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What's This!? - Vultures, Day 2

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#1Odin † 

What's This!? - Vultures, Day 2 Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:38 am

Odin †

The first challenge day was over, with Odin having only narrowly stayed on the pole in the allotted time. He had been lucky that two had already fallen, because he likely would've been the third. But it was now the second day, and Odin decided that food just wasn't going to do it for him this time. He had heard of items scattered around the island, of varying power, which could turn the tide in the future challenges. Gaining any kind of advantage was definitely something Odin was interested in, which is why he began to make his way to a more secluded area of the island, and dug.

~~Searching for item~~

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