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Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon]

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Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:01 pm


WORDS: 358 | TOTAL: 358 | Cutie Springs Forth

I wonder what she’s going to make of this~? A wide smile on the face of Sofia Serena as she sped through the sky on the back of her magnificent mount, the mocha marvel hummed as she plucked an item from her chest and admired it, and felt sorely tempted to use it right now.
I can’t help but find the irony in taking up residence within a palace once more?  A strange key in her hand that she had acquired from a certain mystical merchant during her adventures in the northern woods, supposedly it should be capable of conjuring a magnificent abode that once belonged to some mythical king or something of the sort, which was now hers to exploit if she wanted to.

Will it work in the air, I wonder? Given only the instruction to send her mana through it and ‘unlock’ the door where she had space, ultimately Miss Serena wasn’t sure if that meant that the summoning of this supposedly magnificent maison would work no matter where she was, and felt like she was in a grey area right now. Clearly the area around her vast and more than enough to house a home no matter what the size was, at least in theory, there still remained the question of whether her new toy would linger in the sky if she did such a thing or would go tumbling down to earth and become a ruin beneath her, and there were probably even more outcomes than that as well.

“Hm?” The risk somewhat tempting still but ultimately the blue eye of the beauty drawn instead to something in her vicinity only a matter of moments later, since the skies were usually quite a lonely place to be when one was travelling alone the sudden silhouette of a ship was something that one rarely expected to see, and yet couldn’t help be intrigued by.
I know that ship…?  That latter fact particularly apparent when Sofia noted the fact that the craft that cruised through the air was rather familiar to her, with a look of joy on her face the sapphire siren scanned what she could see of the deck before commanding her splendid steed to draw nearer to it, wondering just who she might find riding the wings of Bellerophon and just what whomever was aboard it was doing this far north…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:33 pm


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING

Indeed, the shopping run had proved quite fruitful... Alisa had sailed as fast as she could and in the end beat nearly everybody to it, judging by the amount of wares the merchant yet had for sale, and came out of it wearing an imposing dark cape. Yet wearing it as such didn't look nearly as much so, casually draped over her shoulders, on top of a sweaty sports bra and bike shorts. Between her outfit and her vaguelly dishevelled appearance, Alisa made it all too clear she didn't even have time to finish her training, let alone shower and make herself presentable. Perhaps she could have used some of her time here in Worth Woodsea to train:

"I wonder what she'll say when she sees it~", glancing up into the skies once again, her smile brightened immediately as she thought back to her lover and what her reaction might be, to find out how her lover, when she noticed the majestic cape hanging off her shoulders, fluttering with the gales as the airship soared higher and higher, nearing its ideal altitude.

She couldn't wait really, easily evidenced by how swiftly the sculptress unfurled the sails and soared, as fast as the winds could carry her. Or so she would have, until a casual, cursory glance sideways made her eyes widen, a low gasp leaving her plush lips as the ship gradually decelerated even before reaching the breakneck speeds she strove for:

"Oh~... Is that...?", visibly caught off guard by the the familiar figure atop a Pegasus, Alisa couldn't help but just take in the vivicious visage she'd grown to love more than anything in the world, giggling as she imagined her lover might have come her much like she did, without saying a word. Turning the helm and bringing her airship closer, she shouted out to her lover, with bright, overjoyed smile, "Fancy seeing you here~...!!"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:18 pm


WORDS: 224 | TOTAL: 678 | Cutie Springs Forth

There she is~ Finding her heart leaping the very moment that she saw that long black hair, having stowed her little ‘treat’ away back in her cleavage Miss Serena lifted her hand high and waved joyously at the woman she loved so much, before directing her horse down for a landing upon the deck next to her.
“I could say the same, Mrs Vollan~?” Giggling at the words of her wonderful woman and smiling as she swooped down and set her steed down a matter of meters away from Alisa, the sapphire siren purred at the choice of her luscious lover since she had taken the phrase right out of her mouth, but held little ill will toward her for that.

“And here I was thinking I could jet up here and get back without you noticing~?” Smiling as she slipped down off the back of her beautiful boy and then bounding up to the black beauty that waited for her, Sofia made no effort to contain either her excitement or enthusiasm as she threw her arms around the neck of her beloved and squeezed her tightly, and then shared the taste of her kiss a moment later.
“Though I am impressed you managed to spare me the wait to see you again~?” Purring with delight when she sampled the sweetness of her lovers lips and savoured that flavour for more than a few seconds, the mocha magnificence mewled with happiness as she squeezed her wife close and smiled, wondering all the while if her beloved had been north for the same reason she had…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:24 pm


WORDS: 710 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING

This far away, Alisa could hardly see the way her lover stashed their freshly purchased marital home in the welcoming valley of her cleavage, nor could she even think that was an actual possibility when she saw her lover reaching for her supple bosom. After all, Sofia had beaten her to the mysterious merchant, even if the sculptress had no real knowledge of this:

"Fufu~ I could say the same but... I suppose the two of us have a history of finding ourselves on the same page hmm~?", added the sculptress, chuckling gracefully, throwing a flirtatious wink her way as her eyes narrowed knowingly. Indeed, running into her here brought her no small measure of delight, "My~... Seems like you had quite the sneaky little plan in the works did you not?"

She found it hard to peel her eyes away from her marvellous mermaid's vibrant visage, actually imagining just what kind of surprise did the girl have in store for her. Mentally chiding herself for not purchasing any item that she could have possibly gifted her wife, Alisa nonetheless knew all too well, she could certainly find some other way to surprise her if she set her mind to it:

"Oh, if you think that's impressive... You should have seen just how much faster I could fly if I knew I'd see you here~", cooed the sculptress, all but purring, biting her lip softly as she admired the way she straddle the majestic creature she straddled, always silently amazed her when she thought about how the most wonderful woman in Blue Pegasus managed to find herself such an aptly chosen mount. And yet she had little time to think about it as she saw her sliding off her Pegasus and onto the deck of her airship.

Alisa needed to steer the ship... Unlike the Pegasus, it wouldn't magically find its way home. And yet she couldn't help but looking away, taking one hand of the helm as she slid it around the mocha marvel named Sofia Serena, gazing into her eyes, pulling her closer into a slow, sensual kiss, humming into it as she suckled that pouty bottom lip:

"So~... What brings you to Worth Woodsea~...?", asked the sculptress, cocking her head, certain she already knew the answer to this question, and yet unable to resist hearing in that alluring voice~

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:56 pm


WORDS: 288  | Cutie Springs Forth

“Matched only by its sweetness in the subterfuge it showed~” Sensing how impressed Alisa was with the fact that she had managed to steal away to the north so sneakily, Miss Serena purred as she confessed a little of her intent behind slipping up this way and nuzzled her luscious lady lovingly, sliding her fingers creeping into the hair of her beloved and teasing the scalp of the woman with her nails in a manner that had proven popular in the past.
“Heeheehee, no power in the ‘verse can keep you away from me, can it~?” Simply quite delighted to have her dark diva so close to her after a time that was to probably be considered quite short but felt like a lifetime for this forlorn femme, the sapphire siren hummed and gave away another short kiss as her White Empress boasted of the pace she might show in chasing her down had she realized, and wondered just how excited she might have gotten if she saw such a thing in person. It was a little tempting, really, to put herself in harm’s way just to see that.

“Oh you know, just out and about, looking for something to make my wife smile~” Chirping happily when next her magenta-eyed minx asked what she was doing here, while it was tempting to show off the little treat of a ‘toy’ she had picked up from the mysterious merchant the mermaid made her lover work for that information as was their custom, and something that she knew the woman would enjoy.
“And you~?” It also occurring to Sofia that the timing of her luscious love’s trip to the north also seemed something of a rather incredible coincidence, even though she only teased the issue lightly the vision from Valerica could only guess that their task might have been the very same, and she found herself wondering wistfully what her wonderful woman might have grabbed from the wooden sea of worth…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:31 pm


WORDS: 1050 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING

"I'll say~", giggled the sculptress, nibbling her bottom lip softly, a hint of redness in her cheeks suggesting just how much she appreciated the gesture, until she couldn't help but toy with those long, flowing dark locks of her lover's hair, nuzzling her right back, breathing in that soothing, faintly salty scent as she all but purred at her touch, "All the powers in the universe just know better... Than to get between you and I~"

The longer she spent away from Sofia, the more she missed her touch, and the opportunity to hold her close like this felt far more fulfilling than any shopping run could ever be. She could feel her pulse quickening even after all this time they'd already spent together, where even feeling those luscious lips against hers made her heart race, until she couldn't help but hold her close the whole way, humming into the kiss before slowly, achingly peeling away:

"I heard there was a merchant selling some rather unique wares, and I figured... Hey, maybe I'll find something worthy of my wonderful wife~", added the sculptress, crooking her brow, glancing up as she recalled one of the many thoughts crossing her mind when she heard about the merchant. But in the end, Alisa could only let out a low, vaguely disappointed sigh. Clearly that particular endeavor hadn't yielded as many rewards as she hoped, "...That didn't work out as well as I'd hoped~"

And yet, she shrugged it off with a playful little chuckle, winking at her beloved beauty, making it all too clear that she'd try again and again, however many times she had:

"I did find something rather interesting, if I do say so myself...", placing a quick, chaste little peck on Sofia's supple lips, the sculptress peeled away from her, disregarding the helm for only a single second as she backed a few paces away from her, doing a little twirl and allowing the long, flowing cape to flutter with the gale winds blowing behind her, "What do you think~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:43 pm


WORDS: 437 | Cutie Springs Forth

“Oh~?” Smiling as her luscious lover revealed her reasoning for being up north and licking her lips as she did so, Miss Serena purred happily at the news and tilted her head at the confirmation of her suspicion, but that only seemed to provide her with a renewed sense of interest in what Alisa had managed to walk away with. Especially when she considered the fact that the sapphire siren had, in her own humble opinion, managed to secure the most magnificent prize that he had on offer.

“You know, I heard much the same rumour~” At least seeming to see that she had no real reason to keep quiet on her own cause to be up north either, Sofia exploited their closeness to act as cutely as she possibly could and reached up a little ways onto her tippy toes in order to nuzzle the nose of the White Empress as she clung to her. Basking in this attention really, perhaps because the work of their guild had consumed their time so very much it felt like such a long time since she had the chance to share a moment of sweet privacy with her beloved, and was not about to waste that without showing her all the affection she possibly could.

“Ooooouuuuuu~” A definite delight seizing Miss Serena when her delicious dark diva showed off her own find soon after, the blue beauty could only coo at what she saw and even more as Alisa showed herself off in a fashion that was just a little bit silly, and totally in opposition to the image that she showed off to most folk other than her. A magnificent marvel seeming to really set off the image of the magenta eyed minx that stood before the Valerican vixen, she loved watching her ebony enchantress showing off so shamelessly, and there was something else about her new ‘addition’ that she enjoyed as well.

“This seems perfect~” Skipping closer to her amazing amazon with a smile on her face, Sofia quickly plucked one side of the cloak and then the other and wrapped it around her own fine form as she pressed her body against that of the black beauty blissfully, and bundled them up together in one complete ‘package’ together. Snuggling her lady love once she had done so as well, all that the foreign fox could do was purr as she shared the warmth of her wonderful woman, and peek up at her cutely as she did so as well with a hint of that heat reflected in the blush her cheeks carried as she did so…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:25 pm


WORDS: 1550 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING

Indeed, not many people got to see this particular side to the White Empress, in fact, as far as Alisa knew only the marvellous mermaid now standing before her could ever claim such a feat, a fact that brought her no end to her amusement as her hand came to rest coolly on her hip, as if striking a pose for her lover to admire, like a mighty hero, cape flying with the wind behind her:

"Ufufu... You think so...?", giggled the sculptress, raising a hand over her mouth, that cool, mature gesture starkly contrasting with the youthful, cheery show of vanity as she flaunted her freshly aquired artifact. And yet as she watched her wife sashaying over to her, Alisa couldn't help but chew her bottom lip as her eyes washed over that sinous form, admiring that silky soft skin as the girl stepped into her arms, and Alisa could only drape her arms around her shoulders, holding her closely and breathing in that soothing scent as she smiled cheekily, "And you havent even seen the whole thing yet~"

There was something irresistibly romantic about the mere thought of cuddling her wonderful wife in her cape as such, and yet, Alisa had something else entirely in mind, something that could just as easily take her breath away. Without warning, before Sofia could process what else she might have in store, the sculptress held her close and let just a smidge of her powerful mana flow through the cape, electricity flooding through the crystal user's body, yet not enough that she could harm her lover in any way. Instead, the moment she did though, a powerful wind draft blew past the two as Alisa all but teleported to the prow of the ship with Sofia in her arms, leaving only the great, all encompassing sky blue all around them as they stood right beside the railing to the edge of the ship:

"How's this~...?", she inquired, allowing her lover to peel away, merely holding her hand, admiring the way those long black and blue locks fluttered with the wind, brushing them softly as she stroked her cheek, "...Now I can reach you in a heartbeat, no matter where you are...", yet almost immediately, Alisa rolled her eyes slightly, correcting herself. Even if her words sounded romantic enough to make her heart race, they were woefully inaccurate, as far as the cape was concerned, "Well, within reason of course~ But where the cape can't reach... I most certainly can~"

She enjoyed this a bit more than she'd openly admit, something Sofia might all too easily pick up on... After all, she never quite as thrilled for showing off her art and her magic as when she did so for her luscious lover to enjoy, so it goes without saying she'd just as easily enjoy flaunting a proudly aquired new item:

"Well, I showed you mine... The least you can do is show me yours~", at the same time, she hadn't really forgotten Sofia's own shopping run, and as her brow rose, she couldn't help but wonder if the girl whose hand she so tenderly held onto might yield and show it off too.

Had this all been a ruse just to persuade Sofia to yield her secrets...? Who knoooows~

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:01 pm


WORDS: 464 | Cutie Springs Forth

What is she…? A little bit bewildered when her black beauty suddenly seemed to want to show something off for her but decided to do so with the sweetness of her embrace, the spell of the ebony empress was so fluid that for a second or two Sofia did not even register the fact that they had moved at all, and it wasn’t until she peeled her eyes away from the magnetic magenta gaze of her lady love that she recognised the fact that they had shifted positon suddenly without her really realizing this.

“Oh, now all I need is a little bell to ring, and I can have my wonderful wife at my side whenever I want it?” Sufficed to say she was astounded and amazed, which was evidenced by the wideness of those sapphire eyes when she saw what had happened, but at the words of her amazing amazon the mischievous mermaid could only grin as she contemplated the possibilities that were presented before her, and share a kiss with her love obviously.
“Heeheehee, it certainly is a fine gift, but I fear you might get nothing else done now I know I can have you near me in a flash… I might never let you escape again~?” Smooching those luscious lips eagerly before chuckling and cocking her head as she pointed out a ‘fly in the ointment’ of their new circumstance with a confident smirk, should Miss Serena find a means to make sure that she could get the attention of Alisa no matter where she was she certainly intended to abuse that feature without end, and ensure that she could readily feed the addiction she had to this woman whenever she wished it.

“Well it’s certainly nothing as splendid looking as your lovely cape, but hopefully we might find a use for it together all the same…” Eager to show off her own little prize as well when the vision before her asked, Sofia took great relish in fishing into the space between her breasts to retrieve the treat she had received in the north, and let her cobalt coloured gaze linger on the face of her wife as she did so in order to enjoy it all the more.
“According to the merchant this can summon us a home wherever we are~? Well, a palace, really~” Proudly producing the ornate key that she had left the mysterious merchant with after a generous few moments spent ‘digging’ within that treasure chest with a deviant set of delight, the mischievous mermaid hummed as she held the object out for her dark diva to survey with sublime sentiment, and even went so far to twirl it around in her fingers in a showy fashion before giggling and smiling at her beloved blissfully…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:42 pm


WORDS: 1900 | TAG: @Sofia | TRAINING

Indeed, nothing quite measured up to that baffled reaction from her lover, letting Alisa watch those precious few seconds it took her to actually even grasp what just happened. Nothing felt quite as thrilling as getting under her skin like that, to make her smile with wonder:

"And now I know what I'll be buying next time around~", teased the sculptress, winking at her, just loosely draping her arm around her beloved, yet holding her close the whole way, gazing out into the distance, yet glancing towards Sofia more often than not, all too eagerly leaning in, and smooching her woman right back, giving those lips a luscious little suckle, her nails digging softly into her lower back as she cooed, "A if I'd let you out of my sight to begin with... Who knows just what manner of mischief if you'd get up to otherwise, hmmm~?"

Teasing her ever so playfully, Alisa could only let her hand snake a few tantalizing inches further down, her fingertips teasing the tight, springy softness of her bubbly behind, peeling away just enough to watch her cheeks redden the whole way through, only to giggle as Sofia hinted at what she'd gotten up to. She could only raise her brow at those words, her interest piqued visibly:

"Mmmm~... After saying something like that, you know you'll have to show me as soon as you can~", spoke the sculptress, sliding her hand up, twining through those silken strands of Sofia's hair, planting a tender peck on those plush, pillowy lips, "I can't wait to see it... The home you've chosen for us~"

She could only giggle at the thought, far more preoccupied with the home itself than the mysterious means used to summon it... At least, until she looked away from Sofia and gasped, noting at how her beloved airship had now tilted down, descending down from the skies at an alarming pace:

"Whoa there~...", she spoke, eyes widening, briskly teleporting over to the helm once more, gripping tightly to it as she sailed her vessel right back up the clouds.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Heading Home [Alisa/Travel to Hargeon] Empty Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:09 pm


WORDS: 512 | Cutie Springs Forth

“Heeheehee, if that merchant is to be believed then it should be quite the home~” Smiling as she held the key up a little higher to let it catch the light a little better and remembering the description that had been offered on it as she did so, as Alisa marvelled over the potential that their new abode might hold for them, the sapphire siren could only smile and contemplate her reaction that her beloved might when she saw the result of her purchase. The ornate item in her hand certainly rather lovely to look at but allegedly nothing compared to the boon that was the abode it could summon, though Miss Serena would not quite believe the ‘blurb’ that had been offered along with it until she had a chance to see it for herself it seemed they would be in for quite a treat if even half of it was true, but ultimately that was not why she liked the idea of this item.

“Certainly the sort of place fit for an empress, from the sounds of things?”  Apparently the locale that could be summoned seeming somewhat metaphysical in nature as it only existed for those who were inside and invisible and intangible for all others, this made it seem like it would be the ultimate getaway for the girls whenever they needed it, and wherever as well within reason. That privacy seeming like it was worth the price without even considering the supposed palace that the key could provide as well, the chance to have nothing but each other for as long as the two desired was like a wonderful dream, and now with the aid of this magical key it was something that they could make a reality of as well.

“Oh my, no Lumen to work the helm for you today~?” Giggling next as her dark delight steered them away from disaster, it was cute for Sofia to see her beloved panic for a moment, but she couldn’t help but wonder why the woman had needed to do so. Usually the trips that her wonderful wife took through the sky the sorts of events that she did not undertake single handed, the blue beauty couldn’t help but wonder where her usual pilot was on this occasion, and smiled as she noted how conspicuous their lilac haired friend was by her absence.

“Heeheehee, maybe I try distracting you a little less, so we can race back and try out our new palace, hm~?” It not really mattering all that much ultimately though, as Miss Serena sauntered toward the steering wheel to keep her beloved black belle company as they continued through the air, she was just happy to have that. This another lovely chance to have the White Empress all to herself after all, all that she wanted to do was back in Alisa’s company and enjoy that feeling of exclusivity she found as she wrapped her arms around the waistline of this wonder woman, and purred as she cuddled her whilst watching the horizon along with her…


Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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