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Enemy of my Enemy (Event Quest)

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#1Kazimir Seiryu 

Enemy of my Enemy (Event Quest) Empty Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:51 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz had gone away to prepare for his trip back to the guildhall. He spent the night at the village he had saved from the disaster of the werewolf attack. The inn was a cozy place to lay his head.

The sun shined through the window and stirred the wind mage from his slumber. His bag was sitting next to the bed. It had everything he needed for a long journey. His legs flung over the edge of the bed and he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. With a big stretch, he was more alert and ready for the day.

A yawn escaped him and he reached down to step into his boots. As he was getting ready and pulling on his wizard's robe he heard a commotion outside. People were yelling and scowling. The voices spat out venom and sent a rumble through the once silent village that recovered from a grave loss.

Kaz opened the window only to see a large crowd of people gathered in the square. They seemed to be heaving rocks and sticks into the center of the circle they formed. Nearly all the villagers were there both young and old.

Approaching the circle was two men carrying pitchforks. Things were about to escalate. Kaz whisked his bag onto his shoulder and jumped onto the window sill. He dropped down to the ground level from the second floor and used the wind to break his fall.

Running over to the two men he cut in front of them and put out his hand. "There is a better way," he said to calm them. The men lowered their weapons with scorn but Kaz had done them a great service.

The wind mage turned to the crowd and moved through the people. He pushed by the elderly and kids trying to see what was at the center. A kid pulled back his arm to throw another rock.

WC 310

#2Kazimir Seiryu 

Enemy of my Enemy (Event Quest) Empty Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:06 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz grabbed the kid's arm and the boy looked back with fright at the sudden motion. His eyes were shocked and he dropped the rock to the ground as he saw that it was Kazimir. The wind mage just shook his head and the other boys standing with the kid all put down their projectiles.

At the center of the commotion was a large and well-built werewolf. Rocks still battered the wolf. His eyes flinched as the stones struck his face. It stood without moving aside from blocking its face from more damage. Cuts and bruises littered its body from the villagers. The stones left abrasions and open wounds but the werewolf had stayed in that same spot. No footprints indicated any other movement aside from the werewolf coming into town.

Kaz stepped out onto the front line. The people next to him stared and lowered their rocks. The werewolf still made no motions until it finally called out, "As I have said. I didn't come here to harm you. I just want to speak with Cameron and the one that defeated the other wolf." The villagers' rocks dinged of the beasts bulging body and thudded on the ground. At the werewolf's request, the villagers turned their attention to the wind mage who was standing.

Kazimir looked at the werewolf with a straight face. There was always more to a story than what was at first glance. The werewolf had proven himself by not attacking the villagers when he could have easily killed them. At that time Cameron came strolling through the crowd. He seemed as if he already knew what this was about and asked the two to follow him into his residence. The crowd parted and let the three get down to work. The villagers didn't trust the wolf but soon the three of them disappeared behind a closed door to a house.

The werewolf ducked its head as it entered.

WC 300
Total WC 610

#3Kazimir Seiryu 

Enemy of my Enemy (Event Quest) Empty Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:18 am

Kazimir Seiryu
The werewolf stood in the center of the room and sat down on its hind as man tired man would sit on a floor. Despite there being an abundance of chairs in the home. Kaz sat across from the wolfman and crossed his legs. Cameron joined the two without a word.

"Thank you for meeting me. I have come to tell you the truth about what happened. I want to live alongside humans but my brother did not. He challenged me for the rite to lead the pack. During our battle. He cheated and one," the werewolf said and then described the battle that happened and how his brother usurped him through devious means.

"He took control of the pack. He plans on bringing them all to attack the village,"
Cameron's face dropped hearing those words. His skin went pale like the day he almost died. His hands clammed up and sweat beaded his forehead. Years of relative peace were dissolving right in front of him.

"That's why I am here,"
he spoke as he looked at Kazimir. "You were able to defeat a wolf in combat. You have the right to challenge for alpha. I am already defeated."

Kaz rocked back in his seated position. The idea of challenging for Alpha was odd. He wasn't a werewolf but he wasn't about to argue over tradition if it meant keeping these people safe. "If that's what it will take then I am in." He said as he rolled his hands on top of one another. it was an odd situation to be in but it was time for duty. He'd see ti through.

The three men stood up. The werewolf came directly in front of the wind mage, and after a brief pause, thanked him. Cameron began to scrounge up anything he could around his home. Knives, food supplies, jewels, and rations. Anything that could help Kaz and the werewolf. He was still too injured to be of any use.

The werewolf opened the door and stepped out saying he would wait for them at the exit to the village. That the villagers may be more at ease that way. Cameron waited for the werewolf to leave and thanked Kaz once more and handed him a large sum of gifts including the ever-elusive pumpkins.

Kaz walked out of the village and joined the wolf at the gate. He didn't think it was a trap. It would be a foolish one if it was. He nodded at the werewolf and they were off towards the wolves den.

WC 425
Total WC 1035

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