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Attention to Detail [Quest | Amen'ra]

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Attention to Detail [Quest | Amen'ra] Empty Tue Jan 07, 2020 3:45 am


The snowy streets of Crocus were very welcoming for the young mage who'd only been here for less than a week. Life was hectic and people were on the hustle and bustle, but he had to admit that the architecture of the place in question was admirable and familiar. Of course he wasn't just here to judge the layout of the town and instead had decided he would help out with some quests while he was around for the ball. This specific one involving helping a woman he knew nothing about, but he was sure he'd know her well by the time he was leaving Crocus for his next adventure.

So with his black boots moving through the streets, black sweater and coat on his fit frame and wind pushing against blue denim pants he would exhale with visible condensation. Lady Merlin was only around the corner, the woman assigning him the job, and so when he rounded that same corner his jaw would almost drop at the sight. She was a gorgeous, scantily clad woman with perky bosom and golden eyes much like his own... it was like looking in a mirror of sorts.

Shaking that thought from his head, Amen'ra kindly introduced himself to the mistress of magic who was filling him in on the quest at hand. Merlin had recently ordered something, or rather simply knew a package was coming for her, and had concerns on the well being of her order. Not only had she hired a caravan who apparently wasn't known for their delicacy, but she wanted the sun mage present to help escort them through the town, careful of any delays.

Amen'ra nodded while listening to the woman, aware of her desire to have him arrive at the gates just before the caravan reached them and direct them through the town. That was easy enough, even though he wasn't exactly familiar with the place he was sure he could manage to keep things moving in an orderly fashion at the very least.

A few hours would pass, the sun mage buying himself a quick bite to eat to pass the time before the job, now waiting at the gate while finishing a few french fries. He could see the caravan now, perfect timing as he'd hoped and would interrupt their journey to inform them of their employers request. Some tension buzzed in the air around them while he spoke as he was sure they were tired from their travels, but his main priority was the safety of the package at hand; not their happiness.

With that in mind he would begin guiding the caravan through the streets of Crocus, eager to get to Merlin for a reward for such a simple task. Hopefully things would continue to go as smoothly as they had been as today hadn't been a very eventful day, but only time would tell. For now he would merely ruffle midnight locks of hair as he walked as the head of the caravan train.


she wants to
dance like uma thurman
bury me til i confess


Attention to Detail [Quest | Amen'ra] Empty Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:09 am


It had only been a few minutes into their journey when the people he'd been assigned to guide were growing restless, a few of them whispering about their displeasure's. Amen'ra of course was all too aware of what was going on and didn't seem to mind it at all, in fact he encouraged them to speak up if they had an issue. He was all for emotional expression whether it be happiness, sadness or sheer rage and they weren't exactly quiet about their disinterest in being given the run around.

So after a few more minutes of mumbling one of them finally spoke out about being annoyed at the sudden detour to which Amen'ra quickly turned to reassure them. This was all to preserve the quality of shipment and it was at the behest of their employer, so their personal feelings didn't exactly hold weight in this situation. The entire reason they were here was to bring a package and they were literally almost done so why bother complaining now?

Besides it had been smooth sailing so far, and as they approached the main streets everything seemed to be going well. That was until foot traffic quickly started picking up to which he would halt the travelers and look off to the side, pointing them to the right with a sable painted finger tip against the snowy backdrop. They would instead be taking the outer roads to avoid any sort of hassle involving pick pockets and the like that were common threats for travelers and merchants. The problem was it would likely take twice as long, much to the chagrin of the men and women behind him.

Amen'ra lead them up until he saw construction workers on the road which prompted him to groan himself. The workers telling him that the condition of the road wasn't suitable for the caravan to get through but that they could take the alleyways to get to where they were going. So without hesitation Amen'ra was directing the group to the alleyways and could see now that there were lots of twists and turns for them to complain through. And that's exactly what they did, under their breath of course, but still it was amusing to see how Merlin had guessed they'd need extra guidance.

The path before them was almost like a maze at this point, one that none of them how to navigate but Amen'ra was intelligent and could keep up with simple directions. So he would help them weave through the narrow pathways until he could hear something coming up in the distance not far outside of their alleyway exit. Just great, it even sounded like they were stopping someone for who knows what, but they didn't have time for that.

Looking back to the caravan with anticipating eyes, the closer they got the better he could make out what was going on and it still didn't fit the agenda. Pointing his finger to redirect them to take another turn to which he'd hear an uproar of complaints.


she wants to
dance like uma thurman
bury me til i confess


Attention to Detail [Quest | Amen'ra] Empty Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:25 am


They were moving now, still within earshot of the yelling Rune Knights and Amen'ra was making sure to try and take the quickest path around them. Which apparently would require them to take three additional turns and that was when they'd had enough. The caravan was threatening to abandon the task all together despite Amen'ra insisting that this was what was best. Inspiring a small debacle of their own to rival the Rune Knight and their victims.

He couldn't force them to move however, and they even had begun to grow more impatient with the mage than before. Fed up with the very sight of him at this point, and despite his kind words and friendly tone it wasn't enough to make them stay. Effectively quitting and rummaging through their belongings while expressing their annoyance at the young man before them.

With the delivery people having enough, they would hand Amen'ra a small glass orb to deliver by himself and with a sigh the solar wielder complied. His hands wrapping gently yet firmly around the delicate sphere to cradle it while he continued on his journey now, extra cautious of what was going on around him. The crystal ball was tucked safely under his arm and out of sight from the prying eyes of citizens and travelers alike and he was sure he looked extra suspicious. Not that it mattered to him in the slightest, but to others he was walking like a hunchback.

It wouldn't be that much further until that familiar visage was filling his eye line and he was moving a bit quicker now to get to her. Eyes still darting from left to right to make sure that no one was trying anything funny before he was now face to face with his employer, hand reaching inside his coat to reveal the beautiful orb she'd ordered. The whole time Amen'ra tried his best to explain what exactly had happened with the frustrated couriers, and she seemingly understood even if she was disappointed.

What happened next was completely unexpected as Amen'ra was handed a whopping amount of jewel and looked down with a raised brow. He wasn't sure if she'd intended to give him this much and as he went to express his confusion she cleared it up for him. This was what the caravan would have originally received if they hadn't abandoned their mission at the last minute and he nodded in understanding before waving Merlin farewell and patting himself on the back.

It hadn't even been a week in Crocus and he was already making bank for the simplest of tasks! Even if he was already wealthy who was going to turn down hefty sums of money for something as easy as this? Only a fool, but now he knew that the time he spent in the beautiful town would be well spent at least... just like this pocket change of jewel. Maybe he'd use it to get Sage something pretty?


she wants to
dance like uma thurman
bury me til i confess

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