There were a good amount of people in there still, but even from within the bar, it was very clear that it didn’t stack up tot eh other one in terms of the overall activity, even compared to that of what was across the street just waiting to get inside the bar, it was very clear that that was where most of the business was right now, not here. This was more filled with the people who were the regulars, the people that were going to go into the bar regardless of how business or not that it would have been. It was impressive in itself that it had about as much regulars as it appeared to have, and for that, she could not help but be impressed, as there were taverns that she had seen within her time in Magnolia and Hargeon alike that did not have as loyal customers. The owner though, it was clear who they were, as they immediately approached Leyaria offering her a job, and one that apparently paid well, as well as ensuring that she would have gotten as much to drink as she could have ever wanted. Both of those were enticing in themselves, and this was a case of something that she had no reason not to seize ont eh opprutunity. After all, it was one in which was even easier to accomplish given the fact that all the person wanted for her to do was to go into the bar across the street and make sure that they suffered, and what better way to make someone suffer than to cause them to lose business? That would be the easy part of this, as Leyaria had a plan.