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Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo)

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Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) Empty Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:27 pm


Noel Raion.

Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

Noel was found sitting at the Astera pier. The Advent World wizard had set out his fishing rod early in the afternoon. He sat on top of a cooler box, filled with beer. He sat in the hot sun. His backpack next to the cooler had all of his equipment in it. He had been here yesterday too. Though today, he wanted to start the day casually. The wizard casted out his rod into the water, the bait slowly sinking into the sea as he awaited a reaction on the line.

It was quite a sunny afternoon. After half an hour of no reaction on the line, Noel began to doze off. Suddenly, the fishing line was drawn into the water - waking him up and rushing for his fishing rod. The male begun to reel his rod in, struggling with the fish. It took him a few minutes to tire the fish out, so he could safely reel it in without the line snapping. Noel had caught a large swordfish, attracting some eyes from the other fishers who were impressed.

Noel brought the fish over from the water, letting it hang from his rod as he cleaned out his cooler box with beer - he was about to gut the fish but then stopped. He wanted to show this magnificent fish off to others, so he'd try to contact Kenzo through their face time lacrima. “Check this out” He'd say whether or not Kenzo had answered, he'd have left a video message if there was no response. Noel struck a pose in front of the fish, directing the lacrima camera at himself and the fish. “Wanna hang out at the Astera Pier? I may have a job for you buddy. I'm at the end of the peer, waiting for you.” He'd say before hanging up, the swordfish was too exhausted to try to get free. Noel raised the fish over the railing, putting it on the wooden deck before he'd start to gut it. Throwing chunks of its meat into the cooler box. With a slight of hand, he'd have cleaned up the mess created by the guts of the swordfish by using his magic in minor amounts.

The reason why he came to this pier again today, was due a certain interesting master fisherman he'd have met the day out previous. There was a certain nuisance, a large sea - like creature found in one of the covens. Noel enjoyed slaying it. Maybe there were more of such beasts.

The master fisherman's posse was at the middle of the pier, while Noel hung at out at the end. Waiting for Kenzo to arrive so that they could do this quest together and chill on the pier as teenagers usually do. He'd close the ice box, and chug two beers as they couldn't be covered up with the little shade he'd have gotten from the pier. There were still around seven full bottles, ice cold for him to enjoy.

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance

  • Spells
  • MANA : 4150/4150


  • None

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : S - ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 499 / 2150


    Fis Herman.

    Granted the greatest glory among fishers, Fis Herman is a master fish. Known specifically for his master bait. #ffcc99

    Status : Familiar
    👊 strength.15
    🚅 speed.25
    🏃 endurance.5
    💖 constitution.25
    🎓 intelligence.55
    🎩 trick.master baiter

    #2Kenzo Valens 

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) Empty Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:59 pm

    Kenzo Valens
    Kenzo would not be defeated. He was certain that today was the day when he’d finally make it. Last day had ended in a bleak note for the amateur fisherman. Ever since arriving to Astera, the mercenary had decided to try his luck with fishing at the piers. However, his success was literally nonexistent. No matter how many times he changed bait, spots and waited for hours on end, not a single fish had fallen to his line. Even so, his will was unwavering. It had started first as something to catch up as a hobby, but it had turned into a matter of honor the day before.

    You see, the Advent World warrior had obtained a tip from the inn keeper of where he was staying. It was supposedly a secret spot that only the most experienced of fishermen of the Port knew about. He was promised that he would be able to catch something if he fished there. Kenzo hurriedly bought gear for the task and made his way to a place hidden within the numerous cliffs that bordered the coastline. He was the only person there when he arrived, but he wouldn’t be alone for long. Even if he had spent more than an hour trying to catch something, it appeared to him that the animals where simply away or the inn keeper had lied to him. Just as he was about to give up, an old lady so wrinkled that she could barely see her eyes sat right next to him. With a trembling hand that hardly held a crane that supported her weight she masterfully knit her bait into a fishing rod and threw her line just barely a meter away from Kenzo.

    The swordsman was about to tell her how she was wasting her time and that he would be going somewhere else when her line was violently shaken. With inhumane strength that was clearly not present before, she aggressively reeled in the biggest fish Kenzo had ever seen. His jaw remained open the whole time as he watched the scene unfold before him. On her end, it seemed as she had barely recognized the blue haired man’s presence at all. However, once she placed her catch inside a large cooler she had dragged along in a wheeled cart, the old woman looked around and into Kenzo’s fishing bucket. After noticing it was empty, she slowly turned her face to the man and placed her hand on her mouth.

    ”Pft…” A chuckle was contained as hard as she could before turning around and disappearing as soon as she appeared. Kenzo was completely defeated by the old hag. He didn’t even know what to say to her provocation but remain frozen. However, he’d make sure to make her regret laughing at his fishing skills. He’d catch the biggest fish Astera had ever seen and get his picture in the pier’s wall of fame.

    As he made his way to the coast that day, Kenzo received a video message from Noel Raion. The man had been in Dhalia for a couple of weeks and the warrior hadn’t seen him since he left so he was excited when he saw his name on his lacrima communication device. He could hear the message loud and clear, but the sun was too bright that day and he couldn’t quite grasp what the video was. This was the drawback to these devices. They were quite experimental after all, so they still had room for improvement. Either way, he decided to get on his way and meet with the gravity wizard. This could be fun.

    The blue haired male finally made his way to the appointed place. However, no matter how much he looked for Noel, he was nowhere in sight. Kenzo listened the message once again to corroborate he was in the correct place. ”What the hell… where did he go to?”

    [652/1875] 25% WC Reduction

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) IgtZBYS

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) Empty Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:56 pm


    Noel Raion.

    Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

    Noel saw Kenzo in the corner of his eye. He remained seated, staring off into the horizon as he enjoyed his beverages. He'd occasionally peek towards Kenzo's general direction to see if he was coming closer. About fifteen meters away from him, the male had stopped in his tracks to look around, he seemed lost. Noel chuckled to himself, putting his hand in his pocket and fishing out a certain two-inch pebble by the name of Stonerang. He'd place the pebble under his middle finger, flicking it towards the direction of Kenzo's head. That ought to get his attention. Using its ability after to resummon the trusty pebble in his pocket, Noel yawned into his hand. “Hhhrh, you're finally here.” He got up from his ice box and put his hand into the air - a symbolic invitation for a high five. “How ya been buddy? Long time no see.” He'd say to his guild mate, who'd he befriended by now.

    “Anyway, as I was saying. There's a good opportunity to make some money on this pier.” He'd point at the various different fishermen that were around. “I don't mean the fish, but the clientele here that is attracted to the fish. They seem to have some rampant fish crises, ones they can't solve on their own.” Noel offered Kenzo a beer if he was interested. “If you're interested, we should talk to the master fisherman I spoke to yesterday. Before we go though...” The Advent  World mage walked to his backpack and put his equipment on. “It's gonna be a bumpy ride, most likely. So make sure you prepare before we go to the client, aye?” He'd say to Kenzo if he was still around. When Noel was done putting on his armor, he'd pick up the ice box and start walking towards the master fisherman who was located at the middle of the pier. “Konichiwa, Fis-hakase.” He'd greet the fisherman he'd have met yesterday. With one eye on his fishing hook, and the other eye on Noel the man smiled somewhat. His posse of squires surrounded him, keenly watching and learning from the master.

    “Ah, Noel. Just the guy I needed. Remember that fish beast you slayed? Apparently that thing was a cub. Let's just say mama bear is really angry.” The thought of the horrific sea beast from yesterday having an even bigger version somewhat sent shivers down his arm. Being called a boy made him smirk somewhat. “Ah, I see. If the pay is good, we can take care of it. Nothing in your stipulation last time mentioned eradicating an entire generation of fish species, y'know.” Noel talked his way out of being scolded for not having finished the job properly previously. Fis sighed, and nodded. “Fine. Bring me its head when you're done, and you'll get your payment.” Noel smirked and nodded. “Will do chief.” Fis pulled a map out of his ass pocket, giving it to one of his squires who handed it over to Noel. A big X was crossed on a map that resembled the pier. He'd share the map with Kenzo. “X marks the spot?” Fis chuckled, and nodded. The location of the sea beast was half a mile off the coast. Among a large formation of rocks was the entrance of the coven.

    He'd turn back to Kenzo, who he'd assume was still around. Eventually walking away from the client, he'd propose an idea to Kenzo. “Alright, so we got two options. We can get a row boat, and sing merry little songs as we eat swordfish and drink rum on our way to the coven. Oooorr... I just fly the both of us there. What do you think?” He'd ask Kenzo, waiting for his response before deciding his next move. He'd put down the ice box and stretch, whatever they did next required some physical focus. If Kenzo had agreed to flying, he'd have raised his fist into the air - picking up his guildmate by the collar as he went off flying. Had he refused, and chosen a rowboat instead, they'd have to manage to acquire one.

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance

  • [RARE] Stonerang

  • Spells
  • MANA : 4050/4150


  • Stonerang - Return -100 mana

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : S - ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 499 + 702 = 1201 / 2150


    Crea Ture.

    Living in the dark abyss of marine life, Crea is an apex predator. Some also refer to her as kraken. #ccffff

    Status : Enemy
    👊 strength.80
    🚅 speed.70
    🏃 endurance.600
    💖 constitution.1200
    🎓 intelligence.40
    🎩 trick.water magic

    #4Kenzo Valens 

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) Empty Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:44 pm

    Kenzo Valens
    No matter how much he looked around, the mercenary simply didn’t see Noel at all.

    ”Damn it… I swear he’s gotta be somewhere around he-“

    *SMACK!* The blue haired mercenary’s words were cut short by a sharp pain surging from the back of his head. Some unknown person had thrown a stone at him. Even if it had barely done any damage to the Bellan mercenary, there was someone here that was looking to pick up a fight. Now, Kenzo was not normally someone with a short fuse, but this had been too much. His thoughts of finding his guildmate were instantly replaced by an angry glare as a black-haired dude stood in the stone’s direction. ”Oi! What’s the matter bastard? Wanna die!?” No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn’t remember meeting the guy before. Noel would have to wait, Kenzo would first give a piece or two of his mind to this dude.

    As he made his way to the stranger, Kenzo’s angry face started turning into one of suspicion. As he saw the male speak to him telling him how he was finally there, the blue haired swordsman couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Standing before him, a young person not far from Kenzo’s age lifted his hand as Noel’s unmistakable voice came out of his mouth. As if he had entered into some sort of trance, the male high fived the Noel suspect as he asked a question in a barely audible tone. ”Erm.. What the hell happened to you man?”

    After a couple of minutes, Kenzo had accepted that the guy in front of him was his friend, but he would still need some to digest it. Either way, the man proceeded to tell him about an opportunity. As he listened attentively at what he said, accepting the beer that was offered his way without thinking it twice. ”Just what I needed” The sun was starting to get warmer, but nothing a cold beer could not fix. ”Count me in man” he would say after he was done with the explanation

    As the two of them made their way to the Master Fisherman his guild mate spoke about, Kenzo couldn’t shake the odd feeling he had after seeing the once grown man look like a late teenager/young adult. ”This is gonna take some getting used to…” He muttered to himself as he trailed behind his pal. Kenzo had grabbed his whole equipment upon Noel’s recommendation. If it was anything like what he’d fought a couple of days ago, he knew firsthand he was going to need it.

    The old male barely noticed the two Advent World members as him and Noel agreed on the details of the job. After taking a look to the map that the old man handed them, the black-haired male told the young swordsman the two options of transport they had. His mate was a master gravity wizard, so traveling somewhere else was never going to be a problem, but after listening to his options Kenzo had a plan. ”Yo, if you’re gonna look 20 again we gotta do this in style.” Kenzo chuckled as he continued speaking. ”I’ve got a perfect plan”

    The two men made their way back to the pier where they had been before. Before arriving to the docks, they first needed to cross the main street bordering the seafront. Standing in the middle of two palm trees, a large sign board placed where everyone could see it dominated the landscape.

    ”Port Astera’s Wall of Fame” The title in large letters was placed at the top signaled its purpose. Beneath it, picture after picture of fishermen standing next to impossibly large fishes littered every empty space like wallpaper. Taking a closer look, it was easy to see that there were two people that stood out from the rest of the board’s dwellers due to the sheer amount of times they appeared. One of them was the old Fis Herman that they had just taken the job request from. From the looks of it, he was definitely a legendary Astera fisherman. The other person in the wall though, was Kenzo’s sworn enemy… A smug old lady posed in countless pictures with impossible catches. At the top of the board, next to a sign that read “Best fisher of the year” a magically animated picture eclipsed the rest of the wall of fame. The best way to describe it, was that it was indescribable. After placing his eyes on the moving image, Kenzo’s life would never be the same. He knew after a single glance that he would be scarred forever. Next to the moving image, a speech bubble enounced: ”I’m the Bass”….The pun only added salt to the injury.

    After shortly recovering himself, he looked at Noel with a fire in his eyes. Looking at that hellish image inspired him with the perfect revenge plan. As the two of them walked to a certain boat, he would explain to Noel his intense hatred for the woman and the story of humiliation he had passed through.

    Finally finding a boat with the name “The Codmother” painted in bright red letters, Kenzo noticed that the old hag was nowhere in sight. Without thinking twice, he hopped right into it as he motioned at Noel to follow him. ”Surely it won’t be a problem for you to make the old hag’s boat fly right? If we’re breaking Astera’s fishing record, it can only be this way.” Kenzo smiled as he opened two beers from the ice box. The male offered one of the beers to Noel as he made his question.

    [1594/1875] 25% WC Reduction from Guild Rank

    Danger - Best Fisher Clip Incoming:

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) IgtZBYS

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) Empty Fri Apr 10, 2020 5:36 pm


    Noel Raion.

    Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

    Noels stone rang hit onto Kenzo, smacking him in the back of the head. Noel mildly chuckled, and greeted the wizard - in a somewhat more direct manner than before. Kenzo reacted quite aggressively, threatening Noel who kept chuckling in his face. It seems as if he hadn't realized quite yet who he was. Noel mocked him for being slow, which most likely made the dots connect for Kenzo that he was indeed Noel. When the boy asked him what the hell had happened, he saw he was confused about his physical change. “Ever since I bathed in a tub full of vampire blood, my skin has tightened. Like botox, dude. I'm a young dude now too, Kenzo.” Noel formed a cheeky smirk on his face. “What do young dudes do now-a-days, Kenzo?” After the boys drank the beers, they'd head up to the fisherman who gave them the quest. Kenzo seemed to want to tag along for this quest, which was good.

    Kenzo made some small talk during their short travel. “What do you mean if? I'm 20 years old Kenzo, I don't know what you're talking about.” Noel said with a straight face. Kenzo seemed intent on executing a perfect plan, something with style. Noel was intrigued so he'd pass up on the flying aspect of travel. As they crossed some kind of street, it appeared that Kenzo was startled by some kind of sign. He'd look intently at Noel who physically shrugged with his face. “You've been smoking too much weed lately, Kenzo. You're seeing things that aren't there.” He'd mock his guild mate for his quirky side. “For real though, the upper terrace in our guild hall at 8AM with a cup of coffee in one hand, a joint in the other?” He'd brought his fingertips to his lips, smacking his lips as he brought his fingers outwards. “Peak living.”

    The duo eventually stumbled upon a boat that had a tacky nickname. It made Noel chuckle, at how ridiculously titled the boat was - even though it was their literal life paddle. “You know, my mother told me once when I was a young man to always invest a lot in things that keep you off the ground. Shoes, socks, horse hooves, beds.” Getting on board and standing amidst the center of the ship, Kenzo mentioned the idea of making the boat levitate. “Do you think she meant boats too?” He stretched his back and sat down in a cross-legged position. Resting both of his hands on his knees, he'd put his palms upwards channeling great magic power around the boat and a couple of other random objects. All those aboard would receive D ranked damage from standing on top of the boat, as this spell was an offensive one: Wingardium Leviosa. This spell allowed the Advent World wizard to levitate up to eight different objects. The boat was one of those, Noel and Kenzo being on top of it caused slight damage to them both. In addition to the boat, Noel hilariously made the steering wheel spin out of control. Using his left hand to direct the boat upwards into the sky, with his other palm he'd direct other objects.

    He'd pull a parcel and a quill to him, “Hey Kenzo I'm predicting your future!” Noel said as he himself begun levitating half a feet off the ship while directing the ship forwards. It was roughly five meters off the water and in the air. He'd direct the boat to move horizontally across the water, at fast spell speeds. With the quill and the parcel he'd write with big letters, 'MARRIES A RICH BLONDE'. Noel smirked, “Oh?” He'd attempt to smack the parcel against Kenzos face using his left palm. Among other objects that were levitating around Noel was a bucket with water, a mop, a net, a harpoon, an old cannonball and a book.

    Racing across the open seas, the duo were heading deeper into the rough seas. It had started raining, Noel had to concentrate somewhat on directing the ship properly. The coast line was starting to become faded. An incredible loud roar could be heard from the sea, somewhat starting Noel causing him to tilt the ship inwards of the sea for a split moment, before pulling up in the nick of time. During this moment, a very large black spot clouded the sea below the Advent World mages. “Oh fuck!” Noel yelled, seeing it as he tilted the ship back up. He'd bring the ship to the peak of his control, which was up to twenty meters into the air. “Free for all!” He'd yell at Kenzo, laughing manically as he activated another spell - dropping the ship and the other objects in his control from the air as he skydived for ten meters towards the mouth of the appearing monster, still putting him 10 meters off the water.

    His fist pointed at said monster, which began resembling a kraken in Noels eyes. While one fist was pointed at the monster during his descent, his other arm had charged up. Firing a deadly spell at the kraken, followed by Noels war cry. “KAMEHAMEHA!!” Noel fired this spell at the eyes of the sea monster. Pillars of water were starting to form around the male, who had activated his flight or fight spell after the activation of his offensive spell. With his left fist pointing around the water pillars, the Gravity Mage had successfully evaded three water pillars. One of them hit his leg as he was weaving in between the pillars. It shredded his armor, instantly incinerating it. This beast was no laughing manner. He'd target the beast one more time, right after his leg being caught up in one of its spells. Avoiding Kenzo as much as he could, a large magic circle appeared around the head of the beast, his most powerful spell came bursting out of it, instantly incinerating multiple tentacles as it rose up and created a powerful magical explosion. Somewhat applying a minor debuff to the kraken. Noel weaved between his attacks, dodging and evading many water projectiles that were aimed at him with the use of his flight spell. If there was truly no way for Kenzo to approach this situation, he'd pick him up by his collar before he could plunge into the water and aid him in evading some of the spells that were being shot off in rapid succession.

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance

  • [RARE] Stonerang

  • Spells
  • MANA : 2850/4150


  • Wingardium Leviosa -200 mana
  • Kamehameha -200 mana
  • Fight or Flight -200 mana
  • Halt Hammerzeit! -500 mana

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : B - ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 1201 + 1090 = 2291 / 2150


    #6Kenzo Valens 

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) Empty Fri Apr 10, 2020 11:11 pm

    Kenzo Valens
    It would appear that Fiore’s quirkiness would once again hit the young Bellan in the face today. According to Noel, the physical changes he had went through were brought after bathing in a tub full of vampire blood. According to the male, doing so had not only brought physical changes with it, but a full-on transformation to his age and all. Noel was 20 years again. What puzzled the blue haired male the most though, was what went through Noel’s mind to take such an eccentric bath in the first place. ”To each their own I guess?” With that thought in mind, Kenzo let go of the topic for good as he saw his mate’s cheeky smile. He seemed really pumped up about being young once again.

    ”We’ll have to take you through the list I guess” Kenzo matched his pal’s smile with one of his own. Truth be told this could be fun. There were a couple of things that came to the merc’s mind with his question, but they would have to wait. After all, they had a monster to hunt.

    It would seem Noel ignored completely his vendetta against the old hag. That was okay, revenge was best served in a table for one. Kenzo would take the matters into his own hands. However, he couldn’t help but agree with what the black-haired mage said afterwards. ”That’s definitely the first thing we’re doing after returning to Oak” It had been a while since the swordsman had smoked a joint, but he as yearning for one as he heard such a desirable scene.

    Moments later, the two men found themselves flying through the air and into the Kraken’s lair. It was quite a surreal image to be honest. The duo was now aboard a stolen boat that floated 5 meters above sea level in the middle of the ocean as the steering wheel spun uncontrollably. Seemingly a dozen of objects floated through the air as Noel tried to hit the swordsman in the face with a parcel. After getting hit by what Noel explained to him to be the Stonerang Kenzo decided to be on high alert. There was no way in hell he was getting careless again around the mage. With reflexes that a cat would be envious off, the young male quickly ducked to avoid getting hit by a rich blonde’s marriage proposal. He had avoided the attack flawlessly. With a smug grin, the male rose his head once again as he started a sentence ”I’m more of a brunette typ-“ CLANG! His words were cut short by the full force of crashing against a floating cannonball. Kenzo scratched his head in pain as he turned around to sulk for a second.

    Before long, a storm started to pick up pace. It was almost like a movie scene from one of those Kaiju attack films. A giant beast rose from the sea as the boat rocked in the air. Upon Noel’s command, the gravity magic was undone, and the two men fell to the abyss in free fall. The gravity wizard’s maniacal laugh sparked a smile on the mercenary as both of them dived to the monster’s mouth. ”I missed you man!” Kenzo hadn't had as much fun in a while.

    As spells from Noel and towers of water sprung through the air, Kenzo avoided all of them as best as he could. Unsheathing Masamune, the male cut through a jet of water as it approached him at tremendous speeds. It was almost a miracle that he was unharmed by the water attacks. However, just as he readied himself to slash at the beast, Noel fired off his strongest spell. There was no way to avoid it, so he simply braced as he was caught in the blast. Clashing with such a spell head on would have killed many people, but Kenzo’s dwarven armor managed to tank most of the attack. He was quite lucky to have such fine piece of metalwork; he’d make sure to pray for the dwarves wherever they had disappeared to.

    Either way, Kenzo was now close enough to the beast to attack. With a single slash of his sword, the male severed one of the two main tentacles of the Kraken. Dark blood gushed out of the wound as the beast let out a deafening roar. Even if he had managed to harm the beast, Kenzo was still falling from the sky. There was little he could do to stop his momentum, so he decided to try and endure the brunt impact with his strength. His gear once again came to save the day. The dwarven armor received most of the force and shattered instantly, leaving Kenzo virtually defenseless. However, the mage didn’t plan on getting hit again.

    Rising his sword with both hands, Kenzo lunged towards the other thick tentacle and cut it in a single slash. In total, he had dealt 4 S-Rank equivalent damage to the beast. Adding that to what his pal had dealt previously, it would seem that the Kraken was in its last legs. However, there was still enough fight on it for a final attack. A magical circle 100 meters in diameter started forming beneath them. It seemed that the beast would try to bring both mages with it. Kenzo was now hanging from one of the severed tentacles, far away from the main body. If Noel didn’t find a way to kill the beast before the spell fired off, both of them would certainly die.

    [2506/1875] 25% WC Reduction from Guild Rank

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) IgtZBYS

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) Empty Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:48 pm


    Noel Raion.

    Mago Oscuro @ Advent World

    Noel was excited to relive the glory years of his past. He was sure that Kenzo was going to teach him young man culture when they had a moment of respite. Activities such as wake' n baking were going to be the highlight of his many days to come. Later, on the ship, Kenzo succesfully managed to evade the enhanced parcel. He'd direct a cannonball at his head while the blue haired male spoke, chuckling as it connected onto his head. It seemed like brunettes were more of his type. Noel continued to irritate Kenzo with various different objects as they fucked around during their short period of travel.

    During the free fall, Noel laughed manically - hearing the words of his friend, he'd shout back at him. “Me too, teme!” The ship mightily crashed into the mouth of the kraken, somewhat deep throating the squid. While Kenzo was doing his warrior thing, Noel stuck to evading many of it spells in creative and ambitious ways, sometimes receiving damage in return for being too bold with his evasive maneuvers. He'd surf among some waves created by the kraken, speedily dodging various tentacles as they came rushing out of the air. Taking out several with brutal punches, Noel begun to distribute great damage upon the kraken. Chunks of flying tentacle meat came falling from the sky, blood and ink were splattered across Noel. It seems as if the kraken was dying, the roaring had stopped - the tentacles begun sinking into the water, and no follow up water spells were being cast. Noel moved towards its head levitating three meters off of it, “I think it's dead. Let's sever the head, I'll bring us back if you hold onto the head.” Noel wanted to strike a deal with Kenzo. “You do the head severing, I'll just uhh.. warm-up for the flight back!” He'd say at Kenzo, not wanting to dirty his hands. It wasn't like he had a sharp weapon like he did anyway.

    Whenever Kenzo was done severing its head, Noel fled down to grab him by his collar. “Alright, I'll give you a break for once.” Noel said, levitating the head as he sustained his Wingardium Leviosa spell. Departing into the air, he'd drift back towards the coastline with the kraken head in his orbit. Presumably, he'd have expected Kenzo to allow him to transport him in this manner. Though once the were back at the pier, he'd drop Kenzo from eight meters into the air onto the pier. Cheekily following him, he'd carefully bring down the kraken head in front of the fisherman. He was surprised they were this fast, and handed over a big bag of jewels. “Very good, till next time.” Noel was satisfied with the pay and made sure to split the rewards with Kenzo. “Job well done. Let's head to the bar. I think I need a shower first though. Race you to the inn?!” Noel pointed his fist at the sky to depart at fast speeds towards the inn after dropping his interrobang, several blood drops scattered across Astera that day. Noel enjoyed the rest of his evening in a bar, presumably with Kenzo.

  • [RARE] Gust Gauntlet

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Helm (broken)

  • [RARE] Great Warrior Armor (broken)

  • [RARE] Raven Night Ring (broken)

  • [LEGENDARY] Amulet of Magical Resistance (broken)

  • [RARE] Stonerang

  • Spells
  • MANA : 2450/4150


  • Wingardium Leviosa -200 mana
  • Fight or Flight -200 mana

  • Misc.
  • [UNCOMMON] Winged Lemur

  • [GUILD - ODIN] : No  ranked shield remaining

  • [TAROT - DEATH] : C - ranked phase remaining

  • 2291 + 536 = 2827 / 2150



    #8Kenzo Valens 

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) Empty Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:35 pm

    Kenzo Valens
    The mayhem ended as soon as it started. It would seem the poor mollusk was no threat to the combined effort of the Advent World fighters. The kraken’s death was signaled by the dying roars of its struggle. The final magical circle broke as soon as it appeared, slowly sinking amidst a pool of ink and blood. It had been a tough fight, both men rested for a second to catch back their breaths before going back. Noel asked Kenzo to cut the beast’s head while he warmed up for the trip back.

    ”Sure” The mercenary instantly ripped the head off the beast with a single slash. Trying to stand on the floating chunks of the beast’s corpse, Kenzo couldn’t help but mud himself with quite an assortment of different fluids. Since the boat they had come in was now essentially bukkake’ing the dead Kraken’s mouth, Noel had no choice but to carry Kenzo by the collar. Lifting the beast with his magic, the pair made it back to the coast before long.

    The old man was ready with the reward, so it was distributed evenly between them swiftly. It was a very nice sum of money, so Kenzo was glad he had decided to join his pal for the job. Even better, the black-haired mage proposed going to the bar for some drinks. However, due to the state of their clothes a shower was just what they needed first.

    ”You’re on”

    Noel pointed his fist to the air as he tried to lift up to again with his flight spell. A smile painted the Bellan’s face as he saw Noel rise with his magic and start to pick up speed. Kenzo unsheathed the golden sword by his side without wasting a moment and pointed it at the sky before the gravity wizard could get far away. ”Full Negation”

    Seemingly out of nowhere, Noel’s magic would be sapped, and he would make his way to the ground as Kenzo started dashing towards the inn. Both of them were lost through the streets of Astera as they raced to the inn. For the rest of the night, the two of them would spend their reward in booze and girls, just like any 20-year-old would.


    [2880/1875] 25% WC Reduction from Guild Rank

    Something Smells Fishy (Quest; Kenzo) IgtZBYS

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