Although what was a fun night soon turned out to be a restless morning. For whatever reason Ren felt a pain in his side but as far as he could see there was no mark. “Must have just slept on it oddly.” he said to himself as he quickly got dressed into his usual casual attire. The knight had been permitted a few days off for the Halloween season so he usually left his uniform in his closet. He still kept his pendant though just in case anyone did need convincing that he was in fact a knight. Looking in the mirror to tie up his hair and fixing his loosely fitting garments on himself so he looked presentable the boy left the station, opting to eating out this morning.
As time went on the pain on his side got progressively worse, causing him to take a seat on a park bench and look down his top to see if he could find whatever it was that was causing him so much discomfort. With one hand pulling back his collar he used the other to slip under his white robe like shirt. It was surely an odd sight to behold but Ren having no shame did it anyway. Heavens only know what passers by must have been thinking.