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Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira]

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Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:01 pm

With every other model they recruited being fired or having quit, Akira was the only one left. While at first Fernando was frustrated that he didn’t have as many models as he had hoped, as he continued working with the lunar mage, he seemed impressed with her and was gaining confidence by the minute.

A few hours passed and the designer was obsessed with getting everything right that he had forgotten about food. When one of the assistants reminded him of it and offered to get something to eat for him, he yelled the assistant and asked her to continue working on getting the dresses organized correctly. Hearing them talk of food made Haru realize how hungry he was and he figured Akira must be too. So, the healer excused himself quietly and decided to go buy some food for everyone in the set.

As he was standing in queue at a nearby takeaway place, one of the assistants of Fernando came running towards him. “Fernando needs you,” the assistant said, panting. “Why? What’s wrong?” Haru asked, confused. The assistant went onto explain the several accidents that occurred in the set in the few minutes that he had been gone and even the usually idealistic Haru found it very fishy. So, he immediately left the queue and headed to the boutique.


#2Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:02 pm

Akira Shimada
Fernando had several reasons to be fond of his show-stopper already. She'd stuck around without creating a fuss, she was down to earth and quick to learn. Additionally, she was built well enough to have the honour of being adorned by his clothes, heels easily made up for her slightly shorter stature. But Akira had just racked up some extra brownie points this morning...

She hadn't quite conceived how extensive her regime was going to be, under the pretence of her role as a model. It had actually succeeded in setting her sleep cycle right. She'd woken up earlier than Tsuru to present herself for more rehearsals, which had to be redone ever since he fired most of the other models who were in running for his show-stopper. Her partner had bagged the position of being in charge of security and keeping the zone drama free.

Someone had set up an elaborate sabotage plan, that wound up with Akira on top of Fernando and a chandelier crashing on the spot that the two had just vacated. Whoever this was, was someone very attentive, since they had waited for the healer, to take a break and fetch some snacks. Their only oversight was that Akira too was a trained Knight. A rather rattled Fernando, called for aid, while he thanked Akira, or rather Kiara, profusely.


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:02 pm

On their way back to the boutique, the assistant explained the two ‘accidents’ in detail. The first one—which everyone genuinely believed was an accident—was one of Fernando’s heavy cabinets almost falling on top of him. Apparently, an assistant pushed him out of the way just in time and no one got hurt, thankfully. The second riled up the healer even further, as the assistant said the chandelier on top of the stage fell down when both Akira and Fernando were standing under it. Immediately after hearing that, Haru’s pace quickened and he was almost jogging towards the boutique.

When he reached the boutique, he found Fernando sitting where the healer usually sat when he had nothing to do. “Oh! There you are,” he said, with a slight tinge of bitterness in his tone, as though he was betrayed by the short absence of the Knight. Seeing how both the accidents happened after he left the location, he could understand the designer’s choice to blame it passively on him. “Just went to get some food,” the healer attempted to defend himself, but realized there were more pressing issues to deal with. He turned towards Akira to ensure she was fine and then began inquiring. The designer dismissed his assistants and when only he and the two Knights were in the room, he spoke of Jaune Chameur, his rival.


#4Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:02 pm

Akira Shimada
She was glad for the respite from all those assistants fretting over her and standing in front of her with extravagant garb or the other. Akira had not heard of the incident regarding the cabinet, had she known, she'd have had her suspicions about foul play already. Fernando however, had already added two and two together and took yet another break.

Putting the safety of his collection first, as usual, he'd asked Akira to change out of the designer wear for the moment. She found herself innocuously eavesdropping on the muttering assistants who were needlessly waiting outside her changing room, while she slipped back into her own, simpler and comfortable attire.

Finally, it was decided that there would be no more rehearsals today. Which was in line with Akira's counselling after she confronted the designer about the cabinet. The show wasn't worth risking lives, it was imperative that they confirmed the origin of these dangerous incidents. It wasn't until Tsuru had joined the designer and the show-stopper that he finally shared his concerns about a potential rival playing a part in this.

Gathering from his tone, it was almost as though he expected this. Akira's tryst with modelling sure had been a violent one... And she found it rather amusing, in a morbid way. 'We're going to need more than a hunch, if we are to do something about it...' she said softly, somehow still holding onto the trill of Kiara's voice.  


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:03 pm

After the designer explained the long rivalry between him and his competitor, Jaune, Haru didn’t need him to spell it out to know the rest. From his voice, it was apparent that Fernando didn’t expect the man to go to such lengths to get back at him, but he had no other enemy in town who hated him as much as Jaune did. “I’ll go knock some sense into the guy,” Haru offered. Fernando immediately shut down the idea and agreed with Akira’s advice. “He is a wealthy man and is very influential. If you touch him without evidence, he will make your lives hell,” he said, shaking his head. “Well, we can’t do nothing,” the healer retorted, annoyed.

“Follow him and find out what he is up to. If you find anything that proves he has been lurking around my boutique, we can file for a restraining order,” the designer suggested. The old Haru would have agreed that this was the best way to go about this issue. But somehow, his urge to find the man and beat the truth out of him was greater. With a soft sigh, he simply nodded and agreed to investigate. “I’ll go alone. He is after you guys. Stay in and stay safe,” he said. Even though he knew a trashy designer couldn’t hope to defeat his partner, his protective instincts told him not to let her show herself when she was the target. If the filthy man got creative and hired some thugs, things could get nasty. And the last thing Fernando wanted was bloodstains on his precious model.


#6Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:03 pm

Akira Shimada
She smirked ever so tauntingly at Tsuru when he suggested that he'd want to take matter into his own hands. Of course, the designer agreed, not wanting to risk his precious show stopper. But Akira was having none of it. The only issue was, how was she to raise concerns about this, without breaking character. She had a plan brewing in her mind that was the precise opposite of what Tsuru wanted for her.

It was apparent that she was one of the targets in this little game of between the designers, nothing was going to change that. The only thing the mage could do, was use that to their advantage. She sashayed to Tsuru and tenderly placed a hand on his shoulder, she angled herself so she was addressing both the men in the room. 'He clearly is a smart man...' she started. Following which, she explained that the rivalry between them was practically public knowledge, which would mean that he knew he'd be a prime suspect, especially since Fernando managed to escape unscathed.

She attempted to cast doubts in their minds, reminding them that having Tsuru follow Jaune alone, would leave both her and Fernando open as targets. She reminded them that they had an ace up their sleeves, the fact that she was trained and had the potential to hold her own should things go south. A fleeting glare towards Tsuru, away from Fernando, dared him to contradict her.


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:03 pm

The swordsman wasn’t going to argue after the glare he got. While he had to agree using her as bait was genius, it was not necessarily something he was comfortable with. Nevertheless, with Akira keeping up her sweet personality, he didn’t want to push it and force her to break character. If Fernando realized she was the girl he first criticized, Haru wouldn’t be surprised if the designer fainted. There was the problem that with both the Knights gone, the designer himself would remain unprotected. But, it would seem Fernando had a bunker that he had built in case of natural disasters and he promised them that he would stay there until they returned.

Satisfied, Haru left with his partner by his side, ready to nail the culprit. Usually, the healer would have requested Akira to try and not harm Jaune. But, he didn’t feel any sympathy towards the man to ask her of that. In fact, it would be a miracle if he managed to see the sleazebag and not chop off at least one of his digits. Maybe the thumb so that he could never design again… And there it was again. Before the thoughts made him even angrier, he tried to distract himself.

“So… Found any favourite dresses among the hundreds you are forced to change into?” he asked, trying desperately to change the subject and forget about Jaune. It was rather hard when their entire excursion was because of that filthy designer. They had chosen to walk among the moderately crowded streets; ones that wasn’t so full that they would be lost, but populated enough for them to be spotted.


#8Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:03 pm

Akira Shimada
When they'd finally earned some privacy from the designer, Aki decided to not keep her partner in the dark and shared the details of her plan with him. She was glad to notice just a glimmer of admiration for her plan, it mingled with a fair share of hesitance though and it made her feel special and honoured. It was nice to have just that one other person in the world who actually cared for her safety. She reassured him when she got the chance.

The Shimada wasn't as surprised that she didn't receive his usual sermon regarding taking it easy on their newest target. Given the display of his temper and just the slightest bit of latent cruelty when healing the man she'd shot in Oak, she was watching him turn over a new... scary leaf. Perhaps it was smarter for her to sort of take the lead on this. She hoped for Jaune's sake that he refrained from trying anything awful.

She too was grateful for the change in subject. Although the topic Tsuru picked was perhaps not the best alternative. She smiled and caught his eye as she tucked a strand of wayward hair behind her ear. Still practicing staying in character, she wondered how far her charm could extend. 'Somehow, I didn't truly notice myself in any of the dresses, I was parading around in them for the most part...' she said softly and then locked eyes with him and pointedly asked. 'Any that you liked... on me?'


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:03 pm

The lunar mage was so good at her pretence that even though he knew she wasn’t being her original self, he still fell for it. In fact, it made him wonder if it was a pretence at all. He started to think this could be one of her sides that was suppressed because of the darkness within her, and was now slowly surfacing thanks to the light.

Haru went a little red when she asked him which dress he liked the most among those that he saw her wear. “All of them look great on you. Fernando did a favour to the other four by firing them. You would have outshone them so bad at the event that they could never hope to be a model again,” he complimented her. The healer did have a favourite among the ones he saw but wasn’t willing to share that information with her yet. He really liked a particular dress and was considering buying it for Akira if Fernando was willing to part with it.

The duo had walked down the lane and had reached Jaune’s boutique. They couldn’t see much of the store’s inside from the street. However, Haru noticed that the upper floors of the boutique had large glass windows that they could see through if they found high ground. Right opposite to the boutique was a café with fancy balcony seats on the first floor. The healer simply nodded his head towards the balcony, sure that his partner would understand his plan.


#10Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:03 pm

Akira Shimada
She wasn't prepared for such a flattering response and blushed a little herself. She was also puzzled, because she truly had noticed his eyes just a tad longer on a certain dress, she recalled so, because she'd found herself strutting and peacocking about more in that one. Perhaps she was mistaken and it was merely a coincidence. She didn't press the matter any further considering that it was backfiring, it left her feeling shy and embarrassed. Perhaps she didn't have as much mastery over her skill to pretend after all or her emotions. Yet, she was tempted to keep trying her luck, in an attempt to elicit certain reactions from her partner.

When he jerked chin towards the fancy balconies in the cafe, she smirked and extended her hand slowly to hold onto his wrist. 'That is no way to ask a lovely model like myself to a date...' she teased and winked. Before giggling, letting go and making her way towards the cafe. Despite all the frivolous banter and her playful demeanour, she was very much alert. His boutique boasted a large image of a man amidst many models, it was relatively safe to assume whose it was. So, her eyes scanned the crowd, and she looked for the face of the designer, Jaune.


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:04 pm

The gentle touch and the implication that they were on a date made the healer’s eyes go wide and he just stood there dumbstruck as Akira walked into the café. Watching her glide like how Fernando had taught her, Haru noticed and appreciated her feminine features for the first time. Realizing he had been standing there for several seconds, just watching her walk, the healer smiled and shook his head before following her in. There was no denying that he was slowly falling for his partner and he had started to recognize the signs.

Once the two were up in the balcony and had ordered their coffee, it was time to get to the main reason why they chose to be there. Haru turned towards the boutique and noticed the large poster that showed one man and several half-naked girls swarming around him. Through one of the large glass windows, Haru could see a man sitting in a large luxurious chair, who looked extremely similar to the one on the poster. It was immediately obvious that this was Jaune. The rival designer seemed to be in a meeting with a rather shady looking hooded figure. “I’m sure that’s not the latest fashion trend,” he said, squinting to get a better look at the man in the black attire. Unfortunately, the hood did its job and he couldn’t see the man’s face. However, it was clear that Jaune was dealing with some mercenary.

In a few minutes, both Jaune and the mercenary left the room, but only Jaune left the building. Gulping down the rest of the coffee and leaving enough Jewels for it on the table, the healer got ready to tail the sleazebag to see what he was up to.


#12Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:04 pm

Akira Shimada
She had a few eyeballs on her as they made their way up to the balconies, Tsuru's included. It was definitely an odd feeling, considering she'd spent the latter half of her life avoiding being under any kind of scrutiny or attention. It was interesting to discover this aspect of herself and unlike what one might assume, Akira definitely wasn't a shy one.

She walked slower, allowing her partner time to catch up as they made their way to the balcony and witnessed the interaction with what seemed like a cloaked mercenary. However, the mercenary pretty much vanished. In all likelihood, he probably took another exit. When she saw Tsuru get up, his intents were fairly easy to recognise. 'No, wait. I have a better plan, this way, he'll come to us...' she explained. She simply got up and strutted to the very end of the balcony, casually she scanned the cityscape, as though merely standing there to admire it.

Her intent was deliberate, she wanted Jaune to spot her. She asked Tsuru to keep sitting, she was sure Jaune wanted to tail her as much as they wanted to tail him and he was going to make a beeline for the duo. All she needed to do now was set a trap. The moment she noticed him entering the cafe, she started a fake and loud conversation about how annoying it was to work for Fernando and how she planned on quitting.


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:04 pm

When Akira told him she had a better plan and asked him to stop, the healer understood that she really was going through with being the bait. And just as they expected, Jaune did notice the model not too long after exiting his boutique. With her standing at the edge of the balcony like a princess addressing the crowd, he doubted anyone would miss her. Immediately after seeing her, Haru could see Jaune’s eyes widen and he changed direction, walking straight into the café. Thankfully, the healer was behind a pillar, and while he could see Jaune, the rival designer had not spotted him yet.

Her fake conversation about quitting her work with Fernando only piqued Jaune’s interest more and Haru could see the man pick up his pace. “He’s coming up. Be careful. I’ll hide somewhere close,” he said to Akira, before pulling the waiter next to him and demanding him to keep talking to the lunar mage. The waiter was dumbfounded, but didn’t ask any questions when the healer flashed his badge. The same trick worked on the kitchen staff when Haru went into the kitchen to hide there and spy on the conversation through the service window. He was hidden enough for Jaune to not see him, but close enough to jump in, in case he tried to do something to Akira.

Not less than a minute later, Jaune was up in the balcony. He quickly dismissed the waiter, who stumbled his way back into the kitchen and began to talk to Akira in his smooth and snake-y voice.


#14Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:04 pm

Akira Shimada
She expected more resistance from her partner, but Jaune didn't really give them time for it. Now that the plan was already set in motion, Tsuru's speed with the following it through was impressive. He quickly replaced himself with a very confused waiter. Akira didn't break a sweat she just continued rambling about the long hours and the strict schedules. From the corner of her eye she noticed Tsuru ducking into the kitchens and Jaune approaching her from the side. 'My dear! I couldn't help but overhear...' he began, dismissing the waiter.

Akira turned towards him and for a brief second pondered on how to respond. Should she flatter him and act like this was an honour or pretend like she didn't recognize him at all? The latter would be implausible considering his boutique across the road. So the former it was. Jaune rambled on about how he had so much sympathy for her and how it was so brutally unfair for Fernando to not treat her better. Akira felt just a stab of guilt, while a lot of what she'd said was true, Fernando would usually go out of his way to ensure she was comfortable. Whether that was out of desperation or fear, Aki couldn't tell. It didn't take Jaune long to invite her to sit with him and within moments offer her a job.


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:05 pm

The whole kitchen crew was at a standstill, looking curiously at Haru as though he was about to show them a magic trick. The healer turned towards them, blinked twice and shook his head. “Don’t you guys have mouths to feed?” he asked, before turning back to look at what Akira and Jaune are doing. The cooks immediately got back to their business, but not without looking at him from the corner of their eyes as often as possible.

Haru couldn’t hear the conversation clearly from where he stood, but it sure looked like his partner was cosying up to the man to gain his trust. After that, it was just a matter of time before he admitted to sabotaging Fernando’s preparations. In fact, the healer wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to use Akira to hurt Fernando.

The two of them sat and spoke for a bit, after which Jaune stood, getting ready to leave. It would seem they decided to continue the conversation while they walked to wherever Jaune decided to take her. Haru waited until Jaune disappeared into the downward staircase before exiting the kitchen and following the two from a safe distance. With that obvious birthmark on his face, he wasn’t the best at stalking without being spotted. But to cover for that, the healer picked up a newspaper from the café, so that he could hold that in front to hide his identity.


#16Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:05 pm

Akira Shimada
She smiled at him with all the grace she could muster while she was quite disgusted inside. It was strange how she couldn't fathom this much hostility in the business of art and luxury. It was bad enough that they had to deal with crimes regarding all sorts of violence in power struggles she truly had hoped at least some sector would be devoid of this drama. She folded her napkin and finished the exotic tea Jaune had taken the liberty of ordering. Before asking him more about how his job description would differ from that of Fernando.

His offers and demands started off pretty innocuous, higher pay, shorter hours... things like that. Akira listened with intent as the greed in his voice got darker, as did the trill of victory, it was apparent that the success of possibly stealing Fernando's prized show stopper was getting to his head. When Akira mentioned that she'd be happy to switch sides and will go speak to Fernando and hand in her resignation, he stopped her. Malice glinted in his eyes as he suggested that it would be too easy.

Akira stifled the urge to stab his hand with her pastry fork as it extended on the table and he leaned closer. 'We can make it so much worse for the guy!' he exclaimed, assuming that their interests were aligned. She merely asked him to tell her more and he simply said that the walls have ears and that they must talk privately. Inconspicuously, her eyes darted towards the kitchen as they moved and she was content that Tsuru was following along.


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:05 pm

When their eyes met, Haru simply gave a reassuring nod. No way in hell was he going to leave his partner alone with that snake. For someone who claims to be running a legitimate business, Jaune was extremely cautious of his surroundings. Maybe he was extra paranoid this time around because he was under the impression that he was going to steal Fernando’s top model and humiliate him at the show. The blonde man looked at everyone suspiciously. Cliché as it might be, Haru’s idea of hiding behind the newspaper worked brilliantly. Jaune did not suspect anything so far.

Haru thought Jaune would take Akira inside his boutique to continue the conversation. However, the man took a narrow alley next to his boutique. A shadowy place like that was no place to take the lady you want to impress to. Peeping around the newspaper he held in front of him, he noticed that Jaune was having an ecstatic moment, planning every single detail of Fernando’s demise and conveying it to Akira, believing that she hated him as much as he did.

When they turned the corner into the alley, things got tricky for Haru. It was just the two of them in the small street and he would definitely be spotted if he followed them in there. So, he had to distance himself even further before he could enter the alley. However, he ensured the two of them were never out of his vicinity.


#18Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:05 pm

Akira Shimada
She followed him feeling a chill run down her spine as he avoided his own boutique and chose the alleyway instead. All this while his imagination ran wilder. He spoke of all the devious crimes he was willing to commit and the misfortunes he hope befell Fernando in their wake. Akira's demeanour slowly began to fade, not into her usual self though. Still hoping to maintain some sort of an act, instead of retaliating, she acted as though his true intents scared her too. Her walk became just a little slower, hoping to aid Tsuru as he tailed them.

Things got darker when he expected her to play crucial parts in the demise of Fernando. While he didn't quite explain whether he meant taking a life, or just the death of the competing designer's acclaim, it was still jarring enough. He wanted Akira to hang onto the role as his show-stopper till the very last minute and then for her to switch sides to his show, along with Fernando's prized dress.

The Shimada realised that she'd been backed into an alley and they were alone, save for Tsuru who tried to remain unnoticed, but it wouldn't last much longer. After all, how many times can the same guy cross the entry of the same alley? Finally, after he'd laid out his grand plan, he turned to Akira, offering a sinister toothy grin. 'So! Are we going to do this?' he asked. She chortled nervously and attempted bargaining her part, just to dissuade him.


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:05 pm

It would seem the alley was a dead-end, as the two of them reached the end of it and came to a halt. Haru stood near the entrance of the alley and hid behind the corner wall, peeking slightly to see what was happening. Every time Jaune looked towards the entrance of the alley to see if there were going to be any witnesses, the healer quickly retreated his head back behind the wall. This became particularly difficult when he had to make sure the other pedestrians didn’t find him suspicious and create a scene. Thankfully, it wasn’t a crowded street.

Jaune and Akira were at least a good fifty meters into the alley and if the man decided to do anything to her, Haru knew he wouldn’t be able to close the distance quickly enough. However, he couldn’t simply walk into the alley either, as that would make Jaune spot him almost immediately. So, the healer decided to find a way to get closer by moving along the balconies of the building. Casting his Feather-Light spell, he managed to jump high enough to reach the first floor balcony of the corner building. From there, he had to sustain the spell to move from one balcony to another slowly so that the designer didn’t see him approach. Soon, Haru was right on top of them, now capable of hearing what the two were saying. The first thing he heard the moment he got within the audial range was Jaune asking if they were going to do something. He figured Akira must have tricked the man into believing she would conspire against Fernando with him so that he admits to some crime that he did in the past. Ready to pounce and arrest the guy, Haru waited patiently for his partner’s cue.


#20Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:05 pm

Akira Shimada
She wasn't sure where Tsuru went, but he had vanished from the alleyway. She narrowed her eyes and wanted to scan her surroundings, but couldn't do so without arousing suspicion. The man had his little monologue and was rather bereft when he noticed Akira trying to bargain with him. He asked her if she wanted Fernando to suffer as much as he did, to which her hesitance really wasn't appreciated. She could see that he was slowly losing his temper.

Clearly, this designer was not accustomed to the idea of people refusing to do his bidding. As she attempted calibrating this situation again, he began dangerously closing the distance between them. She shuffled so that her back was facing the open end of the alley as he continued to walk towards her, she merely kept stepping backwards. Finally, he put his foot down and asked her point blank if she was going to help him or was she just wasting his time. There was no playing around anymore, so Akira dropped the act, finally.

She responded with a firm resounding no and didn't mince her words when it came to laying it on him for being such a despicable man. For a moment it seemed like he was going to pounce on her, but he simply asked her to go away. She should have learned that this was a life and death matter by now. The moment she turned, the next thing felt was a dagger against her throat and his hot breath against her ear. As her face was angled upwards, she noticed Tsuru sitting above them. 'The difference between us, is that he offers you a choice, I don't missy.' he resorted to threatening her. 'There is no way this ends well for you.' she retorted coldly.


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:06 pm

When things got heated, the healer was about to jump down and intervene. But when Jaune simply asked Akira to go, the naïve swordsman believed his words and thought he wasn’t that bad after all. However, the moment she turned to walk away, he saw him pull a dagger and hold it against her throat. Enraged, Haru jumped down from the balcony, and his hands automatically reached for the lightsabre and activated it. It was probably the buzzing sound that his weapon made that alerted the criminal designer, because he immediately looked up was shocked to see a man about to land on him with a mana blade pointed at his head.

The coward leapt back and away from Akira to save himself. Before Haru could dash and attempt to strike him again, the crafty bastard pulled out a scroll and escaped through a portal. The swordsman slashed at the wall nearby in anger. Before his rage consumed him, concern took over and he quickly turned to see if Akira was doing okay. He held her head and lifted it up gently to get a better look at her neck. “Did he cut you?” he asked, as he examined her. If there was any injury, the healer would immediately get to healing his partner. Irrespective, it was then time to go tell Fernando that his suspicions were right and then find Jaune. There was no way Haru was going to let that rat sneak away after holding a blade at Akira’s throat.


#22Akira Shimada 

Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Empty Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:06 pm

Akira Shimada
She held her hand to her throat at the sharp sting. While she was mildly annoyed that catching that man took priority over healing her, she was glad that Tsuru went after him. 'Did you ge-' noticing the slash in the wall and his demeanour, she figured that he some how managed to get away. She didn't think it was too deep a cut, but talking did make it feel worse. So perhaps the interruption was for the best. However, she had to do something to dissipate the growing tension. If the healer wasn't around the undo the damage, it would probably scar.

She let the healer know as much bitterly, upon noticing the heat of his temper emanating from every pore. Dry humour was all she had. The guilt of letting him get away clawed at her too, but she couldn't make matters worse for her partner. 'Imagine Fernando's horror... Perhaps that is what Jaune was going for, a parting gift.' she added, scoffing. Wincing just a little as he manipulated her head to access the injury. When she took her hand off the cut, there was a fair bit of blood... Maybe she'd underestimated the extent of the injury.

Once she was all healed up, they returned to Fernando, who was rather shocked by the crimson shade of Akira's clothes. It certainly didn't suit a lady... Yet there was a glint in his eye, like a hope that they'd perhaps dealt with his problem for good. Akira shook her head and merely said that they had proof and if he fudged anything else up, he'd be dealt with. Fernando kept to  himself and simply rewarded the duo for their work, asking them timidly if they were still willing to work and to reconvene the next morning.


Deadliest Designer [Quest | Akira] Signature6

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