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V. Groundbreaker

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V. Groundbreaker Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:45 pm



Name: Groundbreaker

Slot: Weapon

Type: Sword

Handling: Two-Handed

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Earth & Nature

Damage: +200 Strength

Durability: 4x S-Rank


Description: Emarim, a humble architect who was beginning to settle down and start a family, created the Groundbreaker hoping to use it as an instrument to settle the constant Earthquakes that would disrupt his way of living. He was successful in its creation being lauded amongst his peers save for a rival architect who was once his master, Odralore. This rivalry led to the theft of the Groundbreaker and the destruction of their town when wielded without proper foresight. Buildings that had remained stable for centuries crumbled into dust as Odralore swung the Groundbreaker through the province. It was only after Emarim sacrificed himself that the disaster was brought to an end.

Measurements: The Groundbreaker is a slab of Earth that has been placed upon a handle that has been enhanced with properties to redefine the properties of matter itself, corrupted by Odralore when he stole the weapon, it can only be used as a weapon of war now as it slows down the wielder.


  • None

  • Whilst wielded the users speed will be reduced by one tier, while their acceleration time will be increased by 1 second.


  • Shockwave: The user may launch waves out from the Groundbreaker through striking towards their target, these waves are 16 meters long, 3 wide and travel up to 25 meters away from the user, these waves may be done up to two times per post and deal two ranks lower than the user's total physical damage up to 2x S-Rank.
  • Blowback: Targets struck by the Groundbreaker or its shockwave will be knocked back to the relative distance equivalent to the rank of the damage dealt through the weapon or said wave up to 32 meters.


  • Name: Earthquake
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of the users total mana pool
    Requirements: Groundbreaker
    Type: Debuff
    Element: Earth & Nature
    Range: Topic Wide
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user may active the powers of the Groundbreaker causing the earth around them to ripple and warp resembling the properties of an earthquake and causing everyone excluding the user to be impacted by its effects being felt as a speed debuff equivalent to 2x S-Rank or one tier down whichever is greater, while this effect is occurring, those impacted will also have any speed debuff immunity reduced to be a minor resistance while any speed debuff resistance is negated whilst on the ground.


V. Groundbreaker Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:04 am


I would like to buy this for one of my extra slots from weapon mastery. this is 20% off as my race gives me a discount of 20% so this will only cost me 4,000,000 jewels.


V. Groundbreaker Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:35 am


@Kaito has purchased Groundbreaker for 4,000,000 jewels using their Spellsword and Mastery perks!

V. Groundbreaker GPIjkMz

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