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Escort the Employee [Quest | Solo]

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Escort the Employee [Quest | Solo] Empty Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:05 pm


WC : 650/500 Soloing Outfit

Étaoin stood there humming to themselves as they waited in the allotted location, for the lady they had to escort to the brothel that Éta helped out a couple of weeks ago. Glancing at their nails, Éta soon raised their head at the sudden sound of tires coming to a halt, and glanced over the vehicle in front of them. As the lady stepped out of the vehicle Éta bowed to the women, and smiled softly at her anxious state.

“Hello Miss, my name is Rynn, I was sent to escort you.” Étaoin stood there in a fitted suit, and smiled at the lady before holding out their arm, for her to take. “It’s fine Miss, I may look like a kid, but I’m no child~”

“O-oh… Then, please take care of me, Rynn-san.”


Étaoin soon began to walk towards the brothel they had become a protector for, as they both walked the streets, Étaoin frowned slightly, the lady was a quiet one, but she was telling Éta a little bit about herself, and it was nice because Étaoin was going to see the women more often when they would go to help out Madame Suzumi-san. The girl’s name was Mae, and it was a pretty name too, Étaoin had mentioned this, but then she suddenly stopped talking and froze when they reached the halfway point to the brothel.


“I-It’s nothing…”

“Okay… Well, let me know, I am here to protect you after all.”

“Mhm. I will, Rynn-san.”

Purple eyes glanced behind them, whilst Étaoin slipped their hand to hold the girl’s hand instead of having their arms linked whilst they walked. Squinting their eyes, as they glanced either side and behind them again, just to tread onwards to the brothel. Their pace quickened a little, whilst Mae glanced around every now and then, her own panic rising as she constantly felt like they were being watched.

“It’s okay Mae, this is just how this area is… It feels like you are being watched all the time, there’s no need to worry.”


“If you are that worried, I’ll get you to your location as quickly as I can, if we do get approached, I will deal with it, you don’t worry about a thing.”


Étaoin paused, and breathed for ten seconds, just to turn and face Mae, a thin smile on their lips as they took both the girls hands into their own. It was starting to annoy Éta, her anxiety and paranoia was not one for someone who worked in a brothel, it confused Étaoin, and at the same time pissed them off. Growling, Éta just clicked their tongue, before turning on their heels and dragging the girl the little distance they had left on reaching the brothel house.
As soon as they reached the location, Étaoin stepped in, bowing politely to the girls with a warm smile.

“Ah it’s Rynn-chan~”

“Rynn-chan, you’re still as cute as ever~”

“Ahh, you girls are much prettier~ I have a new arrival with me, can I see Suzumi-san?”

“Mhm, Madame is in her quarters as always.”

Étaoin nodded, before leading the way towards Madame Suzumi’s quarters, and knocked softly on against the door. Announcing their presence before being allowed into the room, bowing their head Éta soon gestured towards the girl behind her, as Madame Suzumi raised herself from the floor and made her way over to them, before taking a glance at the girl, and checking her for any injuries. Just to head over to Éta, who quietly stood their, purple eyes glancing around the room for the nth time, like they always did when Étaoin visited the brothel, just to be handed their reward.

“As always, I knew I could trust you, Rynn-chan.”

“Anytime, Madame Suzumi-san. I’m always here to help.” Bowing with a smile on their face, Étaoin took the reward gratefully. “Ja matane, Suzumi-san!”


Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
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Escort the Employee [Quest | Solo] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

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