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Empty Pockets, Black Eyes [Solo]

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Empty Pockets, Black Eyes [Solo] Empty Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:18 pm

The directions from Neal had been quite clear. As Ziann made his way through Hosenka city, he was able to find the Mob Headquarters pretty easily. The bouncers looked at him a little funny as he approached, as he was wearing his cape around the lower half of his face as usual, but at the presentation of Neal's letter they let him in. The room he entered was small, and held a single oak desk on the far end. Behind it was Big Bro Akabo, a man with what appeared to be a pink sheep for a head of hair. Ziann didn't think it funny, especially given the smoky atmosphere of the room. Big Bro Akabo looked over the scrawny wind-make mage and rubbed his chin. "Yes, you'll do."

Ziann looked confused a moment, but regained his composure and responded to the enforcer. "For?" Ziann's response wasn't rude, just to the point and direct. Big Bro Akabo looked pleased with the brevity of Ziann's response and launched into the job request. "Tom Hadvaska owes me a lot of money. Problem is, he knows the faces of my agents and will bolt as soon as they're within eyesight. Here's what he looks like, he frequents gambling dens and bars all over the Crimson Quarter. Bring him back alive as he can't pay his debts if he's dead."

Nodding, Ziann took the picture of Tom and headed back out into Hosenka to look for the gambler. He first stopped in a gambling den known as "The Bronze Dice" known, ironically, for their roulette games and rarely any games with dice. Ziann casually walked around the tables, looking for Tom but not seeing anyone matching his description. Not wanting to be found out too early, he ducked back out and headed towards the second haunt of Tom's, "The Red Jack" known, unironically, for its blackjack tables. Not many people were around save for the barkeep, so Ziann bought a drink and began chatting up the man.

"Yeah, I was just looking for a guy who comes here pretty often, I hear." The barkeep raised an eyebrow unconvinced and suspicious. As Ziann prepared his next sentence, the drink hit him harder than he expected. He felt a little overcome by the alcohol and began to get a slight tremor in his casting hand and a bit of a twitch. A Manic mood was starting to come over him, he could feel it. And there was no escaping the energy he'd be feeling for days if it decided to settle and stay awhile. The glass in his hand shattered as he gripped it a little too tightly. "Tom. Tom Hadvaska. You know him?" The barkeep, shocked at the change that had come over Ziann so suddenly, from subdued to extremely energetic and twitchy, just set down the bottle of whisky he had held and backed slowly away from the mage.

"Yeah, man, whatever you want. He's not here right now, haven't seen him today. He did say something yesterday about that new place that just opened up, the Chinese Dragon. Please just get out." Spinning around on the bar stool dramatically, Ziann's pace was rapid as he strode out of the Red Jack. The Chinese Dragon was not far, and upon entering by slamming the door open, Ziann's quarry was in his sights. Tom was just slipping out the back door, his face in his hands and his pockets appearing to have been turned inside out while the other three sitting around the Mahjong table laughed him out of the room. With hurry in his step, Ziann pursued him.

As he exited the back door to the gambling den, Tom saw him and was immediately suspicious. "Who are you and what do you want?" Ziann just cracked his knuckles and began to walk menacingly towards the debtor. "Time to pay up, Tom." A swing of his fist met air as the gambler ducked and started to bolt. "Oh no you don't. Wind Make: Sandals!" Generating a small orb of wind, Ziann applied it to his feet and began to dash much faster than Tom was capable of. He already had been marginally faster than the gambler, but now he could run much faster. He was soon upon Tom and punched him in the back of the head.

Tom crumpled to the ground in pain, at which point Ziann kicked him in the stomach. Grabbing his hair in a clump, Ziann dragged Tom down the street and tossed him through the doorway of Big Bro Akabo's small office. It wasn't pleasant for Tom in the slightest, but is what he deserved. Akabo just handed Ziann a small bag of Jewels and nodded in his direction affirmingly. "Keep in touch." With a thumbs up and a wave, Ziann emerged from the office proud of himself and still definitely a lot Manic.

814/500 WC

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