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Seven Lights of Hope starters

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#1Theo Kaguya 

Seven Lights of Hope starters Empty Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:44 am

Theo Kaguya
Name: Light Ray
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Seven Lights Of Hope
Type: Debuff
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: He make a triangle with both his hands making sure that the opponent is in the middle shooting them with a 3-foot ray of Blue light that's 0.25 meters and lowering their speed. The opponent must be within five meters of the user in order for it to work making it a D-rank speed Debuff. The magic seal appears in front of the triangle he makes.

Name: Light Blade
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Seven Lights Of Hope
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: Melee
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: He straightens either hand creating a 1 meter long blade made of pure light around his hand that deals that can cut through D rank spells. The seal appears on his wrist as the blade is being made.

Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Seven Lights Of Hope
Type: Debuff
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: By pointing his arms forward the sending a dazzling blue sphere of light at the target is and if enveloped in it, it lowers their Constitution. The magic seal appears in front of him and under the targets when the spell is cast and the sphere is 0.25 meters.

Name: Seven Light Ring
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Seven Lights Of Hope
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: By extending his arms to the outward creating a 30 centimeters rings made pure light appear, he can either throw the rings or use them like chakrams and slice at the target. The seals appear in front of both hands while being cast.

Last edited by T.K on Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:09 pm; edited 6 times in total


Seven Lights of Hope starters Empty Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:22 am


  • Light Ray: Some kind of projectile, either from the magic circle in front of you, or at the magic circle next to the target, must hit the target for the debuff to take effect. Buff, Debuff, and Healing are no longer auto-hits.

  • Seven Light Blade: Approved.

  • Arc: Same as Light Ray. Can't be auto-hit.

  • Seven Light Ring: I hope you meant 30 centimeters here, haha! Also, D-rank spells can't be split into multiple projectiles. So, you can only have one ring.

Bump when edited.

#3Theo Kaguya 

Seven Lights of Hope starters Empty Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:04 am

Theo Kaguya
This is a BUMP


Seven Lights of Hope starters Empty Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:14 pm


  • Light Ray: Mention the diameter of the ray. Max 0.25 meters.

  • Seven Light Blade: Approved.

  • Arc: Mention the diameter of the sphere. Max 0.25 meters.

  • Seven Light Ring: Approved.

Bump when edited.

#5Theo Kaguya 

Seven Lights of Hope starters Empty Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:08 pm

Theo Kaguya
This is a test of the BUMP system.


Seven Lights of Hope starters Empty Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:45 pm

These spells have been approved for use.

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