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On the Road Again (Travel - Sieghart to Oak City)

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#1Ko Lesalt 

On the Road Again (Travel - Sieghart to Oak City) Empty Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:37 pm

Ko Lesalt

"I think its time for a change of scenery, Nan." Ko was already airborne when he came to this decision, perched lazily on Nantosuelta's back as she glided over the valleys of the Sieghart mountains. "Agreed. I've been getting tired of these dingy mountains and their dirty villages. My scales haven't gleamed properly in weeks." While Ko couldn't disagree, he certainly wasn't going to say so out loud. Sieghart had definitely been a lot of dirt and stone, which had not been kind to Nantosuelta's complexion or his nerves.

"In that case, let's head somewhere temperate. I hear there's some nice forests out towards the coast." Silently responding to his suggestion, Nantosuelta altered her glide, taking them away from the taller mountain ranges and out towards the greenery that lay beyond. It always shocked Ko how small Fiore looked from up in the air. Almost small enough that he could just reach out and grab it in one hand. Well, maybe not by himself.

164/160 (20% Travel WC Reduction)

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