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Not Today... [Social | Alice]

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Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:04 pm

She didn't know why she was so desperately clinging towards the approval from this one. She wasn't even sure if that was what she was feeling, after all it was different from the desperate feelings she had when she still had to find Konstantin. She had to let it go, she simply had to talk, say what she believed and see if it would be okay. She was no Rune Knight, would probably never be one anymore now that she was with the Holy Knights and she didn't have to be a mentor or coach for anyone in the Rune Knights. They were apparently desperately looking for people else they would not have asked the former lieutenant, and this one definitely didn't fit for a coach. She needed to find the world on her own, figure it out and perhaps fall a couple of times. But than again she seemed to be quite young. In her teens? From the period that Alice couldn't even remember her own life.

They discussed the new emperor, which might be a dangerous thing to do in front of the palace but the guards didn't pay them any mind and if they looked towards them it was because Jupiter was annoying them. "If only words were enough it would be a beautiful world in his description." But it wasn't and she was glad to know that Akira was well aware of that as well. She bit her lip softly and nodded when the young knight spoke, "Exactly, we should not forget that there were people killed that had nothing to do with this fight between families, if I got it right. Perhaps the previous Guild masters wouldn't agree with him but killing them doesn't sound like a good solution. The messages towards his cousins, it feels like violence is still his answer, but all we could do is watch. I serve the throne, and that means I will serve the king that's sitting on it." But that still meant that she wouldn't do anything that she didn't agree with and technically speaking but unknown to Akira, she did serve the Church but since it was a secret organisation or faction or whatsover, she did not say a thing about it.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#27Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:07 am

Akira Shimada
Akira heard Alice out, her eyes flickering between agreement and doubt mostly. No one could deny that the king's words had been noble, it was almost universally agreed upon unless someone was some sort of a purist and believed in certain races, magic, and people being better than others. There were a few of those, but none that Akira had interacted with so far. 'Not forgetting what I saw... anytime soon...' Akira said, her eyes looking away in the distance as a gentle shudder ran down her spine, it was the first mission that she had taken part in, that actually showed her the dangers that Rune Knights could have to deal with. Of course, it also seemed to be a rare occasion, but nonetheless, it drove Akira to at least take her place within the ranks a little more seriously. She had hopes that under the new administration, things would get a little less... prejudiced.

That thought caused another question to pop into her head. 'Oh, is there any information about any large policy changes that may happen?' she asked simply, wondering if the king was actually taking any measures on the lower scales, other than threatening with the heads-will-roll concept. She also wondered if he was going to try and revamp the system altogether, he seemed more like the tear everything down and start over, kind of person, rather than the one who would work at a grassroots level. 'Aren't you afraid he might boot everyone that served under the previous king and then start over... Especially the leaders and the higher-ups?' she asked, her tone was genuine, there wasn't any malice or any intent of trying to stir fear into Alice's heart about her job.

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:34 am

A discussion or conversation about things like this were a heavy one. She had seen enough of it, spread over the year, first in March, than in September, now this. Not only had she missed this one, she had to stop this thread in the Sieghart mountains, something she didn't do and a waterfall of past emotions and happenings when she had tried to do anything.. but it didn't do well to dwell on it right now, those were in the past and she had changed enough, got better goals and looks in the future to do what she thought was best. So she remained a bit silent even when Akira said she would not forget it anytime soon, "It might take a while, before you can give it a place in your mind." She didn't speak about forgetting or knowing how to deal with it, this was just how it was for her.

Another question, another one she couldn't answer, "To be honest I have no idea. I heard nothing about it." All she knew about a policy change was slaves, to which she had been blinded and the discrimination but if that changed anything about the Rune Knights, she had no idea. She turned her eyes to Akira again, listened and ready to reply, "It wouldn't surprise me, considering what he did to the Guildmasters, if that was him, it would only make sense to kick out the Rune Knights." The only question was if she would be save as a Holy Knight or not, not serving the Kingdom but the Church, "I'm not sure if that would only mean the council or also me. I wouldn't say I would be that much of a higher up but I don't know how this new emperor thinks. I don't want to lose my job or my life for that matter but if he simply kicks me out, I can still do what I can do best by joining perhaps one of the guilds." Which sounded very specific, she had not actually thought about it and she definitely didn't want to leave the knights.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#29Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:56 am

Akira Shimada
Akira nodded sagely at her suggestion, perhaps the lunar mage would be able to file away the incident in a corner of her mind someday, so it didn't keep rushing to the forefront of almost every conversation she took part in since the attack. Alice's lack of information was surprising. She counter questioned though, hoping for some more insight and information on everything that had transpired. 'Did your fiance share any stories about his experience in the attack, I'm sure he was aiding more centrally, given his rank... Those fights must have been even more devastating than the ones on the outskirts, right?' she asked softly, unsure now if she actually wanted more nightmare-inducing details.

She mentioned having similar theories considering the king's previous acts, Aki was still surprised that she'd been dwelling under the rocks for so long, that so many things had led up to the war and she'd missed most of them until she got to Crocus.

But it seemed to be all speculation, Akira wondered if in a twisted way the attack had left them almost on even planes, just two Rune Knights navigating through all the chaos. Then Alice explained the possibility that she could be exempt from the firing, for some reason she counted herself not a part of the Knights at all. 'Wait, what do you mean? wouldn't the Rune Knights include you by default?' Akira asked puzzled.

After the woman laid out other options that she had in mind, for some reason Akira had expected more loyalty, maybe it was the fact that she too believed Rune Knights to have been blindly serving without considering the implications... Maybe she lost faith too and now was willing to work more, independently. Although it wasn't like the guilds were necessarily safer. 'Rising in the guilds would be scary too, given everything...' she muttered softly, just playing devil's advocate, but neutrally, almost with the intent to find options that would work best...

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:27 am

She wasn't sure if you had to be able to call this a war. She didn't even want to think what a war could do to her, the all out effect, not even thinking that she had not been in this fight at all. She looked away from Akira when the question came about what happened to Kon and she didn't want to think about it, "He didn't tell me much at that moment, frankly enough our family comes first now. But I know it had not been going well, so I don't got the details but it seemed that one man easily bust the five of them and that in the mean time the king had been killed or something like that." As usual they talked when the other was ready, but him almost begging her to give him good news, had been enough for her to understand.

She spoke about the council, the one she disliked very much and turned to look at Akira as she asked if the Rune Knights didn't mean her by default. She thought back on her words but didn't think she made a mess up on the explanation and almost giving away that she was a part of the Holy Knights, "Yes it does. But above me there is the Council of course, influencing our decisions and sending the training, making the list for the upperclassmen that look over the pupils. That's not our doing and above me there is the Kingsguard and the Captains, I'm a lieutenant and I wasn't here in Crocus when everything happened. I'm not sure if that counts for anything, the rank because I doubt he cares who was here or not since a knight is a knight, right? But for example killing of the council means he would still need people that would work for him, that means us knights as well. Doing what we always have done, his speech makes it sound like he wants to protect the citizen, disbanding an evil guild to make them guards, why would he get rid of all the Rune Knights? That would only ask for more disasters. Of course he could decided to kill everyone from the council and the three highest ranks but I think he knows that it would be a very unwise decision." She looked at Akira, "That doesn't mean to praise me, what I mean is, this man is too smart to destroy something that he would be able to use and put to his own hand, he needs people to work for him and perhaps the Rune Knights would be willing to help him. Perhaps he has a way to figure out who to trust and who not."

She nodded, the guilds weren't save either if this hand of the Emperor could kill them or the Emperor himself, and with that the guildmasters not just a random member, it didn't mean she was save. "I wouldn't want to leave the knights. But I also would pick my family and thus my life if I knew there would be a danger. I surely hope there is not but only time would tell."

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#31Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:56 am

Akira Shimada
Akira's heart sunk a little when she mentioned the league her fiance had been in, involved a fight where just one man had been a force to be reckoned with against five others, presumably like him. I wonder if they were all Knights... Akira thought and she had a sinking feeling that wasn't true. She didn't have the specifics, but Akira's mind whirred with the probabilities and possibilities of the information provided. There weren't too many very high ranking officers amidst the Knights and the ones who were had gotten there with more ease than they would have in the guild since the competition was way lesser.

Perhaps that single powerful man, apart from wielding more than the other five, was smart to use the advantage he had against them. The fact that probably each guild had sent a representative for the most important task, meant that they didn't have a coordinated effort to present... Her deductions, as usual, were assumptions, but she wondered if Alisa had been a part of those five, she was among the top tier in Blue Pegasus, after all, perhaps she'd get to ask her if and when they ran into each other again... She hoped the woman was well, post the attack.

As Alice delved into the explanation of what she meant, Akira listened carefully. It seemed to be based on the assumption that Arthurias would need people... Which was fair. Akira just wondered what the selection process would be like. 'I see what you mean.' she said, softly as she assessed Alice's reasons. when she went on to mention her loyalty and family Aki echoed the sentiment. 'Family first... of course. ' Akira resonated. With her too, it was the people she cared for first and luckily there weren't too many of those. But the list had, surprisingly grown since she met Tsuru, despite everything, she had Alice to thank for pairing her with the patient pacifist, they did compliment each other rather beautifully after all. But talking about him was not something she'd readily do... Probably clam up given her own puddle of muddled feelings regarding the healer.

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:22 am

As she had noticed before it was mostly her talking and Akira asking questions but if that favoured the sort of relationship they had, that of normal people that knew each other, she didn't mind. She wondered though what went on in the mind of Akira because she wanted to understand, perhaps she felt the longing to understand a sixteen year old as she couldn't remember her own sixteen year old self. She remembered her attitude when she was eighteen and when she was in Phantom Lord but she had sobered up to say it like that.

"It's of course an assumption but based on the speech that I read, he seems like a smart man, thinking about all the ways to go around something, I mean he already warned his cousins. He is aware that his actions might get a reaction that creates the same." She looked at Akira when she echoed her own words, "What about your family?" It was always a dangerous question but before Kon and her own children, she had no one else to protect as well but her own life, Selena being protected by the Rune Knights and lost. It still pained her when she thought about her cousin, but the Rune Knights had send her on some mission as well as her friend Eva if she was right and if they were honest to her, but she would have to let it go for now and focus on the issues that she could fix.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#33Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:17 am

Akira Shimada
Akira raised her eyebrows at the question. Almost no one had bothered to ask her about her family, to be frank, she too hadn't made such conversations. As Alice asked the question, the Lunar mage made a mental note to ask Tsuru about his someday, they'd done so many missions together, but still hardly knew anything about one another... In terms of their history. The girl ran her fingers through her hair, immediately regretting her decision to unclasp her hands from one another. Swiftly, after tucking the strands where she wanted them to be, her hands fell in with each other again, eager for the warmth they could glean and collect from each other. She fidgeted with her fingers as she tried to figure out how to answer the question.

'What about them?' she asked for specificity sake just to buy herself more time to find something great to say, so it didn't look like she was just avoiding the question because she wasn't. There was just nothing too peculiar that'd be worth the conversation. She just didn't have any grand stories to share, except perhaps that she was raised by her single mom. 'I love my mom very much, don't quite get along with my dad, but that's fine because they don't live together...' she said simply. Unable to find any grander explanation. 'I was raised primarily by my maternal side of the family.' she finished with a gentle shrug.

The family talk was easy, it was the people around her, while she was growing up with that had carved her into the person she was. The people with all their assumptions about her personality simply because of her magic. But those prejudices seemed like such a diminished problem the more she got to aid people as a Rune Knight. It wasn't like she was all reformed and that all the assumptions people still bore about her, didn't irk her, she simply had seen worse...

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:17 am

Her gestures were strange, but she didn't have any assumptions what it could be, her unclasping of her hands but just as soon as she could grab her other hand again? Afraid she might send off spells without the attention? Alice doubt it but she wasn't sure what to think about it in general and tried to dismiss it in her mind. The question what about them?, at least made her believe that there was family, "Well are they safe?" Where was safe at the moment anyway, she was here in Crocus, where the attack had happened a couple of weeks ago, a month but yet everyone seemed to be going around their daily business as if nothing had changed. But what did change for the normal citizens? Nothing, nothing basically. It was a game up for the higher ranks, the people that had some influence or got influence from the former king. She wasn't even sure if she should count herself under these people.

She nodded, for her it was the other way around, for as long as she had known her father and remembered but her mother raised her alone as well, until she died or well attempt to die thanks to her own mother. Rowena had made a mistake that had cost her, her own life. "Me too, till the age of eight that is." She replied to being raised by the maternal side of the family. Her family sounded like one drama story that she wasn't ready yet to share, not now while this conversation and acquintence was so raw and little. Her father.. she wondered if Midas had more news yet.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#35Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:06 am

Akira Shimada
That was a very good question, she hadn't really been in touch with her family all that frequently, in fact, she had avoided telling her mother about her accepting the request from the capital, for the purpose of defending it. The last letter she'd written had been from Magnolia, filled with her usual short complaints about the way the Magnolians treated her. It had been quite a while since then, her mother was probably worried given the attack, even though Magnolia itself had not suffered as much. 'They should be...' she sighed, her family was not really in the blast radius of Arthur's flamboyant moves, since they weren't even on the mainland of Fiore.  

The reminder made her admit to Alice that she hadn't really heard from them in a while. 'I need to get in touch with them though, didn't want to raise any alarms and tell them I was in Crocus...' she said, her family was definitely the paranoid variety, they didn't need all that worry. 'Now that... what's happened has happened, perhaps I can tell them the truth, hopefully, they'll be glad to know I made it and not be too mad at me for lying.' she said softly. Then chuckled to herself, it was easier to lie since it was in a letter, had she had to talk to them or meet them face to face, they'd have seen right through it and pressed her for so many details just to back her into a corner till she had to tell the truth.

Alice mentioned that she too was raised by her maternal family till eight, while Aki was mildly curious as to what led to that and what happened after, she felt bad for pressing Alice for so many details, when she'd hardly offered too many herself. She leaned back onto the bench and sighed softly, staring at the castle once again, now a little lazily. Perhaps it was time for her to call it a day, she wondered if she'd taken too long on her little lonely walk and if that would worry her partner... Maybe if Alice offered more information or needed something from her, Aki could linger a little while longer. The meeting with the solar mage was a good enough reason for her delay should the healer wonder what took her so long.

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 9:01 am

She didn't know what to say, or what more to ask for herself, if only there were answers or really conversations going on instead of the one discussion they had about the emperor. Which was definitely not her favourite conversation subject but well it was logical that people talked about it right now. It just brought so much issues to her mind that she didn't know what she should think or say about it.

She gave a short smile when Akira admit she could tell the true, it might be very annoying to some people, having family or friends worrying about your health and security but it felt like a sort of blessing to her as she had been alone for a long time and no one really worried about her. Sure it wasn't fun to worry about others, such as Selena and Evangeline but it happened. As much as she had been stressed for the sake of Kon being in Crocus, that fear and anxiety had at least dropped now that they were reunited in Crocus. She turned to Akira and looked around again, "You know something I have been thinking about, how are you and Hatsuharu? Working together goes well?" They weren't together, but she didn't expect them to stick together twenty-four hours a day but well, she wondered about it in general now. She looked shortly at Jupiter, his eyes seemed to be focused on something but because his stance was relaxed, she doubt it was something important.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#37Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:25 am

Akira Shimada
Akira had been expecting that question, in fact, she was surprised Alice hadn't asked before. It had been clear on the day that they all met, that Tsuru was the favorite among the two of them. She didn't really want answer generically, yet she wasn't sure how to explain the journey they had gone through... Ever since Alice tied them together, something which the healer took very seriously and so he stuck on, but Akira wondered if he'd stay even out of choice now, she probably would... Just because she was used to him perhaps.

'It has been... surprisingly... better than I expected.' Akira responded, with a soft smile, betraying gratitude for Alice and her foresight. While Aki still believed the woman had been granted things too easily in her life, maybe she did have experience or observational skills, which granted her an edge over the others. Tsuru and Aki had been a bit of a gamble though, things could have been disastrous. But they weren't mostly because Tsuru was so patient.

'Can't say we've changed much with the way we think...' she admitted, shrugging a little. She still had no clear answers or a path in front of her and he was still almost a stubborn pacifist, although they both were working on it slowly. 'We've at least got a machine running, needs more oiling than usual duos, I guess...' Akira said, sighing softly and yet there was a twinkle in her eye while talking about the healer. The consistency that he granted, helped her feel safer and... cared for. Having answered a small set of questions, Akira wanted more again... She looked up at Alice and threw another question. 'Can I ask you what things were like for you, before you joined the Knights, before you met Kon?

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:52 am

She simply looked at Akira, her question had also been a simple one because half expecting him to show up after she first bumped into Akira, and since that didn't happen and she got no reports at all, she had to make sure he and Akira were doing fine right? In general as well as in their teamwork. She wanted to understand every thing that Akira said and with that her facial expression to make sure not to bump into a cynical road that she would miss. But it seemed to be going better than expected and she was actually quite glad because of that answer. They seemed to be the complete opposites of each other and she had been a bit afraid the it wouldn't go very well. But Akira seemed to be smiling and and how.. well it wasn't anything special but the whole ordeal seemed to be a match of Alice wouldn't want to put a word on it.

She simply nodded, interesting ways, sometimes, she liked herself, "I didn't mean to have you change your own behaviour but to understand team work. With your magic and Hatsuharu his healing, it seemed like a good combination." She gave a little shrug as well, smiling. However the next question from Akira to her made her smile disappear. There were two things that she could say, she could tell about Phantom Lord and her amnesia. But she could also say no and that it was too personal, but if she wanted to be an upperclassman, shouldn't she be willing to share some information? Should she?
"There isn't much to tell." she looked at Jupiter, before turning to look at her own lap, "Before the Rune Knights I was a girl that taught herself magic in a way and that had been trying to get enough jewels from jobs to live by. I don't remember my past much as I suffer from amnesia." Suffer sounded way too dramatic for her happy life but it did make her sad.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#39Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:50 am

Akira Shimada
'You sure you didn't?' she asked chiding just a little, it was in a way an admittance again while joining the Rune Knights, it was evident that Akira didn't have a very cheery disposition. Of course, she slowly had to work around that if she wanted to successfully complete requests as a knight. Tsuru did help her navigate through that. Being the observant creature she was, she did watch him and learn. The healer had slowly been rekindling the carefree curiosity she'd nurtured as a younger girl before the prejudices of the world slay it. 'I'd probably have never gotten a single job if I didn't temper stuff a little...' she mused, smiling a little, but still not meeting Alice's eyes because somewhere there was a small part of her which didn't just want to admit defeat.

'I guess not everyone is as bad I think they are sometimes...' she admitted, sighing softly. At the same time, one had to recognize that Tsuru too, despite having far superior people skills would not survive with his attitude. Akira had to intervene on countless occasions and stir in some skepticism regarding situations that seemed off and could get them into trouble, her instincts had definitely carried to two to safety... 'But sometimes they are, he doesn't see that... and he still doesn't fight them.' she muttered softly, her frustration with the last bit glinting in her tone. But no longer was it derogatory, now the feeling was more out of anxiety for his well being.

Alice went onto answer quite vaguely. Initially, Akira wondered if she was just trying to avoid the question altogether. But when Alice went on to mention she suffers from amnesia, Akira's head snapped towards her, her eyes wide. 'Oh... That's terrible!' she exclaimed, out of sympathy. 'When did that happen? What is the last thing you remember with clarity?' Akira asked, curiously and suddenly with a keen interest, like she could fix it or something.

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:22 am

"Yes, like I didn't mean to force you. The thing is you learn from team work and it might change pieces of your personality on your own account but it doesn't change who you are." Happenings changed a person, wether it was working together, fighting an attack against whatever sort of creature, it formed a sort of bond that shaped her in the case with the demon with Alisa, or the creature with a bunch of other people in Sieghart mountains, where she met Chelvaric and where she ran away before doing anything because she was afraid. She nodded ask Akira admitted something, "Perhaps not the jobs you would have wanted." she let it slip, she was sure some people in Oak that she met and last seen about a year ago wouldn't mind the temper and she felt a soft shiver going down her spine as she remembered doctor Mabuz.

She listened and she thought, she had liked Hatsuharu because he was kind to her, that was an obvious given, "He will learn," was all she said and she believed that the key to his understand was sitting right next to her.

She took a deep breath as the conversation turned to her past, "All I could remember was that I was all by myself on my eighteenth birthday, I did remember i stayed in an Orphanage but I can't remember anything clearly from before that. Now I got some information back thanks to.. my twinsister but it's not the same as really remembering."

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#41Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:44 am

Akira Shimada
Akira heard out the woman attentively, it was interesting that she believed that pieces can be changed but who you are wouldn't. She wondered how Alice defined the core of a person, because the superficial change in personality, would slowly erode the person's character till eventually, they made a substantial difference, at least that what Aki believed. That belief is what gave her hope that one day Tsuru will be able to fend for himself.

She chuckled when Alice mentioned other jobs, unsure of what she meant, were there people who would've truly been ok with her slightly stuck up and bitter self? If they were, she'd anyways not want to work with them, because they'd just facilitate her morbid side, not to mention, they'd probably be all dry and curt with her in return... She'd rather avoid that. Alice was perhaps more hopeful than Akira was about Tsuru's progress. So the girl just shrugged. Perhaps... she had a few tricks up her sleeve now, to elicit that change, but it'd still take its own course.

Alice went onto share her last memory, which sounded sad. Akira wasn't really a birthday person, but to celebrate the welcome into adulthood alone, sounded like a dull time. Her lips betrayed her sympathy, turning downward as a gentle crease formed between her brows. 'Wait you have a twin who you never knew about? What's she like?' Aki asked, her curiosity piquing again. 'What kind of things did she tell you?' she specified. It made sense now that Alice hadn't elaborated too much about family, she probably didn't remember...

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 07, 2018 2:08 am

Perhaps if their first meeting had not been so rough, she might have said more, she was unwilling to point out that she started unknown at an evil guild, that she had done dark jobs to at least get some money and with that safety and a place to stay. She wasn't very proud of it but she had proven enough that the guild wasn't the thing to define her and that she could be able to join the Rune Knights. She was an adult now, no longer the childish woman that looked away from difficulty and would take the easy way out. No longer running away, but fighting and so on.

Of course Akira asked about her twin and if Alice wanted to tell the story right, she would start at the first part. She hoped that the girl would be okay with a long story and because of that she couldn't help but sigh, "It's a long story and actually not a very pretty one." She looked at the knight to make sure that she was okay with listening, as she had sparked her interest with the romance stories, perhaps she wanted to know about Alice her not so 'perfect' side, she wasn't sure if the former lieutenant now could be described as perfect but it wasn't her thoughts that she thought about.

"Since my eighteenth and thus my memory loss I have been basically in the western side of Fiore, so apart from Crocus, I was in Baska and Oak." Which already might be a hint about her previous actions but she would cross that brigde when the conversation got to it, "When I finally decided to make a good life for myself, I moved to Era, met Kon and in the end followed him to Magnolia. Now Magnolia is what it is about, I got this flashback and it only pointed out to me that I needed to go to the church there, to get answers. When I entered, they wanted to kick me out. Apparently my mother and my own twinsister had told the church that I was possessed by a demon and that I needed an exorcist to drive it out. Something my mother would do myself. Now after that nothing is very clear, only the limit on my life and the insecurity about my own family." She paused, noticed Jupiter his eyes staring at her, angry, but she knew it wasn't about her but about Lacie, he had obviously not forgiven her nor would he ever.

"I bumped into my twin months later, which is very strange, we do look almost the same. She is a bit shorter and has more freckles and our eyes are a different colour." She bit her lip, "It is soft to say that the conversation didn't go well."

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#43Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 07, 2018 2:37 am

Akira Shimada
Akira watched Alice carefully. A myriad of expressions painted her face as she spoke of her story. There seemed to be a little confusion and a fair bit of contempt for her twin and her mother. Akira frowned unable to follow the story perfectly, perhaps because owing to Alice's amnesia it was a bit of a muddle in her head too. Akira narrowed her eyes as she broke down the information she had received into fragments, sizeable chunks to understand them better. So her superior had not really visited all of Fiore, she wondered if her family hailed from the southern region then... Which is why she avoided running into them perhaps?

Her theory was fortified when Alice mentioned her flashback occurring in Magnolia. The Magnolian church featured in her flashback, but apparently, she was banned from entering there, owing to an alleged false story. Briefly, Aki's eyelids fluttered as she wondered if there was a possibility that the mother and sister had not been lying. She shiftily looked around trying to erase that pessimistic thought, she definitely had no way to prove such a thing. Nonetheless, she did ask... 'Shouldn't the church invite you then, to perform the exorcism, how stupid of them!' she exclaimed, but she wasn't surprised, while they always had a solution, religious entities often shirked their duties. 'oh!' I see she said as Alice went onto share that her mother wanted a role in it. 'So basically you mother set it up, so that the church would redirect you towards her...' Aki muttered, a little to herself, but out loud for Alice to be able to confirm.

After which she seemingly blanked again, more memories had been stolen by fate... Akira wondered if the mother had gotten her hands on her daughter and was periodically wiping more memories while eliciting flashbacks in the Knight's head, that would guide her back to the maternal hands... Finally, she shared the moment she ran into her twin again. 'So you're prettier, basically.' Aki said softly, as a sort of compliment. 'What exactly did you guys talk about?' she asked, hoping to get more out of Alice, such details really helped her paint a person. Understand more about them and lend them some rope. It wiped her skepticism, taught her to understand people better.

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 07, 2018 2:59 am

Alice shook her head as Akira said that it would be a redirection to her mother, but she would come to that point when she finished the first part that she had in her mind. "You asked a good question, my mother is dead, killed by a wrong going ritual." Which made her rather satisfied, but she didn't show it, karma didn't like liars. "I spoke to an exorcist later and to the church and they admitted that it wasn't true. There were no signs of ever being possessed and they wrote it down for me as I learned that my sister was alive and believing I was dead because of this ritual." She took a deep breath, thank god she had met Chelvaric and Father Jerad.

"So.. yeah I met my sister in Era. Where I showed her the proof that she was wrong. She didn't want to admit it but she had the diary of my mother where even she admitted that she was wrong." She had to resist the urge to tell Akira that her mother had accussed herself of picking the wrong twin sister, it had nothing to do with their story now. "I tried to reason with her but.. I don't know how to describe it, she seemed to be ill at that point and only angry that I seemed to be getting everything she wanted. Especially when she figured out I was pregnant." She could hear her sister in her mind, telling her she destroyed everything she touched. Her mother, Lacie.. everything and that she had yelled back in reply that it wasn't possible as she was pregnant. Not the greatest move.

"I locked her up, because of the craziness that was going on and to get her healed. So not in a prisoncell but on the hospital wing of the Headquarters. Someone released her." Her jaw clenched as she thought about the consequences, "And she came to find me and.." She trailed off as the surge of guilt again swiped through her and before she knew it she simply stared at the ground, not able to say anything. She didn't cry, she had done enough crying the last period of her life but she would perhaps forever feel guilty that Kon lost his eye because of her twinsister's vengence.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#45Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 07, 2018 6:42 am

Akira Shimada
'Oh... I'm sorry.' Aki said, out of habit. It is just what one is supposed to say when talking about the loss of a parent. Although in this case, she swore she could sense the relief in Alice's voice, considering all the strange rumors the woman had helped in spreading. 'Or not...' the lunar mage added with a slight poignancy as the solar mage explained that it was some ritual gone wrong and usually those sorts are the illicit kind, to begin with.

'That must have been unpleasant for you, those moments when you actually believed you had a demon in you...' Aki said, picking out the one thing that felt most familiar to her. The way she felt simply because she had been a dark mage. How so many people looking down on her had almost convinced her she genuinely harbored something in her that she shouldn't, had it not been for her mother's support things would have been very different.

'At least that is some reconciliation, the posthumous admittance, and an apology.' she muttered basically interjecting to prove her interest and ensure Alice didn't think she couldn't really care about answers and was just asking random questions. It was somewhat important, given that last time Aki they'd met the girl had shown no inclination to get Alice to elaborate on any of her stories.

The sibling rivalry between stranded sisters sounded pretty standard although Akira was a single child, she had some inkling of how that could go. But these two seemed to take it further than normal. Akira winced a little at the lock-up concept since being closed in was the solution to this extremely jealousy was good. 'And?' Akira encouraged, softly. She ensured judgment stayed out of her voice. She wondered if Alice had to take extreme measures and was guilty of it.

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:06 am

While talking, her golden hues turned to Akira as she automatically seemed to say; I'm sorry. Which is what most people did in response to a death and so on but the black haired knight quickly restored herself, which gave her a short perhaps emotionless chuckle, but a chuckle none the less. She took a deep breath, to respond, "Yes it was. At first I had no idea what happened before, so no concern or whatsoever but that moment I was kicked out of the Church.. in front of Kon, it was embarrassing and it made me nervous about what might be going to happen to me. Thank god this man, Father Jared told me it wasn't true and an exorcist but.. yeah it took a while before I met them." Thank god all in Magnolia so it wasn't that long but still, the stress.

She nodded, it was something, twelve years too late, but it was something. But she explained things about her sister Lacie, who never apologized of course and she had a second that she was overcome by emotions that even Jupiter showed up rather quickly next to her and grabbed a hold of her shoulder, softly but the expression on his face was not a very happy one. "She pretended to be me." Her voice broken and she turned her eyes at Jupiter who only nodded, "And she hurt Kon, damaged his eye permanently, and it is my fault." Her fault for making her sister jealous, her fault for not being there, her fault for..

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#47Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 08, 2018 6:11 am

Akira Shimada
Akira sighed softly, feeling her own pang of guilt, upon realizing that the woman endured much in life after all. So while things must've gotten smoother in some aspects after she met her beloved, not all was solved. Alice was carrying ghosts of her pasts, ghosts that were more intense in a way, than the kind Akira possessed. Was this how it had always been? Did Akira exaggerate her problems in her head then? In comparison, at least Akira was gifted with a family that didn't... Behave like Alice's.

'Pretended to be you?' Akira echoed Alice's words in shock. That was some serious crap the woman pulled. It was a rather brutal way to take complete advantage of being a twin and hoodwinking Alice's lover that way. At least it was just an eye... the mage thought. Of course, that would be an inappropriate thing to say. It was only a consolation in her mind because in such a predicament, losing a life was entirely possible.

Akira's eyes lingered on the gentleness with which Jupiter treated Alice. It was truly heartwarming. The woman shared her guilt with the lunar mage. 'No... The family we're born into, much like the abilities we're gifted with are not of our choosing...' Akira reassured, softly. A sad note lilting in her voice. While her pain may pale in comparison to Alice, simply because it was not as dramatic, the incessant negativity and the pessimism that it instilled in her, was not something Akira would discount and overlook either.

'What are you guilty of? Having an evil twin? You didn't ask for that, you can't shut out your life and the people who care for you just because she intends on ruining it?' Akira said, almost dryly. That was just practical, there wasn't much point in dwelling on this guilt. She grew silent for a bit, and let that quiet sit between the two mages. 'Lucky, that sometimes we get to choose family, huh?' she added, trying to steer the conversation towards something positive again.

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:01 am

She heard Akira repeat her words, she couldn't stop to continue to talk and only nod and quickly shake her head again. Kon would always recognize the differences between them, she knew that very well but at that moment there was no time and it was as Lacie had known from the very moment. How could she let her slip through her fingers, she felt the little pinch in her shoulder from Jupiter and their eyes met, probably both thinking the same. She was sure her companion hated just as much that he didn't go after her fast enough and didn't find her, he might have had a chance as a human but it had not been how it went. Lacie was out there and the question was where, as she had been a lieutenant at that moment she had told some knights that there was a warrant out for her sister, but that had not let to anything yet.

She felt still so guilty, even if Kon told her again and again that it wasn't her fault, even if she vaguely believed it, she couldn't simply forget it. She.. if she wasn't here.. how would it have gone? Not that she would do anything to herself, she couldn't actually manage to finish that thought, she turned her sad expression to Akira and tried to give her a little smile, "Exactly and it is a shame that people judged based on only that little bit of information that they get their hands on." She tried to show a little more strength but she was still in a mess of emotions, thank god she didn't cry. She put her hand softly on Jupiter's and he let go and turned his back to them, leaning against the bench.

She didn't answer on the second part of the conversation, she simply stared in front of her, Akira was right and she knew that as well, it would take a bit of time before she would get over this point. She was sure of that, she looked back up at the other knight and gave a little smile, "Yes, that surely makes people more happy." and she automatically placed a hand on her stomach, as she had done a lot of times when she was pregnant but now that was gone, she heard a chuckle from Jupiter and rolled her eyes but grinned.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#49Akira Shimada 

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:55 pm

Akira Shimada
Regret was the same for everyone. It was a tendency of the humans to peek into their past repeatedly and tear it down into sizeable bites of time so that they can rehash any choices that were made. I shouldn't have said this... I shouldn't have done that... I should have found out... Should have seen through that etc. That regret didn't universally translate to guilt, but very often it did. That characteristic expression of guilt. was observable on several faces that lingered in Crocus after the attack. Most people thought they could've done more... Including Akira. So Alice's emotions were easy to resonate with, despite hers being reminiscent of a situation that had not occurred as recently.

When Alice interjected and mentioned that people often judged with little information, Akira nodded sagely, she'd been a victim of that for almost sixteen years now. Finally, the girl had started giving it back as good as she got it. The lunar mage wondered if this was also a stab at her since she hadn't been particularly nice to Alice on their first day... But it was a cumulative effect of a lot of things for them both and Alice hadn't fared too well at extending the rope Akira needed then, although perhaps this conversation could account for making amends.

Aki reflected the smile that the woman offered. 'And friends...' she added softly, her voice a little more uncertain. It was an expansion of being able to choose one's, own family. But Akira wasn't sure if she had it in her to maintain relationships. Her skepticism usually got the better of her. Almost anyone she came close to idolizing usually had clay feet... But Akira was learning to not idolize at all, learning to assess a person with a fairer eye, guarded but not offensive. Not setting them up to fail... 'So no idea where that twin is now?' Aki asked with a soft sigh. 'If I ever see someone like you who isn't you, I'll definitely try and contain her.' she reassured.

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Signature6

Not Today... [Social | Alice]  - Page 2 Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:01 am

As much as she wanted to let go, only time could heal her wounds and well that sounded very dramatic, she had her own way of overcoming such moments and she would get to that later on. When she finally had a bit more time instead of doing the.. well it didn't matter. To be honest she didn't even want to give herself time to mop, it happened, it wasn't her fault (even if she kept thinking that) and she only had to be very aware of the happenings now with crazy people on the loose and she would have to protect her own children as well as, in case it was necessary, citizens against a strange new emperor. And happily enough, she wasn't alone in that, she had Kon obviously as well as Hecate and Jupiter. That would make her able to grow stronger and grew in the whole perspective of the idea.

She didn't want to arch her perfectly shaped eyebrow but the moment Akira said friends, after agreeing to the chosen family part, she wondered if Akira shortly meant her? She doubt it, she might not have been nice to her and vice versa, so.. she shouldn't make assumptions, "Of course." She did answer, wondering about the ones she had and feeling rather satisfied about that idea. Even if not all of them agreed with her track of thoughts, she appreciated them very much.

"I have no idea, last I heard she behaved very strangely and ran off from her friend, my friend. But Lacie is a mystery to me as well. I am half afraid she is here, making some horrid plans again, but yes please, if you see her, try to do whatever you can. But Akira, please stay save. I don't want to underestimate you but she is playing a dirty game." Besides the power she had suddenly shown with that one attack, she did not seem to be the healing mage any longer, that the file of Lacie her medics told her.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

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