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Easter Time [Event]

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Easter Time [Event] Empty Sun Apr 12, 2020 6:55 pm



"Easter, a holiday that one celebrates to earn things for themselves or/and pretend they believe in something."

She looked towards the open field with some random flower-filled trees that had some white and pink flowers growing. Her and Omen started to walk around as she was still in her same outfit from earlier travels. They still haven't found a perfect place to stay that allowed separate rooms or something that will split the beds as if they were in their own mini rooms at least. It was like they wanted them to share a room together, but that was not going to happen.

Together they searched for an egg at least, but none were so lucky just yet. "I wonder what I'll find in mine if I find it." She said soothingly in her breathy Italian accent. Her purple cold eyes looked towards him who was searching through the grass patches with rocks piling on top of each other. She suddenly looked in her own direction with him now looking at her, seeing her look within the bushes next to one of the flowery trees. They were quite beautiful like her own self, but she doesn't know who he really was as he had to keep it a secret. Their souls were more connected than Kuri knows. Kurisa sat down as she looked up at the sky into the sun as her water body was shining as if some photosynthesis was happening.

Nonetheless, something dropped from the tree in-between her legs as she saw a purple egg with blue and red swirling heart designs, adding some hearts to it. Kurisa heard some footsteps arriving close to her as her head tilted her enough for her hair to flow against her back. "I found mine." He spoke as he lifted up his golden egg with a moon on it. It was beautiful and so was hers.


Easter Time [Event] Sigme10

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