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Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING]

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Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 08:29


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

The heavy rains came and went, again and again, back and forth... Whether they were gone for good remained up for the heavens to decide, but judging the clear skies overhead, they'd have little to fear from an unexpected downpour. With the sun shining overhead, Alisa immersed herself in the training at hand, little by little improving her master of her relatively newfound Crystal Demon Slayer magic... For over a year she'd struggled to cope with an oddly ill adjusted choice of Earth Element magic, and through her own will and no small amount of help from her ancestors, she'd steadily managed to bounce back and carve her way out from the weakness it had forced her into. Not necessarily crippling in any sense, however, Alisa had most certainly spend a huge chunk of her time devoted to relearning everything she once knew, to make it as second nature as it once was. She may have recovered the full use of her crystals, and yet her magic was still by no means completely hers, and most likely it would remain so for quite the long time, and yet, that sudden, unexpected wall placed before her had only driven the tall woman onwards as she furthered her physical prowess to titanic proportions. For the past year, she'd spent as much of her time as she possibly could dedicated to once more harmonizing might and magic, and yet her responsibilities tending to her guild hadn't left her quite as much time as she might have hope. Thankfully though, all of this would change very soon, one way or another:

"HaaaaaAAAAAHHH!!!!", her aura flared as she cried out, fists clenching, muscles tightened as she channeled every bit of her mana, as much as a mage of her level could pump into a single spell. She'd reached a point where trying to force her way out of this block was preferrable to letting it bind her down any longer.

[*]1S, 1A, 2B - 8k words
[*]1S, 2B - 6k words

Intelligence: 253 > 50% discount

Total: 7k words

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sun 15 Mar 2020, 08:38; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 08:31


WORDS: 650 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

As her colossal magical aura flared out, Alisa eventually found the ground beneath her feet crystallizing, a crackling sound drawing her eyes down. She had to admit, as much as she wasn't proud of it... She missed this... Nothing quite like losing the cornerstone ability of her magic to realize just how much she valued it, even it it meant turning the evergreen grass all around her to a pure white, glimmering crystal. For someone who favoured beauty, turning such a stunning, vibrant landscape into dead, if glimmering crystal wasn't really something she could so happily allow herself to enjoy... But at the same time, neither could the guildmaster of the once strongest guild in the country find herself reduced to this... Unable to cast what once were her signature spells, to end up panting and gasping for air as if she'd just finished a marathon. Ugh... She hadn't felt this weak since the first time she tried creating her chains. This time around, she wouldn't even go that far... She'd merely satisfied herself by managing to crystallize by touch, and for more than year... That alone sufficied for her purposes, but not anymore:

"Tch... Once more...!", she mumbled taking her stance once again, preparing for round two, wondering what her guildmates might have gotten up to at this point, little more than a mere interlude as her brow furrowed and her overwhelming aura flared out once more. Shifting her gaze down, Alisa she'd still have a long way to go before she truly recovered the full extent of her magical prowess, yet she's been making steady progress... She couldn't unleash a powerful crystalline pulse like she once did but... As she turned her gaze down onto her clenched first, concentrating her mana there... She knew of one ability she'd never truly lost... If she could channel all of her power into a single point, just for a little while, then... She could attain a far greater, significantly more destructive power than ever before, "Ghhh...!"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 08:33


WORDS: 950 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

Just as she'd done many times in the past, concentration was key, gritting her teeth and gripping tightly to her wrist as she clenched her fist, her whole body slowly tensed as she opened the floodgates and allowed her dense magic power to flow in and converge on that specific place... With her experience, Alisa had mastered many spells, lost them and remastered in the process of constantly empowering her magic... And yet though she may have lost the ability to cast some spells, she'd never quite truly forgotten them... And at times like this, nothing helped her quite as much as remembering those few spells she could always conjure up in some shape of form. True to her skill, very slowly she began weaving that dense, concentraded magic power into a shape she knew all too well, a dense, crystalline blade protuding from tip of her fingers, the very moment she opened her palm. Slowly but steadily, inch after inch... As much as she'd prefer the subtler approach of calmly letting her power ooze out and gracefully weaving it into spells... Mastering magic like this overnight wasn't something one could do without breaking a sweat, even a mage as talented as Alisa Vollan:

"T-That's it~...", she mumbled, droplets of sweat trickling down her forehead as the blade slowly rose from her hand... It took all of her focus to simply hold it's shape like that, to keep all of that power from bursting out explosively and catching it's caster. She may be innately immune to Earth magic but... Devil Slayer was different, as difficult magic to control through and through, one that could just as easily bare its fangs on its Master as much as their enemies.

The result of mixing an earth element demonic essence with light element in hopes of taming it...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 09:15


WORDS: 1260 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

What came out on the other end was nothing if not unwieldy after all, not something one could get careless with. Alisa grit her teeth as she saw the cracks spreading out of her growing crystal blade, spreading wider, all but threatening to tear the whole spell in twain as it grew and she did nothing but pump more and more of her dense mana into it. In any other scenario... She'd have been able to grow a blade like this and swing it around effortlessly but... At this point, merely holding its form was all she could do, and it was more than a good enough exercise: Taking a deep breath, she held the one meter long blade in her hand, silently noting how much heavier it felt than her weaker spell... If she could hold it like this, then... Maybe there was a way she could swing it around. The moment the cracks stopped spreading, the sculptress loosened her stance ever so slightly, swinging her crystal blade horizontally, testing its usability...


...Which proved to be a thoroughly ill conceived idea, for even that weak, modest little woosh as she swung it preceded a louder, far more menacing cracking sound that brought the sculptress' motions to a halt, once more gripping her wrist with both hands, as if using both limbs could somehow help her stabiliting the magical blade in some way, any way, before the whole thing blew up in her face. But that was far more easily said then done:

"... Gh... It's...!!", she could feel her control slipping away, and as the blade continued to crack, Alisa did the only thing she could, thrusting her hand out into a faraway tree, watching her protectile fly off menacingly. Ideally, it should hold that shape until it struck an obstacle or at the very least when Alisa wielded it...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 09:42


WORDS: 1580 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

Hell, worst case scenario, it would soar idly off until it reached it's maximum range, and that was certainly not these meager four meters away, still woefully close and awfully easy to catch Alisa in its destructive path. Something was quite obviously very wrong here and to her credit, Alisa noticed it early enough to keep taking small quick steps away from that fired projectile, the very moment she let it loose really. But even then proved much too close for whatever safe distance she might have sought.


As that sudden, not quite unexpected but certainly much too early shattering sound echoed through the air, the sculptress gasped as her eyes shot wide, quickly kicking off the ground, another white and gold magic circle forming beneath her feet, pushing the Pegasus mage away with a pair of thrusters, only narrowly avoiding the all encompassing, crystallizing explosion that followed.

"Well... It certainly has no lacking of power...", admired the tall woman, her brow raising, tucking a loose, flowing dark lock behind her ear... She well and truly made her mark on this patch of the garden, effortlessly crystallizing a sizeable eight meter wide patch of grass and shrubs. If anything, this meant she'd be training more often everytime she did so at the guild hall...

The gardeners of Blue Pegasus had laboured too hard for her to go around turning everything into a work of art after all. Taking a single stop forward, taking in how different it felt to suddenly step from soft grass onto cold, hard crystal, cracking and crumbling under her feet. She solved her crystallization problem, clearly, so the amount of power she used there must have been spot on... Making a mental note to focus on her control issue the next time she went to work on it, Alisa instead stepped away from the crystallize patch, towards the edge of the grassy little grove she'd chosen as her training spot.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 10:10


WORDS: 1890 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

Alisa had come here with nothing but a towel, a bottle of water, and some mental notes for spells she needed to work on, and right now... She needed all three and a quick one minute break before the next one:

"Maybe there's some way of letting the blade grow naturally...", she mused, thinking back to how her weaker variant of the spell worked... Crystals are unique stones that only form in very specific condition, steadily over the course of days, months, years... Centuries even. While she didn't exactly have centuries to conjure up a powerful spell, maybe she could explore the natural properties of her element to overcome this little hurdle, and seek not to forcefully stabilize the crystal, but perfect it's formation, to reduce imperfections in it's formation and achieve the diamond flawlessness she knew she was capable of.

That said, she couldn't quite try that spell again just yet... A spell that powerful puts a sizeable strain on one's body and mind, even that of a powerful mage like Alisa... She'd need a few minutes of rest and before she could attempt it once more, but thankfully, she had plenty to do in the meantime, so it wasn't as though she'd just be sitting around on that bench, crossing her legs, waiting out the cooldownn period. After all, Alisa had quite a few more spell ideas to go through, most of which she'd taken off her very own spellbook and repurposed for her relatively new magic... Though she could once more wield crystal magic, its nature was woefully different from anything she'd ever employed when she first began her career as a mage for hire. The concepts were similar, and while that certainly went a long way, she'd effectively had to relearn even the simplest ones. Thankfully, some spells' simplicity made this task significantly more achievable.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 12:37


WORDS: 2200 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

"...Like that little trick~...", one particular thought brought a smile to her face as she neared the bench where she'd left her towel and bottle of water, slowly wiping the sweat off her face as she took the bottle and brought it to her plush, glossy lips, turning her head up and chugging nearly the whole thing in a handful of nice, big gulps, sighing as she quickly rehydrated and mulled over her next few steps. Her Stalagmites... She'd used that particular spell a handful of times before, but never had she actually tried it out as a Earth mage, not even after recovering a huge chunk of her former abilities, "...Shouldn't be so hard now, should it...?"

Thinking out loud, she mulled over her old spell and how she made it tick, nothing quite as complex as one might think, simply channeling her mana upwards to cause the erupting crystals to strike an opponent from below in a scarcely defended angle. After all, far too many foes focus on the fight facing them down, funneling all of their efforts forwards, with little left to mind the field beneath them... Indeed, that particular trick had earned Alisa quite a handful of wins against inexperienced enemies, an easy way to dispatch small fry without having to think too hard on it... But even the fiercer foes often fell for that particular trick and she didn't see that changing anytime soon.

"Let's see here.", and now that she had proper Earth magic, Alisa could once more stride off towards the center of her makeshift training grounds, taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes... Just a brief moment, feeling the world all around herself as her smile widened, just from that soothing sensation of the cool wind brushing her cheeks, almost as fulfilling as a lover's touch on her face...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 12:39


WORDS: 2510 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

She found it woefully easy to distract herself in such a welcoming setting, but at the same time, Alisa had a goal she aimed to achieve, more than enough not to let herself get so caught up in the beauty around her.

As much as she'd enjoy doing so, more than anything else. Taking her stance, the sculptress took a long, deep breath... No point pushing herself this time around... She still had an unfathomable well of Magic power under her belt, and indeed she needed nothing more than to let it flow freely through her body, spacing her arms together, bringing them closer to her in a tight, yet loose guard, rolling on the balls of her feet... She could feel everything beneath them, the blades of grass swaying with the breeze all the creatures in the ground below, brimming with life... Earth magic was as much about harnessing one's own power as being in touch as with the Element under one's feet, the imposing might of the earth that existed before her and her ancestors were born, and would continue to exist long after she was gone. Her power surged and spiked, steadily yet gently like a rogue wave looming over the unexpecting coastline, until finally...:

"HAAH!!", with a loud, sudden battlecry, Alisa thrust her hand up from her guard, flicking her wrist up as she opened her eyes and targeted the area in front of her. Obeying her command, her magic power spread out and focused on her targeted 4 meter wide area, and intricate, double magic circle illustrating her twin elements almost instantly covered her targeted area, from where a crystal cluster suddenly ruptured from the ground... If any foes had been on top of it, they'd been well... Well... Their legs would have been in a pretty bad shape really, depending on the strength of the foe no doubt.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 14:20


WORDS: 2820 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

This wasn't a particularly powerful spell but, no two legged creature really likes feeling the ground shaking and rupturing beneath their feet, and something like this could easily wreak havok on the stability one would easily take for granted... In the end, Alisa found her spell utterly flawless in its execution - despite it being only her first attempt - more than enough to bring a soft faint smile to her face as she admired the crystalling Stalagmites, sashaying over to them, her hands gliding over the smooth, stiff crystal, admiring its jagged lines with her sensitive sense of touch, visibly satisfied with the result.

"Hmm~... Even harder than I remember it...", she mused, smile widening, exploring the outlines of her diamond hard mineral formation, circling around it as her keen recollection vividly brought her back to the first few times she'd manifested this particular spell, many years ago, as a late teenager freshly enlisted into the magic guild Blue Pegasus...

And now here she was, as the Master of that very guild... Turning her head aside, she glanced towards the guild building as her smile widened, wondering if she'd be able to do it justice... A lone, aloof woman like herself had never quite imagined herself standing in the spotlight as such. She was a fighter, not a leader, or so she thought, and yet... The part had all but been dropped on her lap but for the sake of the loved ones who made the Guild their home, she'd play it withotu a second thought... And the coming tournament was only the first step, a show of power from an arguably weakened guild who relied on its Master now more than ever before. Blue Pegasus would rise again, just as it was the in the ages past as the strongest guild in Fiore... Really, the only question was how long it might take.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 14:25


WORDS: 3140 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

Alas, she couldn't exactly hope to get by on the coming tournament with nothing but offensive spells to rely on, and Alisa had one particular limitation she always struggled with... Flight... Soaring through the air, feet off the ground, was about as antinatura for an Earth mage as a Fire mage might feel fighting underwater, and yet, unlike the fire mage, Alisa didn't quite have the luxury of choosing not to go in the air as the pyromancer might avoid the water. After all, if her enemies decided to take to the skies, she was relatively limited in stopping them, in any way other than merely shooting them out of the sky... And that was in a limited approach in just about every single way imaginable.

"No... Sometimes you really just need to... Take the fight to your opponent.", narrowing her eyes as she glanced up into the sky, the sculptress brushed a loose, damp lock of hair away from her eyes, admiring the flocks of birds as they soared overhead, smiling softly as she couldn't deny a hint of envy at that liberating sensation... It had been a long time since she had that ability, one of the earliest spells she honed and master using her first crystal magic, no doubt hoping it would give her an edge that never quite came... The strongest she got, the greater the advantage she saw in simply keeping her feet on the ground and making the most of her natural element. If anything, she'd make her foes come back down, remind them what it felt like to have their feet on the cold hard ground.

Though... Having options is never a bad thing really, if anything, that's something she ought keep in mind at every turn... That was why she went to the trouble of reading up that particular spell, something in her arsenal she never saw herself using herself anytime soon, but now finally felt that need.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 14:27


WORDS: 3450 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

Bad enough that she herself was now the bulwark standing between Hargeon and the rest of the world, but the Grand Magic games were also looming on the horizon. Despite her constant yearning for strength and to seek out stronger foes, the sculptress had never been keen on events like that... A reserved woman like herself understandably had issues about letting the whole country see what she was capable of in intricate detail... But right now, no doubt her guild needed that show of strength more than ever before, and if showing her hand was the price she had to pay for it, well... Then so be it. She'd just have to grow stronger than anything they'd ever seen before... But before any of that happened... Before all of that... She'd need to learn to fly:

"So if I just do this...", taking a deep, heaving breath, she gathered her magic power all throughout her body, concentrating it on her back, between her shoulder blades, as a low, audible crackling filled the air... She felt a modest weight growing on her back, yet not nearly as much as one would think watching those sizeable crystalline formations protuding from her body. Light, flexible and mobile in every way imaginable, the sculptress' newfound wings felt as easy to move around as she remembered, more than enough for a triumphant smile to draw on her face as she flexed them once, twice, thrice, getting a feel for the nerve impulses needed to control her wings as keenly as possible, quickly taking a few quick steps forward as she whipped them against the ground, grinning as she suddenly took flight, "...Yes... That's exactly it~"

Even the cool, aloof beauty couldn't help but giggle as she took off, higher and higher, about as much as those comparatively heavy crystalline wings might carry her.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 14:45


WORDS: 3750 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

As much as her vanity might urge her to think, Alisa wasn't quite so light, and with only this much magic power, stone wings weren't nearly strong enough to lift her more than a handful meters into the air. But as she soared through the air without a care in the world, Alisa could only feel proud of herself at just how easily she'd remastered some of her old spells... Perhaps she'd been making it out to be much harder than it really was in practice? Or maybe she'd just grown sufficiently stronger that what once felt daunting now seemed like little more than child's play? Both options were worth considering, certainly, but utterly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Alisa cared little about how exactly had she earned her power in times like these, when she needed nothing more than to learn how to wield it. After she'd dealt with the situation at hand, then certain, she could go back to pondering on it for hours, even days on end.

Whipping her wings, keeping herself afloat, Alisa took a long, deep breath... Far more than the arguably useful flight, there was one particular skill she missed more than anything else. At one point, she had the ability to cover herself in crystal, to use its sensitivity to sound as a way of detecting her opponents all around her, an ability that only grew increasingly keen as her foes moved and darted around, serving as a rather effective way to keep the sneakier, speedier opponents from one upping her from a blind spot... Indeed, with that spell active, Alisa had little to no blindspots left, and it turned out to be one of her strongest assets in many battles... Question was, could she possibly remaster it in time for the grand magic games...?

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 15:22


WORDS: 4060 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

In her mind, the sculptress had not even a single shred of doubt of her ability to do so, after all, she'd just rediscovered not one but two of her old spells, and this one, despite its complexity, would certainly not prove impossible:

"I suppose I'll see for myself soon enough...", mused the sculptress, still keeping herself afloat as she took a long, deep breath, bringing her hands closer together over her chest, once again raising that firm yet loose guard. Now more than ever, as she channeled her magic power and produced a glimmering magic circle under her feet, the sculptress let her mana slowly radiate from her body, covering every inch of her skin, down to every last string of fabric in her tight, form fitting sports bra. With every breath, her pale, sweat slicked skin glistened brightered under the sun's gleam, courtery of a mineral sheen applied over her body, courtesy of the crystal mage's own mana, "Aaah... Really has been a while~"

She couldn't help but let out a satisfied, delighted little giggle, smile widening as she felt even the low howling of a stronger breeze, that sound heightened manyfold as it brushed against her smooth, sensitive skin. She could feel everything heightened manyfold, with nothing but her own natural sensitivity to guide her, with no real assistance outside that of her element's own hardness, the compact, glimmering mineral's tight bonds more than enough to transmit each and every vibration from every sound, down to the tiniest little whisper. She most certainly hadn't lost all of the abilities this particular spell provided her with, but at the same time, Geomancy required quite a bit of training to get right, like tuning one's lacrima radio to a faraway station... Do it wrong and the chaff alone will deafen you until you can't hear anything else...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 18:20


WORDS: 4360 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

But if you don't do it fast enough, there's no real purpose to using the spell in live combat scenarios... Depending on the kind of enemy, Alisa would have to use the spell differently... What kind of sounds do they make, how loud, how suble, how repetitive... Even an utterly silent can be kept track of if Alisa uses the spell correctly, using her crystalline skin like a sonar and relying on her own sound bouncing off objects. This was by all accounts a complicated spell to master, especially when she was training by herself, with no buddy to help her along... And so, Alisa did the one thing she yet could... Closing her eyes:

"Hmmhmmhmm...", and letting out low, yet audible hums at an even pace, the sculptress tested out her newfound sensitivity to sound in midair. She kept her speed constant at first, avoiding any sudden twists and turns in midair, relying on her copious mana to keep her wings going for as long as she wanted to really... If mastering this spell once more was only a matter of time, then... She sure as hell had loads of it to spare, and now was easily the best time to use it.

How long had it been...? As she slowly drifted back and forth over her training ground, round and round in circles, eyes closed, senses primed on her surroundings... Alisa all but lost track of time as she focused on mastering her new spell... The sun carried on its path across the sky, even the odd showers came and went... She'd been at it for hours at the very least, but mastering a spell like this took time and patience, and though Alisa may be somewhat lacking in the former, she certaily had the latter in troves... Given enough time, she could feel it all...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 19:07


WORDS: 4690 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

The birds flying all around her, the occasional insect in the few reprieves it found from the rain. She didn't really know how long it took her to start flying around properly, nor did she quite care at this point. Alisa didn't even bother brushing her long, silky black hair away from her eyes, relying mostly on her newfound sixth sense to guide the way around her... If nothing many any real sound around her, then, she needed do nothing but hum, gently, calmly, letting that constant, persistent sound bounce off the world around her and make its way back to her:

"Fufu~... I suppose this is the best I'll do for now...?", mused the sculptress, acknowledging the limitation of training by herself, and most of all, understanding just how much longer she could or couldn't keep flying around at the expense of her magic power. Though skilled enough to sustain it for quite long, she couldn't exactly do it for an eternity or anything of the sort.

And yet, the sensitivity she now had with this spell rivalled what she remembered last time around... If she could glide blindly through the air like this, without crashing into anything and staying aware of her surroundings, then... Surely she'd be good to go, come what may. She was on a roll, and what better time did she have to try her luck at mastering wholly new spells...? After a while of repurposing old ones, Alisa thought of a particular spell she'd all but lost to time, her original version of Varjradeha. At one point her strongest spell, these days she barely even used it... Indeed, that particular trump card had been woefully strong in the past, but these days, she'd never quite managed to remaster it back to its former glory. A spell that harnessed her crystallizing power through a chain that coiled around her opponents, from whence her mana radiated and easily turned the trapped enemy into a crystallized lump...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] Empty Sun 15 Mar 2020, 19:15


WORDS: 5010 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

While she'd perhaps recovered the crystallizing power, she'd lost the ability to effortlessly project it at a distance. Not something she ever deemed lost for good, but certainly not something she ever cared enough to recover... Until now... After all, she had her hands full with trying to regain control of her magic when the demonic invasions came, and after that, well... Alisa blushed... When Sofia came, she seldom cared much for silly things like completely remastering her magic... Something about her wife made her want to live in the moment, to seek what the future might have in store for them instead of fighting so hard for what was long... But now... Placed between the home she loved and the rest of the world, Alisa knew she'd need every last ounce of power she could muster, and that included recovering all the helpful spells she'd lost to the passing of the years. In this particular case... The solution might be right within reach, if only she bothered to seek it out and seize it with her own two hands:

"There should be a way around it, just waiting for me to find it.", mused the sculptress, still flying through the air, and yet, crossing her arms under her full, generous bosom, cupping her chin as she thought about what she was missing... Back then, she could use that chain as a part of the spell, but right now, that ability had been lost... However, what might happen if she produced her chain through different means...? Worst case scenario, she could even weigh the option of creating a whole other spell to make this work, "I certainly have the mana for it at this point..."

Clenching her fist and looking at it, Alisa knew that if she couldn't even use her newfound power for this, then she'd arguably never really do much with it.

First set trained:


 Words: 5000

Varjrahasta: 2000 words
Binding Chain: 1000 words
Geomancy: 1000 words
Stalagmite: 500 words
Radiant Flight: 500 words

[Exit due to Travel]

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Pegasus Take Off [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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