Rank: C
Word Count: 238
Tagged: @Nameless
Muse: 9/10
Music: First Love
Notes: Eat noodles!
Welcome to Fairy Tail RPG, where your visions come true through your words. You control the destiny of your character. Do you have what it takes to bring the world to order or chaos?
Death. Chaos. Despair. She yearned to spill blood. She wanted to play with the threads of fate, cutting some lives short. It was a thrill to play with a live in your hands. It just was. "Squeeee!" Zuzu let out a cry, her master looking at her, wondering what the reason was. "Now look here you little shit, you're gonna be nice, or I'ma punt ya lil ass over the fence." She wagged a finger at her again, scolding her. It wasn't the first time she had eaten all of Nameless's food while she wasn't looking, and it wasn't going to be the last . . . "GRRR!" Again, she growled, her master picking her up by the nape of her neck, only to turn to look over her shoulder. "Oh hey it's that vulpix again-" she saw the animal approach her, only to be scooped up by a new face entirely. The animal's paw seemed to be bandaged up. Even Zuzu took note of it, cocking her head to the side, sniffing the air around them. "Are you hiss owner?" she'd say, almost forcing openings for jokes and puns. "Don't say you're the same girl cuz then you'll just be freaking me-ow't." She held her animal awkwardly in her right hand, the snow vulpix's belly facing the girl, the skin of her neck held by her master. It wasn't painful for her at all, if anything, was calming, like a mother handling her children. But the thought ran past her mind. What was happening? " . . . .Haruna?" she asked, curious as a cat could be. | NAMELESS, THE MANJI WARLORD ■ Miss Manji ■ |
She was used to being called a heretic, a wizard, a witch, a demon and a succubus. But she was never a liar. She was someone who would tell you only part of the truth, but leave out other details, but never would she lie to anyone, even her foes. "Venus." she thought over the name within her burnt out brain. She didn't actually get the name of the girl, or her pet, but Zuzu had never growled at anyone, other than that vulpix. This had to be the same one, right? She dropped Zuzu on the ground, the fox simply fell onto her stomach and rolled to her back, staring at the girl and her pet. Again, her head would be twisted, like a lost puppy hearing a strange and curious sound. "They refer to me as the Nameless God." she would say, taking note of the ears upon the girl's head. "You may refer to me as you wish, however Namey, seems to be the most common of my names." She would bow to the girl, extending her arms to the side pointing towards the sky as if she was making a massive introduction. But she stared at her own pet. "If you fight again you lil' shit I'll backhand you into next month." her eyes spoke. "Yes mom." . . . well, if expressions could speak, that's what Zuzu would have been saying. . . but she didn't actually make a sound. | NAMELESS, THE MANJI WARLORD ■ Miss Manji ■ |
Last edited by Zhu-Lin Feng on Tue May 08, 2018 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
The vulpix. It had brought her more questions than she cared for. She didn't have any reason to wonder about that girl, or what happened to her. But something about it seemed all wrong. She wouldn't let that animal get hurt. Even when she wanted to watch them fight, she stopped it to save her pet from getting a single scratch. No, there was no way she would abandon her pet. She would die for that animal, she was sure of it. All she got from him was his name, and that he limped from the woods? It was far too suspicious. "She gave me your name." the nameless woman would admit to it. "She'd do anything to protect him. If he's fine and in your care, I can almost be certain she'd dead." Wounds. Blood. The darkness of the forest? Of course. "I'd put my money on vampires or demons. They probably tried to kill Venus, and she jumped in and tried to save him. It doesn't matter though, dark or light, something got her, whoever she was." it was morbid, and Nameless found herself sucked into it. "Sorry. . . " she'd say, "I didn't mean to say all of that." oh but she did. And she wasn't sorry. The thought of someone else taking a life at this festival gave her a thrill, but the idea of a body wasted, unconsumed infuriated her. "Uhm," she tried to change the topic, ". . . Do ya like fish? There's a good barbecue place that roasts them good . . . " | NAMELESS, THE MANJI WARLORD ■ Miss Manji ■ |
While she had no real concern for anyone other than herself, or even an understanding of feelings, she couldn't help but feel it was her duty to care for the girl. Maybe it was the difference of age, or the fact she was physically smaller, or that she cared... or maybe it was that she too, bore the same ears. She twitched her eyes at the mention of fish. That much would delight her. Maybe she could put that girl's demise out of their heads. Even if there was a chance she was alive, she wouldn't last for long. Nameless would point aways from them, no more than a few minutes away. It was in walking distance, and the space would allow them to at least get to know each other. "So Fishy, where ya from?" she'd ask, "Are ya one of those guildy people too?" As time went on, she could remember all of the talk about guilds and organizations. Everyone belonged to one, for some reason or another. Nameless would have forgotten her own branding upon her neck to the guild of Phantom Lord. She had no memory of it. After all, when a soul transcends, they retain what they truly are, in purest form. Their memories are simply tied down only to their mind. | NAMELESS, THE MANJI WARLORD ■ Miss Manji ■ |
Rune Knights. The mention of the name left a sour taste in her mouth, though she had no reason as to why. She didn't know what most of the guilds were, if any at all. The name of the Rune Knights almost boasted nobility, but also had a taste of authority to the words. Maybe her judgement was misplaced. Her own companion would be sniffing around the other small animal, trying to remember who and what he was. Even if he was the same one he tried to fight before, the change of his handler was enough to ask some questions . . . "I dunno." she'd say. "What are guilds like? Maybe I'll join one of them. Do they do fun stuff?" Nameless was no liar, but she would have no idea of her own loyalty to Phantom Lord. She would have no clue to the branding on her body, nor her past. But for now, they neared the restaurant, and would enter to get their food. "We should get it to-go. I don't think they'll let them inside." she'd say to the girl. And it was probably true. She never tried to bring Zuzu in, but most places told her no anyways. It was safe to assume so. | NAMELESS, THE MANJI WARLORD ■ Miss Manji ■
She would enter, with or without the girl, she'd leave her pet outside, careful to not get into another misunderstanding with the staff. Inside it would be crowded, and she would wiggle her way inside. She looked up to see all of the prices on the menu, as well as the many options. She could have easily have bought anything she wanted with her own money, but she had her own plans to spend her cash. She made her way past everyone and headed past a few tables. She would look around, only to notice none were looking at her, just like the last few times she had walked in. She reached into the bin of scraps and food and took out a few paper bowls and plates of food that was left. After all, you can't be rich if you always spend your money. Maybe the girl would wait in the hell of a line to pay for her meal but Nameless would make her way out with an armful of assorted barbecued items, from fried fish to grilled ribs and cooked chicken. Sure there was a few bites missing here and there, but it didn't matter, most of it was untouched. Any illness she'd get, she could cure tomorrow with a simple potion. That was simply how this world was. /exit | NAMELESS, THE MANJI WARLORD ■ Miss Manji ■
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