Remy Martello would then say that the Martello family recently got into a battle with a smaller crime family and both sides suffered casualties. The building where they clashed is littered with dead bodies and it's been left to Remy to clean them up. Remy needs Caius to assist him with getting rid of the bodies before the local authorities arrive. It was a clean up crew job that was way below Caius pay grade for such a gross encounter but he had no choice at the moment. He needed the connection so he could go to the underworld and then find some items that would make him stronger. Caius then would be given the location of the bodies of the dead men that got taken out and then he would go to that warehouse and see all the dead bodies. Remy would tell him that there were a bunch of bags that were already at the location that he would toss half the bodies but there were other ones that were marked as to have a proper burial cause they had some respect for them before they got shot in the face. The rest were just bitches that needed to get chopped up and taken out to the trash and then after that they would be dumped with all the other trash. Caius would then get a drink of his wine and slam the glass down. He took the directions to the warehouse and then he would go there and get this messy job over with.