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Jirochi's Fatality

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Jirochi's Fatality Empty Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:42 pm




Her eyes gazed at the broken mirror that was split halfway starting from the middle angle. Her lilac eyes were rather anxious as she was meeting some random man. It was going to be just like how it was meeting Caius, right? She felt rather a weird feeling meeting random men. Her hand motioned up as she put her hair in a ponytail and straightened her jacket. Her jacket was black leather that had a symbol on it. She did not know what the symbol meant or if it even meant anything but it oddly made her feel close to it. Underneath it, she wore a strapped bustier of white. It was really short as it could even be seen as a bikini if not anything else.

Her bottoms were leather shorts as her legs were somewhat covered by black, see-through, thigh-high stockings, and her thigh heel boots that were also black. She had a thing of wearing black clothes with maybe a little white. She felt done and ready as she left the bathroom. She was at a random small house that was rather ghetto. Her eyes saw the door handle was fixed with super glue and some duck tape. She wondered if maybe she was in the wrong place.

She leaned against the wall of the house and closed her eyes for a split second to then hear some walking towards her. Maybe it was a random man? Alas, it was not as she saw a man of white short hair. He looked angry or as some say it as if a stick went up to his ass. Maybe he lost a lot of sleep or maybe someone pissed in his cheerios. She licked her canine as she did that out of being nervous. "You must be her." He started as his eyes gazed up and down, studying more than who she was.




Jirochi's Fatality Empty Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:14 pm




He did not look interested at all. Maybe he was but didn't want to look interested. Some people were difficult to read as they went through some traumatic scenes. He nodded his head as if he wanted her to follow. In most cases, they followed, but she looked away and then back at him. "Alrighty then." She only said and then finally followed. He started to explain how he needed her to go inside a place called 'Sweet Sisters Club'. It sounded like some rated eighteen stuff where they sell their bodies at. She shivered at the thought and her eyes looked towards the grump she was paired with.

Were Xandra's and Leika's partners like this? They didn't get any pictures of their appearance with the papers that had information on it. They walked silently till they were across the street from the place they needed to go. He told her that she had to go in first, distract them with something while looking at her body once more. She was dressed like a 'bad girl' which most men who dealt with crimes were interested in. "Don't worry, I'll be here." He instructed and waited for her to go. She sighed and pumped herself up.

Slowly she walked towards the door with the guards who looked at her funny, but her outfit made them study her body. "I was going to assume you didn't belong here, but your outfit speaks differently. Go ahead." He let her go through and she made an innocent smile as her wide lilac beautiful eyes looked at all the men. 'Looks like you better get started.' Kuri spoke to Ari. One at a time the men were paying attention to what she was doing which she swayed her hips and flipped her hair fabulously. This was starting out well, fairly well. She danced around a pole she found with her hands grasping it. It was like dancing but with an object. 'I didn't think I would do this in front of random men.' Kurisa thought as she twirled about.



Jirochi's Fatality Sigme10

Jirochi's Fatality Empty Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:34 pm




She sang a song as she swayed her hips, danced around the pole while the spotlight was on her. People gazed at her - even the women. They were not sure who she was, but they were hypnotized by her moves. If her mission, which it was, was to gather attention then she completed it. The men were perverted, thirsty, and Sinful - so sinful they were. Filled with a desire that was not righteous to her. As a Neph, past Seraph she felt the need to save these women and purify these men. Some of these men could be married and be here cheating on their significant other.

It pissed her off just thinking about it, but her facial expression kept calm. She had to think about the mission as a whole. Kurisa wondered what was taking Dai so long to get through the security systems. Once she was almost done with her song she got her little hint as it zapped from afar. She then hurried the girls on stage as they got them to join her. Once the men were back at gazing at the other women she slid off away from the others. Finding Jichiro was her mission now as she found Dai waiting in the hall.

He nodded in a good job sense since he was able to complete his part. They had to get to the main guy now, but how will that go exactly? The halls were red with art of probably the victims of the females. They were posing different poses, outfits and all had something different - unique even as it was obvious this man was a huge pervert. Finally, at the door, it opened to a more open area. It had a disco light in the middle of the room. A huge L-shape sectional sofa that was made of leather. He smirked as he gazed at Kurisa, but then it faded as soon as Jichiro's eyes saw Dai.



Jirochi's Fatality Sigme10

Jirochi's Fatality Empty Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:58 pm




"NANI?!" He yelled while fisting the table in half. He stood up while the girls were around him. He swapped them out of his way causing some to fall on the floor. His eyes gave Kurisa the stank eye as the right twitched. "What is the meaning of this?!" He roared. Dai came up with a rather disgusted facial expression. "Here to ruin your party obviously." He spoke sarcastically. In a way, they were ruining the man's party, but she felt like she could just stay quiet just this once. The two boys were having their conversation that may or may not make them feel tougher.

His eyes looked away from Dai and studied Kuri's. "My what a catch. You'd look great with all that off and on my lap. Call me Daddy baby." He smiled very creepily with his eyebrows motioning up. His hands did a crinkle motion, fingers wiggling as he was imagining some scenario that she wanted nothing to do with. He was drolling while slowly walking up to her. He had broad shoulders and looked like a weeb beef-cake that definitely looked like the antagonist in any highschool.


A bullet hit the wall a few inches away from Jirochi's head. He stopped suddenly and slowly turned his head to look at Dai. "Did I miss? My bad." He looked at Jiro coldly. He stood up straight and straightened himself out as he positioned in a fighting stance towards Dai. His eyes squinted as Dai's did as well. Swiftly, Jori charged up to him catching Dai in a surprise. His fist went for Dai's face in which Dai tried to dodge towards the left. Jori twisted and dashed towards Kurisa. She didn't expect this as she didn't have time to move before what he did next.

"Tag, you're it." he flicked her cheek softly with a large creepy smile.



Jirochi's Fatality Sigme10

Jirochi's Fatality Empty Sat Jun 20, 2020 6:03 pm




Kurisa's eyes widened as her eyes started to burn bright white. They were as if someone was shining a flashlight through her eyes. It created two crescent moon shapes that glowed. Her wings swiftly formed as she backed up away from him. Something about him touching her made her fear things, but nonetheless she too can make people fear. She will make him feel the way she feels. Her eyes widened, enforcing fear throughout her enemies. She was about 10m away from him as she studied him.

Thankfully, he is distracted by her, Dai came him - anyways he started blasting. She was then behind. Her eyes still wide, she motioned a fist towards him creating a dragon made of water yet blasting with light. It used him as a target. It roared upward and then downward towards Jiro. Her heart was pounding as if she was angry, angry at who he was as a person. Maybe it reminded her of the men that have miss-treated her, men that cheated on her, Ana and Kuri. It disgusted her to the brim as she slammed down Naga. It engulfed him as Dai shot him with whatever gun he had. It was not even interesting as she coldly gazed at him.

Dai looked at the guy, kicked him, spat in his face, and left. Kurisa looked at Jiro who obviously wasn't done as he slowly moved up. She pointed towards him, creating a circle that has water swarming in circles around Jiro. within seconds a large shark appears to chomp on him from below. His body flopped, became cold as she then walked away towards where Dai was. The people that were there were no longer here. While she was in there, she assumed that he made them clear out. Dai's hands were seen in his pocket as he chuckled. "Seems over. See you again." He nodded to her as his eyes cornered to look at her one more time before leaving.  Kurisa sighed, walking towards where she told the girls to meet. Hopefully, their time went okay.





Jirochi's Fatality Sigme10

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