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Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event)

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Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:28 am



”Don’t worry, baby, I’ll take care of these guys…”

That lingering gaze that the stranger gave to her only quickening the pulse of our would-be pugilist, and the fact that he could lift that mighty blade with one hand not helping either, as cool words were cast her way Miss Cavallero could only feel her cheeks burn and even forgot some of the throbbing in her skull as well as she looked into those brilliant blue eyes. Almost embarrassed to be struggling so much in the face of such a fine looking figure of a fellow, though her legs still felt weak the dark haired damsel tried to straighten herself up as best as she could and put on a stronger image than she had, feeling as if she was letting herself down or something in the face of this handsome man as she wobbled in a woozy fashion.

Baby? A little bit puzzled by his choice of wording though this down to the station in which she came from, while Ellie was not lacking for certain kinds of experience in a romantic sense and had even shared a kiss and more with boys that she had liked, the more down to earth aspects of flirting were something that were rather new to her. On the whole used to being the lady of the manor, so to speak, and in control of situations with intimate implications, it was a new feeling to her to be at a disadvantage like this but the only discomfort she felt came from her naiveté.

“T-Thanks…” Suddenly feeling like a little girl again though even by that measure not much like the youngster she had been way back when, even though she wanted to say so much, all that Miss Cavallero could do was mumble and feel the urge to giggle as she found herself being winked at by this ravishing rescuer. Totally forgetting about the situation she was in and melting more and more by the moment, the raven haired rider felt gooey inside and almost wanted to swoon at the situation she found herself in, as even a girl as assertive as she tended to be didn’t mind being liberated by a handsome stranger like this…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:29 am



He seems… Rather the charmer? Still somewhat stunned both by the blow that she had received and the sudden appearance of this ravishing rescuer and this perhaps explaining the slight daze she found herself in, all the same Miss Cavallero was blissful because of it, and also seemed rather indulgent of that joy as well. Right now in this moment of attraction happy to simply enjoy the little wink she was given by the man and wonder just what it meant as he turned around to face enemies she had half forgotten about, right now the raven haired rider could have let everything but the world melt away from her and simply enjoy the rippling sight if the man in front of her, but unfortunately, it seemed not everyone was keen on that idea.

“Well, look who we have here, boys… Another ‘hero’.”

The scene of her rescue so idyllic that Ellie had almost forgotten the situation that had led to it, gruff words drew the attention of the enchanted equestrian to a figure beyond the broad shoulders and huge sword of the man who had rescued her, to someone who turned her stomach almost instantly.
Ugh, the brigand… Those moments of distraction certainly wonderful but not wiping away any of the animosity that our lady lead felt toward the thug or any of the villains under his orders, she felt the sense of softness that had been inspired by the entrance of the dashing stranger begin to disappear as she looked at the ruffian and tightened her fist into a ball as she did so.

“They’re all coming out of the woodwork now boys.
Who the hell do you think you are, tough guy?”

However, the brute that had led the attack on the town not without a certain sense of abstract intrigue in the questions that he asked, though looking at and hearing the knave made Miss Cavallero feel the kind of heat inside that felt to be boiling and freezing at the same time, she couldn’t help but find her curiosity piqued by the question he asked. Quite curious about the fellow in front of her and this seeming like as good a chance as any to find a little something about this chivalrous character, the black haired beauty couldn’t help but wait and wonder how the stranger that saved her might answer, and hope she might just get his name as well…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2019 3:58 pm



“Oh, well if you’re wondering who’s gonna send your ass to jail…
I’m Jack Riley, Rune Knight Captain!”

The ravishing rescuer of the raven haired rider seeming to find no reason to hold his tongue as he rolled the long and heavy object on his shoulder restlessly, it was with no shortage of pride that the man announced not only his name but also a rather his role in the world as well, which impressed at least one person in the vicinity.

A captain in the knights? Perhaps something about his dashing rescue of her making his role as a knight of the nation seem the perfect occupation for this resplendently rugged looking fellow, though it was surprising to Miss Cavallero to hear that someone who looked as young and fresh faced as this figure was to be a captain, it was certainly news she could welcome rather easily. The mind of the smitten kitten tending to associate the role of captain more with bearded middle aged types and above, it felt oddly thrilling to know he had such a position of power in an institution so vital to the country and Fiore, and the apparent speed of his climb up the command chain also only further spoke of his skill and strength as well.

No wonder he’s so valiant, and charming… Opting to join the guilds mostly because of a certain someone who was a member of them, unlike many who made their own fortune with mercenary work Ellie, held a great level of esteem and respect toward the shields of the realm. This perhaps something that she picked up in her childhood, the father of the floral femme did on occasion invite commanders of local guards over for dinner and stories, and counted on a good connection with them for is interests. After all, the richest man in the county had a lot to loose from people like the brigands they faced and very nearly had at one point in the life of our lilac-eyed lead, and because of that he probably felt a lot more assured knowing that he had a few ‘friends’ in the knights corps to come and protect them when required…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:06 pm



He reminds me of Mr Gilbert…? None of the men who had visited her mansion when she had been growing up seeming to hold a candle to the young and brave soul who stood like a wall between her and danger right now, however, as Miss Cavallero looked at that broad back and dashing shape in front of her, she couldn’t help but recall someone else who had done much the same a great many years ago. Finding herself in a situation even stickier than this one when she was a little girl and rescued from it by another chivalrous wanderer, as she stood behind the back of Captain Riley the reckless rider couldn’t help but feel a sense of safety and no shortage of affection either because of the connection her mind drew.

“Is that right? Well, we’ve always wanted to make a name for ourselves…
I suppose killing a Knight Captain will do that for us, won’t it?”

Not everyone in this small village seeming to be all that impressed by the fine figure of a man, unfortunately, though Ellie herself was already imagining this man known as Jack in polished armour with a cape flowing behind him, it seemed that the chief of the brigands had a different image in mind. Clearly intimidated given the space he had created since the knight had blocked his blow but seemingly sizing her saviour up and fancying his chances, the mulberry-wearing mage couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease as her foe stroked his chin and beckoned for his men to attack before following after them.

Here they come! What remained of his forces seeming to rush forwards while the ones that Miss Cavallero had downed in the minutes before seeming to stir and try and find their feet once more, the girl felt her entire body go tense as a trio of figures rushed toward the man who had saved her and bit her lip with worry. This captain clearly a strong soul but the ‘numbers game’ already having got the better of her, she wondered if she should intervene despite the way her head was still pounding, not wanting this brave soul to get injured by these despicable villains on her account one little bit…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Sun Sep 08, 2019 6:04 am



“Maybe, you can give it a shot, I guess?
But… you’ll need to do better than that!”

The bandit chief not the only soul nearby who seemed to remain undaunted despite the opposition he faced, as the leader and his goons tried to rush the courageous captain, he simply squared his stance and let loose words that sounded confident, and even a little bit excited as well. Mr Riley seeming to be surprisingly light on his feet despite the heavy weapon that he carried, with the gigantic sword still resting upon his shoulder he jabbed his toes and heels at the ground and stepped around the lead duo with such ease that it made it look like he was dancing with a pair of angry children.

He’s… fast! Ellie in the process of trying to call upon her mana despite the trouble she was having focusing her mind but frozen in place as she watched the warrior weave around those attacks with no more difficulty than he would a pair of idle snails, she barely even caught the way that his foot and free hand lashed out at the bodies of the villainous vanguard and sent them sprawling in either direction. However, if the leader of the group through that this little distraction would help him to get the ‘drop’ on this dauntless and dashing figure, he was mistaken.

And… So strong! It seeming like Jack the knight had never let the brute escape his attention even as he aimed those well placed strikes that floored the ‘first round’, even as the brute that led them lined up the heavy head of a club-like axe to cleave her rescuers head clean off, it seemed he had the path well scouted. Flicking the lone arm that carried his own weapon and then all of a sudden releasing a burst of mana that only added to the power in it, the courageous knight showed he was full of surprises as he not only cradled the attack but also kicked up a gust of wind with his motion that was born of pure power, and enough to knock the chief off balance even if the sword itself didn’t hit him.

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:54 pm



“What happened to that confidence, my man?”

A sense of smugness that many might have held as well deserved seeming to sound in the voice of her valiant defender as he watched his enemy skip backward in as awkward a manner as one could imagine, as leaves and the long hair of Miss Cavallero danced because of the gust that his attack had created, the girl herself could only watch in amazement and awe as she saw this powerful warrior ‘perform’ for her.

He must use strengthening magic? Sensing the unmistakable presence of magic in the move that the knight had performed but that seeming to only be the icing on top of a rather delicious cake given what he had achieved without it, though it was uncommon to see someone who flaunted the ability to empower themselves with mana outside of savage northern tribes, this made the deed no less impressive in the eyes of Ellie. Those who could weave together both the arts of magic and direct combat something of a rarity but almost always powerful warriors, this was the first time that the floral femme had seen such a potent combination used, and she couldn’t help but envy it really.

Maybe I should look into something like that? Skilled enough with her own magic even if it was rather a different kettle of fish than that which Captain Riley performed, as the encounter between herself and the brigands had shown, her shortcoming tended to be in the ‘direct approach’ that this dashing figure seemed to excel in so much.
Or at the very least, learn to use the physical arts better? Fit and healthy enough and rather robust for a rider, especially one of her sex, while Miss Cavallero had practiced and managed to attain a little skill in handling a short weapon like a dagger she felt leagues away from the knight in terms of what she could do physically. Lacking for formal training and experience in close combat all the more, the black beauty couldn’t help but think if she was ever to become a renowned and respectable member of the guild community this was something that she might have needed to change, and hopefully without too much delay as well…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Ellie on Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:05 am; edited 2 times in total

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:01 am



“Come on, if all you do is dodge, the only reputation you’ll get is as the cowardly bandit!”

Captain Riley looking almost like he was having fun at the moment, though he kept that mana surging through him as he swiped at the body of the brute who led the brigands, it seemed that he was more occupied with entertaining himself than anything. Chasing the chief around with taunting words and lashing out at the allies of their enemy when he got the chance, Ellie could see the brigand was beginning to grow tired and his attempts to attack were growing weak, but despite the malicious mischievousness in the way that the man who attacked him, she couldn’t sympathize with this brute one little bit.

Serves that crook right, I’d say? Hating bandits ever since she had been kidnapped by them and this character seeming like such a prime example of their selfish thuggery that he was practically a stereotype, it felt almost right that someone who had likely made dozens and dozens of scared souls suffer in terror would now feel the same. Poetic justice if ever she saw it, however, that was not the only thing that Ellie saw. Watching the warrior as he harassed horrid man, as they dashed around the battlefield the black beauty couldn’t help but find herself distracted as she spotted something that sent a shiver through her form.

The archer? The eagle eyed bowman that she had floored earlier seeming to have found enough time to recover his mind and footing, while his position was subtle enough that a focused fighter like Jack might not have noticed him as he hung around the corner and waited for a chance to strike, Miss Cavallero certainly had time and attention enough to. The knight who had saved her seemingly too preoccupied with the playful manner in which he pushed the chief around to see the fact that an arrow was notched with his name on it, while he might have been lucky or speedy enough to deflect the shot that came his way as the sniper waited for his chance, our lady lead did not and could not to risk such a thing…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Ellie on Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:05 am; edited 2 times in total

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:01 am



“No!” A sense of terror seeming to compel the mind, the mouth and the legs of our lilac eyed lead, despite how wobbly she had been feeling in the minutes before and how her head continued to throb and bleed the black haired beauty shouted out instinctively and rushed forward, calling upon her mana as she did so. It a little harder than usual to stimulate her magic power but something about the sense of urgency giving her a sense of focus like she had rarely felt before, Ellie threw herself into the path of the archer with every ounce of speed that she could summon and then thrust her hands in front of her to ward off that imminent attack.

“Himawari!” Calling upon the strength of her magical shield for the second time as she sought to protect the brave knight who had come to her aid, while Miss Cavallero wasn’t even sure if the spell would even form given how woozy she had been feeling, she was clearly underestimating herself. Those golden petals spreading in front of her body and creating a wall of mana against which something with a sharp tip would thud only a moment later, the raven haired rider was grateful for both the spells she could command and the peerless sense of timing that she had demonstrated as well, and wasn’t the only one.

“Damn… Thanks!
Looks like I got carried away?”

The back of the beauty with black hair only a couple of meters away from that of Mr Riley and certainly the crisp sound that was made when the fletched projectile hit her shield enough for him to notice, though she had acted without thinking really Ellie felt glad that she had protected both herself and him with her spell, and was even happier when he showed a rather earnest sense of thanks toward her. Perhaps her move also prompting him also to show a little bit more focus, with an eagle eyed look the warrior turned his attention back to the brigand with whom he had been cavorting and rushed forward with his weapon ready, showing that playtime was now well and truly over.

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Ellie on Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:05 am; edited 1 time in total

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:02 am



This one has been a problem since the start…! Perhaps something about the speed and potency that Jack showed as he launched himself forward and smashed straight through any defence or weaponry that the chief could offer seeming an inspiration to Miss Cavallero, after watching with awe as he shattered that axe with a single blow and also felled the leader of this group of brutes the black beauty knew she couldn’t let the side down either, and sent herself into action. Not even waiting for her static shield to be broken and instead dispelling it herself as she glared toward the bowmen that had proven so problematic earlier today, while the rider knew she herself was not in the best shape she also remembered how she had already flattened this guy once today and that gave her the confidence to move forwards and deal with him once and for all.

But no more! In some way maybe wanting to emulate the performance of the brave man who had come to her rescue but at the same time wishing she could make up for her mistake of not finishing this foe properly earlier on, Ellie lunged toward the man with bow and arrow in hand and called upon every ounce of strength and speed in her legs as she rushed him, wanting to finish the job for good now.

Not good enough! Some kind of instinct kicking in as well as she saw a second shot being lined up upon her from the panicked face of the despicable shooter, the black beauty threw her upper body forward and shot as far to the side as she could manage as she heard the soft swish of an arrow being launched, and would in retrospect find herself rather proud to realize that she had managed to skirt around the path of the projectile with adrenaline-fuelled ease. However, that sense of esteem something that she would have to save for another time, with her teeth clenched and eyes locked like those of a hawk the floral femme showed a feisty side she was unaccustomed to as she bared down on the bowmen with maximum prejudice and not an scrap of mercy in her mind either…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:06 am



“Hanazuna!” Perhaps wishing in that moment that she herself had a mighty weapon like Jack’s sword or something of the sort to unleash upon her enemy, it was a strange feeling for Ellie to draw near enough that she could see the fear in the eyes of her foe and not feel any sympathy toward it, but she didn’t let that create any hesitance in what she did. Shooting her arm to the side as she closed in on her target and using the only armament that she could boast of in the moment, her magic, with a swipe that seemed enough to slap the taste out of face of the air itself, the floral femme unleashed her fury upon the figure of her focus and was rather satisfied with what she saw.

The pink ‘garland’ that she unleashed seeming to shoot one way before arcing back across her like a striking viper, Miss Cavallero jammed her feet into the floor and watched as her attack swung around and then slammed straight into the body of the bowmen like a torrent of water, or worse. It perhaps sending a shiver through the ebony haired enchantress as she heard the groan of pain that her enemy gave off as he was hit with maximum prejudice but something she could forget quite quickly given how callous him and has cohorts had been, the rush of petals rammed into his body like the head of a bull and slammed his form into the wall he had been using for cover before allowing him to slump to the ground in defeat, which was in itself rather satisfying.

“That was a hell of a lunge, sweetheart…
I wish my men had half your courage!”

That, however, not the real ‘prize’ of the moment but rather the words that Ellie heard next something that made the moment, as she stood there gasping for air and feeling half like she was about to faint, a familiar tone entered her ear with a sense of excitement and esteem that seemed to make her day feel worthwhile. Apparently the captain rather impressed with what she had done and that something that seemed to make her brim with pride, while the rescue of this village had seemed quite fraught with panic and pain at points, it had ultimately seemed like a good thing that the floral femme had heard that bell sounding out for her way back when…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Escorting, Guarding & Warding II (Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event) Q7O8hRr

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