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Mission 1: Conman Coward

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#1Joshua Graham 

Mission 1: Conman Coward Empty Sat Jan 25, 2020 9:07 am

Joshua Graham

Joshua made his way down the busy streets of Crocus, especially with the preparation for The Grand Ball, the town the brimming with activity. However, he wasnt looking to help them. In fact, He was on a hunt. He was holding a picture of a small oddly dressed man, the picture was just detailed enough to see who he was looking for. The man was a conman, befitting his stature, Joshua couldnt help himself thinking. It didn't come from a place of high snootiness, But looking at the man in the picture, he could tell just enough about him to know what he was dealing with.

He Move to where he was reported to hang out, the Bartender knew this man well. Joshua stopped at the entrance to a small shop, he went inside and found it was less a shop, and more a small mom and pop food-stop. He smelled the air as he entered, holding Punisher on his back he turned to the side to get inside. The air reminded him of the foods of his home country. The heavy spices, and the hiss of the cooking made his stomach growl. He stood there at the door, looking around. The place was entirely empty besides a small man, the same small man he was searching for.

Joshua Stood next to him, blocking the light as he looked down at the man eat his bowl of Morning soup, The goat meat smell filled Joshua's nose and he knew he'd have to come back here when he wasnt working. The small man turned and looked at Joshua.

"hey hey, your blocking my light. Whats wrong with you huh?" He stood up picking up his bat that lay next to him. "You ruined my meal time for what huh? it had better be a good reason."

Joshua looked down at the man, and showed the man the picture he had, and then flipped it over to show the information he had been given. "Seems you scammed someone you shouldnt have. Ill be taking the full payment of what you conned from them. Now." Joshuas tone told him he was serious. he held out his hand, and felt the man quiver as he beggedf for forgiveness, realizing he was out classed. he shakily handed over the money and tried to make a quick exit, but the slam of Punisher hitting the ground stopped him in his tracts.

"Not so fast, Dont think i dont know how to deal with conman like yourself" He reached into the bag, and after checking it, the whole time keeping his eye on the conman, his gamblers skills easily letting him tell by touch the money was fake. He put the bag down on the table. "Its not looking to good for you my friend. Give me the--"

The Conman attacked with the bat, swinging it as hard as he could while screaming obscenities at Joshua. But the skilled cowboy simply moved the large cross that was the Punisher to block the blow, it made the conman's arms shake from the reverberation he felt. Joshua followed it up with a swift kick to the jaw knocking the man out. He sighed and looked down and picked the small man up. He grabbed the man s bat as well and carried them both to Batra. Where he recieved his reward. He nodded softly and tipped his hat softly as he left to report the missions completion.

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