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North to South [Travel]

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North to South [Travel] Empty Fri May 01, 2020 8:22 pm


There was nothing more for her to do here as she looked back at Orchidia for a few seconds before looking towards the direction she had to go. Kuri knew that her calling was ahead of her. There was something more for her out there than this place. Orchidia was a place she didn't want to be at. Ever. Maybe she will find a new location to feel at home someday with Arisa's children. The silence was real as Omen walked beside her quietly. The trees were the only things making any noise as even the animals and insects made no sound.

She felt something fuzzy as Momo wrapped herself around her neck like a scarf. ''So where to now?" She wondered and sniffed the air. She wasn't sure herself, but there were some places she hasn't been to in quite a while. Hargeon was the place she first went to when she first arrived in Fiore. Arisa knew people there as well as the fact there was a beach there. ''I could go for a good swim." She believed and continued her trail. "Swim? Ugh, I will get my nails done and perhaps a royal bath!" Momo declared like a spoiled woman. The area was really nice as the flowers were blooming around her in every direction. She frowned and tilted her head toward to hide it away from her partner. She didn't know anything anymore. 'Ever told you about Kuri's lifetime? It was such a lifetime.' Kuri spoke towards Arisa quietly.

Arisa was a little curious about the other past lives, but she felt like this will affect her in a way. 'I remember when Kuri was just born she was sold away to some scientist. He experimented on her and Ana's soul which came from an ancient body from many centuries ago.'


North to South [Travel] Sigme10

North to South [Travel] Empty Mon May 04, 2020 10:58 am


She started as they continued to walk towards where Crocus and Era were. She was passing the Mountains at the moment during this conversation, but it wouldn't stop.

Kurisa crossed her arms against her chest as she listened to Kuri. 'Kuri was innocent enough like you when you first started to live, but then the cycle kept going. Kuri experimented on you and kept you in the basement. It seemed to have go wrong, but at the same time it went right. The day Ana Kidnapped you was the day that I felt closer to my goal.'. She continued on. The area was getting dark already as her and Omen camped next to the City.

They didn't feel like buying a hotel room or anything as they were going to leave once they woke up. Crocus was busy as ever as there were too many people in the streets. Arisa couldn't see herself moving here at all in this lifetime if any. 'I remember when Dahlia had a Castle that was yours truly. Honestly, Kuri was just a trophy and a face for it. Pieces of crap.' Kuri spoke disgusted as they went towards Era, before Dahlia.

Era was where Arisa met the first person she had contact with, Hika. She felt like she fell, but it made her realize that people are just pawns in her own life and she could possibly do anything to them. Selena was a bitch. She left her alone in Era for awhile and never came. She found out later that she was engaged to the guy she danced with too. 'Womanizer.' Kuri rolled her eyes. 'Yea, it was sort of weird since one of them turned out to be a distant cousin.'. Arisa yawned and fell asleep as she watched the beautiful moon.


North to South [Travel] Sigme10

North to South [Travel] Empty Mon May 04, 2020 10:58 am


The clouds slowly moved away from where they once were located. Omen slept against a tree again and Momo slept against Kurisa.

She woke up to the sun blazing through the tree branches and their leaves. Her violet eyes gazed away to see omen already up. ''How long have you been up?" She questioned during a yawn. He gazed at her quietly for a few seconds before answer. "Two hours.". She slowly got up and stretched with another yawn added. "Alright, let's go and travel the rest." She took a deep breather as she went on ahead with him not far behind. 'Oh look, Dahlia. Stupid name of a town. Like a flower and it's namesake, it'll die.' she told herself and Arisa as she could imagine just flooding the place, but she had to remember that Dahlia was the Homestake of the guild she was in. Her eyes widened though after a few hours of running into a new area that she should have remembered being here, but she did not. Hosenka was rather beautiful with lights in the trees and nature all around. This place was like somewhere she will want to live in if she ever retired, perhaps.

She remembers one other place that she will like to go live. Galuna Island. For some reason, they couldn't go there so she had to deal with these cities. Soon enough she ran into Hargeon which was possibly her destination. Her eyes eyed the sign with Marigold on it. What was even there again? 'Farms, that lazy farmer that we can never get rid of. Perfect for starting the drowning.' Kuri instructed and tried to explain with simple information as well as unessesary. Arisa remembered those things as she felt like she wasted her time there, but after so many years perhaps there was something more there. She walked towards Hargeon's beach to see the ocean at first hand. So many things went wrong and right here.

She remembered turning into a Seraph here, remembered meeting Jeeroy who ended up disappearing. Hung out with Daiko who is probably a different person at this moment and this place was the place of Alisa as her guild is located in Hargeon. ''Are we staying?" Omen wondered coldly as her tossed his Furr fluff on his left shoulder. "Don't need to decide now since the other places aren't that far away.  


North to South [Travel] Sigme10

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