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Wood Worthsea to Oak [Foot Travel]

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#1Shura Ranzu † 

Wood Worthsea to Oak [Foot Travel] Empty Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:41 pm

Shura Ranzu †
The sounds of nature was more than enough of a wake up call for Shura. He knew he had too part ways with his companion for a bit. He didn’t leave a note but she knew that he wasn’t one to just wander off without reason. He didn’t want to drag into what could possibly come. There was some business that needed to be done in oak. He needed to make his presence known in the guild, by doing that he was going to usurp the throne. Part of him hoped it would be a easy transition and no one needed to get hurt. He enjoyed the idea of someone stepping up to the plate to oppose him. A show of strength was something he was fond of.

The sun was just creeping over the horizon, and Shura quickly got dressed. He did leave a note on the night stand. It read ‘Going to Oak, I have some things to take care of. This is not goodbye but see ya soon.’ He left quietly to make sure Chi didn’t wake up, he didn’t have much except his clothes and weapon. Best to travel light just in case things got dangerous, was the thought process he followed. No need to have a lot of luggage.

Regardless of what happened in Oak he had to make it his new home. No point in having a place in Hargeon when his guild was stationed in Oak. He had heard unsettling things about the underbelly of Oak. He knew he would fit right in, not saying that he was a shady individual. He knew he could find work. Someone in the underworld was always looking for someone else to do the dirty work for them. Even though he was apart of a guild he often offered services to the highest bidder if something needed to be done.

He sat out on the road to Oak, he was a solo act once more. Leaving the inn, not many folks were out and about. There were little to no dark spots for someone to ambush from. Standing about two meters away from the doorway he took a moment to look around to make sure the coast was clear. His paranoia was grounded by his mishap in Dahlia. Ever since that day he was looking over his shoulder. Like the woman told him, the moment he make the pact he became a player in the world. Now that he was getting stronger and he was about to take over a guild. He was slowly becoming a person of interest. He was okay with that though, the time for sticking to the shadows had ended. It was his time to step out into the main stage for all to see.

After deeming the area was okay, he decided to quickly make his way out of town and towards oak. While on the road to Oak he just played out several scenarios, excited at the future. The best was yet to come.


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