She moved a door open and her eyes had to adjust to the light, everywhere there were plants and she had the feeling that the plants were following them, "Let's go right first." so she hurried to that side but kept Evangeline close to her, she would have to be careful and she held her ears perched up to catch any sound towards them.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:20 pm

Eva tried to adjust her sighting to what was going on. It was still dark and Eva was still not sure what was happening. She knew that Alice was going to do something. For the next few minutes, all she heard was the sound of some sort of metal and other things that her brain didn’t recognize. For better or for worse, Eva was still too dazed about her whole magic situation and only snapped out of it when Alice came and got her.

‘Dammit, Eva, snap out of it. You can worry for your magic later,’ she kept telling herself in her head. Eva got up and followed Alice up the door. “What kind place is this even?” she wondered. Where they seriously inside some giant tree or something? Eva had to thank Alice that she was thinking a lot more sensible than she was at that point. Eva was still tipping between the scales of reverie and reality thanks to her magic and the strange dreams.

Eva followed Alice to the right, keeping herself behind Alice and not even bothering to think of doing anything independently. Even Eva knew that she was not thinking straight at that moment. “I’m sorry I can’t help much, Alice”.

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:28 pm

As she had done when she and Eva went on cave exploring in the forest of Magnolia, was that she trailed the weird substance that formed a wall with her left hand so everytime she took a right as it was needed but not in a way that they were walking a square but just to make sure they wouldn't get lost. She wasn't sure whatever to do, finally they came to a door and she put her ear against it and listened carefully, she heard nothing but apart from a gurgiling noise the anklebiters made no noise. The ents or whatever they were did make more. "I'll check this door." she whispered and pushed Eva a little back to make sure she wouldn't be in the fire spot, "Don't worry, just keep an eye out on the rest of the setting." She said and she turned to look left and right herself.

She lifted up her right leg and kicked it hard against the door handle and made it open, she had no other way to get this open, thank god there was no one behind it but a stairway down, she was rather curious but she had made that mistake before. "Should we check?" because she had no idea where they were, maybe they needed to descend the tree to get at normal ground level. She hadn't seen a window and the substance of the wall felt like a treebark.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:36 pm

Eva still followed Alice obediently, her mind alert but yet absent all at the same time. She was alert because she knew what was happening around her but it was also absent because her thoughts kept tipping towards Anemoi and the wind spirits. When Alice found a door and placed an ear over it, however, Eva became fully aware of their situation. She kept her magic channeled up in case she was going to have to attack something or even make a quick distraction. Her eyes wandered all around, hoping that no anklebiter or even the bigger one will show up around the corner. The last thing they needed was to have them surround Alice and Eva and knock them out again.

“Yes, I think we should go down. It should be much better than staying up here with no idea of which way to go. We will have to find that fire mage too. As long as we took him with us, his life is also our responsibility,” she nodded, giving Alice the affirmative to descend the stairs. She was quite curious as to what could happen as well. Luckily, they would figure out exactly where in their village they are.

Anklebiters R1pERCr

Anklebiters Empty Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:41 pm

As Eva agreed to go downstairs, Alice would let her go first, "Wait two steps down." she whispered because she didn't want to risk anything. She looked one time left and right again and for a second wished that Konstantin would be here. She simply followed her fellow Knight and turned around to close the door behind her and she gave another kick to the door to make sure the frame was stuck, she heard footsteps now and held her right index finger in front of her lips. She had no idea what creatures were passing but they hurried past the door, assuming they wouldn't be there. When the noise was gone she passed Eva to walk in front, if Eva was absent minded and not sure that she could help, Alice would take the first lead. Besides with the leaves on her arm, and the pain gone she was rather bright in her mind.

The stairs seemed to go on and on but ended in a big open arena, she couldn't see the arena itself, they seemed to be on the balcony and she stopped in the doorway and pushed herself against the wall, she ushered Evangeline to wait and she checked if the arena, the seats were all empty, and they were. She was rather curious what this arena was for.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

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