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Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING]

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 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] Empty Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:16 am


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

...And yet, even as she arrived back in Hargeon, the sun slowly setting on the horizon, Alisa opted to head back into the yard once more, from where she'd only just left a few hours ago. She'd went to Worth Woodsea, purchased a brand new cape from a shady, secretive merchant, all in all finding herself quite a bit more prepared for the coming tournament than she did when she started... But she still wasn't done... Not yet. After all, she still had her training to finish. She couldn't get by on a couple measly defenses, no matter how powerful they might be individually. No matter how hard she may try to end her battles quickly, reality has a way of defying one's expectations. No matter what, or who came her way in the coming tournament, she had to be ready for anything and everything.

Of course, preparedness could only get her so far, but even then, the firmer the ground she had beneath her feet, the most solid foundation of power she could build in time, the better her odds would be in the end. Among other things, this meant bringing back as many of her old weapons as she possibly could, with some new ones thrown in the mix. Including one of her most powerful defenses, at one point one of the strongest in her arsenal - before she got the hang of crafting full body defenses at least - now all but fallen into oblivion as she mostly neglected her magic during that period it took her to completely master and stabilize it:

"I wonder if I can still pull it off...", mused the sculptress, clenching her fist, thinking back to how it felt to cast that particular spell. A colossal, glimmering wall of diamond capable of blocking all but the strongest of spells, while still leaving enough crystal intact that she could possibly hold it and wear it as a shield.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] Empty Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:30 am


WORDS: 650 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

Yeah, she remember that feeling vividly, after all, it had been one of her most used spells. While it can be true that the best defense is a good offense, never underestimate the importance of a proper, honest to god defense to back it up. She'd been left open one too many times, by her own miss or her opponent's skill, and raising an unbreakable wall between herself and her foe quickly turned into the only way for survival. Taking a deep breath, her sweat slicked chest heaved up and down as she slowly raised her outstretched arm, opening her palm and calling out:

"Aegis!!", almost immediately, a massive magical mark appeared in front of her hand, quickly manifesting a large, imposingly shield of diamond. Like many of her defensive spells, it worked as a two way mirror, allowing her to see through it, and yet without letting her opponents see anything beyond that radiant mass of crystals, "Hmm~... Maybe I haven't lost my touch~"

Audibly proud of herself, the sculptress smirked as she ran her idle hand on the smooth inside of her crystalline wall, only for her brow to twitch, eyes widening as she heard a telltale sound, one she knew all too well and yet one she could never quite feel truly used to, no matter how often she did so


So... It turns out this particular endeavor might not prove quite as straightforward as she initially envisioned it, even if she still clearly remembered how to cast this spell, despite being quite used to it after so long. At the same time, she also hadn't used any spell like this in quite a long time, relying mostly on her stronger offensive spells in the months, years it took her to recover her magic. Crystal magic, no doubt Earth too had it's own unique kinks and tricks to it, something she never had to ponder much on it with a simple arcane element magic, the purest of all magical forces.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] Empty Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:04 am


WORDS: 980 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

But she'd gone through this gruelling effort before, many times in the past in fact. Ever since she began remastering the best of her old spells onto a whole new element of magic, she slowly came to understand how, even if the spells looked similar before and after, they really couldn't be more different. Almost like a scholar attempting to repeat the same sentence onto a freshly trained language.

"But... Once you get a grip on the new language, a spell is a spell no matter which one you choose.", added the sculptress, allowing her poorly crafted, constantly cracking aegis to shatter aimlessly, crumbling into dust at her feet without even sparing it the slightest thought to harnessing into a portable shield like she might once have done. Sure she could possibly have tried to, but she knew it would have probably shattered.

Her first attempt produced little more than just brittle, unreliable crystal, poorly hardened and easily shattered by even the slightest enemy efforts to punch through it. No that wouldn't cut it, wouldn't cut it at all, especially for how much mana she was investing it in. It might not be as much as what she pumped into her mightiest spells, or even as difficult, and yet merely reaching this level of power was nothing she could just throw away willy nilly mid fight:

"Earth magic needs patience, more than any other element...", mused the sculptress, thinking of the most crucial principle she'd mastered in the past few days. To master Crystal magic, she'd need to let her mana ooze on its own, seeping out of her body at a constant, steady pace, slowly allowing it to grow naturally, doing nothing but the same effect the earth itself had on its growing crystal.

Throw a passive, unyielding pressure, it forced them into shape, while leaving them nigh infinite time to grow into it. Once again, Alisa took a deep breath... Time for round two.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] Empty Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:32 am


WORDS: 1300 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

After all, crystals require constant, stable conditions for long periods of time, to form those beautiful, colourful, radiant shapes everyone knows and loves, Alisa most of all. If she was going to produce something hard, solid and sturdy, something she never even intended to wrap around her own body like her strongest armors. This was something far more straightforward, far simpler, that she had every condition to master with only the simplest principles of her magic:

"Let's try this again...", spoke the sculptress, taking a slow, deep breath, all but sighing as she once again rose her arm in front of her... Aegis... The strongest shield in her arsenal, without the slightest hint of doubt. Maybe she could one day master an even stronger shield but for the most part... For this tournament this one would have to suffice.

Another deep breath, and that white and gold magic circle once more spiralled outwards from her hand, encompassing a wide, eight meters diameter area in front of her... And then it happened... Once again, the large, imposing barrier started growing outwards from her hand... But then, this time... It didn't quite reach it's full size in nothing but a split second, no... This time, Alisa took her time with it, hell, she didn't really do much outside of imagining the shape she wanted, with slow, paced breaths, almost like a metronome as faithful as the earth's own laps around the sun, she allowed her magic power to flow outwards... Almost immediately, she smiled at the result, visibly satisfied with the fruits of her labour. No matter how she looked ar it, there was only one notion in her mind:

"My~... This could be the most beautiful crystal I've ever sculpted~...", mused the artist, her plush lips widening in palpable satifaction... Oh, if only Sofia was here to see this.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] Empty Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:31 am


WORDS: 1610 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

Of course, if her training turned out exactly the way she envisioned it, Sofia would be able to see all this and more, stronger, faster, honed in every possible and imaginable way. Wider and wider her shield grew, heavier, and yet without really weighing her down, until it finally reached it's full size... Utterly flawless, "Impressive~"

Really all she needed was a spell to test it out against, but at this point... She really didn't need one. Well, she didn't need it, but didn't quite have it, devoid of a training partner at she was, in the early hours of the night. Most of her guildmates had retreated into the guild hall by now, leaving only the hardworking Master to her own devices... Running her hand along the smooth, shiny insides once more, admiring the way it glimmered in the moonlight, Alisa could only marvel at the newfound sturdiness of her shield, how it didn't exactly shatter at the slightest touch like her earlier attempt. Instead... She shattered it herself:

"Let's see how it holds up~...", absent any kind of boosts, weapons, or enchantments, she had just over the amount of strenght a spell like this could possibly withstand. Instead, keeping that in mind, the sculptress held back... Just enough for the shield not to shatter entirely as she pulled her hand back and threw a swift, half assed punch, just enough for the whole spell to break apart into a shattered mess... And what remained... Well, what remained just brought a smile to her face. Even as the weakened, large barrier crumbled, a small, portable shield remained attached to her arm, "Now, this is more like it."

Quickly testing it out, the sculptress swept her arms left and right, as if she were swiftly swinging a sword with the shield in hand, quickly finding herself satisfied by the result.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] Empty Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:19 pm


WORDS: 2110 | TAG: @Alisa | TRAINING

Alas, Alisa didn't really have her sword with her, and after this she knew she had to train something else entirely. One of her strongest spells, sure, but at the same time, also one of the simplest she'd ever consistently relied on. And so, she snapped her finger, targetting a crystalling stalagmite she'd left lingering in the ground in front of her, until a large, eitht meter wide magic circle appeared on the ground at that exact location:

"Now... That was easier~...", indeed when it comes to making simple shrapnel, very few elements of magic actually struggle with the deed. Now why on earth would, well, earth, actually struggle in that sense when she was perfectly capable of creating such hard stones with such an incredible piercing power? Almost immediately, the very moment she snapped her fingers and picked her target, the magic circle appeared, and within split second, a dense, glowing crystal had exploded into bits at that exact location.

Hell, even Alisa had no choice but to back out as she picked her target, knowing the correctly cast spell could easily engulf the whole area into shrapnel. Suddenly, a huge chunk of her mana flowed into the cape draped around her back, before the sculptress even had a moment to correctly figure out what to do it, the cape it it for her... Dhivir's Thunderous stride... That was the name of the mantle she purchased from the mysterious merchant, and it appeared it could quite readily live up to the hefty amount of money the wealthy sculptress spent on it. With a sudden, overwhelming jolt of electricity flooding through her body, Alisa suddenly found herself all but warped a few meters back... Except that she hadn't really teleported or anything

"Whoa... Now... That was something~", chuckled the sculptress, eyes wide, taken aback by not only how quick and easy it was to execute one of her forgotten spells, but more imporantly, by how swiftly she moved simply by pushing off the ground and willing her body to move as such.

Really... When she went out of her way to buy that cape off the merchant... She most certainly never expected happening upon something this powerful. It had its weaknesses sure. Disappointingly, she found her muscles paralyzed by the electrical burst, unable to move for a couple seconds:

"Tch... Guess I can't really expect to use this to get closer now, can I...?", mused the sculptress, wondering just how on earth could she manage to cope with that unpleasant little cooldown. Could she find some way of toughing it out?

Well... She'd at least mastered not one but two of her spells, something she could feel proud of for achieving in only a single day, especially when added up to her other spells and her freshly purchased cloak. Something she could smile at as she strode back into her guildhall, ready to write down what she learned and make the most of it in the coming battle.

Intelligence: 253 - 50% wordcount reduction

Crystal Demon's Stone Storm: 1000/1000

Aegis Adamant: 1000/1000

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Pegasus Take Off Pt2 [TRAINING] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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