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Just One Drink [FCM - Night Cap]

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Just One Drink [FCM - Night Cap] Empty Sat Jul 20, 2024 7:49 pm

Surrounded by unfamiliar faces and unknown places a man garbed in a tattered black robe shuffled through the cobblestone streets of Oak trying to mind their distance. To his annoyance though, his bulky figure would nudge a few locals without really trying but given his size it was almost unavoidable. Especially with how closely built together the corridors of the labyrinth like alleyways were. At a glance it seemed like there should be more wiggle room to spare between bodies and had there been a little less people hustling around that might have been the case. But as he was swept up in the crowds Goji recalled a few warnings he had received from his newest rogue companion. A devilish magician who was starting to become a regular disruption in his day to day. For better or for worse.

"Tsk, that's right. He mentioned something about some kind of festival I think. What a pain." Though he wasn't the type to turn away a reason to celebrate and indulge. He usually preferred when things were a little more down to earth and in the company of friends rather than strangers. Sighing under his breath Goji attempted to free himself from the enthusiastic masses that infested the marketplace. Taking a back alley off the beaten path at the first chance he could and from there rerouting himself for the sake of his sanity. If one more person so much as brushed shoulders with him they would reap the unfortunate wrath of his short fuse. The chaos taking place all around was testing his patience already and he hadn't even arrived all that long ago. "This better be worth it dammit or so help me."

Cursing at the thought of Altuo's smug smirking face waiting for his arrival at the end of the road. Goji gripped at the neck of his cloak with a tensely balled fist. Clenching the worn fabric between his fingers for comfort as he turned a few corners along the way. Eventually managing to break free from the pockets of people taking up space. Enough to have some proper breathing room away from the suffocating closeness he had been trapped in mere moments before. However, despite it saving him any further frustrations the slight detour did end up getting him lost. Turning to people for directions didn't help much either. As most if not all gave little to no response when asked. As if they were trying to ignore him entirely. An unwanted gesture that had Goji gritting his teeth from under his hood as he growled to himself. "Some kind of trip this is. I'm going to throttle that man when I find him."

Not having much other choice Goji continued to wander aimlessly for awhile on his own. The nameplates of nearby bars and restaurants serving as the only waymarks that might guide him to the destination he was being summoned to.

[ WC - 486/2000 ] @Altuo Dorian

#2Altuo Dorian 

Just One Drink [FCM - Night Cap] Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 1:59 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 696 / 2000Mana : 200 / 200Theme : CyberpunkTags : @GojiSpells UsedNone
Meanwhile on the other side of the salacious spectrum; a creature of refined tastes lounged lavishly within the seedy sultry of an upscale establishment. The likes of which was keen to catered to those with rather eccentric proclivities as it were. A sensational sanctuary spoken subtly in hushed tones by those faithful in it's preservation of pleasures both known and otherwise to man. A sanctum where wine flowed sweetest, words sounded of symphonies, and the passionate kind of company of just the right companion could not only elevate the scene but also altar the mood in such a profound way that desires became all consuming euphoria. At least, so he had heard it told from a friend of a friend of friend anyway.

The type of benefits only given by friendships forged under the influence of intoxicating intrigue of course.

High in his standards but ever sinking lower in standings the deeper he drowned in his cups. The civility of morality melted away sip by gloriously delectable sip the more intently he embraced his indulgences. An unintended however all the welcomed side effect to being left unattended by the makings of his own devices or more decisively his emerging vices. As was the case with almost every man and woman to walk the world between the balance of virtue and sin. He had his capacity for degeneracy of the purely unpurest kind.

Perhaps a touch too content to carry on as he wont to do given the circumstances, it wasn't until the aggressive advances of one so spoiled as himself that Altuo was drug from the depths of his devious deep dive. Snapped back to reality where gravity almost felt surreal upon rising to his feet in detestation. The concept of time had eluded him in this place as it did for all who entered its enrapturing embrace. No doubt, his absence was well and truly noted by his expectant company soon to come.

Which now that he spared a thought, surely they should have strolled in by now. Even with escort withstanding he had anticipated the arrival of a mountainous man. A brash beast of burden who was much more complex than the simplistic simpleton people assumed him to be. A similarly spirited soul who Altuo had thus far been fortunately blessed to not just associate but get to know little by little each time fate sought to bring them together. Funny enough, a rather repetitious occurrence that he relished in each and every time without too much question on his part.

Which is why as Altuo sobered back to his sensibilities, the lack of Goji's dominating presence infused an essence of unease into the mix that was his musings. Bringing with it a discomforting uncertainty that would see Altuo returned to the streets of Oak, even despite his physical discrepancies from the over abundance of libations. Upon his exit the cooling caress of the open air outside abrupted his stride with an overwhelming abrasiveness. The sudden contrast of darkness to light as the scenery around him changed causing his vision to falter to a blur of colors and shapes until they were forced to adjust with some difficulty.

Where his semblance of sight would fail in his search for his dear friend, his happenstance for hearing would deliver with success. The hecklings of a familiar smoldering voice in the not so far off distance attuning to his razer edged ears with frightening precision upon it's tensile tones. Judging from the lashing linguistics that lingered on the breeze he was in for a riot of sorts. Even so, he proceeded apace towards the speaker of the slating sleights prepared for the worst but ultimately hoping for the best as he hadn't meant to keep poor Goji waiting.

"There you are big man! What's all the huff and fuss about hm? The big bad people scaring the big bad wolf?" With his inhibitions uninhibited by the lack of his usual reservations. Altuo chided back at Goji with the jovial temperament often shared between them. Trying to keep things easy going from the get go for the sake of avoiding an argument if he could help it.
deadly sins


Just One Drink [FCM - Night Cap] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:29 am

"You..." The words he wanted to say were almost choked from his throat as his clenched canines bit down even harder against themselves. Almost threatening to break under the pressure altogether from the looks. As Altuo finally appeared from round a bend reeking of drink and desperations. Goji's already tested tempers flared to a whole new level of frustrations upon catching a disturbing whiff. Burning ichor building up in the throat as he hesitated at first to really speak what was brewing in his head and chest but unable to keep it contained for very long. "Listen here you little brat! What's the big idea dragging me all the way out here and then not even having the decency to meet up with me!" Each word rattled against the stone walls of the alleyway they were confined in together. The volume of his voice booming along with them to a point that it earned a few weird looks from the locals who were unlucky enough to be within earshot of the commotion.

Unable to control the urge as the arrogance plastered over the elvish-like man's face was enough to tip the scales over. The last bit of patience that was holding his civility in check being tossed aside as Goji put his hands on Altuo in an instant without so much as a second thought to stop him. Two aggressive grips locked down on either side of Altuo's shirt collar as the twink of a man was more than just lifted from their feet. Between the two of them Goji's physical strength was far superior by comparison so the odds of them escaping was slim to none. A certainty only further assured as he slammed the intoxicated troublemaker hard and fast into the closest wall within reach. Only holding back enough to avoid serious damage but still with enough force to get the point across.

Pinned in place with no where to go, Goji leaned in towards Altuo until they were almost able to touch the tips of each others noses. The usual half closed gaze that his darkened eyes were recognized for being replaced with a twitchy glare that could burn holes into a weaker man. "Then you let me wander around trying to find you for a damn century! And don't even get me started on the people around here! Asking for help is like talking to a wall!" Without fully realizing as much, the longer Goji popped off the more he imposed himself onto Altuo. Their bodies growing closer and closer together until all that was left between them was three hairs and some air. All it would take is one wrong step and the two would collide with no buffer. Quite a questionable scene for any onlooker curious enough to peek in. "Now here you are drunk off your ass after getting into who only knows what!"

[ WC - 967/2000 ] @Altuo Dorian

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