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The Abyss Beckons [Kon]

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The Abyss Beckons [Kon] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:55 pm


The chill of the deep sea surrounded Rhea as she made her way through the dimly lit corridors of Hellsea Bastille. The pressure of the ocean above seemed to weigh down on everything. Walls, ceilings, even the air itself felt thick, almost suffocating. Yet, Rhea strode forward, undeterred. She had already spent several days in this submerged prison, her mind still buzzing from her recent encounter with Erebus. She had grown familiar with the place, its inhabitants, and the eerie silence that would occasionally be broken by the muffled roars of the beasts that prowled the waters outside. Gigantic sea creatures, their silhouettes barely visible through the reinforced windows, loomed and passed by, ever-watchful guardians of this fortress.

The prison itself was a massive, towering structure plunging deep into the seabed, with each level sinking further into the abyss. Rhea moved through the upper levels now, where the prisoners were slightly less dangerous, petty criminals compared to the monsters below. Still, the clanging of chains echoed all around her, along with the sharp, rasping voices of the prisoners. Some of them hurled curses her way, others pleaded for freedom or simply tried to catch her attention.

"Hey, Sergeant!" one of them barked. "You too good to talk to us now?"

Another inmate banged on the iron bars of his cell, rattling the metal so hard it reverberated like a drumbeat. "Rune Knight! What’re you here for, huh? Trying to prove something?"

The Stellan kept her eyes forward, her expression stone-cold. She didn’t so much as flinch at their attempts to rile her up. Once, she might have spat back, letting her temper get the better of her, but now there was no room for such distractions. Rage, yes. But a cold, calculated rage that simmered just beneath the surface. Her thoughts were consumed by the weight of her father’s legacy, by the trail of blood and betrayal that had shaped her existence. Vengeance was her only focus now.

Each step she took was heavy with purpose, the black boots she wore echoing through the corridor. Rune Knights stationed at various points along the walls acknowledged her with stiff nods as she passed by, but none dared engage her in conversation. There was something about her lately that kept even her own comrades at bay, a hardened edge that had only sharpened in the days since she'd been stationed here.

She descended deeper into the belly of the prison, her senses sharp. The faintest scent of saltwater clung to the air, mixed with rust and mold from the corroding metal that lined the halls. The further down she went, the darker the levels became, and the more dangerous the criminals. Some of the cells she passed were in complete shadow, hiding the horrors inside. Others housed notorious mages, who watched her with predatory eyes, smirking as she passed. But the closer she got to the heart of Hellsea Bastille, the fewer sounds there were. The deeper she descended, the more silence swallowed her.

Still, the question lingered in her mind: Why had she been requested here? She had yet to meet the high-ranking official who had summoned her, and the rumors had already begun swirling among the Rune Knights stationed at the prison. Was she being punished for her connection to Erebus? Had the Magic Council discovered her doubts about her role as a Rune Knight? Or had they finally realized that they needed her—that she could be more than just a soldier following orders?

As she approached the final door, which led to the office of the official, her pulse quickened. It wasn’t fear, it was anticipation. She wanted answers. Whether she was being reprimanded or recruited for something different, it didn’t matter. Her path was already set. Vengeance drove her, clouded her sense of right and wrong, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered now was that she kept moving forward.

The door loomed ahead, a heavy iron slab with no windows, no sign of what was on the other side. With a steady breath, Rhea reached for the handle, her grip firm, her heart cold. Whatever waited for her in that office, she would face it head-on, as she always had. There was no turning back.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Last edited by Rhea on Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:47 am; edited 1 time in total


The Abyss Beckons [Kon] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 3:37 am


It had been a bitter and constant reminder of his falling in position within the prestigious and renowned organisation, ever since he had returned from his disastrous envoy mission in Sin, there was a distinct difference in how he was treated both within the Rune Knights and by society. Doors that were once open wide to the Machia now remained shut, rumours had it that a former recruit of his, Saturn had since taken over his role. While he held no hard feelings towards the man himself, the idea of his demotion had left him feeling more bitter at the body who saw themselves as the law of the land. The organization needed a pawn to replace Kon and he was merely the next best fit for the Magic Council. And so despite his brewing resentment towards the Rune Knights why was he inside one of their installations, the Hellsea Bastille? A simple question with a simple answer, he needed to amass power for an inarguably treasonous plan and where was better suited to find individuals who despised the Rune Knights other than a prison full of criminals and their guards who had long been ignored by the high-ranking officials who ignored the requests of the wardens more often than not.

His very presence was an admitted surprise to the jailers who had given him a mixed reception so far, with news of his demotion stretching surprisingly as far as these dank halls beneath the water. So far he had been given any and all form of accommodation that he had requested with the men going above and beyond expectations, it was amusing when he had to refuse the offerings of the kitchen hand after learning of his mechanical affliction rendering eating to a past time and social formality rather than a requirement to survive. It was all too common that he had to force himself to eat something for the sake of avoiding a social faux pas. Fortunately, the jailers were happy to eat whatever had been made for Kon that he wouldn’t have otherwise eaten. But he was not here for pleasantries or to sample the culinary skills of the prison cooks but instead set in motion a plan that would tarnish his reputation with the Rune Knights forever.

He had already processed a large number of suitable candidates from the ranks of the prisoners, he had since begun reviewing any members of the Rune Knights that might be swayed to his cause. Some were former guild members who he’d need to contact directly, while others were unknown to Kon though he sought to prey on their weaknesses and distrust of the Rune Knights at large to bend and corrupt them to his will. A few names stood out to the Machia in the litter of profiles that were splayed across the desk he had been given, one of which was a Stellan recruit, a peculiar place to seek manpower. He had never thought of Stella being a country fond of the Rune Knights especially given their absence in the Bosco invasion many years ago.

Curious as to what type of person they were and learning that they were in the area, Kon organized a formal summons and began to research more about them in the interim. Suspicions of their questionable loyalty were highlighted repeatedly in past reports largely owing to their nationality and brief relations with enemies of the Rune Knights. Nothing more besides racial profiling, yet he would use that to drive a wedge between them and the organization he helped revise to what it was now. Keeping an eye on the radar affixed to his forearm, a noticeable dot drew close before stopping at the door before him. With a knock on the door all confirming their identity, Kon hastily compiled his documents before throwing them into his very own pocket dimension. Wasting no time in their introduction, Kon opened the door with the flick of merely two of his fingers before barking out to whomever was waiting. “Enter.”



The Abyss Beckons [Kon] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:52 pm


The door flew open, and Rhea stepped through with a measured stride, her boots hitting the cold stone floor of the office with a deliberate cadence. The room was darker than expected, dimly lit by a single, hanging lantern that cast long shadows across the stone walls. The scent of metal and brine filled the air, a subtle reminder of the crushing ocean that surrounded them while the hum of distant machinery resonated through the walls of Hellsea Bastille.

Rhea’s expression remained neutral, but her mind raced. There had been far too much weighing on her conscience lately, from her discovery of her father’s rebellion, and the sickness she had developed, down to her simmering anger at the Rune Knights for their complacency. Each step into the room felt heavier than the last, her inner turmoil roiling just beneath her cold exterior. And then, she saw him. Her heart stopped for a brief moment.

Konstantin Sokolov.

Her eyes widened in recognition, though she quickly schooled her expression. The former General. The man whose name echoed through the ranks of the Rune Knights like a legend, but also like a cautionary tale. His form, as imposing as she had heard, loomed before her—a mixture of chrome and flesh, more machine than man. His presence was undeniable, casting an aura of quiet authority, though tarnished by the whispers of corruption that followed him.

"You called for me, Colonel Sokolov?" Rhea asked, her voice even, but laced with a sharpness that could cut. She moved closer, her gaze unwavering as she stopped a few feet from his desk. Her Stellan accent, more pronounced in the confines of the quiet room, curled around her words like a soft, but deliberate challenge.

As the Storm Weaver waited for the fallen general to respond, she couldn't help but study him. The gleam of polished metal reflected the dim light, his mechanical limbs a testament to the power and ruthlessness that had once defined him. He had been at the heart of the Rune Knights’ reform - some praised him for it, while others couldn’t forget the cost of his decisions. The corruption, the bloodshed. His demotion was a mystery to many, but here he was in this suffocating underwater prison.

Rhea’s thoughts flickered like lightning. Why here? Why would a man of his stature be stationed in a place like Hellsea? Was this punishment? Or something else entirely? Rhea had never been one to trust too easily, especially not after everything she had endured. But she also wasn’t blind to the fact that being summoned by a figure like Konstantin was no ordinary call.

The office itself mirrored his cold, mechanical presence. The walls were bare, save for a single emblem of the Rune Knights hanging like an afterthought, dulled and weathered from years of neglect. It didn’t feel like a place of power - it felt more like a tomb, a relic of something that had once been grand but was now forgotten. Rhea straightened her posture, her eyes narrowing slightly as she met his gaze. Whatever game the colonel was playing....

"I’m curious," she continued, her voice lowering with a hint of suspicion. "Why would someone like you want to see someone like me? Last I checked, I wasn’t important enough to draw the attention of a former General." Her words were edged with a daring challenge, though measured. She would not tolerate disrespect, but she also wasn’t foolish enough to provoke him recklessly.

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