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Guilt is for Insecure People [Caius]

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Guilt is for Insecure People [Caius]  Empty Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:14 pm


Night had fallen and Hosenka City was celebrating its daily festivities. The star-speckled sky beautifully highlighted the full moon and the streets were filled to the brim with pleasure-seeking mortals, each and every one of which sought to fulfill their deepest, darkest desires. And tonight Rania Okano was one of them. The Paladin had thought long and deeply about this, and after realizing how much time her guild mate had spent outside of his chambers once the moons and stars were out, Rania wanted to give the night life a try too. She wasn’t the partying type just yet, but eager to enjoy and indulge in the bliss, the thrill and the luxury of this town just like any other person who had come here on vacation.

The slave-born woman craved freedom in all of its aspects, wanting nothing more than to experience what it was like to do what you wanted, with whom you wanted and whenever you wanted it. And because of this, Rania was headed out to the clubs and bars when the clock was just a few minutes shy of midnight. Of course the daredevilish girl had no idea the types of people she would run into tonight, and how it would change her life forever – but maybe that was exactly what Rania needed. Scantily-clad in an exotic dress, reminiscent of the orient, the raven-haired beauty marched down the streets until she spotted an establishment that seemed to suit her general idea of a ‘club’ or a ‘bar’ – and entered it promptly.

The doorman didn’t have much to say about her, and once Rania stepped inside the flashy building she was immediately overwhelmed by a multitude of visual triggers, such as flashing lights, nude women dancing on poles and the absurd mass of people entertaining one another. Music was blasting and the Paladin, who wasn’t used to such exposure, took a moment to recollect herself before she headed for the bar. Rania wasn’t exactly sure what she was looking for, but strongly believed that if she remained patient she would run into someone (or something) eventually. She took a seat by the bar, crossed her legs and flashed the bartender a sweet smile.

“A martini, please.”


Guilt is for Insecure People [Caius]  Empty Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:44 am

Ah the Cabaret Crescent. A place that slept during the day and showed its true colors at night. Sinners flocked to the pleasure quarter with full wallets and smelled of desperation. Be it drugs,sex, or just drinking and dancing, it had you covered. The people craved distraction from their boring ass lives. Luckily for them, Caius was a generous demon and had all the answers for them. This was a perfect location to distribute his product to meet their desires.

He had been working with club owners in the district to sell his new drug. Using his demon charm, he negotiated a deal where the owners would get 20% to sell it in their buildings. The name of his new drug was called "Sheen". It was small chewable pill about the size of a poker chip and was all the colors of the rainbow swirled in one. If you ate one, you would enter a euphoric state filling your body with both pain and pleasure. It lasted only for about an hour so people would always come crawling back for more once it faded. Tonight was one of the test runs so he was here personally at a club watching the results.

The music was bumping and the lights were flashing as Caius overlooked the dance floor from atop the VIP section. One topless dancers was off the clock sitting next to him rubbing circles in his chest with her finger. "Let's get out of here." she whispered to him. Caius looked at her and gave a smile in response. "No" He lifted up his hand to her face and palmed it like a basketball. He then shoved her out of the booth like a discarded piece of trash. "I'm trying to oversee an operation here woman. If you need to get your rocks off go find a cucumber"

The woman stormed off cursing his name as Caius got up headed down to the bar. He needed a drink after that. He adjusted his red tie so it was in line with the rest of his all black suit. Making his way through the crowd, he spotted a woman sitting by her lonesome at the end of the bar. It almost seemed too good to be true. She had gorgeous emerald eyes and raven black hair. What really made her stand out though was the exotic dress and golden jewelry adorned along her body. Caius wasted no time and creeped his way over just as she was ordering. "Make it two Martini's bartender. Just chalk it up on my tab." He leaned sideways against the bar table and faced her while waiting for the drinks to be made. "You're welcome by the way. Those things aren't cheap. The name is Caius. I'm part owner at this club. And who might you be." The owner part was a lie but you had to do what you had to do to impress. He hoped he could win her over so that way he could use her as a little guinea pig for his new drug.

Hi I'm Caius

Guilt is for Insecure People [Caius]  Empty Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:42 pm


“Why, thank you.” Rania was joined by a stranger shortly after she’d placed her order, and much to her surprise the person introduced himself almost immediately, not wasting any time on idle small-talk. Her emerald eyes scanned the man and she couldn’t help but notice how familiar his dark complexion and eyes were. The woman sucked in a breath, before she turned towards the much taller man and flashed him a sheepish smile. “It’s my pleasure, Caius. My name is Rania,” she said with a soft tone, pausing for a moment so her eyes could lock with his. “I’m fairly new in town.” His appearance was reminiscent of the people of Desierto, the country Rania was born in, but wasn’t a native of.  It was a rare sight here in Fiore.

When Caius introduced himself as the owner of the establishment, Rania felt a hint of suspicion creeping up in the back of her mind. It’s a good thing the Paladin wasn’t entirely naive, and quite observant instead; tonight, her keen eyes and good judgement would hopefully keep her out of trouble. That aside, the woman had chosen this place solely for its reputation and because she wanted to experience newer, stranger things and perhaps even dip into unknown waters. Still, Rania was perceptive and careful by nature and she decided to wait it out and see what this man wanted in first place – maybe he had an agenda she’d be happy to join, after all. The martinis came eventually, and Rania thanked the bartender with a nod before lifting up the glass into Caius' direction and taking a sip.

A burning sensation slipped down her throat alongside the alcohol, and it did its part in stirring her senses. Rania placed the glass down and picked out the skewer to snack on one out of the three olives the bartender had placed into the drink. The club darkened its light and the music was quite noisy, which made it difficult for conversation – but not impossible. After taking a glance around the area and letting her eyes wander for a bit, they eventually landed back on Caius and she gave the man a curious look.

“Since you noticed me so quickly I suppose this place is mostly visited by regulars?”


Guilt is for Insecure People [Caius]  Empty Fri Sep 04, 2020 7:05 am

The woman introduced herself as Raina. As expected, his hunch was correct. Raina was a complete newbie to the town. He had a knack for spotting people out of a crowd that felt out of place. They usually made easy targets. A beautiful girl would fetch a high price so Caius would help her enjoy her stay for now.

As the martini's arrived, they both grabbed their respective glass. Caius raised his up in the air almost as a mini toast to her. "Well shit welcome to Hosenka. I see you skipped all the boring parts of town and came straight to the action. I respect that." Caius swirled his glass a bit before downing the drink in a few gulps. Then, he set the empty glass on the bar and slid it down to the bartender.

After the drink, Caius raised his hand and pointed at her to answer her question. "Bingo. Regulars are mostly what we see here. The dress code isn't every strict so when I saw you walking about with your fancy outfit with the gold bling attached to it, I couldn't help but notice." Caius eyed her down head to toe before locking eyes with her again. "So that asks the question is what are you doing here? Looking for something in particular to have some fun tonight? Dancing? Drugs? Men? Women? Just say the word and I can point you in the right direction."

Hi I'm Caius

Guilt is for Insecure People [Caius]  Empty Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:50 pm


When Rania first came to the country of Fiore, it was the first time in her life that she had been alone, and forced to fend for herself. The Paladin was more naive then, perhaps even a little ignorant and certainly oblivious to the customs of this foreign area. But Rania was a quick learner, and throughout the years she had grown to understand that the intentions of people weren’t always as pure as her own. Her short but significant stay in Blue Pegasus and everything surrounding her new guild only added to her increasingly sharpened senses and when Caius looked her up and down, she merely flashed him a smile.

Rania wasn’t defenseless, and because of this she wasn’t worried about what might happen. If anything, the woman was in for some chaos and action for a change. She had been living a rather peaceful and lawful life up until now after all. “Not quite,” she responded and took a small sip from her martini. It was very good after all. “I have been in Hosenka for a while, but spent most of my time here working during the daylight hours.” Truth be told, Rania had been Hosenka for quite some time now, but avoided going out at night up until now. Caius’ straight-forward nature surprised her, but she appreciated it. “It’s common attire from my homeland,” she responded and tilted her head to the side ever so slightly, giving him a closer look.

The man (and alleged part owner of this place) made some outrageous suggestions, and Rania couldn’t help but smirk at each and every single one of them. “I wasn’t looking for anything in particular, but now that you have asked – and offered – so generously, I can’t help but be interested,” she responded and brought the glass to her lips once again. The alcohol was warming her up slowly, and she felt her reserved demeanor melt off. “I think dancing it is,” she finally decided and nibbled off the last two olives. Rania’s emerald eyes scanned the room until she spotted a suitable place on the dance floor and hopped off her chair. “I would ask you to join me, but you strike me as more of a spectator anyways. But maybe you could get me a different type of music? Something more..sensual and exotic perhaps?” Surely requesting a song would be no problem for the part time owner of this club.


Guilt is for Insecure People [Caius]  Empty Thu Sep 10, 2020 12:36 am

Caius leaned against the bar while Raina went on to explain herself. Looks like she was nothing unusual. Just a girl probably working too much and needed to relieve some stress in the red district. The outfit she wore was part of her culture and not because she was rich. Or at least she didn't want to admit that part. Whatever culture it was, they were lucky to have girls dressing like that.  Exposed skin was a good thing.  "Well damn you are rocking the outfit out. Try to get to catch on here cause all these basic bitches wear the same thing each night."

To his offer, he was disappointed to see she declined all the fun options and stuck with dancing. It was understandable as that was the safe pick. However, the night was still young. He could still change her mind yet. She then had the audacity to  call him a spectator and not a dancer. She was right of course but he still felt judged. "Truth is I can dance but I'll probably need some more drinks in me. As for the music, I'll see what I can do. Wait here." Caius stood back upright and walked along the bar. He grabbed another drink on the way and chugged it down before  heading  towards the DJ booth at the back of the dance floor.

Right now the DJ was playing this new beat that just released called StarPop by A/DK. It was some Joyan pop music that everyone loved. Mostly because of the four hot female singers. Caius walked into the booth and the DJ told him he would have to wait before he could request anything. Caius responded by pointing his finger and lighting it up with purple magic energy. He had two choices. Get shot or play the song. The DJ quickly found the top exotic song and started to play it. Caius patted him on the back for his efforts and jumped down from the booth Now he just had to get back to Raina.

The lights when dim as the music switched to an intoxicating blend of deep house, chilled beats and ambient R&B to inspire that sensual vibe. Others in the dance floor found a significant other and got real close to groove to the music. He wondered if Raina would be down for the same.  "See? Piece of cake. Now the question is are you going solo or do you need a dance partner. I don't mean to brag but I'm two drinks in so I might show you up now.

Hi I'm Caius

Guilt is for Insecure People [Caius]  Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 9:24 pm


His compliment felt bizarre considering the language and words he used, but Rania decided not to judge Caius purely on his bad mannerisms. Perhaps that’s just how things worked in Hosenka City and truth be told, a very particular blue-haired friend of hers could be just as rude and blunt and she didn’t mind it much either. Rania’s emerald gaze scanned the area and much to her surprise, she quickly learned that there had been much truth in Caius’ words. The women visiting this establishment were all indeed dressed in a similar manner, and none of them wore a significant amount of clothes to begin with, although this was something that Rania could relate to. “Oh, that’s a simple enough solution then. You heard the man,” the raven-haired beauty called out towards the bartender and gestured her hand at Caius. “Pour him some drinks.” The Paladin wasn’t one for excuses after all.

Caius disappeared into the crowd to change the music for her, and Rania had to admit that she was both surprised and perhaps even a little impressed when the tune took a turn and changed into softer, more relaxing sounds. The atmosphere in the club shifted into a sensuous and delightful ambiente and the raven-haired woman immediately took a liking to the adaptability of fiorians. Without hesitation, the common folk had adapted to the new sounds and Rania watched in awe as the masses were enjoying themselves to the chill beats of oriental inspiration. “You are indeed quite efficient, Caius. I like that.” It was an honest compliment, for Rania was not fond of mincing words – she preferred actions over senseless talking and even though the tall stranger with the grim aura had a rather suspicious look to him, she decided to give him a chance.

“Oh, I’ll leave that entirely up to you,” she responded shortly after and headed for the dance floor. Rania was more of a performer and not used to having a dance partner, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t handle a little bit of company. If anything, it would make for an interesting change of events and match the quick pace of the night. “But if you are feeling confident, I would be happy to share the spotlight with you.” Looking over her shoulder, the woman winked at Caius while flashing him a challenging grin. She had meant those words quite literally, as he would find out soon enough. Once Rania had found a suitable spot on higher ground, the exotic maiden began moving her arms and hips along the slow beat of the music, hinting at a dance style that was reminiscent of belly dancing. The healer’s movements were fluid, graceful and pleasant to the eye.

Furthermore, she added a little extra by pointing upwards. On the tip of her fingers, a small ball of light would form and illuminate the area around her body, enhancing every little detail of her elegant movements and complimenting her curvaceous body. The ball of light eventually dispersed into sparkles, and a thin golden rope took its place. Gently, the string of light magic climbed down her body and highlighted every curve and every movement matching the beat of the music until it engulfed her from head to toe, making for a rather spectacular and mesmerizing picture. Every now and then Rania would make eye contact with Caius and then pretend that she wasn’t looking, just to tease him a little.


Guilt is for Insecure People [Caius]  Empty Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:02 am

Rania didn't seem too worried about having him show her up on the dance floor. Instead, it seemed like she was more than up for the challenge by inviting him to dance with her. She had the bartender line up some drinks for him while she headed out to the dance floor. Caius wasn't one to leave a lady waiting so he dual fisted two drinks and took them like shots at the same time. He shook his head from the drink's burn before psyching himself up and heading out to join her.

Like a true natural, her body flowed with the music shaking her hips and moving her arms with elegance. He almost regretted asking because now he was about to look like a fool in front of her. Hopefully she would find it funny at least. As he approached, he was taken aback by her actions. As she got her groove on, a ball of light emerged from her hands illuminating her on the dance floor. "Great another fucking light mage." he thought. Why had all the interesting women he met always have his weakness. Despite that, she did look pretty gorgeous from its effect. Some around the dance floor ceased dancing as they stared in awe at her movements in the flash of light. Now there was even more pressure for him.

The alcohol was starting to work it's magic as Caius gained the courage to step up and join her. He lifted both arms up as he approached her while swinging his hips to the beat. When he reached her, he would work around close behind her and use one arm to grab her hips while the other was free. This way he could just sway with her and have her do all the work. That way he could at least try to compliment her dancing. He leaned his head down and whispered in her ear. "You weren't lying you said you were pro dancer. I concede. You're moves are pretty fucking incredible. " The crowd continued to watch as the song started to pick up pace a bit. Now all that was left was for Rania to take it home.

Hi I'm Caius

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