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Chisel Me Right [Barry]

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Chisel Me Right [Barry] Empty Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:13 pm

The scarlet-haired Rune Knight drowned himself in his newfound passion to become stronger. Ever since that night, he had changed his entire routine to revolve around training himself so that he would be strong enough to protect everyone, even if it meant attacking the offenders. He no longer doubted his decision, but was fully committed to it now. First things first. He needed to make himself physically fit. The healer thought all his running had kept him fit enough, but it had only made him good at running away. That morning at the gym proved that he couldn’t even do half a dozen push-ups without feeling like his arms were about to fall off.

So, on that beautiful spring evening, he walked down to the Rune Knight grounds to see if he could find someone to train him. He didn’t want to bother Akira with his routine anymore; it was apparent that she wasn’t into training every day. Unfortunately, Haru couldn’t find anyone strong and willing to train him at the grounds that evening. Most of them were new recruits who looked as clueless as him and the few remaining Knights were too busy shirking their existing work that there was no way they were going to go out of the way to help him. At least, one of them was kind enough to tell Haru to go to the Domus Flau, if he was truly looking for a trainer.

Without delaying any further, Haru made a beeline towards the large arena. He had been at Crocus long enough to not ask for directions. The sun was still quite high on the sky; the evening was still young. With a determined look, he walked in through the huge arch, hoping to find someone who would show him the way to gain strength. As he stepped into the large ground, he noticed that there were several groups of people training, each giving the other a wide berth. The healer had no clue where he should begin and who he had to approach. The lost Rune Knight stood there looking around to see if there was anyone in the arena that he knew.


Chisel Me Right [Barry] Empty Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:30 pm

These guys sure knew how to train! That was the train of through Barry kept as he trained alongside the strapping young mages training on the grounds of Domus Flau this morning. Every one of them had something new and exciting that he had yet to see during his stay in Fiore. The most intriguing being a man who could breathe fire to create a splendid light show. Though, as pretty as the show was when it was shown it had proven to be inefficient for battle as Barry had proved by smacking the guy upside the head during a sparring session.

The tale of the tape for Barry's outing was underlined by the fact that he hadn't quite found any training partners that matched his might just yet. While the groups here had plenty of spunk, none could match him in stamina. That said, there was the sneaky thought that the Saiyan could train someone to match him, that way he could have someone to spar with almost every day! A marvelous idea it was!

Marvelous indeed, but much to his dismay Barry couldn't find anyone willing to but heads with him and eventually he would sit on a stone bench in retreat from his search for a training partner.

"I guess no one wants to train with me..." his voice had a tone that didn't often escape his lips, it was frustration and sadness as mulled over his failure.

Soon, however, the perfect candidate would appear a head of crimson feathers, a lanky form, and a look of displacement on his face. "Wait a second, that's just not any displaced redhead!" Barry bolted up from his seat with a clenched fist, "That's a Hats!"

Yes! Yes! This was all too perfect; Hats could no doubt train with him~ He was a sturdy lad, after all, strong bodied, good willpower! He would make the ideal training partner.

"Hey Hatsu! What are you doing out here?" he'd wave his hands over his head to get the young man's attention, now it was only a matter of getting him to agree to the Lycan's oncoming prosal.

Chisel Me Right [Barry] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chisel Me Right [Barry] Empty Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:15 am

The redhead Rune Knight was almost about to give up finding someone to train him and going back to whacking the dummy with the wooden sword back in the training grounds. He let out a loud sigh and his shoulders slouched while his eyes lazily scanned the area one last time. Far from the small groups, near a stone bench was a black-haired man who seemed to be waving at someone. Haru squinted to get a better look at the man and instantly recognized who it was. “Fenrir!” he muttered to himself. A large smile broke out on his face as he realized the implications. From afar, it was hard to see who he was waving at. But seeing there was no one else near where Haru stood, it was safe to assume Barry was calling out to him.

Haru took a jogging pace and rushed towards the former Rune Knight. He knew he had hit jackpot with this one; there couldn’t possibly be anyone better to make him stronger. “Hey Fenrir!” he yelled as he ran towards him, waving back. Once he was within the man’s earshot, he slowed down to explain. There was no reason for Barry to convince him of anything. Before he could suggest anything, Haru would already request his help abruptly. “Looking for someone to train me, actually! Would you help me, please?” he asked, desperation obvious in his voice. “I decided I’ll stop being so passive about defending others. Long story short… I will need some muscle now if I hope to go head to head with the offenders,” he added, pointing towards his thin and weak biceps.

The Rune Knight had no idea how to do this. He had never followed any diet or exercise routines. All he worked on was running, and running fast. So, while his lower body strength was somewhat commendable, he was way below average when it came to his upper body. Hopefully, Barry would be able to whip him into shape and help him become the defending swordsman that he wished to be.


Chisel Me Right [Barry] Empty Sat Apr 07, 2018 2:17 am

Barry listened to the young man's reasoning for wanting to get stronger and crossed his arms. Going from passive to dominant was quite a big step to want to make, but if anyone knew anything about dominance, it was the Lycan. "Sure! I'd love to help you~" he was excited at the very premise of training someone, and Hatsu was the perfect person to work with! He was patient and understanding, though as the trainer Barry would have to be the one showing the patience. "Hmm, how about we start simple? We can start out with my typical warm-up and get to my basic routine after we see how you adapt! Ooo, and then I can adjust to your limits, and before you know it you'll be a Super Saiyan too!"

He probably shouldn't have been so excited, but the very prospect in front of him was one with unlimited potential! "Alright, so 100 push up, 100 pull ups, 100 sit-ups, and stretching for our warm up! Do you do one arm push ups or do you try a finger? I mean I haven't done a finger yet but if that's what you're used to let's try it!"

Chisel Me Right [Barry] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chisel Me Right [Barry] Empty Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:43 am

Haru’s face broke into a large smile as the lycan agreed to help him. “Thank you so much!” he said, bowing slightly to him. The healer was truly grateful and excited to begin this new journey. He listened carefully as Fenrir spoke of starting simple. However, soon it was apparent that this man’s ‘simple’ would probably kill Haru. The mere mention of hundred reps of push-ups alone made the healer dizzy, let alone the rest of the exercises. The young man was only taught how to perform a push-up properly one day before and he could barely do twenty; and even those were with short breaks in between. He remembered Kee too mention ‘hundred push-ups’ and now that Barry had brought up the same number, that goal was set as a benchmark in his head.

However, he had to be honest with his trainer. “I only learned how to do a push-up yesterday… I don’t think I can do them with only one hand yet, let alone with a finger,” he said, looking a little worried. He realized how pathetic he must sound to the strong lycan in front of him, but did not wish to scare him away by being weak. “But I’ll really work hard. I’ll train myself to do a hundred push-ups by the end of this week. I promise,” he added urgently. That might sound way too optimistic for someone who had barely trained their body before. However, if anything, Haru had perseverance and he would stick to his promise even if it kills him. He would train his best every waking minute from that moment and prove to Fenrir that he was a worthy student.

“I’ll begin right away,” he said, dropping to the ground immediately and starting to do the push-ups as correctly as possible. He remembered the advice Kee gave him the previous day and followed them closely. He kept his back straight, went as low as he could, took regular deep breaths, and pushed himself up. Haru repeated the same over and over, and after about six of them, his arms began to shake and it was obvious that the healer was nearing his end. But, he told himself he will go until ten at least and kept pushing forward. He grunted as he neared the eighth, pushed through for the ninth, and was almost about to reach the tenth. However, his arms finally gave up and he fell to the ground before he could finish the last one.


Chisel Me Right [Barry] Empty Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:15 pm

Barry paused at the mention of him just learning to do pushups, maybe this was going to be a bit harder than the Lycan expected, though with alittle push Barry could no doubt get this young man into battling shape. Looking down at him as he starting doing push ups, he half expected him to clear 100 with ease, though they barely made it to ten! This was going to be an odd session if he couldn't even get up to 10, or even twenty. Barry would have even take 15, but if that was how out of shape the young man was Barry couldn't blame him, after all. "It's okay, everyone starts somewhere buddy." Barry'd pat the boy on the back.

"How about we save the exercise bit for when your muscles are a bit more developed, in the meantime why don't you put on some weight for me? Drink a lot of protein shakes and don't be afraid of noodles, oh and eat plenty of meat." he'd pat the red head's back again.

"How about we make a deal, if you do all of that for me.. I won't tell aki you like her." he nudged the young red head and stood up, "See you soon buddy, I've got a small errand to run."

With parting words he'd depart from the stone structure.


Chisel Me Right [Barry] MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."

Chisel Me Right [Barry] Empty Sun Apr 08, 2018 3:40 pm

It would seem the healer had disappointed the lycan and scared him away. But Haru wasn’t heartbroken. He stood back up when Barry patted him after the terrible nine push-ups he had pulled off. Even if the ex-Rune Knight did think Haru wasn’t ready to be training under him yet, his advice would still be valuable. Maybe he can work harder to gain some muscle and then come back to Fenrir to prove that he was indeed capable of becoming strong. And just like he thought, that was exactly what Barry suggested too.

The red-headed Rune Knight listened carefully as the muscled lycan advised him on the food intake he must adhere to. He agreed with everything, except for the last one. Haru was a strict vegetarian and wouldn’t ever touch meat. “Meat? Maybe I can find an alternative,” he wondered out loud, as he repeated the instructions given in his head so that he remembers them all.

As he stood there wondering what he could eat that could potentially replace meat, he heard Fenrir’s jovial threat and blood rushed to his face. “How do you kno-?” he began, with his face all red, but quickly stopped himself, realizing asking that question would mean officially accepting that it was the truth. His growing unexplainable feelings towards Akira was top-secret; something that he was afraid even to admit to himself. He hadn’t spoken to anyone about it, and couldn’t fathom how Fenrir knew about it.

Before he could inquire however, the lycan made his exit, stating that he had an errand to run. The healer sighed, his face still flushed, and dragged himself out of the arena once Fenrir left. “I wonder who else knows…” he muttered to himself, as he exited.


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