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Tides of Time [Zerutod]

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Tides of Time [Zerutod] Empty Today at 12:32 am



The midday sun filtered through the narrow windows of the lighthouse, right beside where Rhea sat, her silver eyes skimming over the documents before her. Outside, the sea was restless, crashing against the rocky shore in rhythmic waves that seemed to echo the unease stirring within her. The cries of seagulls punctuated the air, their sounds distant yet present. Autumn had finally arrived, its cool breath soothing the heat that had attached itself to the land like a stubborn fever. She loved summer, but the change of seasons alluded to the very real changes she faced. The crispness in the air was welcomed, though it did little to ease the darker thoughts swirling in her mind. Her fingers traced over the names on the papers, pausing every now and then to consider a particular detail.

Among them, one name stood out: Zerutod.

"Interesting," she mused, her lips curving slightly in intrigue. His reputation had preceded him and whispers of his strength and his curious ability to manipulate time had reached the Major's ears. Why a man of his caliber had not risen through the ranks was unclear, but Rhea knew better than to dismiss such a mystery. She found herself drawn to puzzles like this, where the pieces didn’t quite fit and the edges were blurred with variables she could not yet see. "Time control..." The very concept sparked a dangerous desire within her; a hunger to bend time to her will. Maybe to correct or destroy what had been lost, or to give herself more time. Such was one of the things she needed most these days.

It was corrupt of her to have summoned these Knights, but Rhea had long since stopped concerning herself with the opinions of others, especially her colleagues. She was better than them, and everything she had done was just. The world had shown her too much betrayal, too much loss. If the Rune Knights wished to believe her motives lay in protecting Hargeon from the night creatures she had encountered, then so be it. Vampires, after all, made a convenient excuse, and she could easily argue that the defense of the town’s lighthouse was a worthy cause. But in truth, Stella, and the Boscosi assassins weighed heavier on her mind, like dark clouds gathering at the horizon.

Selfish, perhaps... she thought to herself, a flicker of amusement dancing in her thoughts. But survival was never a matter of charity, and I'll do whatever it takes.

Rhea leaned back in the wooden chair, her gaze lifting from the papers to the wide window that offered a view of the endless sea. The horizon stretched out in a line of molten gold where the sun met the water. Beautiful in its own untouchable way. The waves continued to crash against the shore relentlessly, as if the ocean itself waged war against the land.

The lighthouse had become her sanctuary, an office of sorts in this coastal town. The Elf relished the isolation it provided, the distance from the noise of the world. And yet, soon that isolation would be interrupted. Rhea had called for twenty Knights. A mix of Privates, Corporals and Sergeants, and they would follow her orders without question. A part of her wondered if she should feel guilty for leading them into her personal storm, but such thoughts were hardly lasted. She had a mission, and it was one she intended to see through, no matter the cost.

Zerutod, though… he would be different. His presence here had the potential to change everything, though she doubted he knew it yet. If his abilities were as formidable as the reports suggested, he could be the key to something far greater than merely protecting her from assassins or vampires. Time was a weapon few could wield, and Rhea had every intention of seeing just how sharp his blade could be.

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