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New sights [Manzo]

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New sights [Manzo] Empty Sun May 24, 2020 4:40 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

Alisa had quite a lot of work to do... Though she'd formally assumed the position a few months back, the so called "great change" had all but ground everything to a halt with preparations. Sealing Earthland off from Heaven and Hell alike could only bring about an improvement to the lives of ordinary citizens, but how good that would actually prove in practice came down only to the people with the will to enact this change, and what direction they'd take it towards:

"Oh, this one looks lovely~...", spoke the sculptress, tuckling a loose wet lock behind her ear, her gazed magnetically drawn from the the clear blue sunlit skies after a bout of heavy rain... The state of Alisa's clothes, wet and dripping as they clung to her sinuous form, certainly hinted at how the downpour had caught her off guard at least once or twice, and maybe it would so again... But not as long as she lingered underneath the overhangs, eyes glued to the windows of a nearby art shop, cupping her chin, "Maybe it would look good in the guild hall~...?"

She always had to held back from buying too many artworks in Hargeon, but now that she had complete freedom to do dectorate, she could indulge in a not so secret, yet scarcely admitted little guilty pleasure: Shopping... Myras wasn't especially known for its artwork, and though the quality generally paled to what she might find in her hometown, that didn't exactly stop the sculptress from enjoying what she could. Variety is the spice of life after all~ The lone, aloof wandered had now become quite the busy woman, where even something as simple as redecorating required a fair sized chunk of her time. Blue Pegasus had become her guild to some extent, though Alisa never saw it as such. Blue Pegasus was her home away from home, and many of her members felt the same way. Even if their numbers may have dwindled, that would only bring the remaining few closer together and cement the desire to make the guild, and all of Hargeon into a place they could come home to. She'd come here to bring Myras into the fold, as the second city under the protection of Blue Pegasus, and that meant making the most of what the city had to offer.

So preoccupied with the paintings and sculptures before her eyes, arms folder under her full bust, she paid comparatively little attention to everything else around her, only barely shooting cursory glances through the reflection on the windows...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Sun May 24, 2020 5:57 pm

Congratulations, you are the first player to enter Myras after it has opened. A man approaches you. He is a servant of Lord Diones, the son of Lord Liones, and tells you that the young lord is in need of some assistance. He could use the help of a powerful adventurer. Will you accept this quest? In order to accept the quest, you must tell the man that you are interested after which he will depart. The quest will take place somewhere else allowing this topic to continue.


New sights [Manzo] Empty Mon May 25, 2020 12:13 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

As Alisa wandered around the city for the first time in her life, seeing what wares they had to offer, she soon rose an eyebrow as she caught sight of the emissary heading her way: A servant of the Diones family, hmmm? The people in charge needed assistance with something he couldn't quite say, but surely him or someone else would if she accepted:

"Very well, Blue Pegasus shall accept this quest~", replied the sculptress, nodding as she flashed the man a smile, wondering just what manner of mission she might have actually accepted. Surely, if her goal was to expand the influence of Blue Pegasus outside of Hargeon, then she'd most certainly need some connections to get her started, some way of ensuring her Guild was a known face around this parts.

In the end, she had no plans to actually conquer the city... That wasn't Blue Pegasus' way, and not her way either. Whatever expansion she had in mind would be peaceful in the end, and to that end she needed allies... The rulers of this land sounded like an excellent place to start. As she nodded and voice her acceptance, the man simply departed, leaving the puzzled sculptress behind him to wonder just what was that whole thing all about. Guess she'd see it for herself before long, or, well... Once she was finally done with all this shopping.

"The Liones family hmmm...? I wonder what kind of people they are.", mused the guild master, bringing a hand to her chin with a curious look on her face.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Wed May 27, 2020 6:20 am


Rain, not the most luxurious of the many seasonal backdrops one could find themselves in. Though it was better than sweltering heat in his mind. The white wolf wasn't one to occupy the city, too much opportunity for him to use his prowess for things unbecoming of a Blue Pegasus mage. While that was indeed true, he felt as though he could find some quite useful information. But where to begin, who looked like they could know something of worth. Perhaps the best place to look would be somewhere like a bar. Or the market district.

The first place he would choose to go, would of course be the market district. It would be quite easy for him to scrounge up information if he threw some jewels around. People were people after all, and nothing was free at the end of the day. He would begin making his way down the streets of the city as the rain began to let up. Perfect, he thought to himself. Now people would be more likely to be out and about. This is the perfect time to scout some potential leads to report back on.


New sights [Manzo] Empty Fri May 29, 2020 4:00 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

Now what was that all about...? Resting a hand on her hip, Alisa watched the man leave as she mused on just what exactly this mysterious quest might entail, but in the end just sighed and shrugged:

"I suppose I'll see later on, won't I...?", mumbled the woman, silently noting to herself how she had utterly no clue of what was going on in this town, after all, nobody really know that much about it until a few months ago... Had they been living in isolation all this time...? Most likely, seemed utterly impossible to have built such an imposing city like this from the ground up. Looking around her, Alisa seemed utterly awestruck by the architecture... Not really her cup of tea mind you, but impressive in it's own way, in an artistic sense. But as she turned around to leave, her eyes widened as she came face to face with a fair, white haired male, "Whoa there...!"

Courtesy of her quick reflexes, she actually stopped in place instead of bumping into the helpless man, but as she scanned him head to toe, her brow furrowed as she couldn't help but cup her chin at the sight of him:

"Araa... Do i know you...?", indeed, something about this man seemed very familiar. She'd never seen his face, but she knew by now people could radically alter their appearance with a simple potion, so the fact that she might actually know this man wasn't entirely out there...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Sat May 30, 2020 4:13 pm

Lord Diones, son of Lord Liones, is in need of some assistance. Lately, travelers trying to reach or leave Myras have been disappearing. Lord Diones cannot spare soldiers currently to investigate the matter, therefore someone else is needed to do it for him. Alisa, the first task at hand requires you to gather two members of your guild in Myras. Explain to the first member in a topic what needs to be done for Swindler's Specification and send them on their way. The topic must be started by the member with the same title. When one of them has completed Swindler's Specification, they may relay the information to you IC. After that, the next member may start Silent Merchant and do the same. Finally, once you have all the information gathered, you may start Wounded Guard.

  • Swindler's Specification - Smuggler's Steps (1000 words): Someone from Blue Pegasus must find Jaren the Swindler in the Lower District. Someone mentioned that Jaren was supposed to meet up with one of the merchants.
    - Upon finding Jaren, he will explain that the merchant never reached Myras in the first place.
    - The member completing this quest must relay this information to you in another topic.

  • Silent Merchant - Goat's Beard Inn (1000 Words): Someone from Blue Pegasus must meet up with Lawrence the Merchant at the Goat's Beard Inn. He hasn't said a word ever since he reached Myras and is clearly suffering from a traumatic experience.
    - Upon putting Lawrence at ease, Lawrence will explain that his brother and wife got kidnapped by barbarians in the Avvar Mountains.
    - The member completing this quest must relay this information to you in another topic.

  • Wounded Guard - Middle District (1000 Words): There is an infirmary for the Myras Guards in the Middle District. One of the wounded guards has returned from the Avvar Mountains. Gather clues by conversing with him.
    - The wounded guard will tell you that many of them were slaughtered by the Braghur Barbarians. Since the tribe doesn't have that many members anymore, this behavior is very out of character for them.
    - Upon completing this final quest, a new one will pop up which concludes this special quest.


New sights [Manzo] Empty Sun May 31, 2020 12:12 pm


In Manzo's haste to make some ground in this new city found himself face to face with a very buxom woman. After taking a few glances at her from head to toe, his eyes flickered from red to golden. He was looking for any distinctive markings to make sure he had the right woman before getting far too buddy buddy with her. Using his sight he peered through her clothes, specifically looking for a distinctive mark. After a few seconds he found exactly what he was looking for.

"Ah empress, I thought that was you. Sorry about almost knocking you over."

He said as his eyes went back from gold to red. Signalling that he had indeed turned off his advanced sight. Though from the look of it. She had not yet recognized him, he knew he only needed to simply touch her in order for their connection to be reestablished. So she could see through his eyes, just as the masters before her. He got down on one knee, took her hand gently, kissing the top of it out of respect for her standing within their guild and the world at large.

"Connection restored." He said as he removed his lips from her hand and brought himself up from the kneeling stance he had taken before her.


New sights [Manzo] Empty Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:51 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

It took her a while of wondering why the man eyed her so, it felt different from the fumbling way most guys checked her out when they ran into her, and not to mention the way his eyes changed color for seeming no apparent reason. Alisa actually frowned at the sight, wondering if the man had activated some manner of spell he'd use to challenge her out of the blue... Which mind you would be rather rude, but what can you do right? In the end, her idle hand came to rest on her hip as the man took the other and got on his knees. There was but one fellow Pegasus who would adress and greet her as such, and Alisa could only chuckle:

"My, Manzo... Did you go and drink yet another of those body swap potions~?", inquired the sculptress, raising her brow, more of a rethorical question than anything considering how he now stood here before her, a completely changed man once more, chuckling softly as he kissed her hand, before peeling it away, "But more importantly..."

Cracking her knuckles, Alisa's gaze narrowed into a menacing glare despite that enduring faint smile on her face, her brow twitching in annoyance. Oh yes, she knew his power way too well. The ability to see everything went quite a bit further than simply reading auras and magic power, and Alisa knew fully well of his ability to see through, well... Anything really:

"What you just did back there with your eyes... That better not be what I thought it was~", she added, knowing there were certain things only her lover should be allowed to see...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:55 am


Her question was a valid one, though he felt as though she should know him a bit better than that. But perhaps too much time had passed for her feel as though she truly knew him. That was entirely possible considering the two had only spent time together when she was much younger, as in when she had first joined the guild. That was indeed such a long time ago. So perhaps he needed to garner some good will in this situation.

"It is unbecoming of me to have peeked on you as some sort of common perv. If I want to see something like that, I can easily pay to see it."

He said as his eyes iris' changed shape, given how often he had to use his all seeing sight, it required little to know magic to keep them in a state where he could constantly scan, and gather information from his surroundings. It was simply a habit he had gotten into over time. Something he didn't even think about anymore, just something that did indeed happen.


New sights [Manzo] Empty Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:24 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

"Interesting... I completely expected you to be the kind of man who would go...", Alisa chuckled and rose her hands in the air, two fingers in each hand, wiggling her air quotes as she added something she undoubtedly heard some men boast ever so often, flashing him a playful, cheeky little smirk, "...'If I want that sort of thing, I certainly don't need to pay for it'..."

Granted, she trusted the man she'd chosen as one of her guild aces enough to take his word for it, that calm smile returning to her face as her hand came to rest on her hip, brow raising as once again her gaze washed over the man with a smidge of curiosity, silently noting to herself how she's certain she'd seen him with that kind of silver haired figure before:

"Still, I admire your honesty~", she spoke, her hand sliding back to her hip cooly, silently noting how indeed they hadn't really interacted that much in a long time, and even then only sporadically. Manzo had been around for a long time, alas he always seemed to be up to his own business, of which Alisa knew surprisingly little about. On some level she figured that might be a good thing, especially now that she was Master of their Light Guild, and there were certain necessities that, if tended to, she'd be better off not knowing than having to deny it, "So... What in the world have you been up to all this time?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:09 pm


Manzo chuckled to himself at her words. "Yes well, we can't all be you now can we mistress." He said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out silver tin. He flicked it open and pulled a single miniature cigar out of it and put it to his lips while she kept speaking to him.

With the snap of his fingers he had lit his cigar and exhaled smoke through his nostrils. The question of his business in this city was not an uncommon one. Most people would like to know what a Blue Pegasus Ace was doing so far from the free port of Hargeon. It was after all his job to assist his mistress with anything she might need in the city. But with the gift he had been bestowed by the spirits of the former masters he felt he was much more useful outside of the port rather than in it.

Though it was against his code to not give her the truth behind his constant travels. But he also knew that her position was new, and he wasn't to do anything to harm her standing. So he decided to explain himself the only way he knew how.

He would then lift up his shirt, revealing his side arm. A solid black revolver that emanated dark magic.

"Taking out the trash."


New sights [Manzo] Empty Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:42 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

No doubt he'd probably like it if there were more of her, and granted, no matter how beautiful that sounded, Alisa certainly looked glad that wasn't the case, cocking her head cheekily:

"Now, how boring would that be hmm~...?", she noted, watching as he plucked himself a cigar from his case, all but adding a certain gravity to the question Alisa had only just asked.

She knew Manzo well enough to knew he always seemed to have business somewhere, and the fact that he was here in Myras said just as much, even if that business be nothing other than simply heeding the call to expand their guild here:

"May I ask who, in particular...?", inquired the sculptress, crossing her arms as her brow rose. She wouldn't really press the subject if he'd rather keep it to himself, or felt it was better for her to not know, even going as far as to look down as he pulled the gun from his pocket, "Ara, that gun... I've seen it before..."

Sofia had one just like it, though this one was black... Though hers weren't the hands she remembered wielding it, but someone Alisa knew a long time ago. A Rune Knight who all but vanished a few years ago... Well... Now that was a blast from the past. Seeing the weapon had the sculptress smiling softly, a little moment of reminiscing before looking up into his eyes:

"Come on, let's walk. I'm sure you can tell me along the way~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:09 pm


She seemed far more interested in his own work than he did at times. Which was usually the case for those who had never seen him operate before. Alisa was one of the people who had never seen how he got his information for the guild. But perhaps she would have a new found respect for what it is he did for the family, as well as her. Though it truly didn't matter to him either way, this is what he chose to do with his life with or without recognition.

"We're looking for a rat. A dead rat, he gave me some false info thinking that I wouldn't find out."

He said as he began to walk, blowing smoke through his nostrils once again. Usually he'd have to skulk around cities where he was well known. Today would be a break from that seeing as he had never been here before. Which was a good thing, it was a city primed to be plundered for all it's dirty secrets.

"Oh one more thing, I'm going to need you to be a bit of a honey pot. Not something I'd usually ask, but I know what he likes. Not to mention I'd like to catch him off guard. People are prone to honesty when they don't expect a gun to the back of their head."


New sights [Manzo] Empty Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:35 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

Granted, Alisa figured Manzo must have quite the few shady sources of information, and understandably so he'd rather keep it a secret. Considering the kind of life she lived before joining Blue Pegasus, the sculptress wasn't overly concerned with one criminal or another getting killed, but even then, her eyes narrowed at his words:

"Hmmm, I see... Well, do be careful, will you?", she spoke, cooly, leaving it up to him to make sense out of it. Don't get hurt, and don't make a mess.

Then again, he always seemed to come home in one piece. Alisa knew that, especially now that Blue Peagasus had grown beyond its original purpose as a mere mage's Guild, there would always be need for work being done in the shadows:

"Araaa~...? It's not like you to bring other people into your line of work~", noted Alisa, raising an eyebrow as she smirked softly. She was ill equipped for a fight, but with some luck, she wouldn't really need it that much. In the end, she couldn't help but chuckle, visibly amused by the situation, but not really taking it lightly in any way, "Very well then, where should we find him~?"

Probably somewhere equally shady, not to mention trashy. Those were usually the sorts of places where you'd meet unreliable informants after all...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:12 pm


"You are correct, it is not normal for me to bring others into this. But as I said he's a rat. If I spook him before I get what I want, I won't find him again." He said as he removed the cigar from his mouth and ashed it on the side walk, then placing it back into his mouth.

The real challenge would be for Alisa, not so much himself. Could she put her preferences aside for a brief moment in order for them to get what it is they needed from him. Which was not information, but a pricey information sized pound of flesh.

"Mistress, did you by chance bring your battle suit with you, the skin tight one?" Not that what she was wearing wouldn't get the job done. But this rat liked to travel with a group, and if Alisa showed up with her battle suit, the amount of curves it showed off would make them surely weak in the knees. That momentary lapse would certainly be enough of an opening for him.

"Where we find him isn't the issue, it's when we find him. I know where he is, he's in the diamond quarter, selling counterfeit gem stones." Soon this would be over, and then he could avenge those who lost their lives due to the poor info he had received.


New sights [Manzo] Empty Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:29 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

Yup, Alisa had been right on the money and naturally agreed with her. After all, she'd known him for a good long while now, enough to understand the man kept a reserved aura about him, never too keen on letting others peer to deeply:

"And don't you suppose my presence there might end up scaring him a tad too much~? Your poor little rap may be frightened enough never to utter a single word again.", teased the sculptress, smirking softly, knowing her reputation preceded her in more ways than one. That said, when Manzo mused if she'd actually brought her armor with her, the woman couldn't help but raise her knees, flipping her hair stylishly and smiling confidently, "Myyyy, Manzo... Are you implying I couldn't do that without slipping on some silly armor~? Feels like i'm being woefully underestimated here."

Indeed Manzo himself seemed to have thought about this, and quite fairly, slipping on one's armor before heading into a potential fight could only be the wisest decision in the end, and so, Alisa could only smile:

"Well, I don't have it on me, but it's never too far, so I can just as easily swap into it should the need arise.", she added, cupping her chin, her tone growing a tad more serious as she wondered if there might even be a need to fight, and if her enemies would be strong enough that she'd regret not wearing her armor. In any case, once the man actually mentioned counterfeit gemstones, Alisa's brow twitched, "Hmmm~... Fake gemstones you say? Seems like a rather unsavoury sort if you ask me... I suppose we can't leave this man to his own devices for much longer can we~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Sun Jun 07, 2020 5:21 pm


"In every other city your reputation would precede you. But not here, he'll be none the wiser. Just another dark haired woman with the curves of a goddess come to town." He said as he ashed his cigar. Truly though, Manzo had gone to quite the length to keep her identity outside of council controlled areas a secret. Eliminating anyone who may spread news of her, or anyone of the guild.

The truth of the matter was that the white wolf himself was the true herald of Blue Pegasus. He spread the rumors, funneled the information, everything. Though none of it was true. Misinformation was his specialty after all.

"Oh I did fail to mention something. The people of this city believe the guild master of Blue Pegasus to be someone else entirely. So we can maneuver here without any repercussions." It was truly a win win situation for the two of them considering they were going to get their hands dirty. But what is life without a little bloodshed.

He put his cigar back to his mouth and took another puff as they walked. It had been a long time since the two of them had gone on any type of assignment together. It would be a nice change of pace. He was honestly more used to working with a cold assassin like Snow.


New sights [Manzo] Empty Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:46 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

"Fufu... Always the flatterer aren't you Manzo~?", she giggled, noting his cheeky choice of words, even though it was hardly elegant to flatter a woman over her body, the sculptress let it slide, instead focusing on the matter at hand.

Indeed, she was mostly aware of this particular specialty of his, in fact the guild had relied on it for years and Alisa saw no real reason to mess around with the winning team. She didn't actually know if and when Manzo had actually decided to involve the Guildmaster before, but she could at least know for sure it was the first time he involved her, Master or not:

"Oh my... I suppose I have you to thank for that, hmmm?", and yet his next words made her eyes widen slightly, she didn't think it would be possible, and yet Myras had been closed off for so long it was possibly one of the few major cities where even someone as famous as Alisa could go incognito for a week or two, maybe more if she made an effort not to draw attention, "Still, we'd best be careful... We never know how long this little grace period will last us."

Blue Pegasus wasn't a guild known for shady dealings, and there was a good reason for that: After all, actions such as this were the exception, not the norm. Especially here in Myras, where Blue Pegasus' attempted expansion was taking place, keeping those exceptions as quiet as necessary was obviously in their best interests:

"Now, where exactly would we find this petty little peddler of yours?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:42 am


Her words tickled him, he had never been much for flattery. He simply stated what he believed to be a fact. that and she was modestly dressed today, which wasn't a far cry from the norm but certainly not an ongoing trend. Alisa was one for very flattering clothing. But with assets such as hers even the most plain of clothes could be used to their advantage.

"Our grace period will last as long as I need it to. After we are done with this, we can shout our names from the mountain tops. No one is going to miss this rat."

He said as he turned a corner expecting her to fallow. They were not far now, which was good because time was running quite short. He'd go underground again and then this game of cat and mouse would start all over again.

"One more thing, about this particular rat. He fed misinformation to the other countries during the crusade. So this is a bit personal. For all of us."

The two would then find themselves in front of what appeared to be a hole in the wall. He knew there was more than met the eye here, which was what he was counting on. He would send a large concentration of mana to his eyes to awaken them further. He had only done this once, but now seemed like the best time to try this trick one more time.

"Knock three times, the password is kingfish."

He said as he removed his cloak to reveal his armor, then shortly after that materializing his body into a stream of electricity, passing through one of the power lines into the building in question.




New sights [Manzo] Empty Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:03 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

"Fufu~ We'll I suppose I'll hold you to that one.", she chuckled at his ever boisterous statement, she too not really imagining such a petty little criminal would really be missed. Alisa didn't really shy away from killing during her missions, bandits, cutthroats, cultists, whatever the breed of lowlives a light mage would often be called to clear out... But she had to admit, she kinda missed this, some good old detective work. Been years since she'd actually done that, and the very thought made her smile ever so gracefully, "Hmmm, really doesn't sound like he'd live long one way or another doesn't it? Shady informants like this have a short expiration date."

As she followed her right hand man throughout the streets and alleys, Alisa's eyes narrowed as she took in her surroundings, knowing she was now in enemy territory. She made sure to stash away the precious goods she'd purchased earlier, somewhere she knew she could easily get at them later when she was done with this:

"My who would have thought. Your rat hides inside an actual hole in the wall~", smirked the Guild Master, chuckling softly as the tinge of irony was hardly lost on her in anyway.

Yet as she turned her head aside, Manzo soon vanished through the powerlines in an act that made her eyes shoot wide, though she knew better than to let herself get distracted. Walking up to the door, Alisa cleared her throat, narrowed her eyes, and finally knocked. Very soon she saw a scruffy looking guy sliding open the peephole. Not one to waste words, he simply asked:

"Who goes there?", so not asking her for the password outright huh...?

Clever... But not too clever:

"Kingfish.", replied the sculptress, after which the door would slowly open before her eyes...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:30 pm


As soon as he sensed her enter the building, he knew they had taken his bait. Now it was time to snap the trap. Within moment's he exited the electrical system through an outlet inside the room. He appeared behind the man guarding the door. He placed both hands on the side of his head. "Boo." He said as he violently twisted his head until he heard a loud pop. As soon as that had occurred he shifted his body into electricity once more.

He swept past the door slamming it shut with Alisa inside. Now it was on to the next check point. Where she would need to do the same song and dance, but there was no time to explain that, lest he risk being seen.

He would use the power of his sight to mimic his masters telepathy. "Now you only have to do that two more times." He communicated to her through thought. "Give them your best damsel in distress mistress, keeps me entertained. I'll be watching."

Had he not known her as well as he did he'd never suggest such a thing. Be he knew her abilities as a femme fatal to be some of if not the best spy work he had seen up to this point. Not to mention, this kept her from getting her hands dirty if she truly didn't wish to.

Not that anyone would miss them, they were thieves, human traffickers and war criminals. It was up to light guilds to clean up the true trash of this continent .


New sights [Manzo] Empty Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:11 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

"A little too fast no~? We could have put that guard to good use.", added Alisa, brow raising as she strode inside, having barely even a moment's look upon the face of her first enemy before Manzo quickly slipped behind him and snapped his neck without a moment's notice. In the end, she merely shrugged, "Though I suppose it matters little in the end."

When he mentioned the next stage of the plan, Alisa merely nodded, tapping her foot as she activated one of her spells for a brief moment: Geomancy. Precognition through stone. By covering herself with a flimsy layer of crystal, Alisa heightened her sensitivity, allowing her to feel her surroundings through sound, to the point where a mere whisper could provide her with a keen 3D map. Sound travels through the earth even faster than air or even water... Having clad herself in mostly her street clothes, Alisa could simply crystallize her shoes and the upper layers of her skin, giving mineral glimmer to her under the dim lighting of the shady criminal den

"Three on the other side, hmm...?", spoke the sculptress, calmly closing her eyes, shutting off all of her senses except for her crystalline vibration sense. This time, there was nobody else really guarding the door though. Alisa merely knocked, then opened the door, flashing the two drooling men that charming, disarming smile of hers as she announced her presence, tucking a loose black lock behind her ear as she folded her arms under her generous bust, "Hello there~... I'm here to buy some wares, would you be so kind as to take me to him~?"

The goal was simple... Divide and conquer. Not that they really needed any complex strategy to deal with foes this meager, but if she could get one of guys to turn his back, Manzo could do his thing with the other one. Ideally, she'd have liked to get as close to their mark as possible.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:36 pm


While Alisa was doing what it is she did best it was time for him to put his trade craft into action. The art of manipulation. Something all good assassins truly needed. But that was something he'd unfortunately have to use Alisa for as well. In order for him to get to the mark he had to be perfectly undetected until the last minute.

"Mistress I know this out of character for you. But I'm going to need you to hike your skirt up a bit, as well as unbutton a couple more buttons on that shirt. I need these fools completely immobilized."

He said as he crept through the electrical system of this place. Hopefully she wouldn't mind the request, as this would only be a one time thing. He did not believe in a prolonged parternship between he or any other members of the guild on missions such as these. The fact that he was involving his mistress was bad enough. But crack a few eggs as they say.

If she could simply distract them long enough to get into their electrical grid and cut the power. Then they would be able to simply walk into the room where he believed his mark to be.


New sights [Manzo] Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:30 am


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @manzo | RAINY

"Myyy, surely a powerful mage like yourself could get the job done without having your master unbutton her blouse~?", she teased him, chuckling cheekily as, even though she didn't particularly mind a button or two, she'd still never miss the chance to point that out.

Reaching for the uppermost button of her blouse, Alisa figured it may as well humour her companion, opening it as she loosened the silken white fabric, baring just a tantalizing inch of the lacy white bra underneath. If it boosted his motivation, all the better for them~... And as for their enemies, well... She didn't really imagine any of them could focus for too long the moment a mysterious beauty just happened to wander into their hideout... Undoing that one extra button merely meant none of them could ever quite look her in the eyes without a herculean effort, completely mesmerized by that silky smooth pale skin, glistening ever so softly in the dim lighting...

"...Ara... So you're the man I've been looking for, I take it~...?", inquired the sculptress as the guards sheepishly lead her to where their boss got up to his shady dealings.

To be fair, Alisa could hardly see just where the man could escape from. Surely he must have had some exit strategy planned out before holing himself up in such a daunting dead end... Or perhaps was he simply far too moronic to have ever conceived the possibility that one could sneak up on him like this?

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New sights [Manzo] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New sights [Manzo] Empty Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:01 pm


"That's it lull him into a false sense of security." He said through his mind into hers. Thankfully this would soon be over. Another slate wiped clean, this being a particularly personal slate. He was not one for personal vendettas. This was different, he felt as though he was getting justice for a whole country of people, no matter how said war ended. It wasn't enough for him. For him everyone had to be held accountable, absolutely everyone. Even down the lowest of the low, like this rat. He got to live while others died.

Now the real questions came into play, how would he go about exacting his revenge, his justice. HIs bare hands, his gun. No this was going to be something far more personal. "Love, have your sword ready. I have need of it." He said into her Alisa's mind. This was going to be a state for anyone and everyone who crossed his people, and the citizens of his country as a whole. I will find you, and I will hunt you down. That's the message he wanted to send, the message he was going to send with this.

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