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Sorcerion Wizards Index

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#1Aglestus Van Cinder 

Sorcerion Wizards Index Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:10 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder
This place exists as a reference for any of my characters and for anyone who wishes to include them in their own plot somehow. If you wish to have them in your plot somehow. DM me, DO NOT reply on here, it just kinda messes stuff up if you get what I mean.

Tale of the Sorcerion Pantheon:

#2Aglestus Van Cinder 

Sorcerion Wizards Index Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:41 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder


Name: Sorcerion Pantheon

Number of Gods: 7









#3Aglestus Van Cinder 

Sorcerion Wizards Index Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:03 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder


Name: Daemona

Order of Birth: First Born

Domain: Goddess of Law

High Priests: 4
Judge:The highest of all Daemona's priest they are the leaders of her followers. They're magic is offensive and if trained well, become a force to be reckoned with
Jury: The jury priest acts a voice of reason with the judge. Their magic is typically defensive in nature
Witness: The witness acts as the scholar, they hold all knowledge of Daemona and her followers. Their magic is typically aimed towards debuffing
Prosecutor: The prosecutor acts as the guardian of truth in the followers of Daemona. Their magic is aimed towards buffing

Elemental Alignment: Darkness

History: Daemona was the first goddess formed of condensed mana. She wondered the universe alone for some time. She befriended the darkness that existed and it offered to help her in the future. She did not gain her title as Goddess of Law until Fallow and Raleo were born.

#4Aglestus Van Cinder 

Sorcerion Wizards Index Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:11 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder


Name: Fallow

Order of Birth: Twin of Raleo (2nd set of gods)

Domain: God of War and knights

High Priests: 1
General: Since Fallow has disowned his magical beginnings he declares that all followers of his, if they wish to join the world of wizards, must do so as an adventurer. General is awarded to the adventurer that kills all the opponents in a tournament held after the death of a General

Elemental Alignment: None

History:Fallow was born with his twin brother Raleo. Raleo was peaceful, Fallow was not. Fallow fought with his brother constantly until Daemona's creation of Law. After Kalien, Raleo's mistress gave birth to Baeda, Fallow began to grow tired of the magic that surrounded him. So eventually he grew tired of his family, and took his followers to a hidden part of the world

#5Aglestus Van Cinder 

Sorcerion Wizards Index Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:18 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder


Name: Raleo

Order of Birth: Twin of Fallow (2nd set of gods)

Domain: God of Peace and Allies

High Priests: 1
Ambassador: Rallow's high priest is meant to be the kindest soul. The embodiment of peace on earth. So for that reason, the magic of the ambassador is purely support

Elemental Alignment: Light or none

History:Raleo, the twin brother of Fallow was always tired by his brother's aggressive antics. So, when Daemona set up her law system he was very happy. And his life got better when his only daughter, Baeda, was born. She offered him a new way of life. But angered his brother, and caused Fallow to leave, which did not upset Raleo

#6Aglestus Van Cinder 

Sorcerion Wizards Index Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:28 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder


Name: Baeda

Order of Birth: 4th goddess, daughter of Raleo and the star Kalien

Domain: Goddess of the Stars

High Priests: 3
Sun: Baeda's first high priest acts the communicate with the sun.  Embodying its presence on earth. Its magic is typically offensive, but, there have been cases of High priest of the Sun using healing magic.
Moon: Baeda's second high priests acts as the communicate of the moon. Embodying its presence on earth. Its magic tends to wave towards support or offensive, it is rarely defensive.
Earth: Baeda's final high priest is a physical representation of the earth. It is meant to be the common peacemaker in her followers. Their magic is typically defensive or healing in nature.

Elemental Alignment: Light, fire, frost, earth, nature, water

History:Raleo slept with the star Kalien when he was a young god. Which later resulted in the birth of Baeda. Baeda never wanted the help of her father, and rather spent time studying in the libraries of Daemona with her mother. When her mother extinguished, Baeda declared herself goddess of the stars. When her unlce left, she felt great sorrow for never becoming closer. So she wept tears so powerful they created her children, Weyra and Uritial.

#7Aglestus Van Cinder 

Sorcerion Wizards Index Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:36 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder


Name: Weyra

Order of Birth: Twin of Uritial (6th and 7th gods)

Domain: Goddess of Conjuring and Rituals

High Priests: 2
Witch:Weyra's first high priest can only be female. Their magic can range in any form their only duty is to lead her followers
Sorceror: Weyra's second high priest can only be male. Their magic cand range in any form their only duty is to lead her followers

Elemental Alignment: Any of the elements

History: Weyra was absorbed in her own studies for most of her life. She chose to be the best at the magic that the Sorcerion gods were made of so when she became strong enough. She decided that she was the Goddess of Conjuring. Weyra was rather unloving of her siblings and parents.

#8Aglestus Van Cinder 

Sorcerion Wizards Index Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:43 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder


Name: Uritial

Order of Birth: Twin of Weyra (6th and 7th gods)

Domain: God of Kings and Queens

High Priests: 2
Queen:Uritial's first high priest can only be female. Their magic can range in any form their only duty is to lead his followers.
King: Uritial's second high priest can only be male. Their magic can range in any form their only duty is to lead his followers

Elemental Alignment: Any of the elements

History: Unlike his wayward sister, Uritial was the favorite amongst the gods. The star child. He spent much time going with Allicy down to earth to visit the humans. Eventually he came up with an idea in which one human would lead the rest. Sort of how the gods lead the humans. A substitute for the gods in case they were in trouble. This angered Daemona because he had overridden her law system which had been put in place long before his birth. Eventually he trapped her, but lost an arm in the process. Weyra gave him a new  one, but it does not function properly.

#9Aglestus Van Cinder 

Sorcerion Wizards Index Empty Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:54 pm

Aglestus Van Cinder


Name: Allicy

Order of Birth: 5th god

Domain: God of flesh and prosperity

High Priests: 1
Crafter:Allicy's only high priest is chosen based on the prosperity of their family. The less prosperous children are more likely to be the next priest. The crafter's magic is meant to help people and thus is more of a support magic in nature.

Elemental Alignment: Earth, lightning, nature, none

History: Allicy was a favorite among the humans. As he was born because they started practicing magic. Because of that Allicy devoted himself to helping the humans. In fact, when Daemona and Uritial fought, Allicy travelled to earth and shielded the humans from any repercussions of the war. Allicy has always been a devoted lover of humans.

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