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Tyrant Tea Time [Quest: Lucian]

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#1Lucian V. Crimson 

Tyrant Tea Time [Quest: Lucian] Empty Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:54 pm

Lucian V. Crimson
The days had grown increasingly dull, there was nothing to do and money was running short. I don't know whether it is from the lack of trouble makers around here or things have just gotten plain boring on their own but from what I do know, I need to find something to do and quick. Mmm, the boards should have plenty of requests and hopefully plenty of ways to make money.

The board had its usual ragtag stragglers that liked to hang around and study the board in hopes of finding some sort of job that would get them instant fame or jewels. They would become disgruntled looking for the best get rich quick scheme and the magical meal ticket that would never appear for the likes of them. Lazy bastards indeed.

Now, to see what to do today. Mhmm. The Phantasm castle? Well...well..a request from the royals themselves, but judging by the request, this is probably some sort of butler, cleaning, or fetching job. And the way, I'm feeling at this point anything is better than nothing. Guess I'll be taking this on.

The paper ripped cleanly from the board as Lucian began to walk towards the castle. It didn't look much different from when he had been here last. In the last few years, it still remained as the bastion and symbol of the Phantasm power among the people and the region. The increase in guard presence was astounding to see, good for them that they actually got that lot into some true fighting shape that was commendable, to say the least.

The guards grew tense as he sauntered his way up to the castle gates, weapons taunt in their armored grips as they began to point them at him, clearly more ready to main or harm him than see if he was on official business.

"What is your business here?! Do not approach any further!"
The right guard shouted out into the open making Lucian halt a considerable distance from the gates.

"I am a mage on request, there was a job here for Lady Minvera and I am here to fulfill said request!" Lucian held the request paper high in the air, signaling like some sort of flag.

Taking one look at each other, the more assertive of the guards took a step forward and took the request into his hand, he remained steadfast as he studied the paper. Looking over his shoulder he motioned for Lucian to follow as they returned to the gate.

"Release the latch!"

The gate groaned as it moved to open up, the large doors swinging open to let them in. Walking in a single line with one guard in front and the other behind Lucian, their weapons remained ready as they led him through the castle. The inside was still as posh and luxurious as it had been when he was last there those years ago.

"You guys do know I have been here plenty of times, granted it's been a few years, I have even trained some of your superiors so is this really necessary."

"We don't care, we are here at her highness room, she knows you are here. If you cause trouble, you will never make it out of here alive."

"I would hope so."

Her room was grand with a black and red interior, there was a crimson and purple veil that covered the entirety of the table. Behind it sat the outline shadow of a woman, her figure was not clear behind it.

"Princess Minvera?"

"Ah, yes. I'm guessing you are the mage that decided to take my request for tea time. Come on behind the veil, I am not gonna bite."

"I would rather get this over with as quickly as possible. So what is the task, I'm serving tea. Performing a spell for a magic trick. Or what?"

"You are gonna make this merchant sign these papers when the deal begins. I want him to hand me over rights to his business and the jewels that will come from it. So you're gonna be the reason he signs. When the time comes I will signal you to come in and take him. Is that enough for you?"

Greedy bastard. How do you already own everything you could possibly need and steal from the less fortunate. I would rather not do this, but I have already taken the deal. Curse this woman.

"Fine, let us finish this mess."

She threw back the veil with a delicate hand, her blonde hair and relatively clear skin were not vindicative of the savage individual that would request intimidation, but as I've come to find out in this world appearances are ever truly representative of one's true nature. She rose up with a coiled smile like a deadly serpent and extended her teacup towards him, in a feigned attempt at courtesy. Taking her time she called out to the guards, her voice carrying out to summon the merchant.

Lucian walked towards the patio balcony, sitting off to the side as he stared out towards the city. The room grew increasingly loud as the two individuals sat down at the table, the merchant clothed in rather nice clothing was as tough as stone as they began their conversation. The two of them exchanged pleasantries as they took to the matter at hand. The conversation continued as the two of them took turns presenting their case until.

"Look, your highness, you may be of royalty and one of the most shrill business people I have ever dealt with. But power is not something you have over me this time, my lady. I am a powerful merchant and money can make anyone king as much as blood. So let's go ahead and agree to disagree with this childish debate."

"It is a shame that it has come to this but I believe that there is one more thing that can be done to convince you to change your mind."

Lucian appeared through the veil from the patio, walking toward the man with solid stride his ominous black clothing doing nothing but to further his malicious look. The gentleman tried to run but the doors were locked, slowly he leaned up against them as he faced his fate. Resolved he grabbed at Lucian's arm as he tried to kick and push against the mage's grip. He made no noise or attempt to beg. Holding him up, Minvera flipped a switched and the bookcase opened up to reveal an empty chamber behind it. Lucian didn't have time to acknowledge why she would need such a thing the goal was to get this finish.

Walking with the struggling man, Lucian threw him into the chamber, letting the bookcase closed behind him with a solid thud.

"I'm not signing a thing. I do not care what she has paid you."

"Listen, the predicament you are in is much worse than it has to be. Just sign those papers human and we can move forward."

"Human? You mages swear that your not human anymore because you do a few parlor tricks."

"No, because I refer to you as human because I'm not. And I would rather not have to show you the true nature of myself."

"Well you could be an angel for all I care, I am not signing that pap-*whoosh*. "

The air escaped from the merchant's mouth as he clutched his stomach in pain. His eyes grew wide as he tried to fight for his breath back. But before he had the chance to recoup, Lucian pressed his hands along his ribcage, pressing with his might as he tried to bruise the bones. The man's screams of pain were muffled as Lucian's other hand covered his mouth. The pain grew too much as the man kicked and fought meekly. Taking his hands away, he stood over the merchant. There were no sounds save for the ragged breathing of the businessman.

"I'll sign it... just please... leave me alone."

Taking the paper out and the pen, he placed them in front of the man to sign, once the signature was obtained Lucian knocked on the wall and the bookcase spun again. Throwing the merchant out into the floor, he walked out with the signed papers and gave them to Minerva.

"I trust it was easy."

"Just give me my money."

The bag of jewels jingled in his hands, as the guards came in to take the now unconscious man to the gates.

"I pray we can do more business soon."

"I pray not."

Lucian strolled out right behind the guards and out to the tavern, he was in need of a drink.


The Harbinger of WarFortune wheelLucian's character sheet.

Tyrant Tea Time [Quest: Lucian] Qhre37u


Even if the morrow is barren of Promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice

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