A chef like Zane usually had no trouble when it came to evaluating the quality of a food or drink based establishment, and this was no different. The bar he was currently at tonight was sort of just alright, in all honesty. They had fair prices and decent ale, but a lot of their other drinks were lacking. He had tried out the vodka and the whiskey, both of which had been no good. In fact, Zane had recognized where they were brewed. It was a place in Marigold known for being of a mostly low quality, a brewery only kept in business by a mix of local loyalty and low prices. Through many part time jobs as a bartender, as well as using different types of liquor in several of his recipes, Zane could notice a lot of differences between each drink. He wouldn't say he knew where ALL of Fiore's liquor came from though. After all, the country was big. Not to mention the new competition popping up all over the place in recent years.
Still though, it was this exact taste for just about everything that led him to talk to some random dude he had never met, simply because he happened to order a whiskey right next to him. Still, Zane wasn't too snobby, so he'd rather simply ask the white haired man near him why he liked said beer. Zane put his drink down on the counter of the bar, turning his face over to look at the man, Zane's friendly but curious face looking over somewhat casually. "Hey, can ya give me some insight onto why you like the whiskey they serve here? I've always found it needs more dilution, in my opinion." Perhaps Zane would get a rather simple answer here. After all, some people would drink or eat whatever they liked for the sole reason of "I like it" and no other form of explanation. Perhaps it was just his nature as a former chef, but Zane didn't like when people did that kind of stuff. Taste was such an incredibly complex thing. It was something deserving of a decent analysis.