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Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki]

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#1Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:18 am

Jan Ren
Unlike last time, this request was arguably much safer. The instructions were simple, escort a certain woman to a certain informant in the district, wait for her to finish, and escort her back to her lodging. Ridiculously vague as this request was, a job is a job; and if the client didn't want to reveal their secrets, paying extra easily covers that. With the previous request having ended on a sour note, Jan Ren prepared himself mentally for a new start. Not every time will a request end precisely as planned; and adapting will ultimately decide its success.

Having arrived relatively early, the young man awaited. Either his partner showed up first or the client; and whichever it was, still had to wait for the other to appear. Already starting to think up what the informant would want or if the woman in question was single or not, the Sinese inevitably began pondering. Such was only natural when so little detail was handed out, at first. "(At least I definitely need to fake working for the mafia this time.)" He figured, cinfident in at least one impossibility.

As the twilight sky slowky darkened, he waited in thought for either fellow -- until finally his nose caught scent of something.

WC: 208
TWC: 208/1,500

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#2Suki Lesalt 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Wed Aug 19, 2020 1:10 pm

Suki Lesalt
Suki was afraid to go now. She knew who she was going on this mission with and truthfully she was afraid to mess it up now. Her eyes closed tight and hugged her little backpack with a small tiger on it. Softly, she sighed soon after a deep breather while walking forward taking the first step. "Bye Mama!" She waved quickly and ran off towards where she will meet Jan. The smell was odd as she smelled something familiar. It was not Jan or was it? She was careful as she approached within the twilight time as the streets were lit up like pretty stars.

Where were they going to go today? She spotted Jan and gazed away, breathing carefully yet hard after her run. "So it was you who I smelled. Did you recently just...?" She wondered shyly while her face turned a little pink. Slowly, she nommed on the tissue part of her bamboo nervously. "So what is the mission for today? Do I need to make him stay behind again? ... He was pretty lonely last time." She frowned as her eyebrows furrowed in sorrow. She waited for him to explain and wondered what people saw in him. He was a big bully last time. Made her feel rather down in the dumps if she had to be honest.


Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Sig10
#3Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:36 am

Jan Ren
He was right. Somehow, the Sinese caught wind of his partner's scent; turning his head to see the sheepish girl from last time. It was a rather odd thought, recognizing now that he was familiar with Suki's scent enough to identify her in his vicinity. It's, never happened to him before.

Understandably, Suki didn't seem all that excited; with how their previous quest ended, Jan Ren was admittedly anxious about a similar outcome. Importance of the request aside, it'd break his heart to make her cry again. Eyeing the young girl for a short moment, watching her obvious avertion; "Hmhm." He chuckled, smiling at her; "Fortunately, he is more than welcome this time. In fact, he would be of great help, I'd bet."

The existence of such a monstrous tiger alone was intimidating to the public. If they were to-be guards, it was all the more beneficial. "Looking forward to work with you two this time, Suki." He claimed, giving her a respectful bow.

Soon enough, the client showed herself. Clad from head to toe in white, flowing fabrics; face covered by a thick veil as a bamboo hat sat atop her face. Rather creepily, she merely stopped by the duo. "...Okay then," A single drop pf sweat rolled down the side of his face as an eyebrow raised. So much for an impression. "Then I'll take the front. Suki, you watch our client's back with your, err. Cat. Our rear is in your hands!"

WC: 246
TWC: 454/1,500

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#4Suki Lesalt 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:30 pm

Suki Lesalt
Suki looked at his suspiciously as he explained that he could not wait to work with her and Mr. Fluffemz. The last time he made her cry just because her friend wanted to help her and him as well! She was just trying to defend their honor against the bad man's harsh words. The guy was questionably different for some reason. Jan seemed as if he was trying to be a good guy, but she still could not forgive this silly person. She pouted with her arms crossed against her chest that appeared rather flat for those who did not know.

Her eyes gazed away from him as she felt a shadow devour her own shadow. Her head tilted to look up and saw she was under her cat's head. "Well, I suppose I will deal with this." She puckered her rose-red lips that were naturally so and waited for it to be time to leave. The crowd of people overran their talking, therefore no one else could hear them. They almost sounded like siblings disagreed on something or even when the older brother did something wrong to the little sister. Once he was done talking and telling her what to do like a big bully she did so.

Her and Mr. Fluffemz were in the back, her on her cat as she rode him like a horse. He was indeed her companion in a way of both a mount and to help her in battle. Her big pink eyes gazed at the pretty woman and wondered why wasn't she that pretty? Was there a reason she was wearing the stuff she was wearing in the first place? Her eyes switched to look at Jan, silently watching him with judging little sister's eyes.



Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Sig10
#5Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:32 am

Jan Ren
Peering eyes stabbing at his back like small daggers aside, Jan Ren led the way as he looked left and right, constantly on the lookout for any possibly suspicious people. Mostly looking for adversaries dressed similarly to him, assuming such to be the biggest possible threat. "Today seems a bit scarce." He commented, noticing the relatively smaller amount of people outside. "Wonder what's going on. ...Well. Easier request for us, right?" He turned his head to Suki, offering a thumbs up with a smile before pressing forward.

It didn't seem like the lady in white had intended to engage in any conversation, simply walking between the two wizards. Ignoring the surrounding eyes around, some at her elegant form and some at the obvious tiger.

Eventually, the party had reached their location; though an odd, faint stench caught the Sinese' nose, he didn't have much time to dwell on it when the client finally opened her mouth to speak.

"ここです。" The lady suddenly uttered; "今まで一緒に来てくれてありがとう。 少し、ここでお待ちしてください。"

...Huh. This is Joyan, right? It appears that the lady in white couldn't speak their native language. Lacking familiarity with it beyond its phonetics, Jan Ren simply nodded and inferred from context that they were to lay in wait. Positioning himself by one entrance to the building, watching. "...Well, seems this was quite easy. A job well done so f--"

However, his praise was cut off by a sudden scream coming from the floor above. "!?"

WC: 246
TWC: 700/1,500

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#6Suki Lesalt 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:18 pm

Suki Lesalt
She motioned left and right as she rode on her Tiger. He was a large fluffy cat named Mr. Fluffemz. If you knew him and could only understand him then you will like him too! They watched the lady from the back together and started to hum a tune only certain people knew. It was a creepy haunted lullaby that children got to hear before going to bed. Most mothers hummed their children to sleep, but in the end, it was her father who did so. She continued to glare and judge Jan as she followed them both. It was pretty silent for the most part, but the Joyan lady started to talk Joyan.

It was nothing new since this was a Joyan made city. Soon enough they both got to the entrance of where the woman had to go, but wanted them to wait for her outside. Why did they have to wait outside? She wanted to go inside with the woman. A small frown formed upon her lips as she wondered why they could not go inside at all. Jan felt like this was all over, but it was never over to begin with as screams could be heard. It frightened poor Suki as her beautiful eyes started to water. It reminded her of the screams long ago... She hoped with her hands against her heart and looked at Jan. Unsure of who screamed and why. Was it the woman?



Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Sig10
#7Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:08 pm

Jan Ren
Hit with an unexpected obstacle, Jan Ren's immediate first instinct was naturally to leap straight into the building and see whatever's transpired as soon as possible. This, backed further by the fact his client was in there. Trusting that the girl would be alright, especially with a giant tiger that proved itself worthy last time under her belt (literally). "Suki!" He called out, already in motion; "We're going in!" He declared, dashing straight through the stairs to the second floor and coming into the room, to see the very same refined lady, taken aback and seated on the floor; as the spectacle in-front was of a battle-ridden office. Ransacked off goods and left messy as is, blood drops littering the walls and a disturbing trail smudged over the floor and the wall, exiting the window off the opposite side.

"What happened here??" Obviously, oblivious to the story behind it. But it was obvious a fight took place that, didn't end very well. Hurrying to grab the lady in white and focusing to look around. No foreign smells, though all masked in the stench of sweat and blood. "Someone's got to our informant before we did... This building isn't safe." He announced, eyes instinctively moving to stare at the blood trail. So now what?

Little did Jan Ren know that all the while, the party was being watched.

WC: 227
TWC: 927/1,500

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#8Suki Lesalt 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Fri Aug 21, 2020 11:08 pm

Suki Lesalt
She was called out by Jan as he informed her they were going to go in. Before she could say anything in ran in as if he cared about this woman for more than a client. For some reason Suki already felt a close brother/sister relationship.  She cared what he cared about, but also a possessive type of little sister. Ever seen Attack on Titan? She would be Mikasa as she will train to help and be of use to her adoptive big brother! Even if it means to kill by any means, but mentally Suki does not know this at all. She hasn't been through the mentality of the enjoyment of killing for someone that's precious to her.

She is pure. Innocent.

Yes, pure and innocent.

For now.

She ran as fast as she could up the stairs and following Jan to the position. As she did she was thinking of how she has no adoptive sisters. Someday she will have one, right? She felt lonely being the only girl to herself. She has met Natsumi, but she felt as though she was just a friend, not a sister. It was strange. Her thoughts were put at an immediate stop as she saw Jan stop and gazed around. Her eyes widened at the spot of blood, putting her hands against her lips before gasping out loud. She has never seen blood... Blood like that day she mentally forgot and locked inside her memories. If it became to the point where she remembered. She will break.


Break to the point where her purity will be gone. He was not sure on what to do now, but for some reason, Suki felt like she had to follow. It was as if her heart wanted to. Slowly, she walked towards the train with or without Jan noticing she did so anyway.



Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Sig10
#9Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:28 am

Jan Ren
--"D'ya hear that?"
--"Yeah. She's there with them."
--"...Alright. Let's finish quickly and go eat Yakiniku."

Atop a rooftop, two men in suits lingered; alerted at the sudden scream the lady in white uttered. Loading their guns silently, they looked down to the window and took aim. Any moment now, the target should arrive...

Watching as the young girl paced towards the trail of blood, a drop of sweat rolled down the side of the Sinese' head. Essentially, they've completed half of their request already; having escorted the lady successfully, whether or not the informant was there. When it comes down to logic, they were done and only needed to return. But that just won't fly, would it. A sudden odd scent crept its way even in the mess that was this room; and with Suki approaching the window, his eyes widened. "Suki!!" Leaping forward in distress, Jan Ren grabbed at the girl's hand and yanked her towards him.

A loud gunshot.

The bullet hit against the concrete floor, the shooters missing their mark. Stressed, the young man hugged the girl with one arm to his body. ...Okay, now what. Obviously this lady was wanted by some not-so-peaceful guys in some shape or form. And now they were entirely in their mercy.

"...Alright, we can look up what happened to the informant later." He declared, steeling his mind to the best of his ability; grabbing at his companion's shoulder and looking straight into her eyes, blocking her view from the trail of blood to deliberately avert her attention. "For now, we run." Promptly picking up the woman and hoisting her over his shoulder, much to her protests.

Mannerisms be damned if their very lives were in danger.

WC: 271
TWC: 1,198/1,500

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#10Suki Lesalt 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:22 pm

Suki Lesalt
Suki could not help but follow the trail of blood droplets. It was hypnotizing to the point she could not stop as long as she saw it. Any noise could rise, but her ears would not work. Her brain was not functioning as if any sign of blood will make her follow and perhaps go into a fraze. Her body was grabbed all of the sudden and pulled back. Her eyes saw sparks as a shot went into the ground. Her mind was still in a trance, but could hear Jan's voice. Once he covered her eyes in a way she could not see the trail anymore she snaped out of it. "H-huh?" She shook her head and blinked in confusion.

"O-okay." She spoke softly and confused as they ran together away from them or so she believed. Where will they run? Where was her fluffemz? She wanted to call out to him, but her mind was so confused that she had a hard time speaking currently. Men were chasing them for some reason, but why? Her eyes cornered to look at Jan who was putting her over his shoulders and ran off instead of her running too. She was like a china doll who could not control herself and being dragged somewhere.



Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Sig10
#11Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Sun Aug 23, 2020 8:55 am

Jan Ren
Running with the two women, Jan Ren tried his best to focus on the scent he'd barely picked up earlier. They were being chased and didn't seem like they would be let off the hook any time soon. With two girls held on his form, one would think him to be hindered, though the Sinese somehow managed quite fine. If not proper impressions, he was at least durable. It would be overdue, but the missing cat-monster was disturbing. "Dammit... Now could have been a really good time for it to decide to snack...!" He hissed as he ran, recalling the events of their last request.

Eventually managing to lose the two men, Jan Ren had let the two down as he stopped by some alleyway to catch his breath. However, they were at a dead end; literally surrounded by rooftops and a single entrance. Their position could not be much worse. Still, this would be ample time, and should they get closer, he figured he could at least smell them. "I think... We lost them... For now..." He remarked, looking over the edge to make sure they were alone.

The lady in white began protesting in Joyan (he'd assumed, unable to understand her at all). Yet, this was no time to pay attention. "Suki, where is your tiger...? We could really use some help right now..." Before someone gets shot.

WC: 230
TWC: 1,428/1,500

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#12Suki Lesalt 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Thu Aug 27, 2020 11:24 am

Suki Lesalt
Suki yawned softly while her head hid against Jan's back. They were running away from some goons. One of them ran all goofy and the other ran like some monkey with their arms all weird. She did not bother looking back as she enjoyed the wind against her hair. Her element was calling for her it seemed like.  "It's hungry! Don't be rude!" She coughed from the wind getting into her lungs. She had to let go of her grip on Jan so she could cough with manners. She was cute, had manners like any innocent and pure young woman.

With that though she flew back and rolled on the ground within seconds of not gripping onto him as Jan had butter hands. Shame on him for not paying attention. Before she could land on the ground and get all scratched up, Mr. Fluffemz sped up and roared. He used his snout to catch her and rolled her on his back as he ran towards the bad men. "T-they're trying to hurt us." She said and snuggled her cat. He roared and scared them off as they ran away. Anyone else that came he would scare off cause his poor little suki was hurt. Slowly, Suki slid off her tiger and hoped surprised to see Fluffemz lick her hand. "Oh, I got a cut..." She bit her lip. After this was done they went and handed in their mission. She was obviously going to go see Jan again though since they seem to run into each other a lot more recently than she was used to. Wasn't a bad thing though. She was slowly becoming attached to him - her big brother. *Squints*




Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Sig10
#13Jan Ren 

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] Empty Fri Aug 28, 2020 2:44 pm

Jan Ren
Nearly getting a heart-attack from the girl deciding to let go as they ran, Jan Ren skid on the ground for a moment as he turned his head sharply, seeing his partner rolling some on the ground behind; guns aimed towards her. If he wouldn't move in, she's dead. And that'd be on his hands. Fortunately however, Suki held ownership over an exaggeratedly-useful companion in the form of a giant white tiger, which did the job just fine. Relieving the Sinese some as he fell onto his behind, exhaling deeply a breath he wasn't aware he was holding all this while. "Thank god..."

The upset lady in white had rewarded the two with a generous sum, despite the mission flunking quite obviously. Leaving a bitter taste in his mouth yet again, Jan Ren had rethought his action patterns. There were many wild cards present in this request, many he held no control over and couldn't do a thing about. As he was now, he was too weak; and unprofessional enough to endanger his partner. Chastising at himself mentally, the Sinese had decided. It is time to kick back into proper gear.

No more lazying about. No more prolonged leisure. If that tiger wasn't there, Suki would have been dead, and with his tendencies, so would have he and the client. This, won't do. At all.

WC: 225
TWC: 1,500+

Underground Associates [QUEST ft. Suki] 2_1
Clickey for sheety

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