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Payback [Quest | Solo]

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Payback [Quest | Solo] Empty Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:37 pm


WC : 829/500 Soloing Outfit

Heading towards the more shadier part of town, Eta glanced down at the piece of paper in their hands, before looking up towards the building in front of them, it very much looked like how it was described in the notice they had snatched earlier this week. “Well, at least I can hurt someone… possibly…?” Shrugging, they soon stepped inside before coughing into their sleeve at the multiple scents surrounding the interior area of said building. ‘Definitely a brothel, no doubt about that, Jesus.’ Turning to one of the ladies, Eta raised the paper towards them, quickly pointing at the name before covering their nose and mouth immediately after.

“Ah, you are here about that asshole?” A single nod, “Suzumi-san! That person you hired is here!”

“Oh my… I wasn’t expecting such a young one like yourself, this might go much better than I imagined.”


Waving them through, the lady led Etaoin into a different room, before whispering to one of her girls something that Eta could not hear, just to be gestured to a seat, in which Eta gladly took, kneeling down on the cushion provided. Madame Suzumi took a seat opposite Etaoin, pouring some tea for the both of them.

“Now, this is the man you will be finding. He has been using fake money to pay time with my girls, and I care for these ladies very much despite the career paths we took.”

“I understand… They are like your daughters right?”

“Mhm, how observant, but yes you are correct uh?”

“Oh, sorry. I am Rynn, Suzumi-san.”

“Rynn-chan. I’m sure you will do your best to return the fairness of what has happened, hm?”

“Of course Suzumi-san. I will gladly show this man that we are not to be treated like property, no matter the profession.”

“Perfect. Now, let us have you ready, Rynn-chan.”

Etaoin smiled, their purple eyes gleamed with excitement at the free reign that the lady had given them towards this man that they now must hunt down. When the lady lifted her arm with a smile leaving Etaoin felt mildly confused, before being wished away by some of the ladies, and dressed up into a whole new outfit completely, and one they would not wear but hey, they got to keep their favourite gloves that went surprisingly well with their currently borrowed outfit, Madame Suzumi sent Etaoin on their way to find this man.

Standing in the alley, Etaoin hummed, noticing the man heading towards the brothel, licking their lips a little, a small chuckle left them before they stepped out in front of the man. Slipping an arm through the man’s, Eta giggled softly, resting their head against the man’s arm.

“Hello Mister, I was told that I could play with you today~” A grin lacing their lips, though their Fiorian was broken, due to language barriers. “Courtesy of one Madame Suzumi-san.” Trailing their fingers along the man’s chest, before running a forefinger along his jawline, Eta smiled. “One you have been robbing for the past couple of months so I hear…”

“I dunno what the hell you are chatting and I ain't got time to play with kids, get lost!”

“Well you are in luck Mister, because I have all the time in the world to play~ Unless of course you pay back the sum of jewels you owe Madame Suzumi-san~”

“I never robbed anyone, and I don’t play with kids.”

“Awe, but I aint no kid, and you aren't a very great liar, Sir.” Gripping his chin, their nails digging into the stubble skin, as Eta tilted their head and gave him a thin smile. “So how about we play a little?”

Coughing a little when they stepped into the brothel albeit ragged, and a spot of red here and there. Humming confusedly at the shrieks from some of the ladies, Etaoin tilted their head, before letting out a small ‘ahh’ at what the issue was and turned to the body behind them. “Shut up! You are scaring the ladies, have some manners!” Dropping the arm, before stepping against the wrist of the man once more as he cried out once more, just for Eta to drag him by the foot and made their way to Madame Suzumi’s office, as they tapped the paper door.

“I have a delivery for Madame Suzumi-san, may I enter?”

“Of course Rynn-chan.”

Smiling as they entered, a groan followed them when they dragged the man down the steps, before dropping the limb and bowing to the women. Holding out their hand for their reward, and receiving a stroke to their hair, Eta flushed a little in return.

“If you ever need my help again, Madame Suzumi-san, don’t hesitate to ask.” Turning to the man, Eta soon spat a little at him, before using him as a step. “He is all yours guys.” Waving bye, collecting their original outfit, Eta made their way back to their hotel to take a nice warm bath.


Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
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Payback [Quest | Solo] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

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