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Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS]

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Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Empty Mon Dec 31, 2018 12:49 am


Magic Name: Demon Soul Magic: Asmodeus

Magic Element: Nature

Magic Description: Demon Soul Magic is an incredibly powerful magic which allows its users to utilize the powers of a demon. When using their Take Over, their appearance changes partly into that of the demon. The user is able to make spells that reflect the abilities of the demon using their spell slots. They can use these spells while they are transformed. The user activates their Demon Soul Magic by saying the word Luxuria which translates into Lust.

Lore: Long ago, Asmodeus belonged to an era called the Seven Princes of the Abyss along with Lucifer, Mammon, Baal, Beelzebub, Leviathan and Belphegor. The suffering they caused in the Land of the Living resulted into the Church giving them all nicknames referring to the deadly sins.

Lust is often regarded as intense longing, but is often times more associated with intense sexual desires. Its pull and allure within the hearts of mortals is so great that the sin is often attributed to and blamed for acts like that of not only immoral sexual acts, but also acts committed out of intense desire for power, wealth, or for affection. Whoever bonds with Asmodeus will find themselves constantly desiring others or things, whether it is for sexual gratification, power, or fame. They will go out of their way, even willing to put others in the path of danger to indulge their own pleasures, for whomever or whatever it may be. Their sexuality is greatly heightened causing them to get quickly attracted to anything they find interesting and easily turned on. The user can't act against these intense feelings of longing that consume them, otherwise they will suffer permanent injuries.


The user can choose one physical Attribute which will receive a Self-Buff equal to their rank, when transformed.
The user receives Minor Resistance to Nature when transformed.
The user receives 1 post cooldown reduction at B-Rank, and 2 post cooldown reduction at S-Rank.

Activation: The user activates their Demon Soul Magic by saying the word Luxuria which translates into Lust.


  • The user must have a Nature-type Magic to purchase this magic.

Name: Asmodeus
True Name: Lilith
Elemental Affinity: Nature
A clever and manipulative temptress, Lilith is infamous for letting her actions be guided by her search for excitement and her intense longing for the things she desires.

Just interacting with her easily confirms why she is often considered the embodiment of lust and the consequences caused by it, for Lilith might show a pleasantly chipper and somewhat playful demeanor, she is constantly influenced by her own obsessions, often going out of her way to try to tempt those she desires.

Some might say she is one of the more dangerous Princes of Hell, but that is simply because of her deceptive nature and the way lust often is known to turn even the closest of friends against one another.

Despite having suffered captivity at the hands of the Church of Illumin and the Eisenberg who served as her jailer, Lilith is known to hold an unusual amount of fondness for her host, partly due to the high compatibility with the girl, but also because of some more... mysterious reasons.

Self-Buff Type: Constitution

https://www.fairytailrp.com/t46120-esperia-s-sheet#388851 as show here Esperia has 3 D 3 C and 1 B technique learned so far~

-Noting this down for paper trailing-


Name: Charm
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic: Asmodeus
Type: Supplementary
Element: Nature
Range: 25 Meters
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user sends a flying kiss towards a target and charms them immediately. The victim is bombarded with the demon's lustful suggestions, which are indistinguishable from their own thoughts and urge them to strike their allies. While the spell is being sustained, the target will see their allies as their enemies. The target may not fool around during these posts to null the effects of the spell, but must in fact precisely try to attack one of their allies with their best possible spell or attack. When a target does not abide to the spell, they will go mad and suffer 1x S-Rank damage each turn the spell is sustained. This spell can be cast normally and does not suffer from class restrictions. However, this spell's cooldown cannot be reduced by any means.

-grabbing 2 of the 3 D-rank spells Esperia had trained so far-

Name: Petal Storm
Rank: D-rank
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Demon Soul Take-Over: Asmodeus
Type: Defensive
Element: Nature
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
A more mobile defensive technique at Lilith's disposal, first initiated with a subtle lifting of her finger and the manifestation of a green 0.25 meters wide magical circle in front of the outstretched limb. Lilith becomes able to conjure up to 1m in diameter barrier of hardened flower petals that can intercept up to C-rank damage before breaking.

Due to her ability to move and manipulate the barrier's position through gestures with her hand, but it has to be moved as if she was wielding it herself, requiring more complex hand motions. the barrier can't move outside arm reach since it's similar to using a shield.

Only one shield can be manipulated at a time.

Name: Lilith's Embrace
Rank: D-rank
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Demon Soul Take-Over: Asmodeus
Type: Defensive
Element: Nature
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
A spell that is triggered with a light tap of her foot onto the ground which causes a 0.25 meters wide magical circle to appear underneath her, upon her foot making contact and the manifestation of a green magical circle she manipulates her energy to form two large flower petals around her of up to 0.5m in diameter each, useful for intercepting hostile attacks, blocks up two individual D-tier damages from different directions.

Last edited by Esperia on Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

#2Akira Shimada 

Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Empty Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:44 am

Akira Shimada

  • Charm: Approved.

  • Petal Storm: Currently, it reads as though you are capable of moving the shield anywhere within the 5 meter radius around you. That is not allowed. The 1 meter shield can move with you, as you wield it using one of your hands like an actual shield.

  • Lilith's Embrace: Approved.

Bump when edited.

Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Signature6

Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Empty Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:27 am


Due to her ability to move and manipulate the barrier's position through gestures with her hand, but it has to be moved as if she was wielding it herself, requiring more complex hand motions.

but I added a bit extra text to say it can't be moved outside of arm's reach and is used more like a shield~

#4Akira Shimada 

Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Empty Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:31 pm

Akira Shimada

  • Charm: Approved.

  • Petal Storm: Almost there, would just like a small added clarification. Since you'd like to manipulate the shield with hand motions while it is within your reach, I'd like you mention you may only manipulate one shield at a time using one hand's motion.

  • Lilith's Embrace: Approved.

Bump when edited.

Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Signature6
#5Akira Shimada 

Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Empty Tue Jan 01, 2019 5:13 pm

Akira Shimada
The two D-Rank spells have been approved for use, the S-Rank spell has been approved for training.

Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Signature6

Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Empty Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:29 pm



Lust and perverts and all things nice~ [TAKE-OVER MAGIC SPELLS] Empty Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:02 am


These spells have been approved for use.

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