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Cooking Time [Open to All BP members]

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#1Lee Nakamura 

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Empty Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:27 pm

Lee Nakamura
It had been a full year since the day he decided to start anew. Lee walking into the guildhall. He wasn't used to the feeling just yet. It was going to take awhile before he could adjust to this new environment. He was near his family and now a play a he could belong. The kitsune had his seven tails in tight, but snug wraps to keep them out of the way. He grew to not really like how much they grew in the way and how many people wanted to just pet them. It was annoying. It was a simple early spring day with the snow melting showing how brown and ugly the ground was. The dark gray tabby following behind him jumped onto Lee's shoulder.

"Alright kid, what's on the list today" he spoke. Lee smiled a little as he opened the door. "Today, I am going to try my hand at cooking. I found a really nice recipe that might actually be delcious if I do it right" he replied. Salem gave Lee a really disgusted look. Of course, the kitsune rolled his eyes and ignored the reaction his companion gave to him. "Your cooking sucks" he replied.

"I am kind of offended by that, my dear feline. Zalor loves my cooking" he sighed.

"Yeah, that griffin will eat anything you give him, even a shoe. I'd rather eat fecal matter than those dishes you call food" snorted the cat. With a final sigh, Lee made his way into the guild's kitchen to start prepping the ingredients. Salem sat on the counter away from Lee's stuff. Last time, he spilled flour all over himself because he wasn't looking where he was going. Cats. "So what's this dish you are wanting to make, prince charming" he spoke. The remarks Lee had to put up with from this cat was remarkable. "It's a Ramen Noodle dish with beef stir fry! I found it in the library the other day" he spoke. He had a hand-written list and directions he copied from the book he had found. "Let's get started, Salem can you grab the measuring cups and a large stirring bowl please?" he asked the cat. Salem rolled his eyes and did was he was told for once.

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#2Daiko Flayme 

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Empty Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:14 pm

Daiko Flayme
“C-Coda, what’s going on with you?!” Daiko called out to his panicking bird whose crimson wings just spazzed around and caused her to dash around in the air as if she was avoiding the floor for dear life. It was a rather terrifying sight for the Fire Mage who had raised her since she was an egg, and he didn’t want her to be like this at their new place and guild. They had finally begun to move on from the grief of leaving Lamia Scale behind, and Daiko was confident that this place was the right place for him to be, so why was Coda so uptight with this specific area?

There was a kitchen nearby, and Daiko quickly realized that he wasn’t alone in this place. A soft-orange-haired male with thick, furry tails made his way to the kitchen accompanied by a feline creature- oh, that was why. Coda was afraid of the cat on the male’s shoulder. From where the Fire Mage stood holding Coda tight, it was easy to miss them, but once the kitsune had entered the kitchen, Daiko’s curiosity led him to go and meet this person who was, most likely, a member of Blue Pegasus like he himself was now.

It turned into Daiko choosing several hiding spots to observe as the kitsune began cooking what he planned to be Ramen Noodles with Beef Stir Fry… ramen… Daiko didn’t recall having eaten that dish before. Another hiding spot was found, and the Fire Mage wasn’t really hiding as much as he was keeping his presence discreet. Coda was still mortified of the feline nearby, but Daiko tried his best to calm her down with strokes on her head and beak…

Why didn't he just walk up normally to the male? Well, as a member of Blue Pegasus, there was a huge chance that he would meet the mermaid again... his heart wasn't ready for that. Not after what she tried to do back in the forest...

#3Lee Nakamura 

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Empty Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:32 pm

Lee Nakamura
The kitsune was very well aware of Daiko's presence and of his pet bird. He could sense the poor creature was unsettled for some reason. Salem met eyes with the bird and turned away with him dragging the mixing bowl across the floor. "Here you go, prince charming! Happy?" he barked, rudely. Lee bent down and picked up the bowl and collections of measuring cups. "Thank you, Salem. You may retire for now, as I see the lovely bird over there seems unsettled. I would go find a nice place to sit in for now" he told the feline. Salem founded a nice place nearby where the sun was hitting the ground. He sunned himself, away from the bird.

"You know, its rude to hide. I don't bite I promise. Salem is in the window sill sunning himself, he wont harm a fly unless your a fish for that matter. Is your companion alright?" He lifted his eyes to where he heard Daiko to be at. Of course, he was hiding in plain sight, easy for anyone to tell.

"I am making plenty of food for everyone to enjoy. When I'm done, feel free to have some" he smiled sweetly. There was something new about this encounter. Lee paused what he was doing, slowly walking up to Coda and Daiko. He held out some sunflower seeds for the bird to eat, he wasn't much of a animal whisperer, but he loved the fabulous creatures nonetheless.

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Empty Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:07 am


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @BluePegasus | SWEATER

Now, it was a scarcely known fact that Alisa Faye Vollan couldn't cook, not even scrambled eggs. Sure, you could probably eat them if that was your only option outside of starving to death but... It had never been and most likely never would turn out to be a pleasant experience whoever embarked on it. Self aware enough to acknowledge this fault and never quite concerned with it enough to remedy it, Alisa nonetheless wasn't the type who'd go around boisterously announcing this fault of hers, like the proud sculptress she was...

"Oho~...? What's all the commotion now?", inquired the sculptress clad in a lazy, loose white sweater and a tight pair of homey blue jeans, her long, silken black hair slightly wet yet stylishly dishevelled as she neared the kitchen...

After the long, hours long training session she'd been up to for hours, and the long, sweltering shower that followed, she was predictably peckish, just enough to feel an unpleasant rumbling in her midriff that would only get louder as time went on. Yes, Alisa couldn't cook to save her life but... She could most certainly appreciate it when somebody else did, just like any other form of art. And in a guild of artists, the mere idea of something happening in the kitchen most certainly implied some hopeful artist could be getting ready to produce something good:

"Ara, Daiko...? Came looking for something to eat as well, have you~?", she inquired, flashing him a soft smile, secretly rather pleased that one of her long time friends had finally agreed to join her guild especially as Alisa herself took over. She knew he had a pressing reason for it, with the loss of his old guild, Lamia Scale... Resting her hand on his shoulder, the woman would have easily given up his hiding spot, but she didn't even seem to acknowledge this fact as she spoke up to Lee, one of her newer memebers.

Even now, Alisa couldn't help but sigh, glancing away for only the briefest moment as she remembered her soul sister Arisa, wondering just what on earth she might have gotten up to... She missed her... But now she could at least look after the guildmates she once called friends. Instead, she all too easily focused on her own guildmates, giggling as she saw Coda unsettled by the presence of Salem:

"You have a point Lee, somebody clearly needs to learn some manners... Fufu~...", she teased, winking at Daiko as she walked past him and closer to the handsomely hardworking Kitsune, wondering just what she was up to, having arrived too late to have heard it, "How kind of you. What is it you're making, if I might ask~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Daiko Flayme 

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Empty Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:29 am

Daiko Flayme
I-I mean… he wasn’t ‘hiding’ - in reality, it really looked like that and that was his own fault - but he was just taking his time figuring out how to address the familiar person who was cooking with the cat that really upset Coda for some reason. Maybe, just after he got Coda under control, he would walk out and announce his presence-

Oh well, forget about that. His ears twitched by the sugary voice of an all too well-known friend and comrade of his, and his face whitened a little by her hand resting on his shoulder as he now was deemed ‘present’ and in clear view. Even the cook called for him as if his hiding spot didn’t work out at all… ouch.

There was something about Alisa’s words and voice that ticked him off a bit, however. Daiko’s facial expression turned into a sharp pout with a grunting, silent growl; it was almost to be sounded as making an enemy out of her, but anyone who knew him would know that it was just his genuine confusion and dilemmas deep inside that clashed with one another and made quite a comedic effect from the Fire Mage. Hell, her winks caused him to fluster a little with an angrier look on his young, mocha face. “W-Well, I was just trying to let Coda calm down before I walked up… that’s all,” he replied, indirectly denying the rudeness that he caused - or that would have been so if not for his later words, “… But sorry. And food is always welcome with me.”

His face brightened up a bit. Coda saw the seeds in Lee’s hands and pecked them into her beak to swallow them with delight. It must’ve stinged a little bit on Lee’s hand, but Coda was enjoying her snack and quickly developed trust towards the orange-haired kitsune.

“I heard that you were making Ramen with… beef, I think. I’ve tried beef before, but-“ he spoke up to both of them as he walked up, his very strange gauntlet garmented with what looked like a cat’s face embedded onto its wrist showing more of itself, “-I haven’t tried this Ramen before. What kind of… is it meat or is it bread? It doesn't sound like bread, honestly...”

There was a change in his tone, for those who knew him well. Perhaps the scars in his heart from the recent events caused it... or maybe it was a sign of maturing.

#6Lee Nakamura 

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Empty Sun Mar 08, 2020 11:07 pm

Lee Nakamura
Salem was far too relaxed in the sun to pay any attention to the world around him. It was nice that he got to enjoy himself. Lee glanced over to make sure he was okay. It only took a moment for the kitsune to realize that there was shift magic in the air. It was not the bad sort, but letting the presence of another around. Alisa, the Blue Pegasus Guildmaster, entered the room agreeing with what he had said earlier. Though, he did mean it in a friendlier manner than what Daiko had originally taken it. "You do know that I was only joking, right? No, need to be so nervous. I am not that dangerous" he smiled.

Alisa was the only one in the guild besides, Salem, who know who he really was. He wanted to keep his past a secret, but knew people such as Manzo and Kazimir can easily dig up the truth. It was only a matter of time, but he was starting to appeal to the idea of this new life. He was still the same person, just...biologically different in many ways. For one, he was really attractive according to his adopted cousin, Astrid. Second, he was a male, made no difference to him. Lastly, he felt happier for some reason. Kannon, the Joyan goddess of mercery, had given the kitsune a new start at life. This time, for himself. Blue Pegasus was the true reason for his newly founded happiness.

Alisa seemed appealed to idea of him making something. It wasn't something he would normally eat, but he had to try it. His body may not like it, but he knew it would be good of him to expand his horizons. He grabbed a few ingredients from the fridge and started to do the prep work. "I am making Homemade Ramen noodles with Beef Stir fry. It is basically Ramen with bits of if cut steak with homemade sauce. Though, it does have the occasional broccoli heads in it. If you all don't like it, I can make something else. i am willing to try my hand at anything" he explained. Salem yawned. "Your cooking stinks" he retorted. Lee frowned at his companion and rolled his eyes.

"To answer your question, Ramen is a type of pasta that Joyan people normally eat. It's always homemade with chicken broth, vegetables, beef, fish, anything you can really think of. Its a common food item in the country. It's made it's way here too" he smiled. He may of not looked Joyan, but he was full blooded Joyan. Though, the downfall of himself was that he knew nothing about his culture. He knew bits and pieces from books of cooking and stuff, but that about it. He was raised in Hargeon and Era his whole life with his adopted parents.

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] Empty Mon Mar 09, 2020 1:07 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @BluePegasus | SWEATER

Alisa couldn't help but chuckle at how flustered the young man looked by something so simple as a cheeky little quip, flipping her hair gracefully behind her, tucking a loose dark lock behind her ear as she scanned him head to toe:

"My, ramen hmmm~...? Been a while since I had that. Might have been in the last flower festival really.", noted the sculptress, only slightly surprised by the eastern choice of meal in Fiore of all places, a land so renowned for its cuisine that not many foreign chefs managed to leave their mark on it. Rubbing her temple, "Mhmmm, we both know how excitable our friend can be now, don't we~?"

Indeed, Alisa had fond memories of Daiko's spirited companion, she'd known him for about as long as she knew the fire mage himself, and he was as much part of the family as Daiko himself. Walking up to him, Alisa gently pet the majestic red raptor as she looked into Lee's eyes. While it certainly pleased the sculptress to once again have a powerful member of the Nakamura family in Blue Pegasus, just as it had in the days of old, nothing quite compared to the delight of meeting charming new people so full of potential, and ready to explore it any way of form:

"Mmm, now that sounds quite delicious...", and yet as he described what he was getting ready, Alisa could feel that low grumble in her stomach once more, hopefully not audible enough to tell and yet, she couldn't help but lean in ever so slightly, her long, slightly wet hair framing her face as she admired the fruits of his labour, yet hopefully without getting in the way. And yet before he could well and truly focus on the task at hand, his companion quickly interceded, getting a little snicker from the cool sculptress, "Now that's not a nice thing to say~"

And yet deep down, Alisa couldn't help but feel a certain hint of doubt, and someone as poweful as herself certainly learned to trust her instincts. Salem was the man's companion, whereas the members of Blue Pegasus had only recently met him... From that pointedly accusing tone... She... Wouldn't be surprised if she found just a hint of truth to it, despite waving her hand dismissively:

"I suppose we'll just have to wait and see, won't we~?", she added, cooly crossing her arms under her chest, tilting her head as she cupped her chin.

Even so, she most certainly wasn't one to judge... Even if Lee turned out to be a bad cook, then he'd still arguably be better than Alisa herself. Not that she'd tell him that but things are what they are.

[Exit due to travel]

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cooking Time [Open to All BP members] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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