Adrian the Heretic was really angry and was not being careful or cool like he normally was. He pissed of and angry and was very blunt about what he wanted. He that they had a group of initiates that were very loyal and that he needed the group of initiates that went rogue. There was one in particular that needed to die because he was the leader of the traitors. There was a zero tolerance policy so they would have to get their hp to zero and kill them. IT was a mission Caius did very easy and would be glad to help out Adrian the Heretic and finish this mission so he would help clear out Dahila Town and help him out to complete the missions. Adrian the Heretic would tell him that he could kill him but to make sure that nobody saw it. There would be no trace to him or no trace to the church so he would make sure that nobody would find out. Kill the renegade cultist and make sure he is never found again. The 2nd part of the quest would involve removing his head after killing the renegade cultist because Adrian the Heretic would need proof that the quest was done and he was taken out. This mission was one that was very sensitive and he had to make sure that all the loose ends were taking care of. Adrian the Heretic would go and then the would get up off the chair and would head out and leave Caius some of the directions. He would go and start the quest.