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Library of Jousho [T: SOLO]

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Library of Jousho [T: SOLO] Empty Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:04 am

The Library of Jousho is supposed to be a myth, and that it only appears to the chosen ones—the ones who deserved to see it—a latency of the future. Well... Masami found it, this Library opened up yesterday. It wasn't so magical and special, it's just an establishment that was named after the myth, and book lovers had gathered. Masami heard that it was a soothing construction and that it would help him relieve stress, which was why he took some time to look at the signboard in the front of the small building before he'd enter and tip-toe, registering himself to the counter receptionist and getting a card that allows him to borrow books by doing magical technology stuff all around it. He wasn't exactly sure how this works, which was why he was slightly intimidated when he looked at the shelves from a distance.

Well, it's better to start from the West to East when you don't really know where to go, right? Before Masami was able to move, the receptionist decided to be kind and help him out. "What are you looking for?" Then, Masami realized that in fact, he did not know what he was looking for, so he had to think of a creative-enough excuse as an answer. "Fire magic...?" There was no doubt, and his answer remained another question. The receptionist expressed another: "Ah!" and nodded at Masami, then he'd point at the East, a direction that was completely opposite than what Masami intended to a while ago. The receptionist fixed his glasses before looking back at Masami, "For your plays, maybe? You can find them there," he told Masami, then the kid would respond with a nod. "Have fun!" The receptionist said before Masami could completely leave the counter area, what kind of "fun" did he mean by that? Masami understood a tad bit more surprise when he visited the East Isle to see more scrolls instead of books, all of them were written in Joyan and not in Fiorian. Come to think of it, most of the people here were Joyan and not Fiorian by appearances, and perhaps the foreigners of Hosenka did not decide to visit this establishment? Picking up a random scroll, Masami decided to teach himself a trick or two.

Onna Mono (女物 lit. Woman Plays): 250/250
「-50% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Hagoromo (羽衣 lit. The Feather Mantle): 133/1000
「-50% WC reduction via Intelligence.」


Library of Jousho [T: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Library of Jousho [T: SOLO] Empty Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:41 am

It definitely is old, thought Masami when he opened a scroll, recognizing the old brush strokes in black paint and the choppy faded paper, which had lost its' softness to become rigid and brittle. "Chapter nineteen... nineteen? Where are the others?" Masami had spun the scroll for storage then took a surrounding one, opening up to read: "Chapter three," he had placed this one on top of the table behind him as he searches for the earlier chapters of the same series, and it indeed took him more time than expected to find the first chapter. When he found it, he settled with a sigh, then hopped into a seat.

"Let's see, 'supplementary spells for assistance,' like flying? Or..." he decided to read the rest in his mind. The sunlight in this area helped him focus on reading, and the quiet atmosphere helped him rest assure that he was going to relax. He didn't need the first half that was written in the scroll, so he went directly to the next scroll, and one that caught his attention. "Hm... 'focus your attention,' and," he clapped, and immediately the magic circles formed on top of his head, various sizes circling all-around and in red of color. He didn't know the usage of this spell, until he decided to stand up. He 'decided' to stand up but apparently... he was stuck to the chair?

Masami let out a breath of air. "Oh, how do you... get it off..." he couldn't even move from the seat, so he fell down when he tilted himself to the side. Now, he wasn't able to stand back up, at all. These guys teach people how to cast spells but not un-cast them, as if the magic circles above his head were flies, he tried brushing them off with a hand. Nothing's working; guess this training topic's going to be about how Masami got himself stuck on a chair in some library.

Onna Mono (女物 lit. Woman Plays): 250/250
「-50% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Hagoromo (羽衣 lit. The Feather Mantle): 458/1000
「-50% WC reduction via Intelligence.」


Library of Jousho [T: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Library of Jousho [T: SOLO] Empty Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:28 pm

Will it be best if he had asked for help? "Umm," he hesitated, but at least he had accomplished standing the chair back up, but the chair was still quite stuck on him. Masami didn't want to ask for help, what will people think if they realize that a kid who was trying to practice some spells apparently got stuck on a chair? He was probably better off back to Joya this way, maybe they won't even recognize him as the owner of the theater. I'm young, they probably won't think that it's stupid, he thought, throwing efforts to rid himself off of the stupid occasion. He also thought that maybe the scrolls have something to say in this occurrence as well, however, no matter how far he ventures through the world of old wisdom and old scrolls, nobody says anything about being "magically" stuck in a chair. If I burn it down...?—No, Masami, you aren't burning the chair down.

At least his hands aren't stuck as well? So, he isn't completely immobile, and that's something to thank about. If he stays here too long, he'll get his bottom aching and then this library will be forever traumatic. I didn't know that this is worse than a curse, little did he know that he's in fact, "cursed" at the moment (lol). Masami raised a hand, casting a spell and hoping that it works, but why is everything upside down? As simply as that: the chair flew him to the ceiling, anti-gravity for short. The occurrence made a loud thump that attracted people's attention, luckily there aren't much people in this library and he's too high for the people outside to see. "Help, please," his lip corners shook into an awkward smile; the receptionist from a while ago ran to Masami to check what fuss the sound was created out off, but apparently he had never seen like it before.

Onna Mono (女物 lit. Woman Plays): 250/250
「-50% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Hagoromo (羽衣 lit. The Feather Mantle): 778/1000
「-50% WC reduction via Intelligence.」


Library of Jousho [T: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Library of Jousho [T: SOLO] Empty Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:52 pm

"I got stuck," and now I can't get off. The people didn't know whether they'd be worried or if he'd laugh at the kid for... being a kid, they can't say that this thing was "normal" and easily fixable but... maybe they'll be able to find a solution for it, soon enough. "Okay, relax." The receptionist raised his palms up, towards Masami, who then thought: I have a bad feeling about this, looking away and trying not to "face his fears," whatever it was at the moment. Nothing is happening. Eventually, he was forced to face them; apparently, he was face-to-face with the receptionist from a while ago, who then raised a foot for a high kick!

The poor kid wanted to scream until the receptionist's heel made a thump! noise at the chair that wouldn't move an inch, even with that force applied. Masami made a squeaking noise instead of a scream, and he didn't even know what made him do it. "Oh, kid," sighed the receptionist, who was also upside down and is taking afoot on the ceiling, "what did you do?" Let's be real, Masami didn't know what he did. He shrugged while he confusingly sat still, like how he was a moment ago until now. "I don't know," he admitted with an awkward chuckle afterwards, "some spell that... err." The receptionist took a moment to analyze the floating magic circles on top of Masami's head, and nothing happened when his hand passed through them, so this was all on Masami. "Try doing what you did a while ago," the receptionist suggested, and Masami clapped as he was told, because that was what he did a while ago, right?

Afterwards, he lost momentum, eventually meeting the floor with his body separated from the chair, might as well as his consciousness too.

Onna Mono (女物 lit. Woman Plays): 250/250
「-50% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Hagoromo (羽衣 lit. The Feather Mantle): 1082/1000
「-50% WC reduction via Intelligence.」


Library of Jousho [T: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

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