Caius would then go and he would head to the cash house that was abandoned. It was an old diner from back in the day that was one of the diners where you parked outside and then babes in skates came out and they gave you burgers and they gave you fries and they gave you shakes. It had not been used in a long time but it was vintage so it sayed up. I twas a good place to put all that cash. Since there wasn't anyone in the house he was able to walk right in since it was nighttime anyway and the sun was gone so nobody would see him coming in and then it was time to Caius to do the most painful part of the mission which was to go into the house and then he would have to rip it apart and then he would have to find the money. HE was toold it was in the floorboards so then Caius would go and he would go to the tools closet and then he would find and axe and then eh would start to go and hew ould slam it into the floorboards which were wood and he was strong enough so he would then hack and hack and then he would see that he hit something and it was a big red case and then he would go and he would take that case and then he would take that case and pick it up and then he would unzip it and then he would see it had all the money in it so now he just had to do phase 2 which was to fucking burn this bitch to the ground. Caius was lucky cause it was a diner and then he would be able to turn on the gas and then he would leave it on for a bit and then after that he would wait till it filled the house and then he would get some matches and then he would light the match and then he would toss the match and then the gas would catch on fire and then the fire would explode from the gas and then the diner would be caught on fire while he would expect with the bag and then eh would go and he would go outside and start to walk to the pick up area and then he would see his contact and then after that he would give him the bag and would exchange it for jewels and he was done with the quest.