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Ila Fantoma! [training/solo]

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Ila Fantoma! [training/solo] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:39 am



“Gotcha!” Unsure of what exactly seemed to guide her to success but seeming to find some all the same, as the area around Miss Marcello seemed to light up with lights that moved like fires, she instinctively flung a fist straight at the only one nearby that seemed to be moving, and not a moment too soon really. Somehow sensing warmth closing in on her back once again and wheeling a wild arm around her to intercept it, though the image only lasted a moment or two it was enough for her to see it and launch her counterstrike as well.

“Nice to finally meet you, fucker!” Definitely assured of her success when her wild and wheeling mitt met with something in mid-air, for a moment it seemed as if some chunk of solid air had deflected the blow of the black beauty, but after a moment the truth was revealed. Dazing her enemy with her attack enough that whatever magic he was using to hide himself seemed to be interrupted, after a second or two a blur in the room suddenly became clearer and clearer, and Nikki was all too happy to aim a nice hard kick right at it.

“I’ve been looking forward to this for so goddamn long!” A wicked smile spreading across her face as she did so as well, as the heel of our heroine lifted up and then slammed hard into the gut of her enemy as if she was launching a battering ram straight into him, Miss Marcello couldn’t help but drink in the sweet sense of satisfaction that flowed into her as her foe went spilling across the room and crashed into a wall. It really the most delicious moment given what she had been through, after letting this fool have his ‘way’ with her up to this point, it was only right the favour be returned to her now, wasn’t it?

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


Ila Fantoma! [training/solo] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:57 am



“Oh, no you don’t…” Savouring the moment perhaps a little bit too much as she watched the suddenly very visible man spilling over the floor, after taking a breath, the black beauty saw him doing something that she really couldn’t agree with. Watching as he grasped some kind of relic that hung around his neck, Miss Marcello did not know whether this was the item responsible for that powerful spell of stealth he had been using or something else, but was about to take no chances on either.

“Hot Shot!” Summoning some of the abundant reserves of Mana that she possessed and forming it into a fireball with one hand as the fool began to chant, with a snap of her arm that admittedly made the injuries she had suffered throb to no small degree the fiery fairy let loose a blast of blazing intensity that would at least make him rather hot under the collar even if it didn’t wreck the item he was using.

Can’t hide now you’re lit up like a Christmas tree, huh? The element that came so naturally to her quite a boon in this situation really, even if he managed to hide himself with whatever spell he was performing, Nikki reckoned he would have a much harder time concealing the way in which her attack was making a burning mess of the robes he wore and that would be all she would need.

Now, time for me to give you back a few of them lumps~ Cracking her knuckles as she watched her target suddenly sprouting with flames from left and right and yet still not satisfied with the level of retribution that she had taken on him, the fiery femme gave an excited hum that some might have mistaken for a chirp as she dropped the heavy hammer she had been supporting, before striding forward as she readied herself to even the score once and for all…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


Ila Fantoma! [training/solo] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 30, 2019 11:18 am



He’s… Probably not dead? A body that was burned black and beaten blue like a mess in front of the blazing beauty once she was done with her ‘punishment’, if she was totally honest with herself Miss Marcello was honestly not sure if she had maybe gone a little bit too far in dispensing a little petty vengeance. Everything a bit of a blur really that involved a heavy flurry of punches, kicks and just about anything else that she could muster with her tired and rather agonized body, though it had probably done none of her injuries very good to dish out this epic beating she certainly felt a whole lot better for doing so, and also wasn’t all that worried for much even if she had killed the guy, beyond the hit her pay check would take for it of course.

Ah, yeah, there we go. Only a mild sense of relief setting in then when the fool at her feet finally gave a groaning splutter to tell her that he was still just about managing to stay within the land of the living, after nodding it out in recognition of the idiots continuing mortal life Nikki spied something around her neck that she was actually rather curious about really.

What about this thing? That odd relic he had been wearing seeming to have survived both the fireball and frenzied assault that the fiery femme had imparted, after letting her ruby red gaze linger upon it for a couple of seconds, the brawling brunette leaned forwards to tug the item off her enemy for no other reason than to inspect it. Certainly assured that he wouldn’t have the chance to use it again given the pounding he had just taken, given how she suspected that it was responsible for the little trick that the idiot had pulled, Miss Marcello couldn’t help but feel just a hint of curiosity toward the item…

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.


Ila Fantoma! [training/solo] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:58 am



Weird lil thing… Puffing out her pout a little bit as she looked at the weird little trinket that looked a bit like a cross or something, though she could see tiny little words engraved upon the relic in a manner that made her assume that they were whatever the guy needed to chant in order to use the item, Nikki had little desire to recite them.
A creepy coward’s weapon… I ain’t got no need for it! Not versed enough the whatever chicken scratch writing that was scrawled across the item to know what they meant anyway, the flaming fox knew that she didn’t need to rely on such tricks anyway. She didn’t need to hide under the skirts of invisibility to beat her enemies, she could do it just fine with what she had been given by ‘god’ just fine.

And if I handed it in, it’d probably just end up in the hands of some creepy bath house pervert or something? Humming to herself as she swirled the item around by the now broken cord that had held it onto her enemy as she wondered what to do with her ‘prize’ given the fact that she had no interest in keeping it, while protocol or properness or whatever guided the knights of the land might have dictated that she hand it in with the crook that she had beaten, the black beauty didn’t fancy the idea of that too much. The item likely being passed up and across the food chain once she did and the ‘talents’ that this tool had seeming like something that would only interest ninja or lewdsters, with the lack of the former in Fiore it seemed to be destined for only one approach by that method.

That takes care of that, then~ Instead deciding that as potent as it was this little piece was something that was better off broken than being passed around by men with the minds of teenage boys, after a second or two of consideration Miss Marcello realized what she needed to with the item and gripped it in both hands before grunting. Tougher than it looked but not enough to stand up to the mighty strength of the minx, while it took a bit of effort the black beauty broke the wicked instrument in half and then hurled its pieces in opposite directions, before deciding she was in serious need of a good drink and probably a nurse as well. Hopefully one that offered a happy ending at that…

Training Complete.
WC Total 8553

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.

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