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A New Wind Blows I [Mini-Event]

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A New Wind Blows I [Mini-Event] Empty Sat Jan 25, 2020 1:03 pm

It was a picturesque day upon the blissful city of white, a popular tourist destination for many across the lands of the great nation state of Fiore. A sunny day would kiss the cheeks of those who walked out below the sun and felt the breeze of the ocean caress their face. Wherever the young Fayre traveled in the small city, he saw the color of his hair and beautiful streets. Not to say there has not been crime lately and some streets and back alleys being dangerous. However, the city did not much harm to anyone visiting and the new crime really did not hinder the city negatively too badly. Though, in some parts of the city, certainly guards were necessary for Astera's peace is kept.

A rising of demons into the world from demonic rifts was just recently occuring not long ago. Chaos was festering evil in the lands of Fiore more than ever before. It was especially not great for the white cityscape of Astera, for evil would threaten the long kept peace of the city. This news would make Fayre cautious of back home with his mother in Hargeon. He sought out a ride to Hargeon from none other than Astera. Yet, he would need some more money for a ride to his hometown in south Fiore. For that, he would take up a job in patrolling the beautiful city of Astera, helping protect it from the evil now looming over Fiore.

Astera Woman: "Help! Someone took my purse!"

Fayre: "Where did they run!? What do they look like!?"

Astera Woman: "He just ran into that alley and is in gray robes!"

Young and heroic Fayre would ask the victim of robbery, dashing into the alley the quickest his steps may allow him to. He would get a glance of the robed man turning right into another alley and go right for the man. Fayre would leap over obstacles in his path as did the robber. Determined to not let the man get away from him, Fayre would make the choice to use his magic to get the man before he had a chance to escape. With his eyes set on the gray robed man, Fayre jut his hand forward toward his target. Upon throwing his hand before him, a magic circle colored white would form and a rapid gust of wind were to begin to grab the brave Fayre. Grasping him in its windy embrace and carrying him forth was the pure hearted Fayre's Gale Spell.

Fayre: "Gale Feather I!"

Fayre: "Cacha! I got ya!"

Roared the wind rider, Fayre, as he were to take back the purse and strike the robber in the head with a boot kick. He would land upon the ground with the purse of the woman and smile, looking at the man who would got captured. It was the beginning of an adventure of great tales and sights Fayre would have. Upon retrieving the purse, Fayre went on and returned it to the woman and turned in the robber to the authorities.


Mana: 175

Wordcount: 510

Spell Cast:

A New Wind Blows I [Mini-Event] 23a6e7d45c8cb0bcaf81c5cd755b26596bde29a8_00

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