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Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA]

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Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:17 pm

Even if Masami had started to live in Kurisa's suite, his habit of waking up in the morning to venture around town did not fade. He had people to greet in the theater as one of the founders, after all. While he was outside, he did not remember whether he caught Kurisa awake or still asleep, although it didn't truly matter to him as to even purchase sweet daifuku in the marketplace while he was still at it. He would be at home before noon, still early enough to make lunch.

Holding a box using both of his hands, Masami walked back home to see a mailman halted right in front of the suite's door. Masami didn't hesitate in giving the man a tap on the shoulder, saying, "Yes, sir?" in Joyan. The mailman was about to insert two letters in a mailbox, but he had ended up giving this to Masami instead before leaving. Masami had only looked at the envelope, entering the suite once more and closing the door with a foot. "I'm home," he shouted, whether or not Kurisa was awake or not, "we received two letters, one for me and you. It must be from the same client."

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Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:36 pm


Kurisa yawned softly as she watched the waterfall of her wall designed dragon spat some out. She waited for Masami to come to the living room as she gave him a room yesterday. She wanted him to live with her as her son. She never felt so happy before. Now she had to wait for her other children to arrive so they can meet. Bri and Ri were her beautiful children, even if they take after their father a little bit. It was half and half with their eyes and hair - sometimes the personality was there too. She was not sure how they will turn out when older. Will they be rebellious?

Her eyes watched the door as she saw Masami finally come in with two letters. Quickly, she stood up and smiled. "Morning!~ Welcome home." She smiled and walked up to him. Her eyes looked at the two letters and slipped one up towards her to look at it. "Let's see." she softly spoke and opened it up. Her eyes read every word, scanned it fast though. It seemed that people needed their help and it came with rather interesting get-up. "It wants us to win some tournament for them. They had to bet their business up to keep their info safe, but can't win it themselves. Too old?" She guessed and looked at him confused.


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:27 pm

He tilted his head in confusion, "A tournament?"

They were beating bad guys for quite some time now, then reporting enemy schemes... and now a tournament? What kind? It felt unexpected and out of place; Masami reached for a daifuku then started chewing on it without his awareness. "What tournament?" now, Masami was simply letting Kurisa read the letters alone. No way he'd read those Fiorian letters in such a slow motion, but if the tournament consists of reading and writing in Fiorian (even in Hosenka City, it is possible), then Masami might have to back out.

When he heard the word 'tournament' he had already imagined some sort of gladiator-type of fighting: forcing people or slaves to fight to the death–kind of tournaments, because apparently they gained a lot of Jewels for that. Hopefully, it wouldn't work the same as the request given to both Kurisa and Masami from the client. 'Ack, I'm too young for these kinds of things.' Masami thought, silently chewing away the sweet snack he bought from the marketplace a while ago. He didn't think he'd be getting into those sorts of business stuff, he only wanted to perform on stage for a lifetime. Things really had to escalate, don't they?

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:51 pm


Her eyes read the rest of the paper and then looked at Masami in a rather 'you might care?' sort of way. "It's a woman who is rather fond of your theater and owns a massage parlor that is popular with many actors and actresses." Kurisa sighed and read more, "I need you to win a tournament run by some thug boss who happened to loan me money. If I win, I don't owe them anything and they'll leave me alone." She read it as if the woman was reading it. She wondered how it was going to go as she never has done a dome tournament.

Her eyes gazed away and remembered about her melee one, but this was an 'all-out' fight. She looked back at him who looked like he wasn't really sure about this one. "Do you want to or tell them no? We can look for other missions if you want." She offered. Kurisa let her fingers go through her hair like a comb. Her eyes tiredly looked at Masami who had a morning stroll. She could not remember the last time she did that. She always slept passed morning and woke up at lunchtime. Mornings were not her thing at all. It was a true fact.



Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:14 pm

Business-wise, Masami could use that money if it was sent to the theater instead. After all, Masami and Kurisa would be the ones winning, not the client or whoever requested the two of them. Thus, Masami came to a short thought then finally decided to speak, "We can accept, however..." he started to lightly tap his lower lip with an index finger, "oh well, they mentioned 'thug boss' anyway. Would be nice to kick some thug butt." He exaggeratedly shrugged afterwards, then sternly looked at Kurisa for the final decision. He was his mother now, although Masami wouldn't force him to analyze why exactly she was 'finally' related to him, he knew that he had to listen to someone older.

Apparently, Masami wasn't the type to go hunting for rogues. It was all his guild master to blame, someone whose intentions were still quite unknown to Masami. Fortunately, the boy still remembered his Master Tanaka's face and voice, accompanied by actions and experiences when they were still stuck in Myras City. Oh well, he was in Hosenka now, something that embodies his hometown's traditions, cultures and architectures. Why did he decided to leave Joya in the first place again, anyway?

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:26 am


Kurisa gazed back at the letter and then at her son who was making her feel a little off. Was it because he could feel it that he really wasn't blood-related? She felt a pit in her stomach, eating itself as she gave off a smile anyways. She went towards the door and went out with Masami who most likely followed. She was sure there were more than just thugs there to defeat. She yawned softly and leaned against the elevator wall as it went down. The people there never bothered her nor Masami since it was fear and admiration.

Her fame has been getting more heard and so has Masami's. Her eyes cornered to look at him and then the door opened. Slowly, she walked out of the hotel area and looked at the map they were given. It was supposed to be a little more towards the Crimson area than anything. All the exciting stuff was there, besides maybe art. The theater there was cheap and it sucked. She gazed at what was a dome building in the middle of the Crimson area. She walked in to find the woman waiting, fanning herself with one of those Chinese fans. Her hair was up all fancy and wore a kimono that gave off her hourglass figure. Her eyes gazed up and down at Kurisa and smiled. "After you're done here. I have a gift for you." She added and nodded for them to go ahead.



Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:43 am

Unsure of what exactly would happen, Masami followed Kurisa until they reach their destination, in which made Masami hesitate the travel when he was starting to realize that they were going to the deeper parts of Hosenka City. He was with an adult, which means that it is fine, right? If there are anyone who would be asking why an underage is in that location, it would be Kurisa's responsibility to cover it up as a parental guardian. Masami had stopped doubting when he heard the word 'gift', in which made him raise a brow and uncontrollably question.

"Gift?" he repeated for confirmation, hopefully whatever 'gift' it was, would have been useful. Masami didn't expect a reply, however, merely repeating the word to taunt, expressing Masami's doubts and eager ears. He followed Kurisa into the location they were told to enter, soon hearing muffled cheering from a large room, perhaps a large Colosseum-like space that they set up for whatever tournament this is. Would they be acting, showing off? Or one of those tactics wherein you please the judge then kill them upon their sleep? Masami hadn't completely dressed up for this event, too, but it seemed hysterically fancy, however.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:34 am


"A gift for her, darling. You will get your reward though. Don't worry." She spoke while fanning herself still. She led them towards their room to get ready. "A man will come in when it's your round." She lastly spoke. Kurisa went inside with Masami as it looked like a sports room where people sit, talk and plan. She had no idea what the fights were about to bring or be. Were they all going to be humans or everyone else's chosen ones when it came to betting? Her head tilted as she felt a sudden shock throughout her eye. "Ugh..." She took a deep breather while her palm went against her eye. Sometheing felt off about it.

It was hurting a lot. No one knew, but the pain was her eye color glitching from her Undine magic. Her magic that came from otherworldly beings. This all felt all as she felt rather dizzy, but she must fight. Her eyes looked at Masami while her lips smiled. "I hope you're ready to kick some butt.~" She teased as a man came into their room to tell them it was their turn.

Kurisa and Masami went out and towards the stadium where thousands of people watched behind a protective screen. The area was dirt when it came to the floor while the 'bosses' were sitting in their seats in the open area all together. Her eyes spotted the client who looked at them with determination. What was there to worry?



Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:53 am

'Oh man, oh man,' Masami thought, seeing an imaginary vision of him shaking and quivering in anxiety, 'I am really going to kick butt, aren't I?' despite this thought, Masami looked perfectly calm outside—he chuckled at Kurisa's tease and bowed his head a little in agreement. Although they were still in Hosenka, it seems that Crimson Quarter has been investing in things that would eventually make them richer. Talk about creativity.

Although Masami didn't logically think that Kurisa was feeling tension and stinging sensations, Masami felt that something wasn't right. Could it be that he has been anxious this whole time? Or was his tension finally being released through his body? He leaned closer to Kurisa, tip-toeing a little in order to send her a message through a whisper. "Are we supposed to kill the target or...?" he uttered, using a hand to keep things in private. People may suspect, but that's okay—both Kurisa and Masami looked classy enough to fit in this event, even if it wasn't properly explained to them. Looks like things were starting to give out more of an 'Underground Associate' feel compared to the previous requests, because Masami was honestly starting to get pumped up.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:17 pm


The crowd was roaring as she kept watching the bosses who were hoping for blood and chaos. They were able to use magic after all. Her eyes shifted to a man who was most likely the referee. He walked in the middle and pointed towards the other door first. "FIRST UP ARE THE TWO DANCING DUOS! They're READY for bloooooooood." He yelled out to the crowd. They roared louder as they were excited. He pointed towards her direction with Masami and yelled towards them. "NEXT UP, THEY'RE PRETTY NEW, BUT IT'S A MOTHER AND SON DUO. WILL THEY DIE?" He shrugged and hopped around like a clown. "Who knows!" He poofed into smoke as the horn went off. Her eyes cornered to look at Masami. "I feel like we do, but I won't unless it's futile." she softly spoke like an angelic mother. Her eyes went towards them who looked at them with smirks.

"Oh look, hon. That boy could be ours.~"
they teased. "Yea bu-" the male was about to make some remark, but Kurisa let no time be wasted. Swiftly, she shot towards him and glared. "Don't you dare talk rude to my son, bitch." She glared as her eyes glitched red. Her heart was beating fast as her aura was showing. Kuri's voice was darker,  womanly with her breathy accent. No one will talk bad about her son or anyone she loved and cared about.



Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:53 pm

Blood, huh? When was the last time Masami actually encountered blood? The energy that the referee exhausted didn't seem to take effect on Masami, making him slightly scared of the sudden switch of events compared to a battle will. For a mostly Joyan city, people wouldn't expect these types of games or shows to be presented in this city at all. He didn't even react when the female fighter taunted Masami, nor did he react when Kurisa suddenly shot towards the male fighter. All Masami was sure of was that he needed to guard Kurisa, both his mother and accomplice, in this mission.

It didn't take Masami much time as to hover two fingers from his neck down to his palms, then tapping the wrist thrice. He raised the same fingers towards Kurisa and immediately, red strings came off of him, stinging Kurisa with a completely different intention. Masami could see a familiar mark over Kurisa's nape, assuring him that the spell worked. He had no worries about what might happen next, whatsoever, apparently feeling more confident now that he was standing inside a stadium with crowds howling from every direction. Masami and Kurisa were definitely going to need more than six senses to predict where their opponents would be running at, but it didn't seem like the setting was processed through some bias, either.

Masami was too focused on accomplishing the task, it was the reason why he was here, anyway. Knowing that he was finally in authority to care for Kurisa's emotions, he assured her: "I will guard your back, please do not worry about me."

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」

MANA: 3400/3500

(Make lit. Lost)

Rank: C-Rank
Mana Cost: 50 MP
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Other-Buff [Strength]
Element: Fire
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 02 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user creates a magic circle by drawing a line from the neck down to the palms using two fingers. Upon choosing a target, the user points the same fingers towards them, the magic circle dispersing into a thin red thread that would vanish upon reaching the said target from the distance, travelling at 20m/s and giving them a C-Rank Strength buff. The inflicted target would be marked by a red jade under their eye that multiply as the buff stacks – the mark will last until the caster decides to stop sustaining the spell.

(Mitsuke lit. Found)

Rank: C-Rank
Mana Cost: 50 MP
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Other-Buff [Endurance]
Element: Fire
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 02 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user creates a magic circle by tapping their wrist three times using two fingers. Upon choosing a target, the user points the same fingers towards them, the magic circle dispersing into a thin red thread that would vanish upon reaching the said target from the distance, travelling at 20m/s and giving them a C-Rank Endurance buff. The inflicted target would be marked by a red jade at their nape area – the mark will last until the caster decides to stop sustaining the spell.


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:09 pm


The man was shot down from her S rank bullet to the head. The woman was so modified at the sudden death that she kneeled down and cried at her boyfriend's body. Maybe they should not have talked bad about her son, teasing, and such. Her possessiveness was on a different level than one could have anticipated. When she felt like protecting someone, she'll go even dark for them. Her children seemed to be the only ones there for her so far. Everyone else lied and betrayed her, left her to rot like a beautiful flower that got all the attention in the world. Once another appeared their attention soon rotted like the flower itself rotted without their love and water.

Kurisa was like a beautiful flower that was wilting ever-so-slowly. A random shot went through the woman's head as she stood there thinking for those few seconds. The bosses were tired of waiting and it seemed the couple died together - Romeo and Juliet. The referee took their bodies to some unknown door as they came back. He waved his hand towards the door that soon opened again, "HERE'S THE BROS!" he yelled out. A buffed up man who was human and the other was like a demi-human. He had a tail of an ox and horns. "Mmm, look at that hot stuff. MM, can't wait." He tightened his hands into fists while the human looked at her coldly. Swiftly, the ox man charged towards Kurisa and the human went for Masami as he teleported from behind as a dash through them.



Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:56 pm

It seems as if it was already over... at least, the first round was. When the female fighter started to kneel down to cry for her partner, Masami didn't feel a single remorse, not even slight. He didn't expect their ego to be as fragile as this, knowing that those two were acting cocky at the start of the match, but eventually both of them became unconscious and got their bodies pulled away to get replacements. This time, both of them were men, whose appearances didn't interest Masami at least one bit. One of them cat-called Kurisa, right after acting cocky, just like the previous duo. Realizing how pathetic this was, Masami sighed, right before getting an elbow thrust right at the middle back.

For some odd reason, it didn't quite hurt as much. His vision blurred a little over there, but that was just it; he can no longer afford focusing on Kurisa. Masami's front-side of the body met the ground, dust seeping off of it from the fall. Not exactly sure who was Masami fighting with, but they were generous enough to give Masami enough time to stand up, only to receive the same attack again. The boy didn't expect that he'd be in a close-combat like this, but he also didn't want to look as pathetic as the previous fighters, not that he was already looking pathetic now, anyway.

He rolled to the side, just so he can face the enemy. Even if he was as sturdy as he is now, he wouldn't be able to hide the fact that those two attacks, indeed, kind of hurt. This round should be easy... as they say, love the pain you can't avoid; what is it exactly that Masami can't avoid? He smirked, and immediately after the enemy (whether it was the demi-human or the buff man) dashed right behind him with another thrust, but apparently it seems that he attacked himself...? When Masami turned around, the buff man was laying on the ground, immobile. Looks like you can't be all strength without sturdy.

Masami's eyes glinted while he searched for Kurisa, a hand trying to support his waist. "Mother..." he muttered out instead of calling loudly, his vision still blurring out and his hearing becoming extra sensitive. He saw a vision of Kurisa from afar and then dashed in her direction, trying to get a little bit closer.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」

MANA: 2775/3500

(Make lit. Lost)

Rank: C-Rank
Mana Cost: 50 MP
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Other-Buff [Strength]
Element: Fire
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 02 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user creates a magic circle by drawing a line from the neck down to the palms using two fingers. Upon choosing a target, the user points the same fingers towards them, the magic circle dispersing into a thin red thread that would vanish upon reaching the said target from the distance, travelling at 20m/s and giving them a C-Rank Strength buff. The inflicted target would be marked by a red jade under their eye that multiply as the buff stacks – the mark will last until the caster decides to stop sustaining the spell.

(Mitsuke lit. Found)

Rank: C-Rank
Mana Cost: 50 MP
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Other-Buff [Endurance]
Element: Fire
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 02 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user creates a magic circle by tapping their wrist three times using two fingers. Upon choosing a target, the user points the same fingers towards them, the magic circle dispersing into a thin red thread that would vanish upon reaching the said target from the distance, travelling at 20m/s and giving them a C-Rank Endurance buff. The inflicted target would be marked by a red jade at their nape area – the mark will last until the caster decides to stop sustaining the spell.

(Rebaasu lit. Reverse)

Rank: S-Rank
Mana Cost: 500 MP
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic: Lucifer
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Range: Self
Cooldown: 05 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user smirks to activate this spell. Once activated, any damage from the next one attack that makes contact with the user is reverted back to the attacker; i.e., it is instead inflicted directly upon the one who initiated that attack. This affects only the first attack that connects after its activation. This spell can be cast normally and does not suffer from class restrictions. However, this spell's cooldown cannot be reduced by any means.

(Akatoki lit. Daybreak)

Rank: D-Rank
Mana Cost: 25 MP
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Supplementary [Dash]
Element: Fire
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 01 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user engulfs their body with a thin layer of flames by dispersing a magic circle in front of their chest, allowing them to dash at a maximum range of 5-meters. The fire does not inflict damage whatsoever, but the user may still feel the warmth of the flames – slightly applying a soft glow of flames upon themselves.


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Wed Aug 05, 2020 1:08 pm


Kurisa watched the two split up as they were going for Masami. She had to pay attention to her son, she needed to protect, but Masami was strong. The mother had to trust her son. Her eyes paid attention to the other one who was the ox. He catcalled her again as he whistled. "How about after I beat you up, we go grab some dinner." She wanted to barf a little bit, wait she did a little bit in her mouth. He definitely was not her type. She shrugged, "No thanks. I rather date a Demon Lord than be next to you." She smiled taunting him. Her arm lifted up to point towards him. "Let's go." She dashed forward as he did as well. He punched her or at least tried to. His fist went through her body as she turned into water.

"Now, that would have stung. Too bad." She tilted her head and was behind him. Her palm went out behind his head and blasted him in the neck area. She was tricked as he appeared behind her. What in the? The body that was once he turned into some clay, disappearing. "Heh, looks like I'm not the only one." He smacked his fists together. He smacked the side of her face with the back of his hand. She twirls fell onto the ground as he surprises attacked her. The element of earth was merged with his hand so she can't block it. A sudden call for her made her want to hurry. "I don't have time to play." She spoke coldly and kicked him in the nuts. He fell down, she turned away to walk towards her son. "Masami.~" she spoke softly as both of them on the ground. They were soon dragged away. "BREAK!" The referee spoke which sounded good to her.  They both were escorted to the eating arena where there was a buffet of food and tables full of other contestants. "Shall we?" She wondered curiously on how long this was going to be.



Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Wed Aug 05, 2020 7:00 pm

It looks like she was done as well, then there's no more to worry about, right?

Masami ended up plumping himself on Kurisa's stomach, embracing her before the referee could make another announcement. The crowd wasn't as energetic than they were a moment ago... could it be that everything was being too fast for them? Sooner or later, they would think that the game is rigged, but there's enough time to think about how to answer those accusations. Kurisa invited him to enter the buffet area, and Masami willingly did.

The area was filled by people in different costumes and cosmetics, enough to make Masami and Kurisa fit in. They seemed to have fought in different rooms, too, as the others were still blemished in blood. "Agh, that stench..." complained Masami, turning away. Although there is good-smelling food placed on a huge table, Masami was still able to highlight the rotten blood and decaying flesh. It was the scent of flesh that wasn't burnt yet, and Masami's left hand was flickering flames, wanting to burn the stench out. Old habits die hard, but it was good enough that he held unto Kurisa's arm, sticking closer to her. "We should find a more quieter spot." he declared, leading Kurisa farther away from the crowd.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Thu Aug 06, 2020 12:44 am


She looked around and saw a lot of people of different types. Different races, classes, and even how they just looked in general. The stench of this area was horrid as if they never bathed in their life. How disgusting it was to even be in here. She could smell the food though, stomach growling, motioning her hand against her own stomach. Masami had one of her hands as he leads her elsewhere. It seemed that he did not want to be in here with all these people. It was too loud, probably the stench was making it harder to think as well.

She wondered where they will go where there was food and where it will be quiet. Did he know somewhere she did not? The area was getting further away from her, but it did not matter. It made her happy inside and even if in the end of all of this - to the point where all of her expressions turn off she will still feel happy with him around. She will hope he understands in the future when he finds out more about her. There was so much to learn, but for now, she will just follow the leader and this time the leader was him.



Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:19 am

The room was filled, and Masami (as he held unto Kurisa) walked by the sides, where there were less people compared to the middle. Neither Masami nor Kurisa could help but draw attention, especially now that they were less injured (to the point of bearing almost no mark at all) compared to the rest—they were receiving glares and people were murmuring behind their backs. Masami minded this sort of thing, because fighting inside the buffet is to be expected if anyone gets angry at them, thinking that these two rigged the tournament or if they cheated. Masami stopped in front of two doors, slightly opened, then peeked in while tugging Kurisa's shoulder. "The referees..." he whispered, then he tried to listen unto what the referees inside were talking about.

Along came the words: "Those two: the mother and the son, seem like good toys for him." from the door, but they were slightly muffled due to the distance between the referees and Masami, but somehow, he was confident that they were talking about Masami and Kurisa. Of course, this was a game after all, and there was no way they could give money out as fairly as they expected. "Looks like we're their toys now too, huh." he whispered to Kurisa, pulling back from the door immediately before one of the referees from inside could spot a hair strand of Masami's blond hair. Once again, he gently grabbed Kurisa back into the crowd, looking for a place to sit in.

"Are you hurt, mother?" he asked, his eyes still darting all around in search for a good spot to sit in, "If so, then please allow me to take care of you." then, upon reaching an empty table, people continued to glare at the mother and the son.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:54 pm


She followed him through the area, people gazing at them like they want to jump them. Do they really dare to? Her eyes turned cold while gazing back, making them stay away for the moment. The place started to smell worse from the stench of men and women who did not want to shower. The area was getting lit up by blinking lights that randomly gave people problems to think. They walked by the wall to the point where they could hear some people talk about how a mom and son combination would be good for some guy. What were they really saying though? They were obviously not meaning any good things.

A pain struck into her eye once more, palming against it as Masami and herself walked away from that door. It was giving her a damn headache. People watching them, giving Masami some negative emotion and this damn eye hurting. Her eyes squinted as she then stood up. She heard him asking if she was alright, "Heh, just my... my eye. That's all." she softly spoke. Once they sat at an empty table she saw all of them taking glances at them. This was upsetting her to the point she was about to flood this whole place. 'Let me out.' she heard a voice within her.


'Let me free. Let me... take care of them.' a whisper flooded her ears as she gazed at all of them. Her other eye that hasn't been hurting was flashing a brownish-red color as she heard the voice.



Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:36 pm

"An eye...?" Masami tilted his head, leaning closer as he tried to grasp a good look on the part Kurisa mentioned. He didn't notice such pain before, as Kurisa seemed to be doing well a while ago. Similarly, Masami experienced the same back in Marigold and Myras City, but it wasn't just the eye – could it be that Kurisa's eye was reacting to the stress? "Ah..." Masami replied in thought, assuming he was getting the hang of it. "Please rest well, I'm sure that a meal or two could ease it."

Masami stood up from his chair, his hands touching the table top. He was trying to get a glimpse on the buffet stall, with the intent of picking up food for Kurisa. "Anything you'd like...?" he was still trying to get a good look over the food in the table even from this distance, tip-toeing a little, even. Then, he looked at Kurisa, but still couldn't understand what exactly was going on about her – she held unto her eye with a palm and Masami knew that it was getting serious. Thus, he finally left the table after mentioning: "I'll go grab us some food, I'll be alright." then dashed away, ignoring all of the stares.

「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」


Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Empty Fri Aug 07, 2020 12:13 am


Kurisa rubbed her hand against her eye as it started to feel irritated. It felt like it wanted to be clawed out, but she knew what will happen. If she gave into the temptation she won't have an eye to see. The magic was devouring the iris color as if it was becoming her. Was there more to this? The light was revealing a tattoo that she has not had in awhile. That very same tattoo that the sun burned onto her skin the day she died, turned into an angelic being and lived once more. Her body was going to go into shock, but a voice spoke to her as she listened to Masami. It calmed her attention as she paid attention to just that voice.

Like..? Maybe some ham salad, a sandwich, something to drink - anything." She asked.

Her right wrist was becoming painful next as it was all her right side hurting. She heard him walk off and her face went into the table. She felt eyes on her, but her body needed food at the moment. That and something to drink. A salad sounded great. The client better be paying for this. She knew saving the woman's business was going to take forever. This will never end soon so this break was great. What will happen next will even be more of a disaster, or maybe something that they needed. It was a good idea so she will bring it up to the bosses after their meals.




Underground Associates II [QUEST; KURISA] Sigme10

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