There were some left over pancakes, and just getting up to set the table seemed to be a task she could barely find the energy to accomplish. So she sat there and shamelessly eyed the food, hoping to guilt Tsuru into helping out again, though he'd worked far more than she had. But then, on the flip side he'd earned himself a good night's rest, while she sat up sick with worry and anxiety about exactly the sort of outcome they had to ward off today. Eventually, they sat down to eat and she decided to unburden her heart as the filled their bellies.
She didn't quite want to plague a victory with the details about the maidens, but she had held the information for long enough. All the unspoken things were weighing her down. Little did she know that once she shared the details about the Phantom Lord mages, that Tsuru would have them on their way to Oak the very next day...