Her children were his and she had to look at them every day. It truly harmed her mentally more than anything as it reminded her that he left her. Disappeared even as he supposedly got stuck in prison, deciding to never come back. She went towards her friend for affection, thought it was love as he returned it, after disappearing from each other he thought she was gone, dead. He slapped her and ran off with her heart as he dropped it into the ocean from the cliff they stood on. Her eyes closed slowly as she watched the flowers motion from the wind.
The smell of outside was like fresh lilacs, daffodils, and iris's as they were mixed all around. Her eyes watched the book next as she grabbed her pencil to start writing things down as she thought of the story she was writing. She was only at the beginning as she thought out of what the girl's name should be and what the names of the towns, people and etc. should be named. There was so much to be thought about.