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Underground Associates °3 [Rania]

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 Underground Associates °3 [Rania]   Empty Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:04 am


Rania was enjoying herself in Hosenka City. The place had grown on her over the weeks that she had been here already, and thanks to good company, plenty of delicious food and overall friendly people, the Paladin’s stay in the eastern city in the country of Fiore became more than enjoyable. However, there was also always work to be done and because of this, the female mage decided that every now and then she would take on a quest to see if there was a way for her to help anyone in this city. That honestly wasn’t the only reason for why Rania was working hard though. The Paladin had plans on making some purchases, buying certain items that were enchanted with magic to make herself stronger. Of course there was a multitude of such items already.

Rania even owned a few herself, but the Paladin wanted more. There were items such as rings that made you more sturdy and added a lot to your endurance and constitution. Things like that were always good because it helped the woman to stay alive and focused during fights, but recently she had been looking for something more upfront. Honestly, Rania wasn’t entirely happy with the performance of her Hierophant Staff. Not because she didn’t think it was a good item (because it really was) but because she felt she could do better. Much better actually. Casting spells through her staff was always an important step and honestly, it was what made her spells so potent in first place. But Rania thought that there were better ways to handle these things and that there were most certainly stronger staves and scepters. But finding a weapon like that would turn out to be a difficult task. There simply weren’t as many of them as she had initially thought.



 Underground Associates °3 [Rania]   Empty Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:07 am


Still, it wouldn’t stop her from doing her job and earning some extra coins. The Paladin had a decent amount of savings left behind at this point and she was saving it all for the perfect weapon. There were some things she wanted immediately, but the Paladin told herself to keep a low profile for now and not overdo it. In the end, she had to focus on her jobs first. Rania had been in Hosenka for some time, and even before that the mage had been going on a number of quests with a guild mate of hers. It was always good fun and very enjoyable, but she often thought that she should try and go on a quest by herself as well. Mostly because it helped her focus on her abilities better. Of course Rania’s build was that of a supporter, so it only made perfect sense for her to be around other people often, but she wanted that little bit of independence, at least for a little while. Rania was honestly just like that.

She couldn’t help herself with it either. Her spells mainly focused on healing, but since she was quite skilled with her magic they would hurt her enemies should she run into any. That was incredibly handy of course and she enjoyed that aspect of her magic very much. However, Rania preferred to heal her friends and let those fight who knew more about it than her. Rania wasn’t a very physical fighter after all, although she was always doing her very best. Anyhow, since arriving in Hosenka, Rania had taken on a few quests with the locals as well. Because of the way this city worked, and how many tourists were involved and how many festivals and parties were held here, it was always super busy and there was also a lot of crime going on.



 Underground Associates °3 [Rania]   Empty Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:54 am


That means there was also a lot of work and Rania had already established a working relationship. She had met with a man who went by the name of Mr. Takashi. He was a business owner and his business revolved around import and export trades here in Hosenka. They mostly worked with countries like Joya and Sin, that matched the atmosphere here in Hosenka and because of this, he had gotten quite wealthy over the years. Apparently there were many places that he owned, and his company was growing more and more powerful. However, he was struggling a lot with the current events involving gangs here in the city. Apparently the gangs had grown more powerful over the years as well, and they were interfering with his business that he had here in the city. Obviously that was incredibly inconvenient to him, and that was why he needed as many people as possible to help him figure this out. He wanted to recruit Rania as well, and because he paid well she had agreed.

Rania needed a job anyways and while that businessman was truly shady, she did believe that he had a good cause in mind and that helping him would also help the people. Rania had done some research as well and she had learned that the guy wasn’t really that corrupt at all and that he paid his workers a fair wage, which was honestly very important to the good hearted Paladin. It made it much easier for her to agree to help him. So today was a day during which Rania went out to the warehouses to meet some of the people she was going to be working with. The warehouses that belonged to Mr. Takashi were located at the border of Hosenka, and it was where all the shipment happened.



 Underground Associates °3 [Rania]   Empty Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:54 am


Everyone who worked here was somehow an associate of his. The people knew that she was coming and she was curious to hear what they had to say. When Rania showed up, she was greeted by a female secretary who introduced herself as Maya. Maya was a younger woman, maybe in her early 30s so still older than Rania. She went around with Maya, who showed her the facilities and explained to her the items they were trading with and the problems and struggles they were facing. Apparently there was a multitude of them, and that was mostly because of the gangs. She explained to Rania what items they were trading with and it seemed that they made a lot of money from trading with alcohol and silk. The silk was used to mostly make expensive garments and they also sponsored theatres both here in Hosenka and also in Marigold and Crocus. The use of the alcohol explained itself.

It was expensive sake and apparently they have been struggling to make business with it because their precious cargo often kept getting stolen. Apparently that was how the gangs made money: by stealing the cargo, and all the sake in it and selling it at a much higher price. Because Mr. Takashi’s goods had been stolen, leaving him with virtually nothing, that also meant that he wouldn’t be able to offer a cheaper more affordable option and the entire town of Hosenka was basically forced to make those purchases at inflated prices. Of course this system had to end and to prevent this from happening further, it seemed that Rania had to go ahead and make sure the gang wasn’t stealing anymore. Perhaps she would even have to send a message? All of this happened behind closed doors, so getting the point across would be difficult enough.



 Underground Associates °3 [Rania]   Empty Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:03 am


It was an interesting conversation and it continued for quite some time. Rania knew that gangs were very brutal and that it was best not to mess with them when you were alone, but that is why there were guards all over the city. The guards themselves were entirely useless, but if Rania helped them a bit she was sure they could make some arrests here and there. The main issue so far had always been that they were never able to prove the fraud, because none of the sake bottles were marked with a unique number. Rania decided that she would try her best to sneak out and gather some more information. She wanted to know when the next attack would be and perhaps she could even prevent it from happening. And maybe, if the gang realized that working against them was far too much work, maybe they would even stop again.

But until then, that was just wishful thinking. Rania was giving some information about where to head to next if she wanted to learn more about the gangs involved, but that was enough for now. Today was mostly just paperwork and brain work, figuring out what exactly their plans were and how they could stop them. Of course Rania wasn’t a very confrontational person, but she could definitely handle herself if she had to. After so much organization, soon she would have to start getting into the rumble an gathering more information about the gang. And the best way to do that was to infiltrate one of the places that they owned. Rania was nervous about that, especially since she was alone, but she was confident in her abilities and knew that she would make it. At the end of the day, she was paid a flat rate of 125,000 Jewels and allowed to go home for the day.


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